! parsing: GO:0000238
! No parse for: GO:0000238 zygotene
! parsing: GO:0000755
! No parse for: GO:0000755 cytogamy
! parsing: GO:0001403
! No parse for: GO:0001403 invasive growth in response to glucose limitation
! parsing: GO:0001502
! No parse for: GO:0001502 cartilage condensation
! parsing: GO:0001503
! parse: GO:0001503 using "bone biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000169]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0001503 using "bone formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000169]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0001503 using "bone formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000169]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The formation of bone or of a bony substance, or the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance."
! PROPOSED:  biosynthetic process that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of bone [cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000169])]
id: GO:0001503 ! ossification
intersection_of: GO:0009058 ! biosynthetic process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000169 ! bone

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001503: 6.3
! parsing: GO:0001525
! No parse for: GO:0001525 angiogenesis
! parsing: GO:0001541
! No parse for: GO:0001541 ovarian follicle development
! parsing: GO:0001543
! No parse for: GO:0001543 ovarian follicle rupture
! parsing: GO:0001548
! No parse for: GO:0001548 follicular fluid formation in ovarian follicle antrum
! parsing: GO:0001550
! No parse for: GO:0001550 ovarian cumulus expansion
! parsing: GO:0001551
! No parse for: GO:0001551 ovarian follicle endowment
! parsing: GO:0001552
! No parse for: GO:0001552 ovarian follicle atresia
! parsing: GO:0001568
! parse: GO:0001568 using "blood vessel development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0001011]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the blood vessel over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The blood vessel is the vasculature carrying blood."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of blood vessel [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0001011])]
id: GO:0001568 ! blood vessel development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001568: 2.47
! parsing: GO:0001654
! parse: GO:0001654 using "eye development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000179]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the eye over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The eye is the organ of sight."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of eye [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000179])]
id: GO:0001654 ! eye development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
synonym: "camera-type eye development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001654: 2.1
! parsing: GO:0001655
! parse: GO:0001655 using "urogenital system development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000140]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the urogenital system over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of urogenital system [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000140])]
id: GO:0001655 ! urogenital system development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000140 ! urogenital system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001655: 1.69
! parsing: GO:0001657
! No parse for: GO:0001657 ureteric bud development
! parsing: GO:0001658
! No parse for: GO:0001658 ureteric bud branching
! parsing: GO:0001700
! No parse for: GO:0001700 embryonic development via the syncytial blastoderm
! parsing: GO:0001701
! No parse for: GO:0001701 in utero embryonic development
! parsing: GO:0001705
! parse: GO:0001705 using "ectoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000001]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0001705 using "ectoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000001]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The formation of ectoderm during gastrulation."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of ectoderm [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000001])]
id: GO:0001705 ! ectoderm formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001705: 1.98
! parsing: GO:0001706
! parse: GO:0001706 using "endoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000090]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0001706 using "endoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000090]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The formation of the endoderm during gastrulation."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of endoderm [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000090])]
id: GO:0001706 ! endoderm formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001706: 1.97
! parsing: GO:0001707
! parse: GO:0001707 using "mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000050]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0001707 using "mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000050]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that gives rise to the mesoderm. This process pertains to the initial formation of the structure from unspecified parts."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of mesoderm [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000050])]
id: GO:0001707 ! mesoderm formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001707: 1.99
! parsing: GO:0001751
! parse: GO:0001751 using "eye photoreceptor cell differentiation (sensu Endopterygota)" => cdef(GO:0046530, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000179]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized features of an eye photoreceptor cell."
! PROPOSED:  photoreceptor cell differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of eye [cdef(GO:0046530, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000179])]
id: GO:0001751 ! compound eye photoreceptor cell differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0046530 ! photoreceptor cell differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
synonym: "camera-type eye photoreceptor cell differentiation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "camera-type eye photoreceptor cell differentiation (sensu Endopterygota)" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "photoreceptor cell differentiation (sensu Endopterygota)  of a camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "photoreceptor cell differentiation (sensu Endopterygota)  of an camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "photoreceptor cell differentiation (sensu Endopterygota)  of the camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "photoreceptor cell differentiation of a camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "photoreceptor cell differentiation of an camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "photoreceptor cell differentiation of the camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001751: 9.04
! parsing: GO:0001752
! No parse for: GO:0001752 compound eye photoreceptor fate commitment
! parsing: GO:0001756
! No parse for: GO:0001756 somitogenesis
! parsing: GO:0001757
! parse: GO:0001757 using "somite specification" => cdef(GO:0007389, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000058]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which individual somites establish identity during embryogenesis."
! PROPOSED:  pattern specification process that OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of somite [cdef(GO:0007389, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000058])]
id: GO:0001757 ! somite specification
intersection_of: GO:0007389 ! pattern specification process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of XAO:0000058 ! somite

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001757: 1.77
! parsing: GO:0001823
! No parse for: GO:0001823 mesonephros development
! parsing: GO:0001838
! No parse for: GO:0001838 embryonic epithelial tube formation
! parsing: GO:0001839
! parse: GO:0001839 using "neural plate morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000249]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the neural plate are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The neural plate is a specialized region of columnar epithelial cells in the dorsal ectoderm that will give rise to nervous system tissue."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of neural plate [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000249])]
id: GO:0001839 ! neural plate morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001839: 8.45
! parsing: GO:0001840
! parse: GO:0001840 using "neural plate development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000249]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the neural plate over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The neural plate is a flat, thickened layer of ectodermal cells. The underlying dorsal mesoderm signals the ectodermal cells above it to elongate into columnar neural plate cells. The neural plate subsequently develops into the neural tube, which gives rise to the central nervous system."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of neural plate [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000249])]
id: GO:0001840 ! neural plate development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001840: 8.11
! parsing: GO:0001880
! No parse for: GO:0001880 Mullerian duct regression
! parsing: GO:0001889
! parse: GO:0001889 using "liver development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000133]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the liver over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The liver is an exocrine gland which secretes bile and functions in metabolism of protein and carbohydrate and fat, synthesizes substances involved in the clotting of the blood, synthesizes vitamin A, detoxifies poisonous substances, stores glycogen, and breaks down worn-out erythrocytes."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of liver [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000133])]
id: GO:0001889 ! liver development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000133 ! liver

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001889: 1.68
! parsing: GO:0001944
! No parse for: GO:0001944 vasculature development
! parsing: GO:0001945
! parse: GO:0001945 using "lymph vessel development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000375]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the lymphatic vasculature over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of lymph vessel [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000375])]
id: GO:0001945 ! lymph vessel development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000375 ! lymph vessel

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001945: 1.69
! parsing: GO:0001946
! parse: GO:0001946 using "lymph vessel formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000375]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0001946 using "lymph vessel formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000375]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Lymph vessel formation when new vessels emerge from the proliferation of pre-existing vessels."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of lymph vessel [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000375])]
id: GO:0001946 ! lymphangiogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000375 ! lymph vessel

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001946: 3.06
! parsing: GO:0001947
! No parse for: GO:0001947 heart looping
! parsing: GO:0001955
! parse: GO:0001955 using "blood vessel maturation" => cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0001011]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for a blood vessel to attain its fully functional state."
! PROPOSED:  developmental maturation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of blood vessel [cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0001011])]
id: GO:0001955 ! blood vessel maturation
intersection_of: GO:0021700 ! developmental maturation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001955: 2.43
! parsing: GO:0001974
! parse: GO:0001974 using "blood vessel remodeling" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_remodeling_of=XAO:0001011]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The reorganization or renovation of existing blood vessels."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_remodeling_of blood vessel [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_remodeling_of=XAO:0001011])]
id: GO:0001974 ! blood vessel remodeling
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_remodeling_of XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel

! seconds spent parsing GO:0001974: 2.43
! parsing: GO:0001976
! No parse for: GO:0001976 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by neurological process
! parsing: GO:0001980
! No parse for: GO:0001980 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by ischemic conditions
! parsing: GO:0001992
! No parse for: GO:0001992 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by vasopressin
! parsing: GO:0002026
! No parse for: GO:0002026 regulation of the force of heart contraction
! parsing: GO:0002035
! No parse for: GO:0002035 brain renin-angiotensin system
! parsing: GO:0002043
! parse: GO:0002043 using "blood vessel endothelial cell proliferation during sprouting angiogenesis" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008283, [OBO_REL:increases_population_size_of=CL:0000071]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=GO:0002040]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The multiplication or reproduction of blood vessel endothelial cells, resulting in the expansion of a cell population during sprouting angiogenesis."
! PROPOSED:  cdef(GO:0008283, [OBO_REL:increases_population_size_of=CL:0000071]) that OBO_REL:happens_during sprouting angiogenesis [cdef(cdef(GO:0008283, [OBO_REL:increases_population_size_of=CL:0000071]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=GO:0002040])]
id: GO:0002043 ! blood vessel endothelial cell proliferation during sprouting angiogenesis
intersection_of: _:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell_cell_proliferation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:happens_during GO:0002040 ! sprouting angiogenesis

! seconds spent parsing GO:0002043: 5.42
! parsing: GO:0002072
! No parse for: GO:0002072 optic cup morphogenesis involved in camera-type eye development
! parsing: GO:0002075
! No parse for: GO:0002075 somitomeric trunk muscle development
! parsing: GO:0002248
! No parse for: GO:0002248 connective tissue replacement during inflammatory response
! parsing: GO:0002251
! No parse for: GO:0002251 organ or tissue specific immune response
! parsing: GO:0002530
! No parse for: GO:0002530 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure during acute phase response
! parsing: GO:0003007
! parse: GO:0003007 using "heart morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000064]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The developmental process by which the heart is generated and organized. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of heart [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000064])]
id: GO:0003007 ! heart morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000064 ! heart

! seconds spent parsing GO:0003007: 1.95
! parsing: GO:0003008
! No parse for: GO:0003008 system process
! parsing: GO:0003009
! parse: GO:0003009 using "skeletal muscle contraction" => cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=XAO:0000174]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A process whereby force is generated within skeletal muscle tissue, resulting in a change in muscle geometry. Force generation involves a chemo-mechanical energy conversion step. The chemo-mechanical energy conversion step is carried out by the actin/myosin complex activity, which generates force through ATP hydrolysis. In the skeletal muscle, the muscle contraction takes advantage of an ordered sarcomeric structure and in most cases it is under voluntary control."
! PROPOSED:  muscle contraction that OBO_REL:results_in_change_to skeletal muscle [cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=XAO:0000174])]
id: GO:0003009 ! skeletal muscle contraction
intersection_of: GO:0006936 ! muscle contraction
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_change_to XAO:0000174 ! skeletal muscle

! seconds spent parsing GO:0003009: 4.21
! parsing: GO:0003012
! No parse for: GO:0003012 muscle system process
! parsing: GO:0003013
! parse: GO:0003013 using "circulatory system process" => cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:has_agent=XAO:0001010]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A organ system process carried out by any of the organs or tissues of the circulatory system. The circulatory system is an organ system that moves extracellular fluids to and from tissue within a multicellular organism."
! PROPOSED:  biological_process that OBO_REL:has_agent circulatory system [cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:has_agent=XAO:0001010])]
id: GO:0003013 ! circulatory system process
intersection_of: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_agent XAO:0001010 ! circulatory system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0003013: 2.06
! parsing: GO:0003015
! parse: GO:0003015 using "heart process" => cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:has_agent=XAO:0000064]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A circulatory system process carried out by the heart. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood."
! PROPOSED:  biological_process that OBO_REL:has_agent heart [cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:has_agent=XAO:0000064])]
id: GO:0003015 ! heart process
intersection_of: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_agent XAO:0000064 ! heart

! seconds spent parsing GO:0003015: 1.97
! parsing: GO:0003016
! parse: GO:0003016 using "respiratory system process" => cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:has_agent=XAO:0000117]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A organ system process carried out by any of the organs or tissues of the respiratory system. The respiratory system is an organ system responsible for respiratory gasseous exchange."
! PROPOSED:  biological_process that OBO_REL:has_agent respiratory system [cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:has_agent=XAO:0000117])]
id: GO:0003016 ! respiratory system process
intersection_of: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_agent XAO:0000117 ! respiratory system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0003016: 4.46
! parsing: GO:0003018
! No parse for: GO:0003018 vascular process in circulatory system
! parsing: GO:0003019
! No parse for: GO:0003019 central nervous system control of baroreceptor feedback
! parsing: GO:0003026
! No parse for: GO:0003026 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by aortic arch baroreceptor feedback
! parsing: GO:0003044
! No parse for: GO:0003044 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure mediated by a chemical signal
! parsing: GO:0003045
! No parse for: GO:0003045 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by physical factors
! parsing: GO:0003046
! No parse for: GO:0003046 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by stress relaxation
! parsing: GO:0003047
! No parse for: GO:0003047 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by epinephrine
! parsing: GO:0003048
! No parse for: GO:0003048 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by norepinephrine
! parsing: GO:0003049
! No parse for: GO:0003049 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by capillary fluid shift
! parsing: GO:0003050
! No parse for: GO:0003050 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by atrial natriuretic peptide
! parsing: GO:0003068
! No parse for: GO:0003068 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by acetylcholine
! parsing: GO:0003081
! No parse for: GO:0003081 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by renin-angiotensin
! parsing: GO:0003094
! No parse for: GO:0003094 glomerular filtration
! parsing: GO:0006082
! No parse for: GO:0006082 organic acid metabolic process
! parsing: GO:0006590
! No parse for: GO:0006590 thyroid hormone generation
! parsing: GO:0006726
! parse: GO:0006726 using "eye pigment anabolism" => cdef(GO:0046148, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000179]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0006726 using "eye pigment biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0046148, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000179]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0006726 using "eye pigment biosynthetic process" => cdef(GO:0046148, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000179]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0006726 using "eye pigment formation" => cdef(GO:0046148, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000179]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0006726 using "eye pigment synthesis" => cdef(GO:0046148, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000179]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of eye pigments, any general or particular coloring matter in living organisms, found or utilized in the eye."
! PROPOSED:  pigment biosynthetic process that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of eye [cdef(GO:0046148, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000179])]
id: GO:0006726 ! eye pigment biosynthetic process
intersection_of: GO:0046148 ! pigment biosynthetic process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
synonym: "camera-type eye pigment anabolism" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "camera-type eye pigment biosynthesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "camera-type eye pigment biosynthetic process" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "camera-type eye pigment formation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "camera-type eye pigment synthesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0006726: 13.61
! parsing: GO:0006856
! No parse for: GO:0006856 eye pigment precursor transport
! parsing: GO:0006936
! No parse for: GO:0006936 muscle contraction
! parsing: GO:0006939
! parse: GO:0006939 using "smooth muscle contraction" => cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000701]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0006939 using "smooth muscle contraction" => cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=XAO:0000175]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0006939 using "smooth muscle contraction" => cdef(cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=XAO:0000172]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000701]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A process whereby force is generated within smooth muscle tissue, resulting in a change in muscle geometry. Force generation involves a chemo-mechanical energy conversion step. The chemo-mechanical energy conversion step is carried out by the actin/myosin complex activity, which generates force through ATP hydrolysis. Smooth muscle differs from striated muscle in the much higher actin/myosin ratio, the absence of conspicuous sarcomeres and the ability to contract to a much smaller fraction of its resting length."
! PROPOSED:  muscle contraction that OBO_REL:results_in_change_to smooth muscle [cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=XAO:0000175])]
id: GO:0006939 ! smooth muscle contraction
intersection_of: GO:0006936 ! muscle contraction
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_change_to XAO:0000175 ! smooth muscle

! seconds spent parsing GO:0006939: 3.46
! parsing: GO:0006996
! parse: GO:0006996 using "organelle organization and biogenesis" => cdef(GO:0016043, [OBO_REL:results_in_structural_change_to=GO:0043226]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the formation, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of any organelle within a cell."
! PROPOSED:  cellular component organization and biogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_structural_change_to organelle [cdef(GO:0016043, [OBO_REL:results_in_structural_change_to=GO:0043226])]
id: GO:0006996 ! organelle organization and biogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0016043 ! cellular component organization and biogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_structural_change_to GO:0043226 ! organelle

! seconds spent parsing GO:0006996: 3.56
! parsing: GO:0007270
! parse: GO:0007270 using "nerve-nerve synaptic transmission" => cdef(GO:0007268, [OBO_REL:has_agent=XAO:0003047, OBO_REL:has_agent=XAO:0003047]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process of communication from a neuron to another neuron across a synapse."
! PROPOSED:  synaptic transmission that OBO_REL:has_agent nerve and OBO_REL:has_agent nerve [cdef(GO:0007268, [OBO_REL:has_agent=XAO:0003047, OBO_REL:has_agent=XAO:0003047])]
id: GO:0007270 ! nerve-nerve synaptic transmission
intersection_of: GO:0007268 ! synaptic transmission
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_agent XAO:0003047 ! nerve
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_agent XAO:0003047 ! nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007270: 2.04
! parsing: GO:0007294
! No parse for: GO:0007294 germarium-derived oocyte fate determination
! parsing: GO:0007297
! parse: GO:0007297 using "ovarian follicle cell migration" => cdef(cdef(GO:0016477, [OBO_REL:results_in_movement_of=CL:0000477]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The directed movement of ovarian follicle cells that takes place during oogenesis. During egg chamber formation, follicle cells migrate to envelop the germ-line cysts and move in between cysts. At stage 10B, follicle cells migrate centripetally between the nurse cells and the oocyte, enclosing the anterior of the egg."
! PROPOSED:  cdef(GO:0016477, [OBO_REL:results_in_movement_of=CL:0000477]) that OBO_REL:unfolds_in ovary [cdef(cdef(GO:0016477, [OBO_REL:results_in_movement_of=CL:0000477]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258])]
id: GO:0007297 ! ovarian follicle cell migration
intersection_of: _:follicle_cell_cell_cell_migration
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000258 ! ovary
synonym: "ovarian follicle cell cell cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovarian follicle cell cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovarie follicle cell cell cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovarie follicle cell cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovarie follicle cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovaries follicle cell cell cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovaries follicle cell cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovaries follicle cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007297: 11.62
! parsing: GO:0007299
! parse: GO:0007299 using "ovarian follicle cell adhesion" => cdef(GO:0022610, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=cdef(CL:0000477, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000258])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0007299 using "ovarian follicle cell adhesion" => cdef(GO:0022610, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=cdef(XAO:0000230, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000258])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0007299 using "ovarian follicle cell adhesion" => cdef(cdef(GO:0022610, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000477]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0007299 using "ovarian follicle cell adhesion" => cdef(cdef(GO:0022610, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000230]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The attachment of a somatic follicle cell to another somatic follicle cell or to its substratum, the germline cells."
! PROPOSED:  biological adhesion that OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of cdef(XAO:0000230, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000258]) [cdef(GO:0022610, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=cdef(XAO:0000230, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000258])])]
id: GO:0007299 ! ovarian follicle cell adhesion
intersection_of: GO:0022610 ! biological adhesion
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of _:cdef__XAO_0000230_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000258___
synonym: "ovarie follicle cell adhesion" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovaries follicle cell adhesion" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovary follicle cell adhesion" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007299: 11.89
! parsing: GO:0007300
! parse: GO:0007300 using "ovarian nurse cell to oocyte transport" => cdef(GO:0006810, [OBO_REL:results_in_transport_from=cdef(CL:0000026, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000258]), OBO_REL:results_in_transport_to=CL:0000023]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0007300 using "ovarian nurse cell to oocyte transport" => cdef(GO:0006810, [OBO_REL:results_in_transport_from=cdef(CL:0000026, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000258]), OBO_REL:results_in_transport_to=XAO:0000256]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0007300 using "ovarian nurse cell to oocyte transport" => cdef(cdef(GO:0006810, [OBO_REL:results_in_transport_from=CL:0000026, OBO_REL:results_in_transport_to=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0007300 using "ovarian nurse cell to oocyte transport" => cdef(cdef(GO:0006810, [OBO_REL:results_in_transport_from=CL:0000026, OBO_REL:results_in_transport_to=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258]) [-5]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Transfer of constituents synthesized in the ovarian nurse cells to the oocyte, through the ring canals, as the egg chamber is growing."
! PROPOSED:  transport that OBO_REL:results_in_transport_from cdef(CL:0000026, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000258]) and OBO_REL:results_in_transport_to oocyte [cdef(GO:0006810, [OBO_REL:results_in_transport_from=cdef(CL:0000026, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000258]), OBO_REL:results_in_transport_to=XAO:0000256])]
id: GO:0007300 ! ovarian nurse cell to oocyte transport
intersection_of: GO:0006810 ! transport
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_transport_from _:ovarian_nurse_cell
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_transport_to XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
synonym: "ovarie nurse cell to oocyte transport" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovaries nurse cell to oocyte transport" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovary nurse cell to oocyte transport" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007300: 10.84
! parsing: GO:0007301
! parse: GO:0007301 using "ovarian ring canal formation" => cdef(GO:0030725, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Assembly of the intercellular bridges that connect the germ-line cells of a female cyst."
! PROPOSED:  ring canal formation that OBO_REL:unfolds_in ovary [cdef(GO:0030725, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258])]
id: GO:0007301 ! ovarian ring canal formation
intersection_of: GO:0030725 ! ring canal formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000258 ! ovary
synonym: "ovarie ring canal formation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovaries ring canal formation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007301: 6.47
! parsing: GO:0007305
! No parse for: GO:0007305 vitelline membrane formation in chorion-containing eggshell
! parsing: GO:0007312
! No parse for: GO:0007312 oocyte nucleus migration during oocyte axis determination
! parsing: GO:0007314
! No parse for: GO:0007314 oocyte anterior/posterior axis determination
! parsing: GO:0007338
! No parse for: GO:0007338 single fertilization
! parsing: GO:0007352
! No parse for: GO:0007352 zygotic determination of dorsal/ventral axis
! parsing: GO:0007355
! No parse for: GO:0007355 anterior region determination
! parsing: GO:0007359
! No parse for: GO:0007359 posterior abdomen determination
! parsing: GO:0007370
! No parse for: GO:0007370 ventral furrow formation
! parsing: GO:0007371
! No parse for: GO:0007371 ventral midline determination
! parsing: GO:0007374
! No parse for: GO:0007374 posterior midgut invagination
! parsing: GO:0007375
! No parse for: GO:0007375 anterior midgut invagination
! parsing: GO:0007387
! parse: GO:0007387 using "anterior compartment specification" => cdef(GO:0007386, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007387 using "anterior compartment specification" => cdef(GO:0007386, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007387 using "anterior compartment specification" => cdef(GO:0007386, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007387 using "anterior compartment specification" => cdef(GO:0007386, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process giving rise to specification of cell identity in the anterior compartments of the segmented embryo."
! PROPOSED:  compartment specification that OBO_REL:unfolds_in anterior [cdef(GO:0007386, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0007387 ! anterior compartment specification
intersection_of: GO:0007386 ! compartment specification
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007387: 4.32
! parsing: GO:0007388
! parse: GO:0007388 using "posterior compartment specification" => cdef(GO:0007386, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007388 using "posterior compartment specification" => cdef(GO:0007386, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007388 using "posterior compartment specification" => cdef(GO:0007386, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007388 using "posterior compartment specification" => cdef(GO:0007386, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process involved in the specification of cell identity in the posterior compartments of the segmented embryo."
! PROPOSED:  compartment specification that OBO_REL:unfolds_in posterior [cdef(GO:0007386, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0007388 ! posterior compartment specification
intersection_of: GO:0007386 ! compartment specification
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007388: 3.49
! parsing: GO:0007391
! parse: GO:0007391 using "dorsal closure" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_closure_of=XAO:0000298]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process during Drosophila embryogenesis whereby the ectodermal cells of the lateral epithelium stretch in a coordinated fashion to internalize the amnioserosa cells and close the embryo dorsally."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_closure_of dorsal [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_closure_of=XAO:0000298])]
id: GO:0007391 ! dorsal closure
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_closure_of XAO:0000298 ! dorsal

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007391: 4.93
! parsing: GO:0007394
! No parse for: GO:0007394 dorsal closure, elongation of leading edge cells
! parsing: GO:0007395
! No parse for: GO:0007395 dorsal closure, spreading of leading edge cells
! parsing: GO:0007398
! parse: GO:0007398 using "ectoderm development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000001]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the ectoderm over time, from its formation to the mature structure. In animal embryos, the ectoderm is the outer germ layer of the embryo, formed during gastrulation."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of ectoderm [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000001])]
id: GO:0007398 ! ectoderm development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007398: 1.68
! parsing: GO:0007399
! parse: GO:0007399 using "nervous system development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000177]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007399 using "nervous system development" => cdef(GO:0048731, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003047]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of nervous tissue over time, from its formation to its mature state."
! PROPOSED:  system development that OBO_REL:unfolds_in nerve [cdef(GO:0048731, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003047])]
id: GO:0007399 ! nervous system development
intersection_of: GO:0048731 ! system development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0003047 ! nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007399: 10.25
! parsing: GO:0007409
! No parse for: GO:0007409 axonogenesis
! parsing: GO:0007417
! parse: GO:0007417 using "CNS development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007417 using "central nervous system development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007417 using "central nervous system development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the central nervous system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The central nervous system is the core nervous system that serves an integrating and coordinating function. In vertebrates it consists of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves. In those invertebrates with a central nervous system it typically consists of a brain, cerebral ganglia and a nerve cord."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of central nervous system [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000215])]
id: GO:0007417 ! central nervous system development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007417: 4.22
! parsing: GO:0007418
! No parse for: GO:0007418 ventral midline development
! parsing: GO:0007419
! No parse for: GO:0007419 ventral cord development
! parsing: GO:0007420
! parse: GO:0007420 using "brain development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000010]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the brain over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The brain is one of the two components of the central nervous system and is the center of thought and emotion. It is responsible for the coordination and control of bodily activities and the interpretation of information from the senses (sight, hearing, smell, etc.)."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of brain [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000010])]
id: GO:0007420 ! brain development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000010 ! brain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007420: 1.81
! parsing: GO:0007422
! parse: GO:0007422 using "peripheral nervous system development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000178]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the peripheral nervous system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The peripheral nervous system is one of the two major divisions of the nervous system. Nerves in the PNS connect the central nervous system (CNS) with sensory organs, other organs, muscles, blood vessels and glands."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of peripheral nervous system [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000178])]
id: GO:0007422 ! peripheral nervous system development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000178 ! peripheral nervous system
synonym: "PNS development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007422: 1.79
! parsing: GO:0007424
! parse: GO:0007424 using "open tracheal system development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0048731, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000118]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000610]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an open tracheal system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. An open tracheal system is a respiratory system, a branched network of epithelial tubes that supplies oxygen to target tissues via spiracles."
! PROPOSED:  cdef(GO:0048731, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000118]) that OBO_REL:has_quality open [cdef(cdef(GO:0048731, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000118]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000610])]
id: GO:0007424 ! open tracheal system development
intersection_of: _:tracheal_system_development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000610 ! open

