# Changelog ## 113 ### File layout changes The `Peaks` folder for human and mouse has been restructured to be consistent with other species and to avoid data duplication. Peaks are now available as bigBed files in the `peaks` folder, which is further organised by assay type. Signal files (as bigWig) are now also available in the `signal` folder. The `MotifFeatures` directory has been removed. Motif features are now available in the annotation folder. The regulatory features gff file in the top-level folder (`mus_musculus`) will be removed in release 114. ### ID changes Annotation uses a new ID system. Features can be mapped between releases using `feature_mapping_113_to_112.tsv.gz` in `GRCm39/annotation`. ## 112 ### File layout changes GRCm39 files will progressively be moved to the `GRCm39` folder over the next few releases (112-114). - Regulatory features (gff) are now available in `GRCm39/annotation`, with the following naming convention: `..regulatory_features.v.gff3.gz`. The attribute values have been simplified. The gff file in the top-level folder (`mus_musculus`) will be removed in release 114. - Regulatory feature activity is no longer available as one gff file per cell type. Instead, activity is available as a tsv file in the `GRCm39/annotation` folder. The tsv file contains activity across all cell types for all features.