GO Teaching Resources

This page has been superseded. Please visit the GO wiki page on publications, tutorials, talks and posters for up to date information.

The following posters, tutorials and presentations have been prepared and used by members of the GO Consortium to educate and disseminate information about the GO project. Please note that these items were written for specific events, and have not subsequently been updated. Some of the material in the older files may not be representative of the current state of the project. Please check the dates carefully and choose the newest relevant file.


GO and GO-related presentations given by GO consortium members
Title and author Date Download
What Is Ontology?
Lung development content meeting
Harvard University, US
David Hill (MGI)
December 2007 ppt
Gene Ontology Overview and Perspective
Lung development content meeting
Harvard University, US
Judith Blake (MGI)
December 2007 ppt
Using the Gene Ontology (GO) for analysis of expression data
Jane Lomax (EBI)
Wellcome Advanced course: Functional Genomics and Systems Biology
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge
June 2007 ppt
Introduction to GO and OBO
Jane Lomax (EBI)
AGRON-OMICS workshop
May 2007 ppt
Introduction to the Gene Ontology Project
Jane Lomax (EBI)
Talk for EBI pre-docs
April 2007 ppt
Real-life Ontology Development
Jane Lomax (EBI)
Second Meeting of the Ontogenesis Network
University of Manchester, UK.
March 2007 ppt
Making Gene Ontology Annotations for Fungal Genomes
Karen Christie, Rama Balakrishnan, and Maria Costanzo (SGD)
24th Fungal Genetics Conference, workshop
Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA
March 2007 ppt
What's New in GO?
Jennifer Clark (EBI)
Chicken and Cow Bioinformatics Meeting
January 2007 ppt
Introduction to the Gene Ontology, AmiGO and GO website tutorial
Jennifer Clark (EBI)
Detailed introduction to all aspects of the GO project
CRIBI, University of Padua
January 2007 ppt
Introduction to the Gene Ontology
Jennifer Clark (EBI)
Brief overview of the GO project
January 2007 ppt
GO Annotation
Rama Balakrishnan (SGD)
Plant and Animal Genome XV Conference
San Diego, California
January 2007 ppt
GO Tools
Rama Balakrishnan (SGD)
Plant and Animal Genome XV Conference
San Diego, California
January 2007 ppt
AmiGO (tutorial)
Rama Balakrishnan (SGD)
Plant and Animal Genome XV Conference
San Diego, California
January 2007 ppt
Welcome to GO: A User's Perspective
Fiona McCarthy (AgBase)
Plant and Animal Genome XV Conference
San Diego, California
January 2007 pdf
Introduction to the Gene Ontology plus AmiGO tutorial
Jennifer Clark (EBI)
January 2007 ppt
Introduction to the Gene Ontology
Jennifer Clark (EBI)
1st Eurofungbase Annotation Jamboree on Aspergillus nidulans
Lyngby, Denmark
November 2006 ppt
Introduction to the Gene Ontology
Jennifer Clark (EBI)
Sixth ARK-Genomics Farm Animal Functional Genomics Workshop
Robinson College, Cambridge, UK.
September 2006 ppt
Introduction to Gene Ontology Annotation
Emily Dimmer (EBI)
Sixth ARK-Genomics Farm Animal Functional Genomics Workshop
Robinson College, Cambridge, UK
September 2006 ppt
Introduction to the Gene Ontology
basic intro to GO, its purpose, structure, and evidence codes
David Hill (MGI), Pascale Gaudet (dictyBase), and Stacia Engel (SGD)
GO Annotation Camp 2006
July 2006 ppt
Introduction to GO Annotation
basic intro to making GO annotations, with examples
Eurie Hong (SGD), Tanya Berardini (TAIR), Karen Pilcher (dictyBase), and Kimberly Van Auken (WormBase)
GO Annotation Camp 2006
July 2006 ppt
Introduction to the AmiGO Browser