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007424: 14.87
! parsing: GO:0007425
! No parse for: GO:0007425 epithelial cell fate determination, open tracheal system
! parsing: GO:0007426
! No parse for: GO:0007426 tracheal outgrowth, open tracheal system
! parsing: GO:0007427
! No parse for: GO:0007427 epithelial cell migration, open tracheal system
! parsing: GO:0007439
! parse: GO:0007439 using "ectodermal gut development" => cdef(GO:0048565, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000001]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the ectodermal gut over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The ectodermal gut includes those portions of the gut that are derived from ectoderm."
! PROPOSED:  gut development that OBO_REL:unfolds_in ectoderm [cdef(GO:0048565, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000001])]
id: GO:0007439 ! ectodermal gut development
intersection_of: GO:0048565 ! gut development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
synonym: "ectodermal intestinal development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ectodermal intestine development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007439: 6.81
! parsing: GO:0007440
! parse: GO:0007440 using "foregut morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000232]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the foregut are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of foregut [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000232])]
id: GO:0007440 ! foregut morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000232 ! foregut

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007440: 2.1
! parsing: GO:0007441
! No parse for: GO:0007441 anterior midgut (ectodermal) morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0007442
! parse: GO:0007442 using "hindgut morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000104]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the hindgut are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of hindgut [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000104])]
id: GO:0007442 ! hindgut morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000104 ! hindgut

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007442: 2.1
! parsing: GO:0007448
! No parse for: GO:0007448 anterior/posterior pattern formation, imaginal disc
! parsing: GO:0007450
! No parse for: GO:0007450 dorsal/ventral pattern formation, imaginal disc
! parsing: GO:0007451
! No parse for: GO:0007451 dorsal/ventral lineage restriction, imaginal disc
! parsing: GO:0007455
! No parse for: GO:0007455 eye-antennal disc morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0007485
! parse: GO:0007485 using "male genital development (sensu Endopterygota)" => cdef(GO:0007484, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000384]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007485 using "male genitalia development (sensu Endopterygota)" => cdef(GO:0007484, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000384]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the male genitalia over time, from formation as part of the genital disc to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  imaginal disc-derived genitalia development that OBO_REL:has_quality male [cdef(GO:0007484, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000384])]
id: GO:0007485 ! imaginal disc-derived male genitalia development
intersection_of: GO:0007484 ! imaginal disc-derived genitalia development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000384 ! male

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007485: 9.04
! parsing: GO:0007486
! parse: GO:0007486 using "female genital development (sensu Endopterygota)" => cdef(GO:0007484, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000383]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007486 using "female genitalia development (sensu Endopterygota)" => cdef(GO:0007484, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000383]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the female genitalia over time, from formation as part of the genital disc to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  imaginal disc-derived genitalia development that OBO_REL:has_quality female [cdef(GO:0007484, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000383])]
id: GO:0007486 ! imaginal disc-derived female genitalia development
intersection_of: GO:0007484 ! imaginal disc-derived genitalia development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000383 ! female

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007486: 5.91
! parsing: GO:0007492
! parse: GO:0007492 using "endoderm development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000090]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the endoderm over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The endoderm is the innermost germ layer that develops into the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs and associated tissues."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of endoderm [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000090])]
id: GO:0007492 ! endoderm development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000090 ! endoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007492: 1.77
! parsing: GO:0007494
! parse: GO:0007494 using "midgut development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000103]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the midgut over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The midgut is the middle part of the alimentary canal from the stomach, or entrance of the bile duct, to, or including, the large intestine."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of midgut [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000103])]
id: GO:0007494 ! midgut development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000103 ! midgut

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007494: 1.75
! parsing: GO:0007496
! parse: GO:0007496 using "anterior midgut development" => cdef(GO:0007494, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007496 using "anterior midgut development" => cdef(GO:0007494, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007496 using "anterior midgut development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000103, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000055])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0007496 using "anterior midgut development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000103, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0007496 using "anterior midgut development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000103, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003056]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0007496 using "anterior midgut development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000103]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the anterior midgut over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  midgut development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of anterior [cdef(GO:0007494, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0007496 ! anterior midgut development
intersection_of: GO:0007494 ! midgut development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007496: 3.77
! parsing: GO:0007497
! parse: GO:0007497 using "posterior midgut development" => cdef(GO:0007494, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007497 using "posterior midgut development" => cdef(GO:0007494, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0007497 using "posterior midgut development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000103, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0007497 using "posterior midgut development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000103, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003057])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0007497 using "posterior midgut development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000103, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003057]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0007497 using "posterior midgut development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000103]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the posterior midgut over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  midgut development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of posterior [cdef(GO:0007494, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0007497 ! posterior midgut development
intersection_of: GO:0007494 ! midgut development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007497: 3.55
! parsing: GO:0007498
! parse: GO:0007498 using "mesoderm development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000050]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the mesoderm over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The mesoderm is the middle germ layer that develops into muscle, bone, cartilage, blood and connective tissue."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of mesoderm [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000050])]
id: GO:0007498 ! mesoderm development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007498: 1.71
! parsing: GO:0007499
! No parse for: GO:0007499 ectoderm and mesoderm interaction
! parsing: GO:0007503
! parse: GO:0007503 using "fat body development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0003050]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the fat body over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A fat body is an insect gland dorsal to the insect gut, with a function analogous to that of the vertebrate liver. It is a storage organ for fats, glycogen and protein and is a major site of intermediary metabolism."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of fat body [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0003050])]
id: GO:0007503 ! fat body development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0003050 ! fat body

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007503: 1.74
! parsing: GO:0007507
! parse: GO:0007507 using "heart development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000064]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the heart over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of heart [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000064])]
id: GO:0007507 ! heart development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000064 ! heart

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007507: 1.72
! parsing: GO:0007509
! No parse for: GO:0007509 mesoderm migration
! parsing: GO:0007517
! parse: GO:0007517 using "muscle development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000172]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the muscle over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The muscle is an organ consisting of a tissue made up of various elongated cells that are specialized to contract and thus to produce movement and mechanical work."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of muscle [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000172])]
id: GO:0007517 ! muscle development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000172 ! muscle

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007517: 1.71
! parsing: GO:0007519
! parse: GO:0007519 using "skeletal muscle development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000174]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The developmental sequence of events leading to the formation of adult muscle that occurs in the anima. In vertebrate skeletal muscle the main events are: the fusion of myoblasts to form myotubes that increase in size by further fusion to them of myoblasts, the formation of myofibrils within their cytoplasm and the establishment of functional neuromuscular junctions with motor neurons. At this stage they can be regarded as mature muscle fibers."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of skeletal muscle [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000174])]
id: GO:0007519 ! skeletal muscle development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000174 ! skeletal muscle

! seconds spent parsing GO:0007519: 4.16
! parsing: GO:0007520
! No parse for: GO:0007520 myoblast fusion
! parsing: GO:0007566
! No parse for: GO:0007566 embryo implantation
! parsing: GO:0007596
! No parse for: GO:0007596 blood coagulation
! parsing: GO:0007597
! No parse for: GO:0007597 blood coagulation, intrinsic pathway
! parsing: GO:0007598
! No parse for: GO:0007598 blood coagulation, extrinsic pathway
! parsing: GO:0008015
! No parse for: GO:0008015 blood circulation
! parsing: GO:0008039
! No parse for: GO:0008039 synaptic target recognition
! parsing: GO:0008057
! No parse for: GO:0008057 eye pigment granule organization and biogenesis
! parsing: GO:0008069
! No parse for: GO:0008069 dorsal/ventral axis determination, ovarian follicular epithelium
! parsing: GO:0008103
! No parse for: GO:0008103 oocyte microtubule cytoskeleton polarization
! parsing: GO:0008217
! parse: GO:0008217 using "blood pressure regulation" => cdef(GO:0065007, [regulates=cdef(PATO:0001025, [OBO_REL:inheres_in=XAO:0000124])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0008217 using "regulation of blood pressure" => cdef(GO:0065007, [regulates=cdef(PATO:0001025, [OBO_REL:inheres_in=XAO:0000124])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that modulates the force with which blood travels through the circulatory system. The process is controlled by a balance of processes that increase pressure and decrease pressure."
! PROPOSED:  biological regulation that regulates cdef(PATO:0001025, [OBO_REL:inheres_in=XAO:0000124]) [cdef(GO:0065007, [regulates=cdef(PATO:0001025, [OBO_REL:inheres_in=XAO:0000124])])]
id: GO:0008217 ! regulation of blood pressure
intersection_of: GO:0065007 ! biological regulation
intersection_of: regulates _:cdef__PATO_0001025_____OBO_REL_inheres_in___XAO_0000124___
synonym: "biological regulation of blood pressure" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0008217: 5.15
! parsing: GO:0008258
! No parse for: GO:0008258 head involution
! parsing: GO:0008335
! No parse for: GO:0008335 ovarian ring canal stabilization
! parsing: GO:0008366
! No parse for: GO:0008366 axon ensheathment
! parsing: GO:0008543
! No parse for: GO:0008543 fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway
! parsing: GO:0008544
! parse: GO:0008544 using "epidermis development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000028]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the epidermis over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The epidermis is the outer epithelial layer of a plant or animal, it may be a single layer that produces an extracellular material (e.g. the cuticle of arthropods) or a complex stratified squamous epithelium, as in the case of many vertebrate species."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of epidermis [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000028])]
id: GO:0008544 ! epidermis development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000028 ! epidermis

! seconds spent parsing GO:0008544: 1.69
! parsing: GO:0009553
! parse: GO:0009553 using "female gametophyte development" => cdef(GO:0048229, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000383]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the embryo sac over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The process begins with the meiosis of the megasporocyte to form four haploid megaspores. Three of the megaspores disintegrate, and the fourth undergoes mitosis giving rise to a binucleate syncytial embryo sac. The two haploid nuclei migrate to the opposite poles of the embryo sac and then undergo two rounds of mitosis generating four haploid nuclei at each pole. One nucleus from each set of four migrates to the center of the cell. Cellularization occurs, resulting in an eight-nucleate seven-celled structure. This structure contains two synergid cells and an egg cell at the micropylar end, and three antipodal cells at the other end. A binucleate endosperm mother cell is formed at the center. The two polar nuclei fuse resulting in a mononucleate diploid endosperm mother cell. The three antipodal cells degenerate."
! PROPOSED:  gametophyte development that OBO_REL:has_quality female [cdef(GO:0048229, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000383])]
id: GO:0009553 ! embryo sac development
intersection_of: GO:0048229 ! gametophyte development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000383 ! female

! seconds spent parsing GO:0009553: 4.79
! parsing: GO:0009559
! No parse for: GO:0009559 embryo sac central cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0009561
! No parse for: GO:0009561 megagametogenesis
! parsing: GO:0009562
! No parse for: GO:0009562 embryo sac nuclear migration
! parsing: GO:0009653
! No parse for: GO:0009653 anatomical structure morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0009790
! No parse for: GO:0009790 embryonic development
! parsing: GO:0009792
! No parse for: GO:0009792 embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching
! parsing: GO:0009794
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle control" => cdef(GO:0007346, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0009790]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle control" => cdef(GO:0007346, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000113]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle control" => cdef(GO:0007346, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:1000012]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle control" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051726, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007067]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0009790]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle control" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051726, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007067]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000113]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle control" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051726, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007067]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:1000012]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle modulation" => cdef(GO:0007346, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0009790]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle modulation" => cdef(GO:0007346, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000113]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle modulation" => cdef(GO:0007346, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:1000012]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle modulation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051726, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007067]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0009790]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle modulation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051726, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007067]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000113]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle modulation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051726, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007067]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:1000012]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle regulation" => cdef(GO:0007346, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0009790]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle regulation" => cdef(GO:0007346, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000113]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle regulation" => cdef(GO:0007346, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:1000012]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle regulation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051726, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007067]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0009790]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle regulation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051726, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007067]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000113]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "embryonic mitotic cell cycle regulation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051726, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007067]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:1000012]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "regulation of embryonic mitotic cell cycle" => cdef(GO:0065007, [regulates=cdef(GO:0000278, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0009790])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "regulation of embryonic mitotic cell cycle" => cdef(GO:0065007, [regulates=cdef(GO:0000278, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000113])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "regulation of embryonic mitotic cell cycle" => cdef(GO:0065007, [regulates=cdef(GO:0000278, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:1000012])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "regulation of embryonic mitotic cell cycle" => cdef(GO:0065007, [regulates=cdef(cdef(GO:0007049, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007067]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0009790])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "regulation of embryonic mitotic cell cycle" => cdef(GO:0065007, [regulates=cdef(cdef(GO:0007049, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007067]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000113])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "regulation of embryonic mitotic cell cycle" => cdef(GO:0065007, [regulates=cdef(cdef(GO:0007049, [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007067]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:1000012])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0009794 using "regulation of mitotic cell cycle, embryonic" => cdef(GO:0065007, [regulates=GO:0045448]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of replication and segregation of genetic material in the embryo."
! PROPOSED:  regulation of mitotic cell cycle that OBO_REL:unfolds_in embryo [cdef(GO:0007346, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:1000012])]
id: GO:0009794 ! regulation of mitotic cell cycle, embryonic
intersection_of: GO:0007346 ! regulation of mitotic cell cycle
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:1000012 ! embryo
synonym: "embryonic control of mitotic cell cycle progression" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "embryonic modulation of mitotic cell cycle progression" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "embryonic regulation of mitotic cell cycle progression" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "embryonic regulation of progression through mitotic cell cycle" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0009794: 86.92
! parsing: GO:0009880
! No parse for: GO:0009880 embryonic pattern specification
! parsing: GO:0009887
! No parse for: GO:0009887 organ morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0009948
! No parse for: GO:0009948 anterior/posterior axis specification
! parsing: GO:0009950
! No parse for: GO:0009950 dorsal/ventral axis specification
! parsing: GO:0009952
! No parse for: GO:0009952 anterior/posterior pattern formation
! parsing: GO:0009953
! No parse for: GO:0009953 dorsal/ventral pattern formation
! parsing: GO:0010050
! No parse for: GO:0010050 vegetative phase change
! parsing: GO:0010069
! No parse for: GO:0010069 zygote asymmetric cytokinesis in the embryo sac
! parsing: GO:0010102
! parse: GO:0010102 using "lateral root morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0010015, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0010102 using "lateral root morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0010015, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of lateral root are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. A lateral root is one formed from pericycle cells located on the xylem radius of the root, as opposed to the initiation of the main root from the embryo proper."
! PROPOSED:  root morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of lateral [cdef(GO:0010015, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304])]
id: GO:0010102 ! lateral root morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0010015 ! root morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000304 ! lateral

! seconds spent parsing GO:0010102: 3.93
! parsing: GO:0010160
! No parse for: GO:0010160 formation of organ boundary
! parsing: GO:0010199
! No parse for: GO:0010199 organ boundary specification between lateral organs and the meristem
! parsing: GO:0010228
! No parse for: GO:0010228 vegetative to reproductive phase transition
! parsing: GO:0010260
! No parse for: GO:0010260 organ senescence
! parsing: GO:0010311
! No parse for: GO:0010311 lateral root formation
! parsing: GO:0010386
! No parse for: GO:0010386 lateral root primordium development
! parsing: GO:0010448
! No parse for: GO:0010448 vegetative meristem growth
! parsing: GO:0014022
! No relation defined: results_in_increased_length_of
! parse: GO:0014022 using "neural plate elongation" => cdef(GO:0008150, [results_in_increased_length_of=XAO:0000249]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the neural plate is shaped by the intrinsic movement of the epidermal and neural plate regions."
! PROPOSED:  biological_process that results_in_increased_length_of neural plate [cdef(GO:0008150, [results_in_increased_length_of=XAO:0000249])]
id: GO:0014022 ! neural plate elongation
intersection_of: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
intersection_of: results_in_increased_length_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014022: 8.38
! parsing: GO:0014028
! parse: GO:0014028 using "notochord formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000055]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0014028 using "notochord formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000055]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The formation of the notochord from the chordamesoderm. The notochord is composed of large cells packed within a firm connective tissue sheath and is found in all chordates at the ventral surface of the neural tube. In vertebrates, the notochord contributes to the vertebral column."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of notochord [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000055])]
id: GO:0014028 ! notochord formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000055 ! notochord

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014028: 2.03
! parsing: GO:0014029
! parse: GO:0014029 using "neural crest formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000048]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0014029 using "neural crest formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000048]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The formation of the specialized region of ectoderm between the neural ectoderm (neural plate) and non-neural ectoderm. The neural crest gives rise to the neural crest cells that migrate away from this region as neural tube formation procedes."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of neural crest [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000048])]
id: GO:0014029 ! neural crest formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000048 ! neural crest

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014029: 8.71
! parsing: GO:0014714
! parse: GO:0014714 using "myoblast cell fate commitment in head" => cdef(GO:0048625, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003024]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0014714 using "myoblast cell fate commitment in head" => cdef(cdef(GO:0045165, [OBO_REL:results_in_commitment_to=CL:0000056]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003024]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process, taking place in the head, whereby the developmental fate of a cell becomes restricted such that it will develop into a myoblast cell. A myoblast is a mononucleate cell type that, by fusion with other myoblasts, gives rise to the myotubes that eventually develop into skeletal muscle fibers."
! PROPOSED:  myoblast cell fate commitment that OBO_REL:unfolds_in head [cdef(GO:0048625, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003024])]
id: GO:0014714 ! myoblast cell fate commitment in head
intersection_of: GO:0048625 ! myoblast cell fate commitment
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0003024 ! head

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014714: 9.79
! parsing: GO:0014715
! parse: GO:0014715 using "myoblast cell fate commitment in trunk" => cdef(GO:0048625, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003025]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0014715 using "myoblast cell fate commitment in trunk" => cdef(cdef(GO:0045165, [OBO_REL:results_in_commitment_to=CL:0000056]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003025]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process taking place in the trunk whereby the developmental fate of a cell becomes restricted such that it will develop into a myoblast cell. A myoblast is a mononucleate cell type that, by fusion with other myoblasts, gives rise to the myotubes that eventually develop into skeletal muscle fibers."
! PROPOSED:  myoblast cell fate commitment that OBO_REL:unfolds_in trunk [cdef(GO:0048625, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003025])]
id: GO:0014715 ! myoblast cell fate commitment in trunk
intersection_of: GO:0048625 ! myoblast cell fate commitment
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0003025 ! trunk

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014715: 9.82
! parsing: GO:0014730
! parse: GO:0014730 using "skeletal muscle regeneration at neuromuscular junction" => cdef(GO:0043403, [OBO_REL:unfolds_around=GO:0031594]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0014730 using "skeletal muscle regeneration at neuromuscular junction" => cdef(cdef(GO:0031099, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000174]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_around=GO:0031594]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The regrowth of muscle tissue to repair injured or damaged muscle fibers in the postnatal stage at the neuromuscular junction. Regeneration of neuromuscular junctions occurs in an orderly way and relies on communication between nerve and muscle. Skeletal myofibres regenerate after injury and they form neuro-muscular junctions with motor axons similar to normal ones. Regenerating myofibres develop within the basal lamina sheaths (satellite cells) of original myofibres."
! PROPOSED:  skeletal muscle regeneration that OBO_REL:unfolds_around neuromuscular junction [cdef(GO:0043403, [OBO_REL:unfolds_around=GO:0031594])]
id: GO:0014730 ! skeletal muscle regeneration at neuromuscular junction
intersection_of: GO:0043403 ! skeletal muscle regeneration
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_around GO:0031594 ! neuromuscular junction

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014730: 9.44
! parsing: GO:0014732
! No parse for: GO:0014732 skeletal muscle atrophy
! parsing: GO:0014734
! No parse for: GO:0014734 skeletal muscle hypertrophy
! parsing: GO:0014805
! parse: GO:0014805 using "smooth muscle adaptation" => cdef(GO:0043500, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000701]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Processes by which smooth muscle adapts, with consequent modifications to structural and/or functional phenotypes, in response to a stimulus. Stimuli include contractile activity, loading conditions, substrate supply, and environmental factors. These adaptive events occur in both muscle fibers and associated structures (motoneurons and capillaries), and they involve alterations in regulatory mechanisms, contractile properties and metabolic capacities."
! PROPOSED:  muscle adaptation that OBO_REL:has_quality smooth [cdef(GO:0043500, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000701])]
id: GO:0014805 ! smooth muscle adaptation
intersection_of: GO:0043500 ! muscle adaptation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000701 ! smooth

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014805: 3.91
! parsing: GO:0014806
! parse: GO:0014806 using "smooth muscle hyperplasia" => cdef(GO:0014900, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000701]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A process, occurring in smooth muscle, in which there is an increase in cell number by cell division, often leading to an increase in the size of an organ."
! PROPOSED:  muscle hyperplasia that OBO_REL:has_quality smooth [cdef(GO:0014900, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000701])]
id: GO:0014806 ! smooth muscle hyperplasia
intersection_of: GO:0014900 ! muscle hyperplasia
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000701 ! smooth

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014806: 4.07
! parsing: GO:0014824
! parse: GO:0014824 using "artery smooth muscle contraction" => cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000114])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A process whereby force is generated within smooth muscle tissue, resulting in a change in muscle geometry. This process occurs in the artery. Force generation involves a chemo-mechanical energy conversion step. The chemo-mechanical energy conversion step is carried out by the actin/myosin complex activity, which generates force through ATP hydrolysis. The artery is a vessel carrying blood away from the heart."
! PROPOSED:  muscle contraction that OBO_REL:results_in_change_to cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000114]) [cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000114])])]
id: GO:0014824 ! artery smooth muscle contraction
intersection_of: GO:0006936 ! muscle contraction
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_change_to _:cdef__XAO_0000175_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000114___
synonym: "arterial smooth muscle contraction" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "arterie smooth muscle contraction" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "arteries smooth muscle contraction" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014824: 2.98
! parsing: GO:0014825
! No parse for: GO:0014825 stomach fundus smooth muscle contraction
! parsing: GO:0014826
! parse: GO:0014826 using "vein smooth muscle contraction" => cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000115])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A process whereby force is generated within smooth muscle tissue, resulting in a change in muscle geometry. This process occurs in the vein. Force generation involves a chemo-mechanical energy conversion step. The chemo-mechanical energy conversion step is carried out by the actin/myosin complex activity, which generates force through ATP hydrolysis. The vein is a vessel carrying blood away from the capillary beds."
! PROPOSED:  muscle contraction that OBO_REL:results_in_change_to cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000115]) [cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000115])])]
id: GO:0014826 ! vein smooth muscle contraction
intersection_of: GO:0006936 ! muscle contraction
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_change_to _:cdef__XAO_0000175_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000115___

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014826: 2.8
! parsing: GO:0014827
! parse: GO:0014827 using "intestine smooth muscle contraction" => cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000129])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A process whereby force is generated within smooth muscle tissue, resulting in a change in muscle geometry. This process occurs in the intestine. Force generation involves a chemo-mechanical energy conversion step. The chemo-mechanical energy conversion step is carried out by the actin/myosin complex activity, which generates force through ATP hydrolysis. The intestine is the section of the alimentary canal from the stomach to the anal canal. It includes the large intestine and small intestine."
! PROPOSED:  muscle contraction that OBO_REL:results_in_change_to cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000129]) [cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000129])])]
id: GO:0014827 ! intestine smooth muscle contraction
intersection_of: GO:0006936 ! muscle contraction
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_change_to _:cdef__XAO_0000175_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000129___
synonym: "intestinal smooth muscle contraction" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014827: 2.74
! parsing: GO:0014830
! No parse for: GO:0014830 arteriole smooth muscle contraction
! parsing: GO:0014844
! parse: GO:0014844 using "myoblast cell proliferation involved in skeletal muscle regeneration" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008283, [OBO_REL:increases_population_size_of=CL:0000056]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0043403]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0014844 using "myoblast cell proliferation involved in skeletal muscle regeneration" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008283, [OBO_REL:increases_population_size_of=CL:0000056]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0031099, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000174])]) [-5]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The multiplication or reproduction of myoblast cells, resulting in the expansion of the cell population. This occurs as part of skeletal muscle regeneration. A myoblast is a mononucleate cell type that, by fusion with other myoblasts, gives rise to the myotubes that eventually develop into skeletal muscle fibers."
! PROPOSED:  cdef(GO:0008283, [OBO_REL:increases_population_size_of=CL:0000056]) that OBO_REL:part_of skeletal muscle regeneration [cdef(cdef(GO:0008283, [OBO_REL:increases_population_size_of=CL:0000056]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0043403])]
id: GO:0014844 ! myoblast cell proliferation involved in skeletal muscle regeneration
intersection_of: _:cdef__GO_0008283_____OBO_REL_increases_population_size_of___CL_0000056___
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of GO:0043403 ! skeletal muscle regeneration

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014844: 13.64
! parsing: GO:0014845
! No parse for: GO:0014845 stomach body smooth muscle contraction
! parsing: GO:0014846
! parse: GO:0014846 using "esophagus smooth muscle contraction" => cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000127])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A process whereby force is generated within smooth muscle tissue, resulting in a change in muscle geometry. This process occurs in the esophagus. Force generation involves a chemo-mechanical energy conversion step. The chemo-mechanical energy conversion step is carried out by the actin/myosin complex activity, which generates force through ATP hydrolysis. The esophagus is the muscular membranous segment between the pharynx and the stomach in the upper gastrointestinal tract."
! PROPOSED:  muscle contraction that OBO_REL:results_in_change_to cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000127]) [cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000127])])]
id: GO:0014846 ! esophagus smooth muscle contraction
intersection_of: GO:0006936 ! muscle contraction
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_change_to _:cdef__XAO_0000175_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000127___
synonym: "esophageal smooth muscle contraction" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "oesophagus smooth muscle contraction" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014846: 2.94
! parsing: GO:0014849
! parse: GO:0014849 using "ureter smooth muscle contraction" => cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000144])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A process whereby force is generated within smooth muscle tissue, resulting in a change in muscle geometry. This process occurs in the ureter. Force generation involves a chemo-mechanical energy conversion step. The chemo-mechanical energy conversion step is carried out by the actin/myosin complex activity, which generates force through ATP hydrolysis. The ureter is one of a pair of thick-walled tubes that transports urine from the kidney pelvis to the urinary bladder."
! PROPOSED:  muscle contraction that OBO_REL:results_in_change_to cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000144]) [cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=cdef(XAO:0000175, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000144])])]
id: GO:0014849 ! ureter smooth muscle contraction
intersection_of: GO:0006936 ! muscle contraction
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_change_to _:cdef__XAO_0000175_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000144___

