September 30, 2005 We have identified a redundancy error in RefSeq release 13. We inadvertently assigned new accessions for the transcript and protein products of two fungal genomes while processing an update, instead of re-using existing accessions. The species affected are: Ustilago maydis NCBI Taxonomy ID: 237631 Number of records duplicated: 13044 Aspergillus nidulans NCBI Taxonomy ID: 227321 Number of records duplicated: 19082 The older accessions have been made secondary to the newer accessions. A file reporting the accessions affected by this error is available on the FTP site. The file reports the pairwise relationship of the redundant data. The column position indicates which has become a secondary accession and which has been retained as the primary accession. release13.redundancy-error-report The file format is: column 1: NCBI Taxonomic ID column 2: accession.version - secondary column 3: gi - secondary column 4: accession.version - retained as primary column 5: gi - retained as primary We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.