basic introduction to using the AmiGO browser to browse the ontologies and view GO annotations
Rama Balakrishnan
GO Annotation Camp 2006
July 2006 ppt
Paper and Annotation Presentation: PMID:15889139
detailed presentation of a paper and reasonable annotations using the paper
Chang M, Bellaoui M, Zhang C, Desai R, Morozov P, Delgado-Cruzata L, Rothstein R, Freyer GA, Boone C, Brown GW. RMI1/NCE4, a suppressor of genome instability, encodes a member of the RecQ helicase/Topo III complex. [PMID:15889139 | doi:10.1038/sj.emboj.7600684]
Karen Christie (SGD)
GO Annotation Camp 2006
July 2006 ppt
Paper and Annotation Presentation: PMID:12972596
detailed presentation of a paper and reasonable annotations using the paper
Loyola A, Huang JY, LeRoy G, Hu S, Wang YH, Donnelly RJ, Lane WS, Lee SC, Reinberg D. Functional analysis of the subunits of the chromatin assembly factor RSF. [PMID:12972596]
Emily Dimmer (UniProt)
GO Annotation Camp 2006
July 2006 ppt
Building Biomedical Ontologies
Jennifer Clark
EBI internal seminar
Mar 2006 ppt
GO Slim animation
James Watson, EBI
An animation demonstrating how GO slims work.
Mar 2006 zip
Using GO for expression analysis
Jane Lomax
MUGEN Gene Expression Profiling and Bioinformatics Course, Italy
Feb 2006 ppt
GO annotation
Jane Lomax
MUGEN Gene Expression Profiling and Bioinformatics Course, Italy
Feb 2006 ppt
GO For Newbies
Introduction to the Gene Ontology
Suparna Mundodi
PAG 2006
Jan 2006 ppt
Introduction to the features of AmiGO
Rama Balakrishnan
PAG 2006
Jan 2006 ppt
Organization Challenges for Building Biomedical Ontologies
Social and organizational issues in ontology building
Jennifer Clark (slides by S. Lewis and M. Ashburner)
PAG 2006
Jan 2006 ppt
Annotating Gene Products to the GO
Annotation methods and protocols
Harold Drabkin
PAG 2006
Jan 2006 ppt
GO Outreach
Annotating and submitting your annotations
Rama Balakrishnan
PAG 2006
Jan 2006 ppt
Update on the Gene Ontology project
A report on progress since the last PAG meeting
Jennifer Clark
PAG 2006
Jan 2006 ppt
Principles for Building Biomedical Ontologies (III)
Organizational management, principles for ontology construction, case studies from the GO, debate of critical issues
Jennifer Clark
PAG 2006
Jan 2006 ppt
Principles for Building Biomedical Ontologies
Organizational management, principles for ontology construction, case studies from the GO, debate of critical issues
Suzanna Lewis, Michael Ashburner, Barry Smith, Rama Balakrishnan, David Hill, Mark Musen
ISMB 2005
Oct 2005 ppt
Principles for Building Biomedical Ontologies (II)
Modification of the above presentation
David Hill
National Center for Ontological Research inaugural event
Oct 2005 ppt
GO: the Gene Ontology
Introduction to GO, its purpose, structure, annotation and applications, plus other biomedical ontologies.
Pascale Gaudet
Presentation to bioinformatics graduate students
Oct 2005 ppt
Introduction to the Gene Ontology
basic intro to GO, its purpose, structure, and evidence codes
Karen Christie, Ceri Van Slyke and Petra Fey
GO Annotation Camp 2005
June 2005 ppt
MGI GO browser
presentation of MGI GO browser
Harold Drabkin
GO Annotation Camp 2005
June 2005 ppt
GO Annotation
basic intro to GO annotations, with examples
Eurie Hong, Tanya Berardini, Karen Pilcher, Doug Howe, Michelle Gwinn, Russell Collins, Stacia Engel, and Carol Bastiani
GO Annotation Camp 2005
June 2005 ppt
Paper and Annotation Presentation: PMID:12972596
detailed presentation of a paper and reasonable annotations using the paper
Loyola A, Huang JY, LeRoy G, Hu S, Wang YH, Donnelly RJ, Lane WS, Lee SC, Reinberg D. Functional analysis of the subunits of the chromatin assembly factor RSF. [PMID:12972596]