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014849: 2.78
! parsing: GO:0014889
! No parse for: GO:0014889 muscle atrophy
! parsing: GO:0014890
! parse: GO:0014890 using "smooth muscle atrophy" => cdef(GO:0014889, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000701]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A process, occurring in smooth muscle, that is characterized by a decrease in protein content, fibre diameter, force production and fatigue resistance in response to different conditions such as starvation, aging and disuse."
! PROPOSED:  muscle atrophy that OBO_REL:has_quality smooth [cdef(GO:0014889, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000701])]
id: GO:0014890 ! smooth muscle atrophy
intersection_of: GO:0014889 ! muscle atrophy
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000701 ! smooth

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014890: 2.36
! parsing: GO:0014895
! parse: GO:0014895 using "smooth muscle hypertrophy" => cdef(GO:0014896, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000701]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The enlargement or overgrowth of all or part of an organ due to an increase in size of its smooth muscle cells without cell division. Physiological hypertrophy is a normal process during development, and can also occur in mature structures on demand. In the uterus, smooth muscle cells undergo hypertrophy during pregnancy."
! PROPOSED:  muscle hypertrophy that OBO_REL:has_quality smooth [cdef(GO:0014896, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000701])]
id: GO:0014895 ! smooth muscle hypertrophy
intersection_of: GO:0014896 ! muscle hypertrophy
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000701 ! smooth

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014895: 3.87
! parsing: GO:0014896
! No parse for: GO:0014896 muscle hypertrophy
! parsing: GO:0014900
! No parse for: GO:0014900 muscle hyperplasia
! parsing: GO:0014914
! parse: GO:0014914 using "myoblast maturation involved in muscle regeneration" => cdef(GO:0048628, [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0031099, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000172])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0014914 using "myoblast maturation involved in muscle regeneration" => cdef(cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000056]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0031099, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000172])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0014914 using "myoblast maturation involved in muscle regeneration" => cdef(cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003015]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0031099, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000172])]) [-5]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for a myoblast cell to attain its fully functional state involved in muscle regeneration. A myoblast is a mononucleate cell type that, by fusion with other myoblasts, gives rise to the myotubes that eventually develop into skeletal muscle fibers."
! PROPOSED:  myoblast maturation that OBO_REL:part_of cdef(GO:0031099, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000172]) [cdef(GO:0048628, [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0031099, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000172])])]
id: GO:0014914 ! myoblast maturation involved in muscle regeneration
intersection_of: GO:0048628 ! myoblast maturation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of _:muscle_regeneration

! seconds spent parsing GO:0014914: 5.2
! parsing: GO:0015032
! No parse for: GO:0015032 storage protein import into fat body
! parsing: GO:0015748
! No parse for: GO:0015748 organophosphate ester transport
! parsing: GO:0015849
! No parse for: GO:0015849 organic acid transport
! parsing: GO:0016053
! No parse for: GO:0016053 organic acid biosynthetic process
! parsing: GO:0016054
! No parse for: GO:0016054 organic acid catabolic process
! parsing: GO:0016203
! No parse for: GO:0016203 muscle attachment
! parsing: GO:0018908
! No parse for: GO:0018908 organosulfide cycle
! parsing: GO:0019094
! No parse for: GO:0019094 pole plasm mRNA localization
! parsing: GO:0019095
! No parse for: GO:0019095 pole plasm mitochondrial rRNA localization
! parsing: GO:0019096
! No parse for: GO:0019096 pole plasm mitochondrial lrRNA localization
! parsing: GO:0019097
! No parse for: GO:0019097 pole plasm mitochondrial srRNA localization
! parsing: GO:0021501
! parse: GO:0021501 using "prechordal plate formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000079]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021501 using "prechordal plate formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000079]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The formation of the prechordal plate. The prechordal plate is a thickening of the endoderm at the cranial end of the primitive streak formed by the involution of Spemann's organizer cells. The prechordal plate and the notochord induce the formation of the neural plate from the overlying ectodermal cells."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of prechordal plate [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000079])]
id: GO:0021501 ! prechordal plate formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000079 ! prechordal plate

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021501: 2.09
! parsing: GO:0021506
! parse: GO:0021506 using "anterior neuropore closure" => cdef(GO:0021995, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021506 using "anterior neuropore closure" => cdef(GO:0021995, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The joining together of the neural folds of the rostral opening of the neural tube. The anterior neuropore appears before the process of neural tube closure is complete."
! PROPOSED:  neuropore closure that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of anterior [cdef(GO:0021995, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0021506 ! anterior neuropore closure
intersection_of: GO:0021995 ! neuropore closure
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021506: 3.94
! parsing: GO:0021507
! parse: GO:0021507 using "posterior neuropore closure" => cdef(GO:0021995, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021507 using "posterior neuropore closure" => cdef(GO:0021995, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The joining together of the neural folds of the caudal opening of the neural tube. The posterior neuropore appears before the process of neural tube closure is complete."
! PROPOSED:  neuropore closure that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of posterior [cdef(GO:0021995, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0021507 ! posterior neuropore closure
intersection_of: GO:0021995 ! neuropore closure
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021507: 2.86
! parsing: GO:0021508
! parse: GO:0021508 using "floor plate formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000306]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021508 using "floor plate formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000306]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The formation of a ventral region of glial cells in the neural tube that provides inductive signals for the specification of neuronal cell types. The floor plate is evident at the ventral midline by the neural fold stage."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of floor plate [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000306])]
id: GO:0021508 ! floor plate formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000306 ! floor plate
synonym: "floorplate anatomical structure formation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "floorplate formation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "floorplate formation of an anatomical structure" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021508: 1.99
! parsing: GO:0021509
! parse: GO:0021509 using "roof plate formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000022]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021509 using "roof plate formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000022]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The formation of a single row of glia at the dorsal midline of the developing neural tube. This region provides inductive signals for the specification of neuronal cell types and of the specification of neural crest cells. The cells comprising the roof plate are the precursors to radial glial cells."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of roof plate [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000022])]
id: GO:0021509 ! roof plate formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000022 ! roof plate
synonym: "roofplate anatomical structure formation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "roofplate formation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "roofplate formation of an anatomical structure" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021509: 1.99
! parsing: GO:0021510
! parse: GO:0021510 using "spinal cord development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000020]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the spinal cord over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The spinal cord primarily conducts sensory and motor nerve impulses between the brain and the peripheral nervous tissues."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of spinal cord [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000020])]
id: GO:0021510 ! spinal cord development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000020 ! spinal cord

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021510: 1.7
! parsing: GO:0021511
! parse: GO:0021511 using "spinal cord patterning" => cdef(GO:0007389, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000020]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The regionalization process that regulates the coordinated growth and establishes the non-random spatial arrangement of the spinal cord."
! PROPOSED:  pattern specification process that OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of spinal cord [cdef(GO:0007389, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000020])]
id: GO:0021511 ! spinal cord patterning
intersection_of: GO:0007389 ! pattern specification process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of XAO:0000020 ! spinal cord

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021511: 1.8
! parsing: GO:0021512
! No parse for: GO:0021512 spinal cord anterior/posterior patterning
! parsing: GO:0021513
! No parse for: GO:0021513 spinal cord dorsal/ventral patterning
! parsing: GO:0021514
! No parse for: GO:0021514 ventral spinal cord interneuron differentiation
! parsing: GO:0021516
! parse: GO:0021516 using "dorsal spinal cord development" => cdef(GO:0021510, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001233]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021516 using "dorsal spinal cord development" => cdef(GO:0021510, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000298]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021516 using "dorsal spinal cord development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000020, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000063])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021516 using "dorsal spinal cord development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000020, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000298])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021516 using "dorsal spinal cord development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000020, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000298]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021516 using "dorsal spinal cord development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000020]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001233]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the dorsal region of the spinal cord over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The dorsal region of the mature spinal cord contains neurons that process and relay sensory input."
! PROPOSED:  spinal cord development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of dorsal [cdef(GO:0021510, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000298])]
id: GO:0021516 ! dorsal spinal cord development
intersection_of: GO:0021510 ! spinal cord development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000298 ! dorsal

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021516: 3.8
! parsing: GO:0021517
! parse: GO:0021517 using "ventral spinal cord development" => cdef(GO:0021510, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001196]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021517 using "ventral spinal cord development" => cdef(GO:0021510, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000299]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021517 using "ventral spinal cord development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000020, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000068])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021517 using "ventral spinal cord development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000020, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000299])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021517 using "ventral spinal cord development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000020, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000299]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021517 using "ventral spinal cord development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000020]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001196]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the ventral region of the spinal cord over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The neurons of the ventral region of the mature spinal cord participate in motor output."
! PROPOSED:  spinal cord development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of ventral [cdef(GO:0021510, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000299])]
id: GO:0021517 ! ventral spinal cord development
intersection_of: GO:0021510 ! spinal cord development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000299 ! ventral

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021517: 3.86
! parsing: GO:0021518
! No parse for: GO:0021518 spinal cord commissural neuron specification
! parsing: GO:0021519
! No parse for: GO:0021519 spinal cord association neuron specification
! parsing: GO:0021520
! No parse for: GO:0021520 spinal cord motor neuron cell fate specification
! parsing: GO:0021521
! parse: GO:0021521 using "ventral spinal cord interneuron specification" => cdef(GO:0007389, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(cdef(CL:0000099, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000020]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000068])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0021521 using "ventral spinal cord interneuron specification" => cdef(GO:0007389, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(cdef(CL:0000099, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000020]), [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000299])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0021521 using "ventral spinal cord interneuron specification" => cdef(cdef(GO:0007389, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(CL:0000099, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000020])]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001196]) [-5]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby a cell becomes capable of differentiating autonomously into a ventral spinal cord interneuron in an environment that is neutral with respect to the developmental pathway."
! PROPOSED:  cdef(GO:0007389, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(CL:0000099, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000020])]) that OBO_REL:has_quality ventral to [cdef(cdef(GO:0007389, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(CL:0000099, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000020])]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001196])]
id: GO:0021521 ! ventral spinal cord interneuron specification
intersection_of: _:spinal_cord_interneuron_specification
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0001196 ! ventral to
synonym: "inferior to spinal cord interneuron specification" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ventral to spinal cord interneuron specification" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021521: 5.77
! parsing: GO:0021522
! No parse for: GO:0021522 spinal cord motor neuron differentiation
! parsing: GO:0021525
! No parse for: GO:0021525 lateral motor column neuron differentiation
! parsing: GO:0021527
! No parse for: GO:0021527 spinal cord association neuron differentiation
! parsing: GO:0021529
! No parse for: GO:0021529 spinal cord oligodendrocyte cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0021530
! No parse for: GO:0021530 spinal cord oligodendrocyte cell fate specification
! parsing: GO:0021536
! parse: GO:0021536 using "diencephalon development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000013]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the diencephalon over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The diencephalon is the paired caudal parts of the prosencephalon from which the thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus and subthalamus are derived; these regions regulate autonomic, visceral and endocrine function, and process information directed to the cerebral cortex."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of diencephalon [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000013])]
id: GO:0021536 ! diencephalon development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000013 ! diencephalon

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021536: 1.74
! parsing: GO:0021537
! parse: GO:0021537 using "telencephalon development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000012]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the telencephalon over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The telencephalon is the paired anteriolateral division of the prosencephalon plus the lamina terminalis from which the olfactory lobes, cerebral cortex, and subcortical nuclei are derived."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of telencephalon [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000012])]
id: GO:0021537 ! telencephalon development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000012 ! telencephalon

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021537: 1.72
! parsing: GO:0021539
! No parse for: GO:0021539 subthalamus development
! parsing: GO:0021547
! parse: GO:0021547 using "MHB biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000016]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021547 using "MHB formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000016]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021547 using "MHB formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000016]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021547 using "midbrain-hindbrain boundary biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000016]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021547 using "midbrain-hindbrain boundary formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000016]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021547 using "midbrain-hindbrain boundary formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000016]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The regionalization process that gives rise to the midbrain-hindbrain boundary. The midbrain-hindbrain domain of the embryonic brain is comprised of the mesencephalic vesicle and the first rhombencephalic vesicle at early somitogenesis stages. An organizing center at the boundary patterns the midbrain and hindbrain primordia of the neural plate."
! PROPOSED:  biosynthetic process that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of midbrain-hindbrain boundary [cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000016])]
id: GO:0021547 ! midbrain-hindbrain boundary initiation
intersection_of: GO:0009058 ! biosynthetic process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000016 ! midbrain-hindbrain boundary

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021547: 12.92
! parsing: GO:0021551
! parse: GO:0021551 using "central nervous system morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021551 using "central nervous system morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structure of the central nervous system is generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The central nervous system is the core nervous system that serves an integrating and coordinating function. In vertebrates it consists of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves. In those invertebrates with a central nervous system it typically consists of a brain, cerebral ganglia and a nerve cord."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of central nervous system [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215])]
id: GO:0021551 ! central nervous system morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021551: 2.91
! parsing: GO:0021552
! parse: GO:0021552 using "MHB structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000016]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021552 using "midbrain-hindbrain boundary structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000016]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary structure. The midbrain-hindbrain domain of the embryonic brain is comprised of the mesencephalic vesicle and the first rhombencephalic vesicle at early somitogenesis stages. An organizing center at the boundary patterns the midbrain and hindbrain primordia of the neural plate."
! PROPOSED:  organization of an anatomical structure that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of midbrain-hindbrain boundary [cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000016])]
id: GO:0021552 ! midbrain-hindbrain boundary structural organization
intersection_of: GO:0048532 ! organization of an anatomical structure
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000016 ! midbrain-hindbrain boundary

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021552: 5.76
! parsing: GO:0021553
! parse: GO:0021553 using "olfactory nerve development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000426]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the olfactory nerve over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The olfactory nerve is a collection of sensory nerve rootlets that extend down from the olfactory bulb to the olfactory mucosa of the upper parts of the nasal cavity. This nerve conducts odor information to the brainstem."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of olfactory nerve [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000426])]
id: GO:0021553 ! olfactory nerve development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000426 ! olfactory nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021553: 9.27
! parsing: GO:0021554
! parse: GO:0021554 using "optic nerve development" => cdef(GO:0021675, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000179]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021554 using "optic nerve development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000188]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021554 using "optic nerve development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0003047, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000179])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021554 using "optic nerve development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0003047]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000179]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the optic nerve over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The sensory optic nerve originates from the bipolar cells of the retina and conducts visual information to the brainstem. The optic nerve exits the back of the eye in the orbit, enters the optic canal, and enters the central nervous system at the optic chiasm (crossing) where the nerve fibers become the optic tract just prior to entering the hindbrain."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of optic nerve [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000188])]
id: GO:0021554 ! optic nerve development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000188 ! optic nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021554: 20.45
! parsing: GO:0021555
! parse: GO:0021555 using "MHB morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000016]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021555 using "midbrain-hindbrain boundary morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000016]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structure of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary is generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The midbrain-hindbrain domain of the embryonic brain is comprised of the mesencephalic vesicle and the first rhombencephalic vesicle at early somitogenesis stages. An organizing center at the boundary patterns the midbrain and hindbrain primordia of the neural plate."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of midbrain-hindbrain boundary [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000016])]
id: GO:0021555 ! midbrain-hindbrain boundary morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000016 ! midbrain-hindbrain boundary

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021555: 6.11
! parsing: GO:0021556
! parse: GO:0021556 using "central nervous system formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021556 using "central nervous system formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021556 using "central nervous system formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021556 using "central nervous system formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that gives rise to the central nervous system. This process pertains to the initial formation of a structure from unspecified parts. The central nervous system is the core nervous system that serves an integrating and coordinating function. In vertebrates it consists of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves. In those invertebrates with a central nervous system it typically consists of a brain, cerebral ganglia and a nerve cord."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of central nervous system [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000215])]
id: GO:0021556 ! central nervous system formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021556: 3.01
! parsing: GO:0021562
! No parse for: GO:0021562 vestibulocochlear nerve development
! parsing: GO:0021575
! parse: GO:0021575 using "hindbrain morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000015]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structure of the hindbrain is generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The hindbrain is the region consisting of the medulla, pons and cerebellum. Areas of the hindbrain control motor and autonomic functions."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of hindbrain [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000015])]
id: GO:0021575 ! hindbrain morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000015 ! hindbrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021575: 2.13
! parsing: GO:0021576
! parse: GO:0021576 using "hindbrain formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000015]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021576 using "hindbrain formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000015]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that gives rise to the hindbrain. This process pertains to the initial formation of a structure from unspecified parts. The hindbrain is the region consisting of the medulla, pons and cerebellum. Areas of the hindbrain control motor and autonomic functions."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of hindbrain [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000015])]
id: GO:0021576 ! hindbrain formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000015 ! hindbrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021576: 2.13
! parsing: GO:0021577
! parse: GO:0021577 using "hindbrain structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000015]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the hindbrain. This process pertains to the physical shaping of a rudimentary structure. The hindbrain is the region consisting of the medulla, pons and cerebellum. Areas of the hindbrain control motor and autonomic functions."
! PROPOSED:  organization of an anatomical structure that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of hindbrain [cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000015])]
id: GO:0021577 ! hindbrain structural organization
intersection_of: GO:0048532 ! organization of an anatomical structure
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000015 ! hindbrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021577: 2.4
! parsing: GO:0021578
! parse: GO:0021578 using "hindbrain maturation" => cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000015]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for the hindbrain to attain its fully functional state. The hindbrain is the region consisting of the medulla, pons and cerebellum. Areas of the hindbrain control motor and autonomic functions."
! PROPOSED:  developmental maturation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of hindbrain [cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000015])]
id: GO:0021578 ! hindbrain maturation
intersection_of: GO:0021700 ! developmental maturation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000015 ! hindbrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021578: 1.74
! parsing: GO:0021597
! parse: GO:0021597 using "central nervous system structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021597 using "central nervous system structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the central nervous system structure. The central nervous system is the core nervous system that serves an integrating and coordinating function. In vertebrates it consists of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves. In those invertebrates with a central nervous system it typically consists of a brain, cerebral ganglia and a nerve cord."
! PROPOSED:  organization of an anatomical structure that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of central nervous system [cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215])]
id: GO:0021597 ! central nervous system structural organization
intersection_of: GO:0048532 ! organization of an anatomical structure
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021597: 3.65
! parsing: GO:0021626
! parse: GO:0021626 using "central nervous system maturation" => cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021626 using "central nervous system maturation" => cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for the central nervous system to attain its fully functional state. The central nervous system is the core nervous system that serves an integrating and coordinating function. In vertebrates it consists of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves. In those invertebrates with a central nervous system it typically consists of a brain, cerebral ganglia and a nerve cord."
! PROPOSED:  developmental maturation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of central nervous system [cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215])]
id: GO:0021626 ! central nervous system maturation
intersection_of: GO:0021700 ! developmental maturation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021626: 2.38
! parsing: GO:0021627
! parse: GO:0021627 using "olfactory nerve morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000426]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structure of the olfactory nerve is generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The olfactory nerve is a collection of sensory nerve rootlets that extend down from the olfactory bulb to the olfactory mucosa of the upper parts of the nasal cavity. This nerve conducts odor information to the brainstem."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of olfactory nerve [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000426])]
id: GO:0021627 ! olfactory nerve morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000426 ! olfactory nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021627: 1.99
! parsing: GO:0021628
! parse: GO:0021628 using "olfactory nerve formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000426]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021628 using "olfactory nerve formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000426]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that gives rise to the olfactory nerve. This process pertains to the initial formation of a structure from unspecified parts. The olfactory nerve is a collection of sensory nerve rootlets that extend down from the olfactory bulb to the olfactory mucosa of the upper parts of the nasal cavity. This nerve conducts odor information to the brainstem."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of olfactory nerve [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000426])]
id: GO:0021628 ! olfactory nerve formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000426 ! olfactory nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021628: 2.02
! parsing: GO:0021629
! parse: GO:0021629 using "olfactory nerve structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000426]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the oculomotor nerve. This process pertains to the physical shaping of a rudimentary structure. The olfactory nerve is a collection of sensory nerve rootlets that extend down from the olfactory bulb to the olfactory mucosa of the upper parts of the nasal cavity. This nerve conducts odor information to the brainstem."
! PROPOSED:  organization of an anatomical structure that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of olfactory nerve [cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000426])]
id: GO:0021629 ! olfactory nerve structural organization
intersection_of: GO:0048532 ! organization of an anatomical structure
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000426 ! olfactory nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021629: 2.4
! parsing: GO:0021630
! parse: GO:0021630 using "olfactory nerve maturation" => cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000426]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for the olfactory nerve to attain its fully functional state. The olfactory nerve is a collection of sensory nerve rootlets that extend down from the olfactory bulb to the olfactory mucosa of the upper parts of the nasal cavity. This nerve conducts odor information to the brainstem."
! PROPOSED:  developmental maturation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of olfactory nerve [cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000426])]
id: GO:0021630 ! olfactory nerve maturation
intersection_of: GO:0021700 ! developmental maturation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000426 ! olfactory nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021630: 3.04
! parsing: GO:0021631
! parse: GO:0021631 using "optic nerve morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000188]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021631 using "optic nerve morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0003047, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000179])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021631 using "optic nerve morphogenesis" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003047]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000179]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structure of the optic nerve is generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The sensory optic nerve originates from the bipolar cells of the retina and conducts visual information to the brainstem. The optic nerve exits the back of the eye in the orbit, enters the optic canal, and enters the central nervous system at the optic chiasm (crossing) where the nerve fibers become the optic tract just prior to entering the hindbrain."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of optic nerve [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000188])]
id: GO:0021631 ! optic nerve morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000188 ! optic nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021631: 13.7
! parsing: GO:0021632
! parse: GO:0021632 using "optic nerve maturation" => cdef(GO:0021682, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000179]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021632 using "optic nerve maturation" => cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000188]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021632 using "optic nerve maturation" => cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0003047, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000179])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021632 using "optic nerve maturation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003047]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000179]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for the optic nerve to attain its fully functional state. The sensory optic nerve originates from the bipolar cells of the retina and conducts visual information to the brainstem. The optic nerve exits the back of the eye in the orbit, enters the optic canal, and enters the central nervous system at the optic chiasm (crossing) where the nerve fibers become the optic tract just prior to entering the hindbrain."
! PROPOSED:  developmental maturation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of optic nerve [cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000188])]
id: GO:0021632 ! optic nerve maturation
intersection_of: GO:0021700 ! developmental maturation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000188 ! optic nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021632: 14.7
! parsing: GO:0021633
! parse: GO:0021633 using "optic nerve structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000188]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021633 using "optic nerve structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0003047, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000179])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021633 using "optic nerve structural organization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003047]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000179]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the optic nerve. This process pertains to the physical shaping of a rudimentary structure. The sensory optic nerve originates from the bipolar cells of the retina and conducts visual information to the brainstem. The optic nerve exits the back of the eye in the orbit, enters the optic canal, and enters the central nervous system at the optic chiasm (crossing) where the nerve fibers become the optic tract just prior to entering the hindbrain."
! PROPOSED:  organization of an anatomical structure that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of optic nerve [cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000188])]
id: GO:0021633 ! optic nerve structural organization
intersection_of: GO:0048532 ! organization of an anatomical structure
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000188 ! optic nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021633: 27.84
! parsing: GO:0021634
! parse: GO:0021634 using "optic nerve formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000188]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021634 using "optic nerve formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0003047, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000179])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021634 using "optic nerve formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000188]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021634 using "optic nerve formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0003047, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000179])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021634 using "optic nerve formation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0003047]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000179]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0021634 using "optic nerve formation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0003047]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000179]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that gives rise to the optic nerve. This process pertains to the initial formation of a structure from unspecified parts. The sensory optic nerve originates from the bipolar cells of the retina and conducts visual information to the brainstem. The optic nerve exits the back of the eye in the orbit, enters the optic canal, and enters the central nervous system at the optic chiasm (crossing) where the nerve fibers become the optic tract just prior to entering the hindbrain."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of optic nerve [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000188])]
id: GO:0021634 ! optic nerve formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000188 ! optic nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021634: 14.25
! parsing: GO:0021647
! No parse for: GO:0021647 vestibulocochlear nerve maturation
! parsing: GO:0021648
! No parse for: GO:0021648 vestibulocochlear nerve morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0021649
! No parse for: GO:0021649 vestibulocochlear nerve structural organization
! parsing: GO:0021650
! No parse for: GO:0021650 vestibulocochlear nerve formation
! parsing: GO:0021670
! No parse for: GO:0021670 lateral ventricle development
! parsing: GO:0021675
! parse: GO:0021675 using "nerve development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0003047]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a nerve over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of nerve [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0003047])]
id: GO:0021675 ! nerve development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0003047 ! nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021675: 0.01
! parsing: GO:0021682
! parse: GO:0021682 using "nerve maturation" => cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003047]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for a nerve to attain its fully functional state."
! PROPOSED:  developmental maturation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of nerve [cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003047])]
id: GO:0021682 ! nerve maturation
intersection_of: GO:0021700 ! developmental maturation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003047 ! nerve

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021682: 0.01
! parsing: GO:0021726
! No parse for: GO:0021726 lateral reticular nucleus development
! parsing: GO:0021732
! parse: GO:0021732 using "midbrain-hindbrain boundary maturation" => cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000016]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for the midbrain-hindbrain boundary to attain its fully functional state. The midbrain-hindbrain domain of the embryonic brain is comprised of the mesencephalic vesicle and the first rhombencephalic vesicle at early somitogenesis stages. An organizing center at the boundary patterns the midbrain and hindbrain primordia of the neural plate."
! PROPOSED:  developmental maturation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of midbrain-hindbrain boundary [cdef(GO:0021700, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000016])]
id: GO:0021732 ! midbrain-hindbrain boundary maturation
intersection_of: GO:0021700 ! developmental maturation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000016 ! midbrain-hindbrain boundary

