For background see: == OWL == FILE: mf-plus.owl This is the MF ontology, plus equivalence axioms to RHEA. In addition, each RHEA class should have equivalence axioms (only done for bidirectional so far). The equivalence axioms are in terms of CHEMICAL BAGS, corresponding to a set of chemical entities (CHEBI) plus their stoichiometry (cardinality). Each reaction has 2 bags. Problem: use of cardinality, won't scale. == GO/EC/RHEA maping consistency == FILE: go-rhea-align-via-xref.rpt - GO_ID - GO_NAME - RHEA_ID - RHEA_NAME (currently blank) - EC - Match Type This file contains matches between GO and RHEA based on ECs in common. The final column states whether this inferred match is consistent with what is the asserted GO RHEA xref Possible values - missing : there is no asserted RHEA for this GO ID - is_inconsistent : the GO ID has an entirely different RHEA - is_consistent : this assertion is in GO The last type is further broken down by whether the mapping is 1:1, M:M., 1:M or M:1 Example of is_inconsistent: GO:0052662 zeaxanthin epoxidase activity RHEA:14940 EC: is_inconsistent/RHEA:24085 GO DEF: zeaxanthin + NAD(P)H + H+ + O2 = antheraxanthin + NAD(P)+ + H2O antheraxanthin + H+ + NADPH + O2 <=> all-trans-violaxanthin + H2O + NADP+ antheraxanthin + H2O + NADP+ <= H+ + NADPH + O2 + zeaxanthin (Note that the RHEA<->EC is for unidrectional here) I think here the alternate is better