Rebecca Foulger (UniProt)
GO Annotation Camp 2005
June 2005 ppt
Paper and Annotation Presentation: PMID:15889139
detailed presentation of a paper and reasonable annotations using the paper
Chang M, Bellaoui M, Zhang C, Desai R, Morozov P, Delgado-Cruzata L, Rothstein R, Freyer GA, Boone C, Brown GW. RMI1/NCE4, a suppressor of genome instability, encodes a member of the RecQ helicase/Topo III complex. [PMID:15889139 | doi:10.1038/sj.emboj.7600684]
Karen Christie (SGD)
GO Annotation Camp 2005
June 2005 ppt
Paper and Annotation Pitfalls Presentation: PMID:15657039
presentation of a common pitfall using the paper
Appelbaum L, Anzulovich A, Baler R, Gothilf Y. Homeobox-clock protein interaction in zebrafish. A shared mechanism for pineal-specific and circadian gene expression. [PMID:15657039 | doi:10.1074/jbc.M412935200]
Ceri Van Slyke (ZFIN)
GO Annotation Camp 2005
June 2005 ppt
TIGR Bacterial Genome Annotation Pipeline
presentation of the bacterial genome annotation pipeline at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR)
Michelle Gwinn
GO Annotation Camp 2005
June 2005 ppt
GO Office presentation
presentation of the activities and functions of the GO head office and how people can interact with them, for example to request changes to the Gene Ontologies
Jane Lomax
GO Annotation Camp 2005
June 2005 ppt
The GO Consortium
presentation about the structure of the GO Consortium and the challenges facing it as the number of groups wishing to participate expands; also deals with file formats and error checking
J. Michael Cherry
GO Annotation Camp 2005
June 2005 pdf
Open Biomedical Ontologies
presentation about the Open Biomedical Ontologies and the variety of other ontologies available, in addition to the Gene Ontologies
Jane Lomax
GO Annotation Camp 2005
June 2005 ppt
The Gene Ontology
GO overview, annotation, and creating a GO slim
Emily Dimmer
Purdue University Bioinformatics week
May 2005 ppt
The Gene Ontology : Because You Know Sometimes Words Have Two Meanings
GO overview and annotation
Amelia Ireland
Postgrad teaching course, Portugal
May 2005 ppt
The Gene Ontology Consortium
Jennifer Clark
Plant and Animal Genome XIII Conference
January 2005 pdf
Using the Gene Ontology for Data Analysis
Judith Blake
November 2004 pdf
Gene Ontology Consortium
including cross-products and OBOL
Jennifer Clark
EBI Internal Seminar
July 2004 pdf
To Boldly GO...
cross-products and OBOL
Amelia Ireland
EMBL Lab Day
June 2004 pdf
Applications of GO
focusing on microarrays
Jane Lomax
Microarray Course
June 2004 ppt
Editing the Gene Ontology
Midori A. Harris
GO External Advisory Board Meeting
May 2004 sxi
OBOL: Open Bio-Ontology Language
Using grammars to extract and use implicit knowledge in the GO and OBO
Chris Mungall
GO External Advisory Board Meeting
May 2004 pdf
Creating a cross product
John Day-Richter
May 2004 pdf
DAG-Edit and OBO
John Day-Richter
May 2004 pdf
The Sequence Ontology
Suzanna Lewis
December 2003 pdf
Gene Ontology Consortium
Jennifer Clark
Cropnet Meeting
November 2003 pdf
Manual GO annotation
Emily Dimmer
Cropnet Meeting
November 2003 pdf
The Gene Ontology: a real-life ontology, progress and future
Jane Lomax
I3C Conference
October 2003 ppt
Joined up ontologies: incorporating the Gene Ontology into the UMLS
Jane Lomax
EBI Industry Workshop
February 2003 ppt
The Gene Ontology and its insertion into UMLS
Jane Lomax
September 2002 ppt
The Gene Ontology Project
Jane Lomax
InterPro workshop
April 2002 ppt
Heart Development - Narrative vs Combinatorial Approach
David Hill
GO Consortium Meeting
March 2001 ppt