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021732: 2.52
! parsing: GO:0021744
! No parse for: GO:0021744 dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve development
! parsing: GO:0021747
! No parse for: GO:0021747 cochlear nucleus development
! parsing: GO:0021748
! parse: GO:0021748 using "dorsal cochlear nucleus development" => cdef(GO:0021747, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001233]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021748 using "dorsal cochlear nucleus development" => cdef(GO:0021747, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000298]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the dorsal cochlear nucleus over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  cochlear nucleus development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of dorsal [cdef(GO:0021747, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000298])]
id: GO:0021748 ! dorsal cochlear nucleus development
intersection_of: GO:0021747 ! cochlear nucleus development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000298 ! dorsal

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021748: 3.25
! parsing: GO:0021749
! parse: GO:0021749 using "ventral cochlear nucleus development" => cdef(GO:0021747, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001196]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021749 using "ventral cochlear nucleus development" => cdef(GO:0021747, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000299]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the ventral cochlear nucleus over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  cochlear nucleus development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of ventral [cdef(GO:0021747, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000299])]
id: GO:0021749 ! ventral cochlear nucleus development
intersection_of: GO:0021747 ! cochlear nucleus development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000299 ! ventral

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021749: 2.98
! parsing: GO:0021750
! No parse for: GO:0021750 vestibular nucleus development
! parsing: GO:0021761
! No parse for: GO:0021761 limbic system development
! parsing: GO:0021768
! No parse for: GO:0021768 nucleus accumbens development
! parsing: GO:0021771
! No parse for: GO:0021771 lateral geniculate nucleus development
! parsing: GO:0021797
! parse: GO:0021797 using "forebrain anterior/posterior pattern formation" => cdef(GO:0009952, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021797 using "forebrain anterior/posterior pattern formation" => cdef(GO:0009952, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021797 using "forebrain anterior/posterior pattern formation" => cdef(GO:0009952, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The creation of specific areas of progenitor domains along the anterior-posterior axis of the developing forebrain."
! PROPOSED:  anterior/posterior pattern formation that OBO_REL:unfolds_in forebrain [cdef(GO:0009952, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000011])]
id: GO:0021797 ! forebrain anterior/posterior pattern formation
intersection_of: GO:0009952 ! anterior/posterior pattern formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000011 ! forebrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021797: 6.7
! parsing: GO:0021798
! parse: GO:0021798 using "forebrain dorsal/ventral pattern formation" => cdef(GO:0009953, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021798 using "forebrain dorsal/ventral pattern formation" => cdef(GO:0009953, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021798 using "forebrain dorsal/ventral pattern formation" => cdef(GO:0009953, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The formation of specific regional progenitor domains along the dorsal-ventral axis in the developing forebrain."
! PROPOSED:  dorsal/ventral pattern formation that OBO_REL:unfolds_in forebrain [cdef(GO:0009953, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000011])]
id: GO:0021798 ! forebrain dorsal/ventral pattern formation
intersection_of: GO:0009953 ! dorsal/ventral pattern formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000011 ! forebrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021798: 6.74
! parsing: GO:0021812
! No parse for: GO:0021812 neuronal-glial interaction involved in cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration
! parsing: GO:0021820
! No parse for: GO:0021820 organization of extracellular matrix in the marginal zone involved in cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration
! parsing: GO:0021831
! No parse for: GO:0021831 embryonic olfactory bulb interneuron precursor migration
! parsing: GO:0021863
! parse: GO:0021863 using "forebrain neuroblast differentiation" => cdef(GO:0014016, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby neuroepithelial cells in the neural tube acquire specialized structural and/or functional features of basal progenitor cells, neuroblasts that lose their contacts with the ventricular surface. Differentiation includes the processes involved in commitment of a cell to a specific fate."
! PROPOSED:  neuroblast differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of forebrain [cdef(GO:0014016, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000011])]
id: GO:0021863 ! forebrain neuroblast differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0014016 ! neuroblast differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000011 ! forebrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021863: 6.91
! parsing: GO:0021867
! No parse for: GO:0021867 neuron-producing asymmetric radial glial cell division in the forebrain
! parsing: GO:0021868
! No parse for: GO:0021868 ventricular zone cell-producing asymmetric radial glial cell division in the forebrain
! parsing: GO:0021869
! No parse for: GO:0021869 forebrain ventricular zone progenitor cell division
! parsing: GO:0021871
! parse: GO:0021871 using "forebrain regionalization" => cdef(GO:0003002, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021871 using "forebrain regionalization" => cdef(GO:0003002, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021871 using "forebrain regionalization" => cdef(GO:0003002, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The regionalization process resulting in the creation of areas within the forebrain that will direct the behavior of cell migration in differentiation as the forebrain develops."
! PROPOSED:  regionalization that OBO_REL:unfolds_in forebrain [cdef(GO:0003002, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000011])]
id: GO:0021871 ! forebrain regionalization
intersection_of: GO:0003002 ! regionalization
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000011 ! forebrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021871: 2.1
! parsing: GO:0021873
! No parse for: GO:0021873 forebrain neuroblast division
! parsing: GO:0021877
! No parse for: GO:0021877 forebrain neuron fate commitment
! parsing: GO:0021878
! No parse for: GO:0021878 forebrain astrocyte fate commitment
! parsing: GO:0021879
! parse: GO:0021879 using "forebrain neuron differentiation" => cdef(GO:0030182, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuron that will reside in the forebrain."
! PROPOSED:  neuron differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of forebrain [cdef(GO:0030182, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000011])]
id: GO:0021879 ! forebrain neuron differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0030182 ! neuron differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000011 ! forebrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021879: 4.77
! parsing: GO:0021884
! parse: GO:0021884 using "forebrain neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(CL:0000540, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000011])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021884 using "forebrain neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0003023, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000011])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021884 using "forebrain neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000540, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000011]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021884 using "forebrain neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003023, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000011]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a neuron that resides in the forebrain, from its initial commitment to its fate, to the fully functional differentiated cell."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of neuron and OBO_REL:unfolds_in forebrain [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003023, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000011])]
id: GO:0021884 ! forebrain neuron development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003023 ! neuron
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000011 ! forebrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021884: 3.48
! parsing: GO:0021885
! No parse for: GO:0021885 forebrain cell migration
! parsing: GO:0021896
! parse: GO:0021896 using "forebrain astrocyte differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048708, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized features of an astrocyte residing in the forebrain. An astrocyte is the most abundant type of glial cell. Astrocytes provide support for neurons and regulate the environment in which they function."
! PROPOSED:  astrocyte differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of forebrain [cdef(GO:0048708, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000011])]
id: GO:0021896 ! forebrain astrocyte differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0048708 ! astrocyte differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000011 ! forebrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021896: 3.64
! parsing: GO:0021897
! parse: GO:0021897 using "forebrain astrocyte development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(CL:0000127, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000011])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021897 using "forebrain astrocyte development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000127, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000011]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process aimed at the progression of an astrocyte that resides in the forebrain, from initial commitment of the cell to its fate, to the fully functional differentiated cell. An astrocyte is the most abundant type of glial cell. Astrocytes provide support for neurons and regulate the environment in which they function."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of astrocyte and OBO_REL:unfolds_in forebrain [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000127, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000011])]
id: GO:0021897 ! forebrain astrocyte development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of CL:0000127 ! astrocyte
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000011 ! forebrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021897: 3.11
! parsing: GO:0021900
! No parse for: GO:0021900 ventricular zone cell fate commitment
! parsing: GO:0021903
! No parse for: GO:0021903 rostrocaudal neural tube patterning
! parsing: GO:0021904
! parse: GO:0021904 using "dorsal ventral neural tube patterning" => cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000298, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000068])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021904 using "dorsal ventral neural tube patterning" => cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000299, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000063])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021904 using "dorsal ventral neural tube patterning" => cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000299, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000298])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021904 using "dorsal ventral neural tube patterning" => cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(XAO:0000298, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000068])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021904 using "dorsal ventral neural tube patterning" => cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(XAO:0000299, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000063])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021904 using "dorsal ventral neural tube patterning" => cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(XAO:0000299, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000298])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021904 using "dorsal ventral neural tube patterning" => cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0000298, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000068])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021904 using "dorsal ventral neural tube patterning" => cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0000299, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000063])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021904 using "dorsal ventral neural tube patterning" => cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0000299, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000298])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021904 using "dorsal ventral neural tube patterning" => cdef(cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001196]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001233]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0021904 using "dorsal ventral neural tube patterning" => cdef(cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000299]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001233]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0021904 using "dorsal ventral neural tube patterning" => cdef(cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000299]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001233]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0021904 using "dorsal ventral neural tube patterning" => cdef(cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000299]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001233]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the neural tube is regionalized in the dorsoventral axis."
! PROPOSED:  neural tube patterning that OBO_REL:unfolds_in cdef(XAO:0000299, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000298]) [cdef(GO:0021532, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0000299, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000298])])]
id: GO:0021904 ! dorsoventral neural tube patterning
intersection_of: GO:0021532 ! neural tube patterning
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in _:cdef__XAO_0000299_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000298___

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021904: 18.83
! parsing: GO:0021905
! No parse for: GO:0021905 forebrain-midbrain boundary formation
! parsing: GO:0021906
! No parse for: GO:0021906 hindbrain-spinal cord boundary formation
! parsing: GO:0021919
! No parse for: GO:0021919 BMP signaling pathway in spinal cord dorsal-ventral patterning
! parsing: GO:0021927
! parse: GO:0021927 using "deep nuclear neuron precursor proliferation" => cdef(cdef(cdef(GO:0008283, [OBO_REL:increases_population_size_of=cdef(CL:0000000, [OBO_REL:develops_into=CL:0000540])]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001666]) [-7]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The multiplication or reproduction of neuroblasts that will give rise to deep nuclear neurons."
! PROPOSED:  cdef(cdef(GO:0008283, [OBO_REL:increases_population_size_of=cdef(CL:0000000, [OBO_REL:develops_into=CL:0000540])]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=GO:0005634]) that OBO_REL:has_quality deep [cdef(cdef(cdef(GO:0008283, [OBO_REL:increases_population_size_of=cdef(CL:0000000, [OBO_REL:develops_into=CL:0000540])]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001666])]
id: GO:0021927 ! deep nuclear neuron precursor proliferation
intersection_of: _:nerve_cell_precursor_proliferation_in_the_nucleus
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0001666 ! deep

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021927: 14.44
! parsing: GO:0021932
! No parse for: GO:0021932 hindbrain radial glia guided cell migration
! parsing: GO:0021934
! No parse for: GO:0021934 hindbrain tangential cell migration
! parsing: GO:0021944
! No parse for: GO:0021944 neuronal-glial interaction involved in hindbrain glial-mediated radial cell migration
! parsing: GO:0021946
! parse: GO:0021946 using "deep nuclear neuron cell migration" => cdef(cdef(cdef(GO:0016477, [OBO_REL:results_in_movement_of=CL:0000540]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001666]) [-6]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The directed movement of deep nuclear neurons from the ventricular zone to the deep hindbrain nuclei."
! PROPOSED:  cdef(cdef(GO:0016477, [OBO_REL:results_in_movement_of=CL:0000540]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=GO:0005634]) that OBO_REL:has_quality deep [cdef(cdef(cdef(GO:0016477, [OBO_REL:results_in_movement_of=CL:0000540]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001666])]
id: GO:0021946 ! deep nuclear neuron cell migration
intersection_of: _:nerve_cell_cell_migration_in_the_nucleus
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0001666 ! deep

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021946: 29.16
! parsing: GO:0021949
! No parse for: GO:0021949 brainstem precerebellar neuron precursor migration
! parsing: GO:0021952
! parse: GO:0021952 using "central nervous system projection neuron axonogenesis" => cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(CL:0000598, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000215])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021952 using "central nervous system projection neuron axonogenesis" => cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(cdef(CL:0000598, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000177]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-5]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Generation of a long process of a CNS neuron, that carries efferent (outgoing) action potentials from the cell body towards target cells in a different central nervous system region."
! PROPOSED:  axonogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of cdef(CL:0000598, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000215]) [cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(CL:0000598, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000215])])]
id: GO:0021952 ! central nervous system projection neuron axonogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0007409 ! axonogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of _:cdef__CL_0000598_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000215___

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021952: 3.82
! parsing: GO:0021953
! parse: GO:0021953 using "central nervous system neuron differentiation" => cdef(GO:0030182, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021953 using "central nervous system neuron differentiation" => cdef(GO:0030182, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuron whose cell body resides in the central nervous system."
! PROPOSED:  neuron differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of central nervous system [cdef(GO:0030182, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215])]
id: GO:0021953 ! central nervous system neuron differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0030182 ! neuron differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021953: 7.17
! parsing: GO:0021954
! parse: GO:0021954 using "central nervous system neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(CL:0000540, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000215])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021954 using "central nervous system neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0003023, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000215])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021954 using "central nervous system neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(cdef(CL:0000540, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000177]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0021954 using "central nervous system neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(cdef(XAO:0003023, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000177]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0021954 using "central nervous system neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000540, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000215]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021954 using "central nervous system neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000540, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0021954 using "central nervous system neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003023, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000215]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021954 using "central nervous system neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003023, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a neuron whose cell body is located in the central nervous system, from initial commitment of the cell to a neuronal fate, to the fully functional differentiated neuron."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of neuron and OBO_REL:unfolds_in central nervous system [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003023, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000215])]
id: GO:0021954 ! central nervous system neuron development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003023 ! neuron
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021954: 5.75
! parsing: GO:0021955
! parse: GO:0021955 using "central nervous system neuron axonogenesis" => cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(CL:0000540, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000215])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021955 using "central nervous system neuron axonogenesis" => cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0003023, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000215])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021955 using "central nervous system neuron axonogenesis" => cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(cdef(CL:0000540, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000177]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0021955 using "central nervous system neuron axonogenesis" => cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(cdef(XAO:0003023, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000177]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-5]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Generation of a long process from a neuron whose cell body resides in the central nervous system. The process carries efferent (outgoing) action potentials from the cell body towards target cells."
! PROPOSED:  axonogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of cdef(XAO:0003023, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000215]) [cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0003023, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000215])])]
id: GO:0021955 ! central nervous system neuron axonogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0007409 ! axonogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of _:cdef__XAO_0003023_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000215___

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021955: 5.24
! parsing: GO:0021956
! parse: GO:0021956 using "central nervous system interneuron axonogenesis" => cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(CL:0000099, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000215])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021956 using "central nervous system interneuron axonogenesis" => cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(cdef(CL:0000099, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000177]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-5]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Generation of a long process that carries efferent (outgoing) action potentials from the cell body towards target cells from a neuron located in the central nervous system whose axons remain within a single brain region."
! PROPOSED:  axonogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of cdef(CL:0000099, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000215]) [cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(CL:0000099, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000215])])]
id: GO:0021956 ! central nervous system interneuron axonogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0007409 ! axonogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of _:cdef__CL_0000099_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000215___

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021956: 3.82
! parsing: GO:0021960
! No parse for: GO:0021960 anterior commissure morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0021961
! No parse for: GO:0021961 posterior commissure morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0021962
! No parse for: GO:0021962 vestibulospinal tract morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0021963
! No parse for: GO:0021963 spinothalamic tract morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0021965
! No parse for: GO:0021965 spinal cord ventral commissure morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0021978
! parse: GO:0021978 using "telencephalon regionalization" => cdef(GO:0003002, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000012]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021978 using "telencephalon regionalization" => cdef(GO:0003002, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000012]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021978 using "telencephalon regionalization" => cdef(GO:0003002, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000012]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The regionalization process that creates areas within the forebrain that will direct the behavior of cell migration in differentiation as the telencephalon develops."
! PROPOSED:  regionalization that OBO_REL:unfolds_in telencephalon [cdef(GO:0003002, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000012])]
id: GO:0021978 ! telencephalon regionalization
intersection_of: GO:0003002 ! regionalization
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000012 ! telencephalon

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021978: 2.16
! parsing: GO:0021982
! parse: GO:0021982 using "pineal gland development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000160]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The progression of the pineal gland over time from its initial formation until its mature state. The pineal gland is an endocrine gland that secretes melatonin and is involved in circadian rhythms."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of pineal gland [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000160])]
id: GO:0021982 ! pineal gland development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000160 ! pineal gland

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021982: 3.08
! parsing: GO:0021983
! parse: GO:0021983 using "pituitary gland development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000161]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The progression of the pituitary gland over time from its initial formation until its mature state. The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland that secretes hormones that regulate many other glands."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of pituitary gland [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000161])]
id: GO:0021983 ! pituitary gland development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000161 ! pituitary gland

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021983: 1.88
! parsing: GO:0021984
! parse: GO:0021984 using "anterior pituitary gland development" => cdef(GO:0021983, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021984 using "anterior pituitary gland development" => cdef(GO:0021983, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021984 using "anterior pituitary gland development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000055])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021984 using "anterior pituitary gland development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021984 using "anterior pituitary gland development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000161, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003056]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021984 using "anterior pituitary gland development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000161]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The progression of the adenohypophysis over time from its initial formation until its mature state. The adenohypophysis is the anterior part of the pituitary. It secretes a variety of hormones and its function is regulated by the hypothalamus."
! PROPOSED:  pituitary gland development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of anterior [cdef(GO:0021983, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0021984 ! adenohypophysis development
intersection_of: GO:0021983 ! pituitary gland development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021984: 9.55
! parsing: GO:0021985
! parse: GO:0021985 using "posterior pituitary gland development" => cdef(GO:0021983, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021985 using "posterior pituitary gland development" => cdef(GO:0021983, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021985 using "posterior pituitary gland development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021985 using "posterior pituitary gland development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003057])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021985 using "posterior pituitary gland development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000161, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003057]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0021985 using "posterior pituitary gland development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000161]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The progression of the neurohypophysis over time from its initial formation until its mature state. The neurohypophysis is the part of the pituitary gland that secretes hormones involved in blood pressure regulation."
! PROPOSED:  pituitary gland development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of posterior [cdef(GO:0021983, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0021985 ! neurohypophysis development
intersection_of: GO:0021983 ! pituitary gland development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021985: 8.43
! parsing: GO:0021990
! parse: GO:0021990 using "neural plate formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000249]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0021990 using "neural plate formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000249]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The formation of the flat, thickened layer of ectodermal cells known as the neural plate. The underlying dorsal mesoderm signals the ectodermal cells above it to elongate into columnar neural plate cells. The neural plate subsequently develops into the neural tube, which gives rise to the central nervous system."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of neural plate [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000249])]
id: GO:0021990 ! neural plate formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000249 ! neural plate

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021990: 8.98
! parsing: GO:0021991
! No parse for: GO:0021991 neural plate thickening
! parsing: GO:0021997
! parse: GO:0021997 using "neural plate pattern formation" => cdef(GO:0007389, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000249]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The pattern specification process whereby the axes of the nervous system are established."
! PROPOSED:  pattern specification process that OBO_REL:unfolds_in neural plate [cdef(GO:0007389, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000249])]
id: GO:0021997 ! neural plate pattern formation
intersection_of: GO:0007389 ! pattern specification process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000249 ! neural plate

! seconds spent parsing GO:0021997: 8.78
! parsing: GO:0021998
! No parse for: GO:0021998 neural plate mediolateral pattern formation
! parsing: GO:0021999
! No parse for: GO:0021999 neural plate anterioposterior pattern formation
! parsing: GO:0022000
! No parse for: GO:0022000 forebrain induction by the anterior neural ridge
! parsing: GO:0022008
! parse: GO:0022008 using "nervous system cell generation" => cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(CL:0000000, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000177])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0022008 using "nervous system cell generation" => cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0003012, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000177])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Generation of cells within the nervous system."
! PROPOSED:  biological_process that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of cdef(XAO:0003012, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000177]) [cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0003012, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000177])])]
id: GO:0022008 ! neurogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of _:cdef__XAO_0003012_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000177___

! seconds spent parsing GO:0022008: 10.23
! parsing: GO:0022009
! parse: GO:0022009 using "central nervous system vasculogenesis" => cdef(GO:0001570, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0022009 using "central nervous system vasculogenesis" => cdef(GO:0001570, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The differentiation of endothelial cells from progenitor cells during blood vessel development, and the de novo formation of blood vessels and tubes in the central nervous system. The capillary endothelial cells in the brain are specialized to form the blood-brain barrier."
! PROPOSED:  vasculogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of central nervous system [cdef(GO:0001570, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215])]
id: GO:0022009 ! central nervous system vasculogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0001570 ! vasculogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0022009: 3.28
! parsing: GO:0022010
! parse: GO:0022010 using "myelination in the central nervous system" => cdef(GO:0042552, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0022010 using "myelination in the central nervous system" => cdef(GO:0042552, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby neuronal axons and dendrites become coated with a segmented lipid-rich sheath (myelin) to enable faster and more energetically efficient conduction of electrical impulses. The sheath is formed by the cell membranes of oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system. Adjacent myelin segments are separated by a non-myelinated stretch of axon called a node of Ranvier."
! PROPOSED:  myelination that OBO_REL:unfolds_in central nervous system [cdef(GO:0042552, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000215])]
id: GO:0022010 ! myelination in the central nervous system
intersection_of: GO:0042552 ! myelination
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0022010: 5.02
! parsing: GO:0022011
! parse: GO:0022011 using "myelination in the peripheral nervous system" => cdef(GO:0042552, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000178]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby neuronal axons and dendrites become coated with a segmented lipid-rich sheath (myelin) to enable faster and more energetically efficient conduction of electrical impulses. The sheath is formed by the cell membranes of Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system. Adjacent myelin segments are separated by a non-myelinated stretch of axon called a node of Ranvier."
! PROPOSED:  myelination that OBO_REL:unfolds_in peripheral nervous system [cdef(GO:0042552, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000178])]
id: GO:0022011 ! myelination in the peripheral nervous system
intersection_of: GO:0042552 ! myelination
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000178 ! peripheral nervous system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0022011: 3.84
! parsing: GO:0022018
! No parse for: GO:0022018 lateral ganglionic eminence cell proliferation
! parsing: GO:0022019
! parse: GO:0022019 using "dorsal lateral ganglionic eminence cell proliferation" => cdef(GO:0022018, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001233]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The multiplication or reproduction of dorsal lateral ganglionic eminence cells, resulting in the expansion of the cell population."
! PROPOSED:  lateral ganglionic eminence cell proliferation that OBO_REL:has_quality dorsal to [cdef(GO:0022018, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001233])]
id: GO:0022019 ! dorsal lateral ganglionic eminence cell proliferation
intersection_of: GO:0022018 ! lateral ganglionic eminence cell proliferation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0001233 ! dorsal to
synonym: "dorsal to lateral ganglionic eminence cell proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "superior to lateral ganglionic eminence cell proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0022019: 6.03
! parsing: GO:0022029
! No parse for: GO:0022029 telencephalon cell migration
! parsing: GO:0022030
! No parse for: GO:0022030 telencephalon glial cell migration
! parsing: GO:0022031
! No parse for: GO:0022031 telencephalon astrocyte cell migration
! parsing: GO:0022032
! No parse for: GO:0022032 telencephalon oligodendrocyte cell migration
! parsing: GO:0022033
! No parse for: GO:0022033 telencephalon microglial cell migration
! parsing: GO:0030049
! No parse for: GO:0030049 muscle filament sliding
! parsing: GO:0030157
! No parse for: GO:0030157 pancreatic juice secretion
! parsing: GO:0030240
! No parse for: GO:0030240 muscle thin filament assembly
! parsing: GO:0030241
! No parse for: GO:0030241 muscle thick filament assembly
! parsing: GO:0030282
! parse: GO:0030282 using "bone mineralization" => cdef(GO:0031214, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000169]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The deposition of calcium phosphate in bone tissue."
! PROPOSED:  biomineral formation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of bone [cdef(GO:0031214, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000169])]
id: GO:0030282 ! bone mineralization
intersection_of: GO:0031214 ! biomineral formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000169 ! bone

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030282: 2.22
! parsing: GO:0030324
! parse: GO:0030324 using "lung development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000119]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the lung over time, from its formation to the mature structure. In all air-breathing vertebrates the lungs are developed from the ventral wall of the oesophagus as a pouch which divides into two sacs. In amphibians and many reptiles the lungs retain very nearly this primitive sac-like character, but in the higher forms the connection with the oesophagus becomes elongated into the windpipe and the inner walls of the sacs become more and more divided, until, in the mammals, the air spaces become minutely divided into tubes ending in small air cells, in the walls of which the blood circulates in a fine network of capillaries. In mammals the lungs are more or less divided into lobes, and each lung occupies a separate cavity in the thorax."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of lung [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000119])]
id: GO:0030324 ! lung development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000119 ! lung

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030324: 1.85
! parsing: GO:0030325
! parse: GO:0030325 using "adrenal gland development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000164]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the adrenal gland over time, from its formation to the mature structure. This gland can either be a discrete structure located bilaterally above each kidney, or a cluster of cells in the head kidney that perform the functions of the adrenal gland. In either case, this organ consists of two cells types, aminergic chromaffin cells and steroidogenic cortical cells."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of adrenal gland [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000164])]
id: GO:0030325 ! adrenal gland development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000164 ! adrenal gland

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030325: 1.85
! parsing: GO:0030509
! No parse for: GO:0030509 BMP signaling pathway
! parsing: GO:0030539
! parse: GO:0030539 using "male genital development" => cdef(GO:0048806, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000384]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0030539 using "male genitalia development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000155]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0030539 using "male genitalia development" => cdef(GO:0048806, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000384]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the male genitalia over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  genitalia development that OBO_REL:has_quality male [cdef(GO:0048806, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000384])]
id: GO:0030539 ! male genitalia development
intersection_of: GO:0048806 ! genitalia development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000384 ! male

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030539: 6.32
! parsing: GO:0030540
! parse: GO:0030540 using "female genital development" => cdef(GO:0048806, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000383]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0030540 using "female genitalia development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000156]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0030540 using "female genitalia development" => cdef(GO:0048806, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000383]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the female genitalia over time, from formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  genitalia development that OBO_REL:has_quality female [cdef(GO:0048806, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000383])]
id: GO:0030540 ! female genitalia development
intersection_of: GO:0048806 ! genitalia development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000383 ! female

