October 14, 2008 (SVN revision: 143045) * Added update_blastdb.pl script to distribution of BLAST+ command line applications. * Changed a few PSI-BLAST constants for pseudo-counts. * Bug fix in blastdbcmd to distinguish non-redundant sequence titles. * Bug fix to display BLAST database information remotely from outside NCBI for XML output. September 24, 2008 (SVN revision: 141260) * Fix to prevent initial seed extension from going beyond context boundary. * Improvements to reduce memory usage when query splitting is applied. * Print the accession and version for blastdbcmd's %a output format. * gilists/negative gilists are not saved in search strategies or supported in remote blast searches. * legacy_blast.pl fixed for MacOSX, as well as extended support for megablast formatting options (-D, -f). * Enhancements to Mac installer to add installation path to user's PATH. * ASN.1 output is now of type Seq-annot. * -lcase_masking option now applies to subject sequences as well as queries. * Bug fix for creation of masked databases with non-redundant sequences that use a BLAST database as its data source. * Bug fix for merging masking locations. August 21, 2008 (SVN revision: 138123) First internal release