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GO and GO-related tutorials given by GO consortium members
Title and author Date Download
GOA Annotation Tutorial for Protein APOA4 (flash)
Rachael Huntley, GOA group, EBI.
A tutorial by the GOA group on the annotation of APOA4 in flash.
Apr 2008 view online
Tutorial on GO Resources
Judith Blake, MGI
A tutorial on the GO resources available, and how to understand and use them. Includes file downloads and GO browsers.
Oct 2007 doc
Annotation and Ontology Development in GO
Erika Feltrin, CRIBI
SIGA [Società Italiana di Genetica Agraria] course on Bioinformatics tools for the analysis and the management of the data of sequence, genomic annotation and gene expression
One day tutorial on annotation and ontology development in GO. All material is in English except the car ontology, which is in Italian.
Sept 2007 zip
OBO-Edit tutorial
Jane Lomax (EBI)
AGRON-OMICS workshop
May 2007 doc
OBO-Edit tutorial
Erika Feltrin
University of Padova, Italy
Tutorial in Italian on using OBO-Edit
April 2007 ppt
Ontology tutorial
Jennifer Clark
RSC, Cambridge, UK
All three files (ppt, txt and obo) are required for the tutorial.
Sept 2006 ppt
Jane Lomax
RSC, Cambridge, UK
Sept 2006 ppt
Jane Lomax
S. pombe Computing Workshop, Hinxton, UK
Mar 2006 ppt
Jane Lomax
S. pombe Computing Workshop, Hinxton, UK
Mar 2006 ppt
Jane Lomax
MUGEN Gene Expression Profiling and Bioinformatics Course, Italy
Feb 2006 doc
Jane Lomax
MUGEN Gene Expression Profiling and Bioinformatics Course, Italy
Feb 2006 doc
Get ready to GO! A biologist's guide to the Gene Ontology
Jane Lomax and the GO Consortium
Briefings In Bioinformatics (journal)
Vol 6, no 3, 298-304.
Sept 2005 pdf
Principles for Building Biomedical Ontologies
Suzanna Lewis et al.
June 2005 ppt
Creating a GO slim using OBO-Edit
Emily Dimmer
Purdue University Bioinformatics week
May 2005 doc
One day course on GO, version II
includes ontology building, annotation exercise and AmiGO walkthrough
some of the material is challenging and may take longer, depending on the aptitude of the students
Amelia Ireland
Bioinformatics course, Portugal
May 2005 zip
Onto-Express Tutorial
Analyzing gene expression data using GO
Jane Lomax
Microarray course
March 2005 doc
Annotating Gene Products to the GO
Harold Drabkin
Plant and Animal Genomes conference
January 2005 ppt
Browsing and searching GO and its annotations
Amelia Ireland
Microarray course
December 2004 doc
One day course on GO
Amelia Ireland
Bioinformatics course, Portugal
November 2003 zip
Gene Ontology Annotation Tutorial
Evelyn Camon
October 2003 view online
GOA Flat File Tutorial
Daniel Barrell
September 2003 view online
Gene Ontology tutorial
J. Blake
2003 doc

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GO and GO-related posters presented by GO consortium members
Title and author Date Download
Does Your Species Show In GO? (flyer)
Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists (2006)
October 2006 doc
Annotating to the Gene Ontology
Jennifer Clark
GO Users Meeting
September 2005 pdf
Integrating the Gene Ontology into the Unified Medical Language System
Jane Lomax, Alexa McCray
ISMB 2004
August 2004 psd
GO On, Tell Us What You Think: Community Input into the Gene Ontology
Jennifer I. Clark, Amelia Ireland, Jane Lomax, Midori A. Harris and the Gene Ontology Consortium
ISMB 2004
August 2004 ppt
Enjoy Gene Ontology
Amelia Ireland
EMBL Lab Day
June 2004 ppt
The Gene Ontology Consortium
Jennifer Clark
EBI Open Day
October 2003 ppt
Annotating with GO
Jane Lomax
GO Users Meeting
September 2002 ppt

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Sample Annotation Sets

Sets of up to ten papers submitted by a database group, illustrating the annotations made from a paper, including GO terms, evidence codes, and reasoning (where applicable).

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