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030540: 3.76
! parsing: GO:0030704
! parse: GO:0030704 using "vitelline membrane formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000030]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0030704 using "vitelline membrane formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000030]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Construction of the vitelline membrane portion of the egg shell, a rigid structure required to maintain the shape of the egg."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of vitelline membrane [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000030])]
id: GO:0030704 ! vitelline membrane formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000030 ! vitelline membrane

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030704: 2.01
! parsing: GO:0030706
! No parse for: GO:0030706 germarium-derived oocyte differentiation
! parsing: GO:0030707
! parse: GO:0030707 using "ovarian follicle cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(CL:0000477, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000258])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0030707 using "ovarian follicle cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000230, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000258])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0030707 using "ovarian follicle cell development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=CL:0000477]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0030707 using "ovarian follicle cell development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000230]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that occurs during oogenesis involving the ovarian follicle cells, somatic cells which surround the germ cells of an ovary."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of cdef(XAO:0000230, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000258]) [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000230, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000258])])]
id: GO:0030707 ! ovarian follicle cell development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of _:cdef__XAO_0000230_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000258___
synonym: "ovarie follicle cell development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovaries follicle cell development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030707: 19.33
! parsing: GO:0030713
! No parse for: GO:0030713 ovarian follicle cell stalk formation
! parsing: GO:0030714
! No parse for: GO:0030714 anterior/posterior axis determination, follicular epithelium
! parsing: GO:0030715
! No parse for: GO:0030715 oocyte growth in germarium-derived egg chamber
! parsing: GO:0030720
! parse: GO:0030720 using "oocyte localization during germarium-derived egg chamber formation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051179, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=GO:0007293]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0030720 using "oocyte localization during germarium-derived egg chamber formation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051179, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=GO:0007293]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0030720 using "oogenesis, oocyte localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051179, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0048477]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0030720 using "oogenesis, oocyte localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051179, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0048477]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Directed movement of the oocyte, following its specification, from its original central position in the cyst to a posterior position relative to the nurse cells of the egg chamber, and its maintenance in this posterior location. This is the first sign of anterior-posterior asymmetry in the developing egg chamber."
! PROPOSED:  cdef(GO:0051179, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]) that OBO_REL:part_of oogenesis [cdef(cdef(GO:0051179, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0048477])]
id: GO:0030720 ! oocyte localization during germarium-derived egg chamber formation
intersection_of: _:cdef__GO_0051179_____OBO_REL_results_in_localization_of___XAO_0000256___
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of GO:0048477 ! oogenesis
synonym: "egg development,  oocyte localization" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovum cell development,  oocyte localization" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovum development,  oocyte localization" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030720: 15.82
! parsing: GO:0030723
! parse: GO:0030723 using "ovarian fusome organisation and biogenesis" => cdef(GO:0045478, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0030723 using "ovarian fusome organization and biogenesis" => cdef(GO:0016043, [OBO_REL:results_in_structural_change_to=cdef(GO:0045169, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000258])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0030723 using "ovarian fusome organization and biogenesis" => cdef(GO:0045478, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0030723 using "ovarian fusome organization and biogenesis" => cdef(cdef(GO:0016043, [OBO_REL:results_in_structural_change_to=GO:0045169]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the formation, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of the fusome of ovarian cells, an organelle derived from the spectrosome. It anchors the mitotic spindle pole to provide orientation during cystoblast cell divisions."
! PROPOSED:  fusome organization and biogenesis that OBO_REL:unfolds_in ovary [cdef(GO:0045478, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000258])]
id: GO:0030723 ! ovarian fusome organization and biogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0045478 ! fusome organization and biogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000258 ! ovary
synonym: "ovarie fusome organisation and biogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovarie fusome organization and biogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovaries fusome organisation and biogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovaries fusome organization and biogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030723: 16.24
! parsing: GO:0030724
! No parse for: GO:0030724 testicular fusome organization and biogenesis
! parsing: GO:0030726
! No parse for: GO:0030726 testicular ring canal formation
! parsing: GO:0030878
! parse: GO:0030878 using "thyroid gland development" => cdef(GO:0048732, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000162]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the thyroid gland over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The thyroid gland is an endoderm-derived gland that produces thyroid hormone."
! PROPOSED:  gland development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of thyroid [cdef(GO:0048732, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000162])]
id: GO:0030878 ! thyroid gland development
intersection_of: GO:0048732 ! gland development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000162 ! thyroid

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030878: 2.06
! parsing: GO:0030900
! parse: GO:0030900 using "forebrain development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the forebrain over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The forebrain is the anterior of the three primary divisions of the developing chordate brain or the corresponding part of the adult brain (in vertebrates, includes especially the cerebral hemispheres, the thalamus, and the hypothalamus and especially in higher vertebrates is the main control center for sensory and associative information processing, visceral functions, and voluntary motor functions)."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of forebrain [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000011])]
id: GO:0030900 ! forebrain development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000011 ! forebrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030900: 2.89
! parsing: GO:0030901
! parse: GO:0030901 using "midbrain development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000014]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the midbrain over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The midbrain is the middle division of the three primary divisions of the developing chordate brain or the corresponding part of the adult brain (in vertebrates, includes a ventral part containing the cerebral peduncles and a dorsal tectum containing the corpora quadrigemina and that surrounds the aqueduct of Sylvius connecting the third and fourth ventricles)."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of midbrain [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000014])]
id: GO:0030901 ! midbrain development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000014 ! midbrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030901: 2.85
! parsing: GO:0030902
! parse: GO:0030902 using "hindbrain development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000015]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the hindbrain over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The hindbrain is the posterior of the three primary divisions of the developing chordate brain, or the corresponding part of the adult brain (in vertebrates, includes the cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata and controls the autonomic functions and equilibrium)."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of hindbrain [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000015])]
id: GO:0030902 ! hindbrain development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000015 ! hindbrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030902: 2.85
! parsing: GO:0030903
! parse: GO:0030903 using "notochord development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000055]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the notochord over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The notochord is a mesoderm-derived structure located ventral of the developing nerve cord. In vertebrates, the notochord serves as a core around which other mesodermal cells form the vertebrae. In the most primitive chordates, which lack vertebrae, the notochord persists as a substitute for a vertebral column."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of notochord [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000055])]
id: GO:0030903 ! notochord development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000055 ! notochord

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030903: 1.73
! parsing: GO:0030910
! parse: GO:0030910 using "olfactory placode formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000005]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0030910 using "olfactory placode formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000005]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The formation of a thickening of the neural ectoderm in the head region of the vertebrate embryo which develops into the olfactory region of the nasal cavity."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of olfactory placode [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000005])]
id: GO:0030910 ! olfactory placode formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000005 ! olfactory placode

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030910: 2.02
! parsing: GO:0030916
! No parse for: GO:0030916 otic vesicle formation
! parsing: GO:0030917
! parse: GO:0030917 using "MHB development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000016]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0030917 using "midbrain-hindbrain boundary development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000016]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The midbrain-hindbrain domain of the embryonic brain is comprised of the mesencephalic vesicle and the first rhombencephalic vesicle at early somitogenesis stages."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of midbrain-hindbrain boundary [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000016])]
id: GO:0030917 ! midbrain-hindbrain boundary development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000016 ! midbrain-hindbrain boundary

! seconds spent parsing GO:0030917: 10.31
! parsing: GO:0031016
! parse: GO:0031016 using "pancreas development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000136]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the pancreas over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The pancreas is an endoderm derived structure that produces precursors of digestive enzymes and blood glucose regulating enzymes."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of pancreas [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000136])]
id: GO:0031016 ! pancreas development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000136 ! pancreas

! seconds spent parsing GO:0031016: 1.84
! parsing: GO:0031017
! parse: GO:0031017 using "exocrine pancreas development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000137]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the exocrine pancreas over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The exocrine pancreas produces and store zymogens of digestive enzymes, such as chymotrypsinogen and trypsinogen in the acinar cells."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of exocrine pancreas [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000137])]
id: GO:0031017 ! exocrine pancreas development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000137 ! exocrine pancreas

! seconds spent parsing GO:0031017: 1.74
! parsing: GO:0031018
! No parse for: GO:0031018 endocrine pancreas development
! parsing: GO:0031100
! No parse for: GO:0031100 organ regeneration
! parsing: GO:0031271
! parse: GO:0031271 using "lateral pseudopodium formation" => cdef(GO:0031269, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0031271 using "lateral pseudopodium formation" => cdef(GO:0031269, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0031271 using "lateral pseudopodium formation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=GO:0031143]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0031271 using "lateral pseudopodium formation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=GO:0031143]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The extension of a pseudopodium from the lateral area of a cell."
! PROPOSED:  pseudopodium formation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of lateral [cdef(GO:0031269, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304])]
id: GO:0031271 ! lateral pseudopodium formation
intersection_of: GO:0031269 ! pseudopodium formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000304 ! lateral

! seconds spent parsing GO:0031271: 5.31
! parsing: GO:0031388
! No parse for: GO:0031388 organic acid phosphorylation
! parsing: GO:0031547
! No parse for: GO:0031547 brain-derived neurotrophic factor receptor signaling pathway
! parsing: GO:0032455
! No parse for: GO:0032455 nerve growth factor processing
! parsing: GO:0032501
! No parse for: GO:0032501 multicellular organismal process
! parsing: GO:0032525
! parse: GO:0032525 using "somite rostral/caudal axis specification" => cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000058, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000013])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0032525 using "somite rostral/caudal axis specification" => cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(XAO:0000058, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000013])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0032525 using "somite rostral/caudal axis specification" => cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0000058, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000013])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The establishment, maintenance and elaboration of the rostro-caudal axis of a somite, prior to the morphological formation of a somite boundary."
! PROPOSED:  axis specification that OBO_REL:unfolds_in cdef(XAO:0000058, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000013]) [cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0000058, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000013])])]
id: GO:0032525 ! somite rostral/caudal axis specification
intersection_of: GO:0009798 ! axis specification
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in _:cdef__XAO_0000058_____OBO_REL_has_quality___BSPO_0000013___

! seconds spent parsing GO:0032525: 5.18
! parsing: GO:0032601
! No parse for: GO:0032601 connective tissue growth factor production
! parsing: GO:0032835
! parse: GO:0032835 using "glomerulus development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000146]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The progression of the glomerulus over time from its initial formation until its mature state. The glomerulus is a capillary tuft surrounded by Bowman's capsule in nephrons of the vertebrate kidney."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of glomerulus [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000146])]
id: GO:0032835 ! glomerulus development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000146 ! glomerulus

! seconds spent parsing GO:0032835: 2.9
! parsing: GO:0032836
! No parse for: GO:0032836 glomerular basement membrane development
! parsing: GO:0032902
! No parse for: GO:0032902 nerve growth factor production
! parsing: GO:0033337
! parse: GO:0033337 using "dorsal fin development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000469]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0033337 using "dorsal fin development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000002, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000063])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0033337 using "dorsal fin development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000002, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000298])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0033337 using "dorsal fin development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000002, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000298]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0033337 using "dorsal fin development" => cdef(GO:0033333, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001233]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0033337 using "dorsal fin development" => cdef(GO:0033333, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000298]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0033337 using "dorsal fin development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000002]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001233]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the dorsal fin over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  fin development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of dorsal [cdef(GO:0033333, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000298])]
id: GO:0033337 ! dorsal fin development
intersection_of: GO:0033333 ! fin development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000298 ! dorsal

! seconds spent parsing GO:0033337: 5.89
! parsing: GO:0033504
! parse: GO:0033504 using "floor plate development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000306]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The progression of the floor plate over time from its initial formation until its mature state."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of floor plate [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000306])]
id: GO:0033504 ! floor plate development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000306 ! floor plate
synonym: "floorplate development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0033504: 1.73
! parsing: GO:0033505
! parse: GO:0033505 using "floor plate morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000306]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structure of the floor plate is generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of floor plate [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000306])]
id: GO:0033505 ! floor plate morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000306 ! floor plate
synonym: "anatomical structure morphogenesis of a floorplate" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "anatomical structure morphogenesis of an floorplate" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "anatomical structure morphogenesis of the floorplate" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "floorplate anatomical structure morphogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "floorplate morphogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "morphogenesis of a floorplate" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "morphogenesis of an floorplate" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "morphogenesis of the floorplate" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0033505: 1.99
! parsing: GO:0033561
! No parse for: GO:0033561 regulation of water loss via skin
! parsing: GO:0033563
! No parse for: GO:0033563 dorsal/ventral axon guidance
! parsing: GO:0033564
! No parse for: GO:0033564 anterior/posterior axon guidance
! parsing: GO:0035001
! No parse for: GO:0035001 dorsal trunk growth, open tracheal system
! parsing: GO:0035002
! No parse for: GO:0035002 liquid clearance, open tracheal system
! parsing: GO:0035050
! parse: GO:0035050 using "embryonic heart tube development" => cdef(GO:0035295, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000064, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000113])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035050 using "embryonic heart tube development" => cdef(GO:0035295, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000064, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:1000012])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035050 using "embryonic heart tube development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0035295, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000064]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0009790]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0035050 using "embryonic heart tube development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0035295, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000064]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000113]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0035050 using "embryonic heart tube development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0035295, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000064]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:1000012]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the embryonic heart tube over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  tube development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of cdef(XAO:0000064, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:1000012]) [cdef(GO:0035295, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000064, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:1000012])])]
id: GO:0035050 ! embryonic heart tube development
intersection_of: GO:0035295 ! tube development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of _:cdef__XAO_0000064_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_1000012___

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035050: 10.54
! parsing: GO:0035051
! No parse for: GO:0035051 cardiac cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0035052
! No parse for: GO:0035052 dorsal vessel aortic cell fate commitment
! parsing: GO:0035053
! No parse for: GO:0035053 dorsal vessel heart proper cell fate commitment
! parsing: GO:0035054
! No parse for: GO:0035054 embryonic heart tube anterior/posterior pattern formation
! parsing: GO:0035074
! No parse for: GO:0035074 pupation
! parsing: GO:0035107
! No parse for: GO:0035107 appendage morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0035108
! parse: GO:0035108 using "limb morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003027]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of limb are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. A limb is an appendage of an animal used for locomotion or grasping. For example a leg, arm or some types of fin."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of limb [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003027])]
id: GO:0035108 ! limb morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003027 ! limb

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035108: 1.98
! parsing: GO:0035109
! No parse for: GO:0035109 imaginal disc-derived limb morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0035114
! No parse for: GO:0035114 imaginal disc-derived appendage morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0035121
! parse: GO:0035121 using "tail morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003026]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the tail are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The tail is the hindmost part of some animals."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of tail [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003026])]
id: GO:0035121 ! tail morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003026 ! tail

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035121: 1.99
! parsing: GO:0035136
! parse: GO:0035136 using "forelimb morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003030]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the forelimb are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of forelimb [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003030])]
id: GO:0035136 ! forelimb morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003030 ! forelimb

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035136: 2.0
! parsing: GO:0035137
! parse: GO:0035137 using "hindlimb morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003031]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the hindlimb are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of hindlimb [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003031])]
id: GO:0035137 ! hindlimb morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003031 ! hindlimb

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035137: 1.98
! parsing: GO:0035142
! parse: GO:0035142 using "dorsal fin morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000469]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035142 using "dorsal fin morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000002, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000063])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035142 using "dorsal fin morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000002, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000298])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035142 using "dorsal fin morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0033334, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001233]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035142 using "dorsal fin morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0033334, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000298]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035142 using "dorsal fin morphogenesis" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000002]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001233]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the dorsal fin are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. A dorsal fin is an unpaired medial fin on the dorsal aspect of fish that provides lateral stability while swimming. Generally fish have one or two dorsal fins."
! PROPOSED:  fin morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of dorsal [cdef(GO:0033334, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000298])]
id: GO:0035142 ! dorsal fin morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0033334 ! fin morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000298 ! dorsal

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035142: 6.84
! parsing: GO:0035147
! No parse for: GO:0035147 branch fusion, open tracheal system
! parsing: GO:0035149
! parse: GO:0035149 using "tracheal lumen formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(GO:0044464, [OBO_REL:surrounded_by=XAO:0000118])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035149 using "tracheal lumen formation" => cdef(GO:0035148, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000118]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035149 using "tracheal lumen formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(GO:0044464, [OBO_REL:surrounded_by=XAO:0000118])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Creation of the central hole of a tube in an open tracheal system through which gases flow."
! PROPOSED:  lumen formation that OBO_REL:unfolds_in trachea [cdef(GO:0035148, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000118])]
id: GO:0035149 ! lumen formation, open tracheal system
intersection_of: GO:0035148 ! lumen formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000118 ! trachea
synonym: "tracheal lumen formation in an anatomical structure" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035149: 9.33
! parsing: GO:0035153
! No parse for: GO:0035153 epithelial cell type specification, open tracheal system
! parsing: GO:0035158
! No parse for: GO:0035158 regulation of tube diameter, open tracheal system
! parsing: GO:0035159
! No parse for: GO:0035159 regulation of tube length, open tracheal system
! parsing: GO:0035193
! parse: GO:0035193 using "CNS metamorphosis" => cdef(GO:0007552, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035193 using "central nervous system metamorphosis" => cdef(GO:0007552, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035193 using "central nervous system metamorphosis" => cdef(GO:0007552, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035193 using "larval central nervous system remodeling" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_remodeling_of=XAO:0000215]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001185]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0035193 using "larval central nervous system remodeling" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_remodeling_of=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001185]) [-5]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Reorganization of the pre-existing, functional larval central nervous system into one that can serve the novel behavioral needs of the adult."
! PROPOSED:  metamorphosis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of central nervous system [cdef(GO:0007552, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215])]
id: GO:0035193 ! larval central nervous system remodeling
intersection_of: GO:0007552 ! metamorphosis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system
synonym: "metamorphosis of a central nervous system" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "metamorphosis of an central nervous system" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "metamorphosis of the central nervous system" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035193: 14.03
! parsing: GO:0035202
! No parse for: GO:0035202 sac formation, open tracheal system
! parsing: GO:0035214
! No parse for: GO:0035214 eye-antennal disc development
! parsing: GO:0035265
! No parse for: GO:0035265 organ growth
! parsing: GO:0035270
! parse: GO:0035270 using "endocrine system development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000158]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Progression of the endocrine system over time, from its formation to a mature structure. The endocrine system is a system of hormones and ductless glands, where the glands release hormones directly into the blood, lymph or other intercellular fluid, and the hormones circulate within the body to affect distant organs. The major glands that make up the human endocrine system are the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathryoids, adrenals, pineal body, and the reproductive glands which include the ovaries and testes."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of endocrine system [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000158])]
id: GO:0035270 ! endocrine system development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000158 ! endocrine system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035270: 1.83
! parsing: GO:0035283
! parse: GO:0035283 using "central nervous system segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035283 using "central nervous system segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035283 using "central nervous system segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035283 using "central nervous system segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035283 using "central nervous system segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000215]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035283 using "central nervous system segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0000177, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000059])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Division of the central nervous system into a series of semi-repetitive parts or segments."
! PROPOSED:  segmentation that OBO_REL:unfolds_in central nervous system [cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000215])]
id: GO:0035283 ! central nervous system segmentation
intersection_of: GO:0035282 ! segmentation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system
synonym: "segmentation in central nervous system" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "segmentation in the central nervous system" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "segmentation through the central nervous system" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035283: 3.24
! parsing: GO:0035284
! parse: GO:0035284 using "brain segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000010]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035284 using "brain segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000010]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035284 using "brain segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000010]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Division of the brain into a series of semi-repetitive parts or segments."
! PROPOSED:  segmentation that OBO_REL:unfolds_in brain [cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000010])]
id: GO:0035284 ! brain segmentation
intersection_of: GO:0035282 ! segmentation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000010 ! brain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035284: 2.15
! parsing: GO:0035285
! No parse for: GO:0035285 appendage segmentation
! parsing: GO:0035287
! parse: GO:0035287 using "head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003024]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035287 using "head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0003024]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035287 using "head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003024]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Partitioning the head anlage into a fixed number of segmental units. The number of segments composing the insect head has long been a subject of debate, but it is generally agreed that there are 6 or 7 segments. From anterior to posterior the head segments are the procephalic segments (labral, (ocular), antennal and intercalary) and the gnathal segments (mandibular, maxillary and labial)."
! PROPOSED:  segmentation that OBO_REL:unfolds_in head [cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003024])]
id: GO:0035287 ! head segmentation
intersection_of: GO:0035282 ! segmentation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0003024 ! head
synonym: "segmentation in head" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "segmentation in the head" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "segmentation through the head" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035287: 2.01
! parsing: GO:0035288
! parse: GO:0035288 using "anterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0003024, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000055])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035288 using "anterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0003024, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035288 using "anterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(XAO:0003024, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000055])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035288 using "anterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(XAO:0003024, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035288 using "anterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0003024, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000055])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035288 using "anterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0003024, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035288 using "anterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035287, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035288 using "anterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035287, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035288 using "anterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035287, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035288 using "anterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035287, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035288 using "anterior head segmentation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003024]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0035288 using "anterior head segmentation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0003024]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0035288 using "anterior head segmentation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003024]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Partitioning the head anlage into procephalic (labral, (ocular), antennal and intercalary) segments. The procephalic segments lie anterior to the gnathal (posterior head) segments, and are pattered by different segmentation gene cascades to the abdominal, thoracic and posterior head (gnathal) segments."
! PROPOSED:  head segmentation that OBO_REL:unfolds_in anterior [cdef(GO:0035287, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0035288 ! anterior head segmentation
intersection_of: GO:0035287 ! head segmentation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035288: 4.19
! parsing: GO:0035289
! parse: GO:0035289 using "posterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0003024, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035289 using "posterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0003024, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003057])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035289 using "posterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(XAO:0003024, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035289 using "posterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=cdef(XAO:0003024, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003057])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035289 using "posterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0003024, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035289 using "posterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=cdef(XAO:0003024, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003057])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0035289 using "posterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035287, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035289 using "posterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035287, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035289 using "posterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035287, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035289 using "posterior head segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035287, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035289 using "posterior head segmentation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003024]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0035289 using "posterior head segmentation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0003024]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0035289 using "posterior head segmentation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003024]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Partitioning the posterior region of the head anlage into gnathal (mandibular, maxillary and labial) segments. Unlike the anterior head (procephalic) segments, formation of the posterior head (gnathal) segments occurs by a similar mechanism to trunk segmentation, where a cascade of gap genes, pair-rule genes and segment-polarity genes subdivide the embryo into progressively smaller domains."
! PROPOSED:  head segmentation that OBO_REL:unfolds_in posterior [cdef(GO:0035287, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0035289 ! posterior head segmentation
intersection_of: GO:0035287 ! head segmentation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035289: 3.99
! parsing: GO:0035290
! parse: GO:0035290 using "trunk segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003025]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035290 using "trunk segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0003025]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0035290 using "trunk segmentation" => cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003025]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Partitioning of the blastoderm embryo into trunk segmental units. In Drosophila, the trunk segments include thoracic segments and abdominal segments A1 to A8."
! PROPOSED:  segmentation that OBO_REL:unfolds_in trunk [cdef(GO:0035282, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003025])]
id: GO:0035290 ! trunk segmentation
intersection_of: GO:0035282 ! segmentation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0003025 ! trunk
synonym: "segmentation in the trunk" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "segmentation in trunk" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "segmentation through the trunk" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0035290: 2.01
! parsing: GO:0040016
! No parse for: GO:0040016 embryonic cleavage
! parsing: GO:0040038
! No parse for: GO:0040038 polar body extrusion after meiotic divisions
! parsing: GO:0042051
! No parse for: GO:0042051 compound eye photoreceptor development
! parsing: GO:0042070
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007309]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000023])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000023])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=CL:0000023])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000256])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007309]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000023])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000023])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=CL:0000023])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus anchoring" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000256])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=GO:0007309]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000023])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000023])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=CL:0000023])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=CL:0000023, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000256])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=GO:0007309]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000023])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000023])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=CL:0000023])]) [-6]
! parse: GO:0042070 using "oocyte nucleus anchoring during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000256])]) [-6]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Maintenance of the oocyte nucleus in a particular position within the cell during the establishment and maintenance of the axes of the oocyte."
! PROPOSED:  cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]) that OBO_REL:part_of oocyte axis determination [cdef(cdef(GO:0008150, [OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=XAO:0000256, OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of=GO:0005634]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007309])]
id: GO:0042070 ! maintenance of oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination
intersection_of: _:oocyte_nucleus_anchoring
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of GO:0007309 ! oocyte axis determination
def: "A biological process by which a oocyte and a nucleus become attached during oocyte axis determination" [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0042070: 59.59
! parsing: GO:0042403
! No parse for: GO:0042403 thyroid hormone metabolic process
! parsing: GO:0042404
! No parse for: GO:0042404 thyroid hormone catabolic process
! parsing: GO:0042441
! No parse for: GO:0042441 eye pigment metabolic process
! parsing: GO:0042472
! parse: GO:0042472 using "inner ear morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000192]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the inner ear are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The inner ear is the structure in vertebrates that contains the organs of balance and hearing. It consists of soft hollow sensory structures (the membranous labyrinth) containing fluid (endolymph) surrounded by fluid (perilymph) and encased in a bony cavity (the bony labyrinth). It consists of two chambers, the sacculus and utriculus, from which arise the cochlea and semicircular canals respectively."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of inner ear [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000192])]
id: GO:0042472 ! inner ear morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear

! seconds spent parsing GO:0042472: 2.01
! parsing: GO:0042474
! parse: GO:0042474 using "middle ear morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000191]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of middle ear are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The middle ear is the air-filled cavity within the skull of vertebrates that lies between the outer ear and the inner ear. It is linked to the pharynx (and therefore to outside air) via the Eustachian tube and in mammals contains the three ear ossicles, which transmit auditory vibrations from the outer ear (via the tympanum) to the inner ear (via the oval window)."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of middle ear [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000191])]
id: GO:0042474 ! middle ear morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000191 ! middle ear

! seconds spent parsing GO:0042474: 2.01
! parsing: GO:0042475
! No parse for: GO:0042475 odontogenesis of dentine-containing teeth
! parsing: GO:0042476
! parse: GO:0042476 using "tooth development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000431]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a tooth or teeth over time, from formation to the mature structure(s)."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of tooth [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000431])]
id: GO:0042476 ! odontogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000431 ! tooth

! seconds spent parsing GO:0042476: 5.2
! parsing: GO:0042477
! No parse for: GO:0042477 odontogenesis of calcareous or chitinous tooth
! parsing: GO:0042733
! No parse for: GO:0042733 embryonic digit morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0042775
! No parse for: GO:0042775 organelle ATP synthesis coupled electron transport
! parsing: GO:0043009
! No parse for: GO:0043009 chordate embryonic development
! parsing: GO:0043010
! parse: GO:0043010 using "camera-type eye development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000179]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the camera-type eye over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The camera-type eye is an organ of sight that receives light through an aperture and focuses it through a lens, projecting it on a photoreceptor field."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of eye [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000179])]
id: GO:0043010 ! camera-type eye development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
synonym: "eye development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0043010: 11.27
! parsing: GO:0043049
! parse: GO:0043049 using "otic placode formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000223]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0043049 using "otic placode formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000223]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The initial developmental process that will lead to the formation of the vertebrate inner ear. The otic placode forms as a thickening of the head ectoderm adjacent to the developing hindbrain."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of otic placode [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000223])]
id: GO:0043049 ! otic placode formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000223 ! otic placode

! seconds spent parsing GO:0043049: 1.98
! parsing: GO:0043133
! parse: GO:0043133 using "hindgut contraction" => cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=XAO:0000104]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "A process whereby force is generated within smooth muscle tissue, resulting in a change in muscle geometry. This process occurs in the hindgut. Force generation involves a chemo-mechanical energy conversion step. The chemo-mechanical energy conversion step is carried out by the actin/myosin complex activity, which generates force through ATP hydrolysis. The hindgut is the posterior part of the alimentary canal, including the rectum, and the large intestine."
! PROPOSED:  muscle contraction that OBO_REL:results_in_change_to hindgut [cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=XAO:0000104])]
id: GO:0043133 ! hindgut contraction
intersection_of: GO:0006936 ! muscle contraction
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_change_to XAO:0000104 ! hindgut

! seconds spent parsing GO:0043133: 1.71
! parsing: GO:0043403
! parse: GO:0043403 using "skeletal muscle regeneration" => cdef(GO:0031099, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000174]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The regrowth of muscle tissue to repair injured or damaged muscle fibers in the postnatal stage."
! PROPOSED:  regeneration that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of skeletal muscle [cdef(GO:0031099, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000174])]
id: GO:0043403 ! skeletal muscle regeneration
intersection_of: GO:0031099 ! regeneration
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000174 ! skeletal muscle

! seconds spent parsing GO:0043403: 0.01
! parsing: GO:0043480
! No parse for: GO:0043480 pigment accumulation in tissues
! parsing: GO:0043500
! No parse for: GO:0043500 muscle adaptation
! parsing: GO:0043501
! No parse for: GO:0043501 skeletal muscle adaptation
! parsing: GO:0043503
! No parse for: GO:0043503 skeletal muscle fiber adaptation
! parsing: GO:0043586
! parse: GO:0043586 using "tongue development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000446]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the tongue over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The tongue is the movable, muscular organ on the floor of the mouth of most vertebrates, in man other mammals is the principal organ of taste, aids in the prehension of food, in swallowing, and in modifying the voice as in speech."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of tongue [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000446])]
id: GO:0043586 ! tongue development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000446 ! tongue

! seconds spent parsing GO:0043586: 1.79
! parsing: GO:0043587
! parse: GO:0043587 using "tongue morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000446]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the tongue are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The tongue is the movable, muscular organ on the floor of the mouth of most vertebrates, in man other mammals is the principal organ of taste, aids in the prehension of food, in swallowing, and in modifying the voice as in speech."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of tongue [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000446])]
id: GO:0043587 ! tongue morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000446 ! tongue

! seconds spent parsing GO:0043587: 3.23
! parsing: GO:0043588
! parse: GO:0043588 using "animal skin development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000023, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000297])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0043588 using "animal skin development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000023, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000297]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0043588 using "skin development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000023]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the skin over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The skin is the external membranous integument of an animal. In vertebrates the skin generally consists of two layers, an outer nonsensitive and nonvascular epidermis (cuticle or skarfskin) composed of cells which are constantly growing and multiplying in the deeper, and being thrown off in the superficial layers, as well as an inner vascular dermis (cutis, corium or true skin) composed mostly of connective tissue."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of skin [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000023])]
id: GO:0043588 ! skin development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000023 ! skin

! seconds spent parsing GO:0043588: 4.29
! parsing: GO:0043589
! parse: GO:0043589 using "skin morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000023]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the skin are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The skin is the external membranous integument of an animal. In vertebrates the skin generally consists of two layers, an outer nonsensitive and nonvascular epidermis (cuticle or skarfskin) composed of cells which are constantly growing and multiplying in the deeper, and being thrown off in the superficial layers, as well as an inner, sensitive and vascular dermis (cutis, corium or true skin) composed mostly of connective tissue."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of skin [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000023])]
id: GO:0043589 ! skin morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000023 ! skin

! seconds spent parsing GO:0043589: 1.98
! parsing: GO:0044240
! No parse for: GO:0044240 multicellular organismal lipid catabolic process
! parsing: GO:0044243
! No parse for: GO:0044243 multicellular organismal catabolic process
! parsing: GO:0044244
! No parse for: GO:0044244 multicellular organismal polysaccharide catabolic process
! parsing: GO:0044254
! No parse for: GO:0044254 multicellular organismal protein catabolic process
! parsing: GO:0044258
! parse: GO:0044258 using "intestinal lipid breakdown" => cdef(GO:0016042, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000129]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0044258 using "intestinal lipid catabolic process" => cdef(GO:0016042, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000129]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0044258 using "intestinal lipid catabolism" => cdef(GO:0016042, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000129]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0044258 using "intestinal lipid degradation" => cdef(GO:0016042, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000129]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown into fatty acids and monoglycerides of lipids in the small intestine. Lipids are broken down by lipases released by the pancreas."
! PROPOSED:  lipid catabolic process that OBO_REL:unfolds_in intestine [cdef(GO:0016042, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000129])]
id: GO:0044258 ! intestinal lipid catabolic process
intersection_of: GO:0016042 ! lipid catabolic process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000129 ! intestine
synonym: "intestinal lipolysis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0044258: 28.19
! parsing: GO:0044259
! No parse for: GO:0044259 multicellular organismal macromolecule metabolic process
! parsing: GO:0044261
! No parse for: GO:0044261 multicellular organismal carbohydrate metabolic process
! parsing: GO:0044263
! No parse for: GO:0044263 multicellular organismal polysaccharide metabolic process
! parsing: GO:0044266
! No parse for: GO:0044266 multicellular organismal macromolecule catabolic process
! parsing: GO:0044268
! No parse for: GO:0044268 multicellular organismal protein metabolic process
! parsing: GO:0044274
! No parse for: GO:0044274 multicellular organismal biosynthetic process
! parsing: GO:0044276
! No parse for: GO:0044276 multicellular organismal carbohydrate catabolic process
! parsing: GO:0045138
! No parse for: GO:0045138 tail tip morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0045161
! No parse for: GO:0045161 neuronal ion channel clustering
! parsing: GO:0045189
! No parse for: GO:0045189 connective tissue growth factor biosynthetic process
! parsing: GO:0045451
! No parse for: GO:0045451 pole plasm oskar mRNA localization
! parsing: GO:0045453
! No parse for: GO:0045453 bone resorption
! parsing: GO:0046151
! No parse for: GO:0046151 eye pigment catabolic process
! parsing: GO:0046331
! No parse for: GO:0046331 lateral inhibition
! parsing: GO:0046664
! No parse for: GO:0046664 dorsal closure, amnioserosa morphology change
! parsing: GO:0046666
! parse: GO:0046666 using "retina cell programmed cell death" => cdef(GO:0012501, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(CL:0000000, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000009])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0046666 using "retina cell programmed cell death" => cdef(GO:0012501, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0003012, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000009])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0046666 using "retina programmed cell death" => cdef(GO:0012501, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000009]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0046666 using "retinal cell programmed cell death" => cdef(GO:0012501, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(CL:0000000, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000009])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0046666 using "retinal cell programmed cell death" => cdef(GO:0012501, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0003012, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000009])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0046666 using "retinal cell programmed cell death" => cdef(cdef(GO:0012501, [OBO_REL:results_in_death_of=CL:0000000]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000009]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0046666 using "retinal cell programmed cell death" => cdef(cdef(GO:0012501, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000000]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000009]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0046666 using "retinal cell programmed cell death" => cdef(cdef(GO:0012501, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003012]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000009]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0046666 using "retinal programmed cell death" => cdef(GO:0012501, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000009]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Programmed cell death that occurs in the developing retina."
! PROPOSED:  programmed cell death that OBO_REL:unfolds_in retina [cdef(GO:0012501, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000009])]
id: GO:0046666 ! retinal cell programmed cell death
intersection_of: GO:0012501 ! programmed cell death
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000009 ! retina

! seconds spent parsing GO:0046666: 34.47
! parsing: GO:0046667
! No parse for: GO:0046667 compound eye retinal cell programmed cell death
! parsing: GO:0046683
! No parse for: GO:0046683 response to organophosphorus
! parsing: GO:0046716
! No parse for: GO:0046716 muscle maintenance
! parsing: GO:0046843
! No parse for: GO:0046843 dorsal appendage formation
! parsing: GO:0046849
! parse: GO:0046849 using "bone remodeling" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_remodeling_of=XAO:0000169]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The continuous turnover of bone matrix and mineral that involves first, an increase in resorption (osteoclastic activity) and later, reactive bone formation (osteoblastic activity). The process of bone remodeling takes place in the adult skeleton at discrete foci. The process ensures the mechanical integrity of the skeleton throughout life and plays an important role in calcium homeostasis. An imbalance in the regulation of bone resorption and bone formation results in many of the metabolic bone diseases, such as osteoporosis."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_remodeling_of bone [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_remodeling_of=XAO:0000169])]
id: GO:0046849 ! bone remodeling
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_remodeling_of XAO:0000169 ! bone

! seconds spent parsing GO:0046849: 3.59
! parsing: GO:0048011
! No parse for: GO:0048011 nerve growth factor receptor signaling pathway
! parsing: GO:0048058
! No parse for: GO:0048058 compound eye corneal lens development
! parsing: GO:0048069
! No parse for: GO:0048069 eye pigmentation
! parsing: GO:0048072
! No parse for: GO:0048072 compound eye pigmentation
! parsing: GO:0048099
! No parse for: GO:0048099 anterior/posterior lineage restriction, imaginal disc
! parsing: GO:0048284
! parse: GO:0048284 using "organelle fusion" => cdef(GO:0009987, [OBO_REL:results_in_fusion_of=GO:0043226]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The creation of a single organelle from two or more organelles."
! PROPOSED:  cellular process that OBO_REL:results_in_fusion_of organelle [cdef(GO:0009987, [OBO_REL:results_in_fusion_of=GO:0043226])]
id: GO:0048284 ! organelle fusion
intersection_of: GO:0009987 ! cellular process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_fusion_of GO:0043226 ! organelle
synonym: "organellar fusion" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048284: 1.83
! parsing: GO:0048285
! parse: GO:0048285 using "organelle fission" => cdef(GO:0009987, [OBO_REL:results_in_division_of=GO:0043226]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The creation of two or more organelles by division of one organelle."
! PROPOSED:  cellular process that OBO_REL:results_in_division_of organelle [cdef(GO:0009987, [OBO_REL:results_in_division_of=GO:0043226])]
id: GO:0048285 ! organelle fission
intersection_of: GO:0009987 ! cellular process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_division_of GO:0043226 ! organelle
synonym: "organellar fission" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048285: 1.88
! parsing: GO:0048308
! No parse for: GO:0048308 organelle inheritance
! parsing: GO:0048314
! No parse for: GO:0048314 embryo sac morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0048318
! parse: GO:0048318 using "axial mesoderm development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000205]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the axial mesoderm over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The axial mesoderm includes the prechordal mesoderm and the chordamesoderm. It gives rise to the prechordal plate and to the notochord."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of axial mesoderm [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000205])]
id: GO:0048318 ! axial mesoderm development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000205 ! axial mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048318: 1.74
! parsing: GO:0048319
! parse: GO:0048319 using "axial mesoderm morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000205]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the axial mesoderm are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of axial mesoderm [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000205])]
id: GO:0048319 ! axial mesoderm morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000205 ! axial mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048319: 1.99
! parsing: GO:0048320
! parse: GO:0048320 using "axial mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000205]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048320 using "axial mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000205]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that gives rise to the axial mesoderm. This process pertains to the initial formation of the structure from unspecified parts."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of axial mesoderm [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000205])]
id: GO:0048320 ! axial mesoderm formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000205 ! axial mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048320: 2.02
! parsing: GO:0048321
! No parse for: GO:0048321 axial mesodermal cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0048322
! No parse for: GO:0048322 axial mesodermal cell fate commitment
! parsing: GO:0048323
! No parse for: GO:0048323 axial mesodermal cell fate determination
! parsing: GO:0048327
! No parse for: GO:0048327 axial mesodermal cell fate specification
! parsing: GO:0048331
! parse: GO:0048331 using "axial mesoderm structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000205]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the axial mesoderm. This process pertains to the physical shaping of a rudimentary structure."
! PROPOSED:  organization of an anatomical structure that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of axial mesoderm [cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000205])]
id: GO:0048331 ! axial mesoderm structural organization
intersection_of: GO:0048532 ! organization of an anatomical structure
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000205 ! axial mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048331: 5.01
! parsing: GO:0048332
! parse: GO:0048332 using "mesoderm morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000050]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the mesoderm are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of mesoderm [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000050])]
id: GO:0048332 ! mesoderm morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048332: 2.11
! parsing: GO:0048338
! parse: GO:0048338 using "mesoderm structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000050]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the mesoderm. This process pertains to the physical shaping of a rudimentary structure."
! PROPOSED:  organization of an anatomical structure that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of mesoderm [cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000050])]
id: GO:0048338 ! mesoderm structural organization
intersection_of: GO:0048532 ! organization of an anatomical structure
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000050 ! mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048338: 4.7
! parsing: GO:0048339
! parse: GO:0048339 using "paraxial mesoderm development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000259]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the paraxial mesoderm over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The paraxial mesoderm is the mesoderm located bilaterally adjacent to the notochord and neural tube."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of paraxial mesoderm [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000259])]
id: GO:0048339 ! paraxial mesoderm development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000259 ! paraxial mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048339: 1.82
! parsing: GO:0048340
! parse: GO:0048340 using "paraxial mesoderm morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000259]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the paraxial mesoderm are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of paraxial mesoderm [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000259])]
id: GO:0048340 ! paraxial mesoderm morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000259 ! paraxial mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048340: 1.98
! parsing: GO:0048341
! parse: GO:0048341 using "paraxial mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000259]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048341 using "paraxial mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000259]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that gives rise to the paraxial mesoderm. This process pertains to the initial formation of the structure from unspecified parts."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of paraxial mesoderm [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000259])]
id: GO:0048341 ! paraxial mesoderm formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000259 ! paraxial mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048341: 2.02
! parsing: GO:0048342
! No parse for: GO:0048342 paraxial mesodermal cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0048343
! No parse for: GO:0048343 paraxial mesodermal cell fate commitment
! parsing: GO:0048344
! No parse for: GO:0048344 paraxial mesodermal cell fate determination
! parsing: GO:0048348
! No parse for: GO:0048348 paraxial mesodermal cell fate specification
! parsing: GO:0048352
! parse: GO:0048352 using "paraxial mesoderm structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000259]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the paraxial mesoderm. This process pertains to the physical shaping of a rudimentary structure."
! PROPOSED:  organization of an anatomical structure that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of paraxial mesoderm [cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000259])]
id: GO:0048352 ! paraxial mesoderm structural organization
intersection_of: GO:0048532 ! organization of an anatomical structure
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000259 ! paraxial mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048352: 4.43
! parsing: GO:0048368
! parse: GO:0048368 using "lateral mesoderm development" => cdef(GO:0007498, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048368 using "lateral mesoderm development" => cdef(GO:0007498, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048368 using "lateral mesoderm development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000050, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000066])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048368 using "lateral mesoderm development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000050, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000304])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048368 using "lateral mesoderm development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000050, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000304]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048368 using "lateral mesoderm development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000050]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048368 using "lateral plate mesoderm development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000311]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the lateral mesoderm over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of lateral plate mesoderm [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000311])]
id: GO:0048368 ! lateral mesoderm development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000311 ! lateral plate mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048368: 7.6
! parsing: GO:0048369
! parse: GO:0048369 using "lateral mesoderm morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000050, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000066])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048369 using "lateral mesoderm morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000050, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000304])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048369 using "lateral mesoderm morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0048332, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048369 using "lateral mesoderm morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0048332, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048369 using "lateral mesoderm morphogenesis" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000050]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048369 using "lateral plate mesoderm morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000311]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the lateral mesoderm are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  mesoderm morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of lateral [cdef(GO:0048332, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304])]
id: GO:0048369 ! lateral mesoderm morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0048332 ! mesoderm morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000304 ! lateral

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048369: 8.78
! parsing: GO:0048370
! parse: GO:0048370 using "lateral mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0001707, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048370 using "lateral mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0001707, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048370 using "lateral mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0001707, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000304]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048370 using "lateral mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000050, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000066])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048370 using "lateral mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000050, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000304])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048370 using "lateral mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000050, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000066])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048370 using "lateral mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000050, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000304])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048370 using "lateral mesoderm formation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000050]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048370 using "lateral mesoderm formation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000050]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048370 using "lateral plate mesoderm biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000311]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048370 using "lateral plate mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000311]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048370 using "lateral plate mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000311]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that gives rise to the lateral mesoderm. This process pertains to the initial formation of the structure from unspecified parts."
! PROPOSED:  biosynthetic process that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of lateral plate mesoderm [cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000311])]
id: GO:0048370 ! lateral mesoderm formation
intersection_of: GO:0009058 ! biosynthetic process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000311 ! lateral plate mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048370: 13.32
! parsing: GO:0048371
! parse: GO:0048371 using "lateral mesoderm cell differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048333, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048371 using "lateral mesoderm cell differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048333, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048371 using "lateral mesoderm cell differentiation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0030154, [OBO_REL:results_in_acquisition_of_features_of=CL:0000222]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048371 using "lateral mesodermal cell differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048333, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048371 using "lateral mesodermal cell differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048333, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048371 using "lateral mesodermal cell differentiation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0030154, [OBO_REL:results_in_acquisition_of_features_of=CL:0000222]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048371 using "lateral mesodermal cell differentiation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0030154, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000050]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048371 using "lateral mesodermal cell differentiation" => cdef(cdef(cdef(GO:0030154, [OBO_REL:results_in_acquisition_of_features_of=CL:0000000]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000050]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-6]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized features of a lateral mesoderm cell."
! PROPOSED:  mesodermal cell differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of lateral [cdef(GO:0048333, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304])]
id: GO:0048371 ! lateral mesodermal cell differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0048333 ! mesodermal cell differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000304 ! lateral

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048371: 51.38
! parsing: GO:0048372
! parse: GO:0048372 using "lateral mesoderm cell fate commitment" => cdef(GO:0001710, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048372 using "lateral mesoderm cell fate commitment" => cdef(cdef(GO:0045165, [OBO_REL:results_in_commitment_to=CL:0000222]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048372 using "lateral mesodermal cell fate commitment" => cdef(GO:0001710, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048372 using "lateral mesodermal cell fate commitment" => cdef(cdef(GO:0045165, [OBO_REL:results_in_commitment_to=CL:0000222]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048372 using "lateral mesodermal cell fate commitment" => cdef(cdef(GO:0045165, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000050]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048372 using "lateral mesodermal cell fate commitment" => cdef(cdef(cdef(GO:0045165, [OBO_REL:results_in_commitment_to=CL:0000000]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000050]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-6]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which a cell becomes committed to become a lateral mesoderm cell."
! PROPOSED:  mesodermal cell fate commitment that OBO_REL:has_quality lateral to [cdef(GO:0001710, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193])]
id: GO:0048372 ! lateral mesodermal cell fate commitment
intersection_of: GO:0001710 ! mesodermal cell fate commitment
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0001193 ! lateral to
synonym: "lateral to mesoderm cell fate commitment" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "lateral to mesodermal cell fate commitment" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048372: 36.85
! parsing: GO:0048373
! parse: GO:0048373 using "lateral mesoderm cell fate determination" => cdef(GO:0007500, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048373 using "lateral mesoderm cell fate determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0001709, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000222]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048373 using "lateral mesodermal cell fate determination" => cdef(GO:0007500, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048373 using "lateral mesodermal cell fate determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0001709, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000222]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048373 using "lateral mesodermal cell fate determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0001709, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000050]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048373 using "lateral mesodermal cell fate determination" => cdef(cdef(cdef(GO:0001709, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000000]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000050]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-6]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Process by which a cell becomes capable of differentiating autonomously into a lateral mesoderm cell regardless of its environment; upon determination, the cell fate cannot be reversed."
! PROPOSED:  mesodermal cell fate determination that OBO_REL:has_quality lateral to [cdef(GO:0007500, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193])]
id: GO:0048373 ! lateral mesodermal cell fate determination
intersection_of: GO:0007500 ! mesodermal cell fate determination
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0001193 ! lateral to
synonym: "lateral to mesoderm cell fate determination" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "lateral to mesodermal cell fate determination" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048373: 37.57
! parsing: GO:0048377
! parse: GO:0048377 using "lateral mesoderm cell fate specification" => cdef(GO:0007501, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048377 using "lateral mesoderm cell fate specification" => cdef(cdef(GO:0001708, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000222]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048377 using "lateral mesodermal cell fate specification" => cdef(GO:0007501, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048377 using "lateral mesodermal cell fate specification" => cdef(cdef(GO:0001708, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000222]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048377 using "lateral mesodermal cell fate specification" => cdef(cdef(GO:0001708, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000050]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048377 using "lateral mesodermal cell fate specification" => cdef(cdef(cdef(GO:0001708, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000000]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000050]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-6]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Process by which a cell becomes capable of differentiating autonomously into a lateral mesoderm cell in an environment that is neutral with respect to the developmental pathway; upon specification, the cell fate can be reversed."
! PROPOSED:  mesodermal cell fate specification that OBO_REL:has_quality lateral to [cdef(GO:0007501, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193])]
id: GO:0048377 ! lateral mesodermal cell fate specification
intersection_of: GO:0007501 ! mesodermal cell fate specification
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0001193 ! lateral to
synonym: "lateral to mesoderm cell fate specification" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "lateral to mesodermal cell fate specification" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048377: 37.21
! parsing: GO:0048381
! parse: GO:0048381 using "lateral mesoderm structural organisation" => cdef(GO:0048338, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048381 using "lateral mesoderm structural organisation" => cdef(GO:0048338, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048381 using "lateral mesoderm structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048338, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048381 using "lateral mesoderm structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048338, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048381 using "lateral mesoderm structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000050, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000066])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048381 using "lateral mesoderm structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000050, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000304])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048381 using "lateral mesoderm structural organization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000050]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048381 using "lateral plate mesoderm structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000311]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the lateral mesoderm. This process pertains to the physical shaping of a rudimentary structure."
! PROPOSED:  mesoderm structural organization that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of lateral [cdef(GO:0048338, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304])]
id: GO:0048381 ! lateral mesoderm structural organization
intersection_of: GO:0048338 ! mesoderm structural organization
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000304 ! lateral

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048381: 14.05
! parsing: GO:0048382
! No parse for: GO:0048382 mesendoderm development
! parsing: GO:0048389
! parse: GO:0048389 using "intermediate mesoderm development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000085]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the intermediate mesoderm over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The intermediate mesoderm is located between the lateral mesoderm and the paraxial mesoderm. It develops into the kidney and gonads."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of intermediate mesoderm [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000085])]
id: GO:0048389 ! intermediate mesoderm development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000085 ! intermediate mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048389: 1.81
! parsing: GO:0048390
! parse: GO:0048390 using "intermediate mesoderm morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000085]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the intermediate mesoderm are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of intermediate mesoderm [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000085])]
id: GO:0048390 ! intermediate mesoderm morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000085 ! intermediate mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048390: 2.0
! parsing: GO:0048391
! parse: GO:0048391 using "intermediate mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000085]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048391 using "intermediate mesoderm formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000085]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that gives rise to the intermediate mesoderm. This process pertains to the initial formation of the structure from unspecified parts."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of intermediate mesoderm [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000085])]
id: GO:0048391 ! intermediate mesoderm formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000085 ! intermediate mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048391: 2.02
! parsing: GO:0048392
! No parse for: GO:0048392 intermediate mesodermal cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0048393
! No parse for: GO:0048393 intermediate mesodermal cell fate commitment
! parsing: GO:0048394
! No parse for: GO:0048394 intermediate mesodermal cell fate determination
! parsing: GO:0048398
! No parse for: GO:0048398 intermediate mesodermal cell fate specification
! parsing: GO:0048402
! parse: GO:0048402 using "intermediate mesoderm structural organization" => cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000085]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that contributes to the act of creating the structural organization of the intermediate mesoderm. This process pertains to the physical shaping of a rudimentary structure."
! PROPOSED:  organization of an anatomical structure that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of intermediate mesoderm [cdef(GO:0048532, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000085])]
id: GO:0048402 ! intermediate mesoderm structural organization
intersection_of: GO:0048532 ! organization of an anatomical structure
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000085 ! intermediate mesoderm

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048402: 4.69
! parsing: GO:0048513
! No parse for: GO:0048513 organ development
! parsing: GO:0048514
! parse: GO:0048514 using "blood vessel morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0001011]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of blood vessels are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The blood vessel is the vasculature carrying blood."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of blood vessel [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0001011])]
id: GO:0048514 ! blood vessel morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0001011 ! blood vessel

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048514: 2.63
! parsing: GO:0048527
! parse: GO:0048527 using "lateral root development" => cdef(GO:0048364, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001193]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048527 using "lateral root development" => cdef(GO:0048364, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the lateral root over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A lateral root is one formed from pericycle cells located on the xylem radius of the root, as opposed to the initiation of the main root from the embryo proper."
! PROPOSED:  root development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of lateral [cdef(GO:0048364, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000304])]
id: GO:0048527 ! lateral root development
intersection_of: GO:0048364 ! root development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000304 ! lateral

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048527: 3.98
! parsing: GO:0048532
! No parse for: GO:0048532 organization of an anatomical structure
! parsing: GO:0048536
! parse: GO:0048536 using "spleen development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000328]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the spleen over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The spleen is a large vascular lymphatic organ composed of white and red pulp, involved both in hemopoietic and immune system functions."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of spleen [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000328])]
id: GO:0048536 ! spleen development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000328 ! spleen

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048536: 1.8
! parsing: GO:0048538
! parse: GO:0048538 using "thymus development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000163]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the thymus over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The thymus is a symmetric bi-lobed organ involved primarily in the differentiation of immature to mature T cells, with unique vascular, nervous, epithelial, and lymphoid cell components."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of thymus [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000163])]
id: GO:0048538 ! thymus development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000163 ! thymus

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048538: 1.87
! parsing: GO:0048539
! parse: GO:0048539 using "bone marrow development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000123]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the bone marrow over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of bone marrow [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000123])]
id: GO:0048539 ! bone marrow development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000123 ! bone marrow

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048539: 2.56
! parsing: GO:0048547
! parse: GO:0048547 using "intestinal morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000129]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the gut are generated and organized. The gut is the region of the digestive tract extending from the beginning of the intestines to the anus."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:unfolds_in intestine [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000129])]
id: GO:0048547 ! gut morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000129 ! intestine
synonym: "intestinal anatomical structure morphogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048547: 6.49
! parsing: GO:0048565
! parse: GO:0048565 using "intestine development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000129]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the gut over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The gut is the region of the digestive tract extending from the beginning of the intestines to the anus."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of intestine [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000129])]
id: GO:0048565 ! gut development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000129 ! intestine

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048565: 7.02
! parsing: GO:0048567
! parse: GO:0048567 using "ectodermal gut morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0048547, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000001]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the ectodermal gut are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The ectodermal gut includes those portions of the gut that are derived from ectoderm."
! PROPOSED:  gut morphogenesis that OBO_REL:unfolds_in ectoderm [cdef(GO:0048547, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000001])]
id: GO:0048567 ! ectodermal gut morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0048547 ! gut morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000001 ! ectoderm
synonym: "ectodermal intestinal morphogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048567: 5.53
! parsing: GO:0048570
! parse: GO:0048570 using "notochord morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000055]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the notochord are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The notochord is a mesoderm-derived structure located ventral of the developing nerve cord. In vertebrates, the notochord serves as a core around which other mesodermal cells form the vertebrae. In the most primitive chordates, which lack vertebrae, the notochord persists as a substitute for a vertebral column."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of notochord [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000055])]
id: GO:0048570 ! notochord morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000055 ! notochord

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048570: 2.12
! parsing: GO:0048592
! parse: GO:0048592 using "eye morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000179]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the eye are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of eye [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000179])]
id: GO:0048592 ! eye morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
synonym: "anatomical structure morphogenesis of a camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "anatomical structure morphogenesis of an camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "anatomical structure morphogenesis of the camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "camera-type eye anatomical structure morphogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "camera-type eye morphogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "morphogenesis of a camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "morphogenesis of an camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "morphogenesis of the camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048592: 5.62
! parsing: GO:0048593
! parse: GO:0048593 using "camera-type eye morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000179]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the eye are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The camera-type eye is an organ of sight that receives light through an aperture and focuses it through a lens, projecting it on a photoreceptor field."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of eye [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000179])]
id: GO:0048593 ! camera-type eye morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000179 ! eye
synonym: "anatomical structure morphogenesis of a camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "anatomical structure morphogenesis of an camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "anatomical structure morphogenesis of the camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "camera-type eye anatomical structure morphogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "eye morphogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "morphogenesis of a camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "morphogenesis of an camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "morphogenesis of the camera-type eye" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048593: 13.54
! parsing: GO:0048609
! No parse for: GO:0048609 reproductive process in a multicellular organism
! parsing: GO:0048624
! No parse for: GO:0048624 plantlet formation on parent plant
! parsing: GO:0048630
! parse: GO:0048630 using "skeletal muscle growth" => cdef(GO:0040007, [OBO_REL:results_in_increase_in_mass_of=XAO:0000174]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The increase in size or mass of a skeletal muscle. This may be due to a change in the fiber number or size."
! PROPOSED:  growth that OBO_REL:results_in_increase_in_mass_of skeletal muscle [cdef(GO:0040007, [OBO_REL:results_in_increase_in_mass_of=XAO:0000174])]
id: GO:0048630 ! skeletal muscle growth
intersection_of: GO:0040007 ! growth
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_increase_in_mass_of XAO:0000174 ! skeletal muscle

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048630: 4.73
! parsing: GO:0048644
! parse: GO:0048644 using "muscle morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000172]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of muscle are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of muscle [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000172])]
id: GO:0048644 ! muscle morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000172 ! muscle

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048644: 2.15
! parsing: GO:0048645
! No parse for: GO:0048645 organ formation
! parsing: GO:0048646
! parse: GO:0048646 using "anatomical structure formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0003000]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process pertaining to the initial formation of an anatomical structure from unspecified parts. This process begins with the specific processes that contribute to the appearance of the discrete structure and ends when the structural rudiment is recognizable. An anatomical structure is any biological entity that occupies space and is distinguished from its surroundings. Anatomical structures can be macroscopic such as a carpel, or microscopic such as an acrosome."
! PROPOSED:  biosynthetic process that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of anatomical structure [cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0003000])]
id: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: GO:0009058 ! biosynthetic process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0003000 ! anatomical structure

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048646: 4.34
! parsing: GO:0048667
! parse: GO:0048667 using "neuron morphogenesis during differentiation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000540]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=GO:0030154]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048667 using "neuron morphogenesis during differentiation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003023]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=GO:0030154]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the structures of a neuron are generated and organized. This process occurs while the initially relatively unspecialized cell is acquiring the specialized features of a neuron."
! PROPOSED:  cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003023]) that OBO_REL:happens_during cell differentiation [cdef(cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003023]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=GO:0030154])]
id: GO:0048667 ! neuron morphogenesis during differentiation
intersection_of: _:cdef__GO_0009653_____OBO_REL_results_in_developmental_progression_of___XAO_0003023___
intersection_of: OBO_REL:happens_during GO:0030154 ! cell differentiation

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048667: 5.05
! parsing: GO:0048701
! No parse for: GO:0048701 embryonic cranial skeleton morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0048702
! No parse for: GO:0048702 embryonic neurocranium morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0048703
! No parse for: GO:0048703 embryonic viscerocranium morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0048717
! No parse for: GO:0048717 anterior cibarial plate morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0048720
! No parse for: GO:0048720 posterior cibarial plate morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0048722
! No parse for: GO:0048722 anterior cibarial plate development
! parsing: GO:0048727
! No parse for: GO:0048727 posterior cibarial plate development
! parsing: GO:0048730
! parse: GO:0048730 using "epidermis morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000028]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the epidermis are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The epidermis is the outer epithelial layer of a plant or animal, it may be a single layer that produces an extracellular material (e.g. the cuticle of arthropods) or a complex stratified squamous epithelium, as in the case of many vertebrate species."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of epidermis [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000028])]
id: GO:0048730 ! epidermis morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000028 ! epidermis

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048730: 2.0
! parsing: GO:0048736
! No parse for: GO:0048736 appendage development
! parsing: GO:0048737
! No parse for: GO:0048737 imaginal disc-derived appendage development
! parsing: GO:0048738
! parse: GO:0048738 using "heart muscle development" => cdef(GO:0007517, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000064]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048738 using "heart muscle development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000172, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000064])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048738 using "heart muscle development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000172, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000064]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of cardiac muscle over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  muscle development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of heart [cdef(GO:0007517, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000064])]
id: GO:0048738 ! cardiac muscle development
intersection_of: GO:0007517 ! muscle development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000064 ! heart

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048738: 3.62
! parsing: GO:0048739
! No parse for: GO:0048739 cardiac muscle fiber development
! parsing: GO:0048741
! No parse for: GO:0048741 skeletal muscle fiber development
! parsing: GO:0048745
! parse: GO:0048745 using "smooth muscle development" => cdef(GO:0007517, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000701]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048745 using "smooth muscle development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000175]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048745 using "smooth muscle development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000172]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000701]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of smooth muscle over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of smooth muscle [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000175])]
id: GO:0048745 ! smooth muscle development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000175 ! smooth muscle

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048745: 2.43
! parsing: GO:0048747
! No parse for: GO:0048747 muscle fiber development
! parsing: GO:0048749
! No parse for: GO:0048749 compound eye development
! parsing: GO:0048750
! No parse for: GO:0048750 compound eye corneal lens morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0048752
! parse: GO:0048752 using "embryonic semicircular canal morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000198, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000113])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048752 using "embryonic semicircular canal morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000198, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:1000012])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048752 using "embryonic semicircular canal morphogenesis" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000198]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0009790]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048752 using "embryonic semicircular canal morphogenesis" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000198]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000113]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048752 using "embryonic semicircular canal morphogenesis" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000198]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:1000012]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048752 using "semicircular canal morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000198]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the semicircular canals are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of semicircular canal [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000198])]
id: GO:0048752 ! semicircular canal morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000198 ! semicircular canal

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048752: 10.96
! parsing: GO:0048785
! parse: GO:0048785 using "hatching gland development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000034]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the hatching gland over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The cells of the hatching gland contain enzymes responsible for solubilization of the egg chorion, facilitating the hatching process."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of hatching gland [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000034])]
id: GO:0048785 ! hatching gland development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000034 ! hatching gland

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048785: 2.16
! parsing: GO:0048793
! No parse for: GO:0048793 pronephros development
! parsing: GO:0048799
! No parse for: GO:0048799 organ maturation
! parsing: GO:0048803
! parse: GO:0048803 using "male genitalia morphogenesis (sensu Endopterygota)" => cdef(GO:0048805, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000384]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of male genitalia are generated and organized from the genital imaginal disc. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  imaginal disc-derived genitalia morphogenesis that OBO_REL:has_quality male [cdef(GO:0048805, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000384])]
id: GO:0048803 ! imaginal disc-derived male genitalia morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0048805 ! imaginal disc-derived genitalia morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000384 ! male

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048803: 5.8
! parsing: GO:0048804
! parse: GO:0048804 using "female genitalia morphogenesis (sensu Endopterygota)" => cdef(GO:0048805, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000383]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of female genitalia are generated and organized from the genital disc. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  imaginal disc-derived genitalia morphogenesis that OBO_REL:has_quality female [cdef(GO:0048805, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000383])]
id: GO:0048804 ! imaginal disc-derived female genitalia morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0048805 ! imaginal disc-derived genitalia morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000383 ! female

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048804: 6.73
! parsing: GO:0048807
! parse: GO:0048807 using "female genitalia morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000156]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048807 using "female genitalia morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0035112, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000383]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of female genitalia are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  genitalia morphogenesis that OBO_REL:has_quality female [cdef(GO:0035112, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000383])]
id: GO:0048807 ! female genitalia morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0035112 ! genitalia morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000383 ! female

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048807: 3.58
! parsing: GO:0048808
! parse: GO:0048808 using "male genitalia morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000155]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048808 using "male genitalia morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0035112, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000384]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of male genitalia are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  genitalia morphogenesis that OBO_REL:has_quality male [cdef(GO:0035112, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0000384])]
id: GO:0048808 ! male genitalia morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0035112 ! genitalia morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0000384 ! male

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048808: 2.44
! parsing: GO:0048839
! parse: GO:0048839 using "inner ear development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000192]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the inner ear over time, from its formation to the mature structure."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of inner ear [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000192])]
id: GO:0048839 ! inner ear development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048839: 1.75
! parsing: GO:0048844
! parse: GO:0048844 using "arterial morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000114]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048844 using "artery morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000114]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of arterial blood vessels are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. Arteries are blood vessels that transport blood from the heart to the body and its organs."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:unfolds_in artery [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000114])]
id: GO:0048844 ! artery morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000114 ! artery
synonym: "arterial anatomical structure morphogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "arterie anatomical structure morphogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "arterie morphogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "arteries anatomical structure morphogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "arteries morphogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048844: 7.3
! parsing: GO:0048845
! No parse for: GO:0048845 venous blood vessel morphogenesis
! parsing: GO:0048847
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000055])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland biosynthesis" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000161]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000055])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000055])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000161]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048847 using "anterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000161]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that gives rise to adenohypophysis. This process pertains to the initial formation of a structure from unspecified parts. The adenohypophysis is the anterior part of the pituitary. It secretes a variety of hormones and its function is regulated by the hypothalamus."
! PROPOSED:  hypophysis formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of anterior [cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0048847 ! adenohypophysis formation
intersection_of: GO:0048851 ! hypophysis formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048847: 22.49
! parsing: GO:0048848
! parse: GO:0048848 using "posterior pituitary gland morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048848 using "posterior pituitary gland morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003057])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048848 using "posterior pituitary gland morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0048850, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048848 using "posterior pituitary gland morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0048850, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048848 using "posterior pituitary gland morphogenesis" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000161]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of neurohypophysis are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The neurohypophysis is the part of the pituitary gland that secretes hormones involved in blood pressure regulation."
! PROPOSED:  hypophysis morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of posterior [cdef(GO:0048850, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0048848 ! neurohypophysis morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0048850 ! hypophysis morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048848: 11.7
! parsing: GO:0048849
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003057])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland biosynthesis" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000161]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003057])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003057])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000161]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0048849 using "posterior pituitary gland formation" => cdef(cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000161]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process that gives rise to neurohypophysis. This process pertains to the initial formation of a structure from unspecified parts. The neurohypophysis is the part of the pituitary gland that secretes hormones involved in blood pressure regulation."
! PROPOSED:  hypophysis formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of posterior [cdef(GO:0048851, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0048849 ! neurohypophysis formation
intersection_of: GO:0048851 ! hypophysis formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048849: 16.73
! parsing: GO:0048850
! parse: GO:0048850 using "hypophysis morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000017]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048850 using "pituitary gland morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000161]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the hypophysis are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland that secretes hormones that regulate many other glands."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of pituitary gland [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000161])]
id: GO:0048850 ! hypophysis morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000161 ! pituitary gland

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048850: 2.11
! parsing: GO:0048851
! parse: GO:0048851 using "hypophysis biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000017]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048851 using "hypophysis formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000017]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048851 using "hypophysis formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000017]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048851 using "pituitary gland biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000161]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048851 using "pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000161]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048851 using "pituitary gland formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000161]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the hypophysis are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The hypophysis is an endocrine gland that secretes hormones that regulate many other glands."
! PROPOSED:  biosynthetic process that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of pituitary gland [cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000161])]
id: GO:0048851 ! hypophysis formation
intersection_of: GO:0009058 ! biosynthetic process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000161 ! pituitary gland

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048851: 4.32
! parsing: GO:0048852
! parse: GO:0048852 using "diencephalon morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000013]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of diencephalon are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The diencephalon is the paired caudal parts of the prosencephalon from which the thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus and subthalamus are derived; these regions regulate autonomic, visceral and endocrine function, and process information directed to the cerebral cortex."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of diencephalon [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000013])]
id: GO:0048852 ! diencephalon morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000013 ! diencephalon

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048852: 2.11
! parsing: GO:0048853
! parse: GO:0048853 using "forebrain morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000011]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the forebrain are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The forebrain is the anterior of the three primary divisions of the developing chordate brain or the corresponding part of the adult brain (in vertebrates, includes especially the cerebral hemispheres, the thalamus, and the hypothalamus and especially in higher vertebrates is the main control center for sensory and associative information processing, visceral functions, and voluntary motor functions)."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of forebrain [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000011])]
id: GO:0048853 ! forebrain morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000011 ! forebrain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048853: 3.4
! parsing: GO:0048854
! parse: GO:0048854 using "brain morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000010]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of brain are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The brain is one of the two components of the central nervous system and is the center of thought and emotion. It is responsible for the coordination and control of bodily activities and the interpretation of information from the senses (sight, hearing, smell, etc.)."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of brain [cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000010])]
id: GO:0048854 ! brain morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000010 ! brain

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048854: 2.15
! parsing: GO:0048855
! parse: GO:0048855 using "anterior pituitary gland morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000055])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048855 using "anterior pituitary gland morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0000161, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048855 using "anterior pituitary gland morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0048850, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048855 using "anterior pituitary gland morphogenesis" => cdef(GO:0048850, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048855 using "anterior pituitary gland morphogenesis" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000161]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structures of the adenohypophysis are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form. The adenohypophysis is the anterior part of the pituitary. It secretes a variety of hormones and its function is regulated by the hypothalamus."
! PROPOSED:  hypophysis morphogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of anterior [cdef(GO:0048850, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0048855 ! adenohypophysis morphogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0048850 ! hypophysis morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048855: 8.84
! parsing: GO:0048856
! parse: GO:0048856 using "anatomical structure development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0003000]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of an anatomical structure from an initial condition to its mature state. This process begins with the formation of the structure and ends with the mature structure, whatever form that may be including its natural destruction. An anatomical structure is any biological entity that occupies space and is distinguished from its surroundings. Anatomical structures can be macroscopic such as a carpel, or microscopic such as an acrosome."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of anatomical structure [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0003000])]
id: GO:0048856 ! anatomical structure development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0003000 ! anatomical structure

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048856: 2.89
! parsing: GO:0048882
! No parse for: GO:0048882 lateral line development
! parsing: GO:0048883
! No parse for: GO:0048883 neuromast primordium migration
! parsing: GO:0048890
! No parse for: GO:0048890 lateral line ganglion development
! parsing: GO:0048891
! No parse for: GO:0048891 lateral line ganglion neuron differentiation
! parsing: GO:0048892
! No parse for: GO:0048892 lateral line nerve development
! parsing: GO:0048895
! No parse for: GO:0048895 lateral line nerve glial cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0048898
! parse: GO:0048898 using "anterior lateral line system development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000095, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000055])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048898 using "anterior lateral line system development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000095, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048898 using "anterior lateral line system development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000095, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003056]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048898 using "anterior lateral line system development" => cdef(GO:0048925, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048898 using "anterior lateral line system development" => cdef(GO:0048925, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048898 using "anterior lateral line system development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000095]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the anterior lateral line system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The anterior lateral line system develops from cranial ectodermal placodes, situated between the eye and the ear, that give rise to both the neuromasts and the anterior lateral line sensory nerves that innervate the neuromasts. The anterior lateral line system consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head of all fishes and most amphibians and are innervated by several lateral line nerves, which project to the hindbrain. The anterior lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line system development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of anterior [cdef(GO:0048925, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0048898 ! anterior lateral line system development
intersection_of: GO:0048925 ! lateral line system development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048898: 9.02
! parsing: GO:0048899
! parse: GO:0048899 using "anterior LL development" => cdef(GO:0048882, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048899 using "anterior LL development" => cdef(GO:0048882, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048899 using "anterior lateral line development" => cdef(GO:0048882, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048899 using "anterior lateral line development" => cdef(GO:0048882, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the anterior lateral line over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The anterior lateral line consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head of all fishes and most amphibians. The anterior lateral line develops from cranial ectodermal placodes situated between the eye and ear."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of anterior [cdef(GO:0048882, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0048899 ! anterior lateral line development
intersection_of: GO:0048882 ! lateral line development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048899: 7.67
! parsing: GO:0048900
! No parse for: GO:0048900 anterior lateral line neuromast primordium migration
! parsing: GO:0048901
! No parse for: GO:0048901 anterior lateral line neuromast development
! parsing: GO:0048902
! No parse for: GO:0048902 anterior lateral line neuromast deposition
! parsing: GO:0048903
! No parse for: GO:0048903 anterior lateral line neuromast hair cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0048904
! No parse for: GO:0048904 anterior lateral line neuromast cupula development
! parsing: GO:0048905
! No parse for: GO:0048905 anterior lateral line neuromast mantle cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0048906
! No parse for: GO:0048906 anterior lateral line neuromast support cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0048907
! parse: GO:0048907 using "anterior lateral line ganglion development" => cdef(GO:0048890, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048907 using "anterior lateral line ganglion development" => cdef(GO:0048890, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the anterior lateral line ganglion over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The anterior lateral line ganglion develops from cranial ectodermal placodes situated between the eye and ear."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line ganglion development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of anterior [cdef(GO:0048890, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0048907 ! anterior lateral line ganglion development
intersection_of: GO:0048890 ! lateral line ganglion development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048907: 5.69
! parsing: GO:0048908
! parse: GO:0048908 using "anterior lateral line ganglion neuron differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048891, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048908 using "anterior lateral line ganglion neuron differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048891, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuron of the anterior lateral line ganglion."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line ganglion neuron differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of anterior [cdef(GO:0048891, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0048908 ! anterior lateral line ganglion neuron differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0048891 ! lateral line ganglion neuron differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048908: 4.55
! parsing: GO:0048909
! parse: GO:0048909 using "anterior lateral line nerve development" => cdef(GO:0048892, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048909 using "anterior lateral line nerve development" => cdef(GO:0048892, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the anterior lateral line nerve over time, form its formation to the mature structure. The anterior lateral line nerve contains efferent axons that innervate hair cells of the ALL and afferent axons that project to an octavolateralis column in the hindbrain. The octavolateralis column consists of the medial octavolateralis nucleus (MON), the caudal octavolateralis nucleus, and the magnocellular nucleus."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line nerve development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of anterior [cdef(GO:0048892, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0048909 ! anterior lateral line nerve development
intersection_of: GO:0048892 ! lateral line nerve development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048909: 8.69
! parsing: GO:0048913
! parse: GO:0048913 using "anterior lateral line nerve glial cell differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048895, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048913 using "anterior lateral line nerve glial cell differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048895, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a glial cell in the anterior lateral line nerve."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line nerve glial cell differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of anterior [cdef(GO:0048895, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0048913 ! anterior lateral line nerve glial cell differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0048895 ! lateral line nerve glial cell differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048913: 4.86
! parsing: GO:0048915
! parse: GO:0048915 using "posterior lateral line system development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000095, [OBO_REL:has_quality=BSPO:0000056])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048915 using "posterior lateral line system development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0000095, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0003057])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048915 using "posterior lateral line system development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000095, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0003057]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048915 using "posterior lateral line system development" => cdef(GO:0048925, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048915 using "posterior lateral line system development" => cdef(GO:0048925, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048915 using "posterior lateral line system development" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000095]), [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the posterior lateral line system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The posterior lateral line system develops from cranial ectodermal placodes, situated behind the ear, that give rise to both the neuromasts and the posterior lateral line sensory nerves that innervate the neuromasts. The posterior lateral line system consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head of all fishes and most amphibians. The neuromasts are innervated by several lateral line nerves, which project primarily to the hindbrain. The posterior mechanosensory lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line system development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of posterior [cdef(GO:0048925, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0048915 ! posterior lateral line system development
intersection_of: GO:0048925 ! lateral line system development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048915: 5.16
! parsing: GO:0048916
! parse: GO:0048916 using "posterior lateral line development" => cdef(GO:0048882, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048916 using "posterior lateral line development" => cdef(GO:0048882, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the posterior lateral line over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The posterior lateral line consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the body and trunk of all fishes and most amphibians. The posterior lateral line develops from cranial ectodermal placodes situated behind the ear."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of posterior [cdef(GO:0048882, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0048916 ! posterior lateral line development
intersection_of: GO:0048882 ! lateral line development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048916: 5.34
! parsing: GO:0048917
! parse: GO:0048917 using "posterior lateral line ganglion development" => cdef(GO:0048890, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048917 using "posterior lateral line ganglion development" => cdef(GO:0048890, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the posterior lateral line ganglion over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The posterior lateral line ganglion develops from cranial ectodermal placodes situated behind the ear."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line ganglion development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of posterior [cdef(GO:0048890, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0048917 ! posterior lateral line ganglion development
intersection_of: GO:0048890 ! lateral line ganglion development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048917: 5.35
! parsing: GO:0048918
! parse: GO:0048918 using "caudal lateral line nerve development" => cdef(GO:0021675, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000465]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048918 using "caudal lateral line nerve development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0003047, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000465])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048918 using "caudal lateral line nerve development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003047, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000465]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048918 using "caudal lateral line nerve development" => cdef(GO:0048892, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001880]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048918 using "posterior lateral line nerve development" => cdef(GO:0048892, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048918 using "posterior lateral line nerve development" => cdef(GO:0048892, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the posterior lateral line nerve over time, form its formation to the mature structure. The posterior lateral line nerve innervates hair cells of the PLL and projects to an octavolateralis column in the hindbrain that consists of the medial octavolateralis nucleus (MON), the caudal octavolateralis nucleus, and the magnocellular nucleus."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line nerve development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of posterior [cdef(GO:0048892, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0048918 ! posterior lateral line nerve development
intersection_of: GO:0048892 ! lateral line nerve development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048918: 9.3
! parsing: GO:0048919
! No parse for: GO:0048919 posterior lateral line neuromast development
! parsing: GO:0048920
! No parse for: GO:0048920 posterior lateral line neuromast primordium migration
! parsing: GO:0048921
! No parse for: GO:0048921 posterior lateral line neuromast cupula development
! parsing: GO:0048922
! No parse for: GO:0048922 posterior lateral line neuromast deposition
! parsing: GO:0048923
! No parse for: GO:0048923 posterior lateral line neuromast hair cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0048924
! No parse for: GO:0048924 posterior lateral line neuromast mantle cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0048925
! parse: GO:0048925 using "lateral line system development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000095]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the lateral line system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The lateral line system is a network of sensory organs (neuromasts) and lateral line nerves located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head and body of all fishes and most amphibians. The lateral line system develops from cranial ectodermal placodes situated between the eye and ear."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of lateral line system [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000095])]
id: GO:0048925 ! lateral line system development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000095 ! lateral line system

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048925: 0.01
! parsing: GO:0048927
! No parse for: GO:0048927 posterior lateral line neuromast support cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0048928
! parse: GO:0048928 using "posterior lateral line ganglion neuron differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048891, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048928 using "posterior lateral line ganglion neuron differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048891, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuron of the posterior lateral line ganglion."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line ganglion neuron differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of posterior [cdef(GO:0048891, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0048928 ! posterior lateral line ganglion neuron differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0048891 ! lateral line ganglion neuron differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048928: 4.48
! parsing: GO:0048931
! parse: GO:0048931 using "posterior lateral line nerve glial cell differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048895, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048931 using "posterior lateral line nerve glial cell differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048895, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a glial cell in the posterior lateral line nerve."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line nerve glial cell differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of posterior [cdef(GO:0048895, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0048931 ! posterior lateral line nerve glial cell differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0048895 ! lateral line nerve glial cell differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048931: 4.5
! parsing: GO:0048934
! parse: GO:0048934 using "peripheral nervous system neuron differentiation" => cdef(GO:0030182, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000178]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuron whose cell body resides in the peripheral nervous system."
! PROPOSED:  neuron differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of peripheral nervous system [cdef(GO:0030182, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000178])]
id: GO:0048934 ! peripheral nervous system neuron differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0030182 ! neuron differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000178 ! peripheral nervous system
synonym: "PNS neuron differentiation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron differentiation of a PNS" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron differentiation of a peripheral nervous system" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron differentiation of an PNS" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron differentiation of an peripheral nervous system" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron differentiation of the PNS" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron differentiation of the peripheral nervous system" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048934: 4.44
! parsing: GO:0048935
! parse: GO:0048935 using "peripheral nervous system neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(CL:0000540, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000178])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048935 using "peripheral nervous system neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0003023, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000178])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048935 using "peripheral nervous system neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000540, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000178]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048935 using "peripheral nervous system neuron development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003023, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000178]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a neuron whose cell body is located in the peripheral nervous system, from initial commitment of the cell to a neuronal fate, to the fully functional differentiated neuron."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of neuron and OBO_REL:unfolds_in peripheral nervous system [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003023, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000178])]
id: GO:0048935 ! peripheral nervous system neuron development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003023 ! neuron
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000178 ! peripheral nervous system
synonym: "PNS neuron development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048935: 3.52
! parsing: GO:0048936
! parse: GO:0048936 using "peripheral nervous system neuron axonogenesis" => cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(CL:0000540, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000178])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0048936 using "peripheral nervous system neuron axonogenesis" => cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0003023, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000178])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Generation of a long process from a neuron whose cell body resides in the peripheral nervous system. The axon carries action potential from the cell body towards target cells."
! PROPOSED:  axonogenesis that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of cdef(XAO:0003023, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000178]) [cdef(GO:0007409, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=cdef(XAO:0003023, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000178])])]
id: GO:0048936 ! peripheral nervous system neuron axonogenesis
intersection_of: GO:0007409 ! axonogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of _:cdef__XAO_0003023_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000178___
synonym: "PNS neuron axonogenesis" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048936: 3.11
! parsing: GO:0048937
! No parse for: GO:0048937 lateral line nerve glial cell development
! parsing: GO:0048938
! No parse for: GO:0048938 lateral line nerve glial cell morphogenesis during differentiation
! parsing: GO:0048939
! parse: GO:0048939 using "anterior lateral line nerve glial cell development" => cdef(GO:0048937, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process aimed at the progression of a glial cell in the anterior lateral line nerve over time, from initial commitment of the cell to a specific fate, to the fully functional differentiated cell."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line nerve glial cell development that OBO_REL:has_quality anterior to [cdef(GO:0048937, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632])]
id: GO:0048939 ! anterior lateral line nerve glial cell development
intersection_of: GO:0048937 ! lateral line nerve glial cell development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0001632 ! anterior to
synonym: "anterior to lateral line nerve glial cell development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "preceding lateral line nerve glial cell development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "rostral to lateral line nerve glial cell development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048939: 4.54
! parsing: GO:0048940
! parse: GO:0048940 using "anterior lateral line nerve glial cell morphogenesis during differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048938, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001632]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048940 using "anterior lateral line nerve glial cell morphogenesis during differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048938, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the structures of a glial cell in the anterior lateral line nerve are generated and organized. This process occurs while the initally relatively unspecialized cell is acquiring the specialized features of a glial cell in the anterior lateral line nerve."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line nerve glial cell morphogenesis during differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of anterior [cdef(GO:0048938, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003056])]
id: GO:0048940 ! anterior lateral line nerve glial cell morphogenesis during differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0048938 ! lateral line nerve glial cell morphogenesis during differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003056 ! anterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048940: 4.53
! parsing: GO:0048941
! parse: GO:0048941 using "posterior lateral line nerve glial cell development" => cdef(GO:0048937, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process aimed at the progression of a glial cell in the posterior lateral line nerve over time, from initial commitment of the cell to a specific fate, to the fully functional differentiated cell."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line nerve glial cell development that OBO_REL:has_quality posterior to [cdef(GO:0048937, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633])]
id: GO:0048941 ! posterior lateral line nerve glial cell development
intersection_of: GO:0048937 ! lateral line nerve glial cell development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality PATO:0001633 ! posterior to
synonym: "caudal to lateral line nerve glial cell development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "posterior to lateral line nerve glial cell development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048941: 4.17
! parsing: GO:0048942
! parse: GO:0048942 using "posterior lateral line nerve glial cell morphogenesis during differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048938, [OBO_REL:has_quality=PATO:0001633]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0048942 using "posterior lateral line nerve glial cell morphogenesis during differentiation" => cdef(GO:0048938, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the structures of a glial cell in the posterior lateral line nerve are generated and organized. This process occurs while the initally relatively unspecialized cell is acquiring the specialized features of a glial cell in the posterior lateral line nerve."
! PROPOSED:  lateral line nerve glial cell morphogenesis during differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of posterior [cdef(GO:0048938, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003057])]
id: GO:0048942 ! posterior lateral line nerve glial cell morphogenesis during differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0048938 ! lateral line nerve glial cell morphogenesis during differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003057 ! posterior

! seconds spent parsing GO:0048942: 4.33
! parsing: GO:0050892
! No parse for: GO:0050892 intestinal absorption
! parsing: GO:0051216
! parse: GO:0051216 using "cartilage biosynthesis" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000170]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0051216 using "cartilage development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000170]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0051216 using "cartilage formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000170]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0051216 using "cartilage formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000170]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the cartilage over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Cartilage is a connective tissue dominated by extracellular matrix containing collagen type II and large amounts of proteoglycan, particularly chondroitin sulfate."
! PROPOSED:  biosynthetic process that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of cartilage [cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000170])]
id: GO:0051216 ! cartilage development
intersection_of: GO:0009058 ! biosynthetic process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000170 ! cartilage

! seconds spent parsing GO:0051216: 8.76
! parsing: GO:0051640
! parse: GO:0051640 using "organelle localization" => cdef(GO:0051179, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=GO:0043226]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The processes by which an organelle is transported to, and/or maintained in, a specific location."
! PROPOSED:  localization that OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of organelle [cdef(GO:0051179, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=GO:0043226])]
id: GO:0051640 ! organelle localization
intersection_of: GO:0051179 ! localization
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of GO:0043226 ! organelle

! seconds spent parsing GO:0051640: 3.32
! parsing: GO:0051663
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007309]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000023])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000023])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=CL:0000023])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000256])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007309]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000023])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000023])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=CL:0000023])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte axis determination, oocyte nucleus localization" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:part_of=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000256])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=GO:0007309]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000023])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000023])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=CL:0000023])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=CL:0000023]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000256])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=GO:0007309]) [-4]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000023])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=CL:0000023])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of=XAO:0000256])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=CL:0000023])]) [-5]
! parse: GO:0051663 using "oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination" => cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:happens_during=cdef(GO:0009798, [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000256])]) [-5]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The directed movement of the nucleus to a specific location within a cell during the establishment and maintenance of the axes of the oocyte."
! PROPOSED:  cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]) that OBO_REL:part_of oocyte axis determination [cdef(cdef(GO:0051647, [OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of=XAO:0000256]), [OBO_REL:part_of=GO:0007309])]
id: GO:0051663 ! oocyte nucleus localization during oocyte axis determination
intersection_of: _:oocyte_nucleus_localization
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of GO:0007309 ! oocyte axis determination
synonym: "oocyte axis determination,  oocyte nucleus localization" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

! seconds spent parsing GO:0051663: 39.35
! parsing: GO:0051689
! No parse for: GO:0051689 multicellular organismal oligosaccharide catabolic process
! parsing: GO:0051690
! No parse for: GO:0051690 multicellular organismal oligosaccharide metabolic process
! parsing: GO:0051878
! parse: GO:0051878 using "lateral element assembly" => cdef(GO:0022607, [OBO_REL:results_in_creation_of=GO:0000800]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0051878 using "lateral element assembly" => cdef(GO:0022607, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=GO:0000800]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The cell cycle process whereby lateral elements are formed. Axial elements form a proteinaceous core between the two sister chromatids of each chromosome; the two axial elements then connect along their entire lengths by fine fibers known as transverse filaments, forming the lateral elements."
! PROPOSED:  cellular component assembly that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of lateral element [cdef(GO:0022607, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=GO:0000800])]
id: GO:0051878 ! lateral element assembly
intersection_of: GO:0022607 ! cellular component assembly
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of GO:0000800 ! lateral element

! seconds spent parsing GO:0051878: 4.33
! parsing: GO:0055003
! No parse for: GO:0055003 cardiac myofibril assembly
! parsing: GO:0055006
! No parse for: GO:0055006 cardiac cell development
! parsing: GO:0055008
! No parse for: GO:0055008 cardiac muscle morphogensis
! parsing: GO:0055016
! parse: GO:0055016 using "hypochord development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000056]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the hypochord over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The hypochord is a transient rod-like structure in the embryos of fish, lampreys and amphibians that is located immediately ventral to the notochord. The hypochord may play a role in positioning the dorsal aorta."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of hypochord [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000056])]
id: GO:0055016 ! hypochord development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000056 ! hypochord

! seconds spent parsing GO:0055016: 2.92
! parsing: GO:0055017
! parse: GO:0055017 using "heart muscle growth" => cdef(GO:0040007, [OBO_REL:results_in_increase_in_mass_of=cdef(XAO:0000172, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000064])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The increase in size or mass of a cardiac muscle, where the increase in size or mass has the specific outcome of the progression of the organism over time from one condition to another."
! PROPOSED:  growth that OBO_REL:results_in_increase_in_mass_of cdef(XAO:0000172, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000064]) [cdef(GO:0040007, [OBO_REL:results_in_increase_in_mass_of=cdef(XAO:0000172, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000064])])]
id: GO:0055017 ! cardiac muscle growth
intersection_of: GO:0040007 ! growth
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_increase_in_mass_of _:cdef__XAO_0000172_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000064___

! seconds spent parsing GO:0055017: 3.7
! parsing: GO:0060005
! No parse for: GO:0060005 vestibular reflex
! parsing: GO:0060017
! parse: GO:0060017 using "parathyroid gland development" => cdef(GO:0048732, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000167]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the parathyroid gland over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The parathyroid gland is an organ specialised for secretion of parathyroid hormone."
! PROPOSED:  gland development that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of parathyroid [cdef(GO:0048732, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000167])]
id: GO:0060017 ! parathyroid gland development
intersection_of: GO:0048732 ! gland development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000167 ! parathyroid

! seconds spent parsing GO:0060017: 2.01
! parsing: GO:0060030
! No parse for: GO:0060030 dorsal convergence
! parsing: GO:0060032
! No parse for: GO:0060032 notochord regression
! parsing: GO:0060033
! No parse for: GO:0060033 anatomical structure regression
! parsing: GO:0060034
! No parse for: GO:0060034 notochord cell differentiation
! parsing: GO:0060035
! parse: GO:0060035 using "notochord cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(CL:0000000, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000055])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0060035 using "notochord cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(XAO:0003012, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000055])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0060035 using "notochord cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000000, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000055]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0060035 using "notochord cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003012, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000055]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a notochord cell over time, from its formation to its mature structure. Cell development does not include the steps involved in committing a cell to a specific fate."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of cell and OBO_REL:unfolds_in notochord [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0003012, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000055])]
id: GO:0060035 ! notochord cell development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003012 ! cell
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000055 ! notochord

! seconds spent parsing GO:0060035: 3.72
! parsing: GO:0060036
! No parse for: GO:0060036 notochord cell vacuolation
! parsing: GO:0060041
! parse: GO:0060041 using "retina development in camera-type eye" => cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000009]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000179]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the retina over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The retina is the innermost layer or coating at the back of the eyeball, which is sensitive to light and in which the optic nerve terminates."
! PROPOSED:  cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000009]) that OBO_REL:unfolds_in eye [cdef(cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0000009]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000179])]
id: GO:0060041 ! retina development in camera-type eye
intersection_of: _:cdef__GO_0032502_____OBO_REL_results_in_complete_development_of___XAO_0000009___
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000179 ! eye

! seconds spent parsing GO:0060041: 5.74
! parsing: GO:0060042
! parse: GO:0060042 using "retina morphogenesis in camera-type eye" => cdef(cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000009]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000179]) [-4]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process by which the anatomical structure of the retina is generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form."
! PROPOSED:  cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000009]) that OBO_REL:unfolds_in eye [cdef(cdef(GO:0009653, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000009]), [OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000179])]
id: GO:0060042 ! retina morphogenesis in camera-type eye
intersection_of: _:cdef__GO_0009653_____OBO_REL_results_in_developmental_progression_of___XAO_0000009___
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000179 ! eye

! seconds spent parsing GO:0060042: 5.61
! parsing: GO:0060047
! parse: GO:0060047 using "heart contraction" => cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=XAO:0000064]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The multicellular organismal process by which the heart decreases in volume in a characteristic way to propel blood through the body."
! PROPOSED:  muscle contraction that OBO_REL:results_in_change_to heart [cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=XAO:0000064])]
id: GO:0060047 ! heart contraction
intersection_of: GO:0006936 ! muscle contraction
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_change_to XAO:0000064 ! heart

! seconds spent parsing GO:0060047: 3.83
! parsing: GO:0060048
! parse: GO:0060048 using "heart muscle contraction" => cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=cdef(XAO:0000172, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000064])]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Muscle contraction of cardiac muscle tissue."
! PROPOSED:  muscle contraction that OBO_REL:results_in_change_to cdef(XAO:0000172, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000064]) [cdef(GO:0006936, [OBO_REL:results_in_change_to=cdef(XAO:0000172, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000064])])]
id: GO:0060048 ! cardiac muscle contraction
intersection_of: GO:0006936 ! muscle contraction
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_change_to _:cdef__XAO_0000172_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000064___

! seconds spent parsing GO:0060048: 3.87
! parsing: GO:0060082
! No parse for: GO:0060082 eye blink reflex
! parsing: GO:0060113
! parse: GO:0060113 using "inner ear hair cell differentiation" => cdef(GO:0035315, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000192]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whereby relatively unspecialized cells, acquire specialized structural and/or functional features of inner ear receptor cells. Inner ear receptor cells are mechanorecptors found in the inner ear responsible for transducing signals involved in balance and sensory perception of sound."
! PROPOSED:  hair cell differentiation that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of inner ear [cdef(GO:0035315, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=XAO:0000192])]
id: GO:0060113 ! inner ear receptor cell differentiation
intersection_of: GO:0035315 ! hair cell differentiation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000192 ! inner ear

! seconds spent parsing GO:0060113: 8.34
! parsing: GO:0060119
! parse: GO:0060119 using "inner ear hair cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(CL:0000299, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000192])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0060119 using "inner ear hair cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(CL:0000374, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000192])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0060119 using "inner ear hair cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(CL:0000855, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000192])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0060119 using "inner ear hair cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000299, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000192]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0060119 using "inner ear hair cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000374, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000192]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0060119 using "inner ear hair cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000855, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000192]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0060119 using "inner ear receptor cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=cdef(CL:0000197, [OBO_REL:part_of=XAO:0000192])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0060119 using "inner ear receptor cell development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000197, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000192]) [-3]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an inner ear receptor cell over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Cell development does not include the steps involved in committing a cell to a specific fate."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of hair cell and OBO_REL:unfolds_in inner ear [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of=CL:0000855, OBO_REL:unfolds_in=XAO:0000192])]
id: GO:0060119 ! inner ear receptor cell development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of CL:0000855 ! hair cell
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000192 ! inner ear

! seconds spent parsing GO:0060119: 5.79
! parsing: GO:0060120
! No parse for: GO:0060120 inner ear receptor cell fate commitment
! parsing: GO:0060122
! No parse for: GO:0060122 inner ear receptor stereocilium organization and biogenesis
! parsing: GO:0060136
! No parse for: GO:0060136 embryonic process involved in female pregnancy
! parsing: GO:0060173
! parse: GO:0060173 using "limb development" => cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0003027]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a limb over time, from its formation to the mature structure. A limb is an appendage of an animal used for locomotion or grasping. For example a leg, arm or some types of fin."
! PROPOSED:  developmental process that OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of limb [cdef(GO:0032502, [OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of=XAO:0003027])]
id: GO:0060173 ! limb development
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0003027 ! limb

! seconds spent parsing GO:0060173: 1.85
! parsing: GO:0060174
! parse: GO:0060174 using "limb bud formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0003045, [OBO_REL:develops_into=XAO:0003027])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0060174 using "limb bud formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=cdef(XAO:0003045, [OBO_REL:develops_into=XAO:0003027])]) [-3]
! parse: GO:0060174 using "limb formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0003027]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0060174 using "limb formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0003027]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "The process pertaining to the initial formation of a limb bud from unspecified parts. This process begins with the formation of a local condensation of mesenchyme cells within the prospective limb field ends when a limb bud is recognizable."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of limb [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0003027])]
id: GO:0060174 ! limb bud formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0003027 ! limb

! seconds spent parsing GO:0060174: 5.51
! parsing: GO:0060197
! No parse for: GO:0060197 cloacal septation
! parsing: GO:0060214
! parse: GO:0060214 using "endocardium formation" => cdef(GO:0009058, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000066]) [-2]
! parse: GO:0060214 using "endocardium formation" => cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000066]) [-2]
! no existing xp def
! def: "Formation of the inner endothelial cell layer of the heart, which connects the heart to the vascular system."
! PROPOSED:  anatomical structure formation that OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of endocardium [cdef(GO:0048646, [OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of=XAO:0000066])]
id: GO:0060214 ! endocardium formation
intersection_of: GO:0048646 ! anatomical structure formation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of XAO:0000066 ! endocardium

! seconds spent parsing GO:0060214: 2.05
! parsing: GO:0060231
! No parse for: GO:0060231 mesenchymal to epithelial transition
! anonymous primitive or inner classes created as by-products:
id: _:nerve_cell_precursor
intersection_of: CL:0000000 ! cell
intersection_of: OBO_REL:develops_into CL:0000540 ! neuron
synonym: "nerve cell precursor" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursors" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursor" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursors" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:ovarian_nurse_cell
intersection_of: CL:0000026 ! nurse cell
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000258 ! ovary
synonym: "ovarian nurse cell" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovarian nurse cell cell" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovarie nurse cell" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovarie nurse cell cell" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovaries nurse cell" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "ovaries nurse cell cell" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
def: "A nurse cell that is part of a ovary" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__CL_0000099_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000020___
intersection_of: CL:0000099 ! interneuron
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000020 ! spinal cord
def: "A interneuron that is part of a spinal cord" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__CL_0000099_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000215___
intersection_of: CL:0000099 ! interneuron
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system
def: "A interneuron that is part of a CNS" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__CL_0000598_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000215___
intersection_of: CL:0000598 ! pyramidal cell
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system
def: "A projection neuron that is part of a CNS" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:spinal_cord_interneuron_specification
intersection_of: GO:0007389 ! pattern specification process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of _:cdef__CL_0000099_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000020___
synonym: "spinal cord interneuron specification" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:oocyte_nucleus_anchoring
intersection_of: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of GO:0005634 ! nucleus
synonym: "oocyte nucleus anchoring" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
def: "A biological process by which a oocyte and a nucleus become attached" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__GO_0008283_____OBO_REL_increases_population_size_of___CL_0000056___
intersection_of: GO:0008283 ! cell proliferation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:increases_population_size_of CL:0000056 ! myoblast

id: _:blood_vessel_endothelial_cell_cell_proliferation
intersection_of: GO:0008283 ! cell proliferation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:increases_population_size_of CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell
synonym: "blood vessel endothelial cell cell cell proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "blood vessel endothelial cell cell proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:neuron_precursor_proliferation
intersection_of: GO:0008283 ! cell proliferation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:increases_population_size_of _:nerve_cell_precursor
synonym: "nerve cell precursor cell proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursor proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursors cell proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursors proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursor cell proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursor proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursors cell proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursors proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron precursor proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__GO_0009653_____OBO_REL_results_in_developmental_progression_of___XAO_0000009___
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000009 ! retina

id: _:cdef__GO_0009653_____OBO_REL_results_in_developmental_progression_of___XAO_0003023___
intersection_of: GO:0009653 ! anatomical structure morphogenesis
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0003023 ! neuron

id: _:follicle_cell_cell_cell_migration
intersection_of: GO:0016477 ! cell migration
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_movement_of CL:0000477 ! follicle cell
synonym: "follicle cell cell cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "follicle cell cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "follicle cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:neuron_cell_migration
intersection_of: GO:0016477 ! cell migration
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_movement_of CL:0000540 ! neuron
synonym: "nerve cell cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:muscle_regeneration
intersection_of: GO:0031099 ! regeneration
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of XAO:0000172 ! muscle
synonym: "muscle regeneration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__GO_0032502_____OBO_REL_results_in_complete_development_of___XAO_0000009___
intersection_of: GO:0032502 ! developmental process
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of XAO:0000009 ! retina

id: _:tracheal_system_development
intersection_of: GO:0048731 ! system development
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in XAO:0000118 ! trachea
synonym: "tracheal system development" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__GO_0051179_____OBO_REL_results_in_localization_of___XAO_0000256___
intersection_of: GO:0051179 ! localization
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
synonym: "oocyte localization" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:oocyte_nucleus_localization
intersection_of: GO:0051647 ! nucleus localization
intersection_of: OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of XAO:0000256 ! oocyte
synonym: "oocyte nucleus localization" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__PATO_0001025_____OBO_REL_inheres_in___XAO_0000124___
intersection_of: PATO:0001025 ! pressure
intersection_of: OBO_REL:inheres_in XAO:0000124 ! blood
synonym: "blood pressure" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__XAO_0000058_____OBO_REL_has_quality___BSPO_0000013___
intersection_of: XAO:0000058 ! somite
intersection_of: OBO_REL:has_quality BSPO:0000013 ! anterior/posterior axis

id: _:cdef__XAO_0000064_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_1000012___
intersection_of: XAO:0000064 ! heart
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:1000012 ! embryo
def: "A heart that is part of a embryo" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__XAO_0000172_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000064___
intersection_of: XAO:0000172 ! muscle
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000064 ! heart
def: "A muscle that is part of a heart" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__XAO_0000175_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000114___
intersection_of: XAO:0000175 ! smooth muscle
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000114 ! artery
def: "A smooth muscle that is part of a artery" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__XAO_0000175_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000115___
intersection_of: XAO:0000175 ! smooth muscle
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000115 ! vein
def: "A smooth muscle that is part of a vein" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__XAO_0000175_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000127___
intersection_of: XAO:0000175 ! smooth muscle
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000127 ! esophagus
def: "A smooth muscle that is part of a esophagus" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__XAO_0000175_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000129___
intersection_of: XAO:0000175 ! smooth muscle
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000129 ! intestine
def: "A smooth muscle that is part of a intestine" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__XAO_0000175_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000144___
intersection_of: XAO:0000175 ! smooth muscle
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000144 ! ureter
def: "A smooth muscle that is part of a ureter" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__XAO_0000230_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000258___
intersection_of: XAO:0000230 ! follicle cell
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000258 ! ovary
def: "A follicle cell that is part of a ovary" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__XAO_0000299_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000298___
intersection_of: XAO:0000299 ! ventral
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000298 ! dorsal
def: "A ventral that is part of a dorsal" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__XAO_0003012_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000177___
intersection_of: XAO:0003012 ! cell
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000177 ! nervous system
def: "A cell that is part of a nervous system" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__XAO_0003023_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000178___
intersection_of: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000178 ! peripheral nervous system
def: "A neuron that is part of a PNS" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:cdef__XAO_0003023_____OBO_REL_part_of___XAO_0000215___
intersection_of: XAO:0003023 ! neuron
intersection_of: OBO_REL:part_of XAO:0000215 ! central nervous system
def: "A neuron that is part of a CNS" [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:nerve_cell_precursor_proliferation_in_the_nucleus
intersection_of: _:neuron_precursor_proliferation
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in GO:0005634 ! nucleus
synonym: "nerve cell precursor cell proliferation in nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursor cell proliferation in the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursor cell proliferation through the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursor proliferation in nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursor proliferation in the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursor proliferation through the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursors cell proliferation in nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursors cell proliferation in the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursors cell proliferation through the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursors proliferation in nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursors proliferation in the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell precursors proliferation through the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursor cell proliferation in nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursor cell proliferation in the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursor cell proliferation through the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursor proliferation in nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursor proliferation in the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursor proliferation through the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursors cell proliferation in nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursors cell proliferation in the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursors cell proliferation through the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursors proliferation in nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursors proliferation in the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "neuron cell precursors proliferation through the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nuclear nerve cell precursor cell proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nuclear nerve cell precursor proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nuclear nerve cell precursors cell proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nuclear nerve cell precursors proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nuclear neuron cell precursor cell proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nuclear neuron cell precursor proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nuclear neuron cell precursors cell proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nuclear neuron cell precursors proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nuclear neuron precursor proliferation" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]

id: _:nerve_cell_cell_migration_in_the_nucleus
intersection_of: _:neuron_cell_migration
intersection_of: OBO_REL:unfolds_in GO:0005634 ! nucleus
synonym: "nerve cell cell migration in nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell cell migration in the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell cell migration through the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell migration in nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell migration in the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nerve cell migration through the nucleus" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nuclear nerve cell cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nuclear nerve cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]
synonym: "nuclear neuron cell migration" EXACT [OBOL:automatic]