Meeting Photo: 2002 Consortium Meeting
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, May 13, 2002

back row: Lukas Mueller11, Daniel Barrell7, Chris Mungall5, Matt Berriman8, Rex Chisholm13, Evelyn Camon7, Martin Ringwald3, Han Xie9
middle: Bernard de Bono16, Elizabeth Nickerson14, Mike Cherry1, Amelia Ireland6, Michelle Gwinn15, Linda Hannick15, Harold Drabkin3, David Hill3, Karen Christie1, Rebecca Foulger4, Jane Lomax6, Katya Montrova2
front: Janan Eppig3, Eurie Hong1, Chandra Theesfeld1, Michael Ashburner4, Suzi Lewis5, John Richter5, Midori "GO GO Girl" Harris6, Judith Blake3, Liat Mintz9, Eimear Kenny10, Courtland Yockey12
1. Saccharomyces Genome Database; 2. Incyte Genomics; 3. Mouse Genome Informatics; 4. FlyBase (Cambridge); 5. Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project; 6. GO Editorial Office at the European Bioinformatics Institute; 7. GO Annotation at the European Bioinformatics Institute; 8. Pathogen Sequencing Unit at Sanger; 9. Compugen; 10. Wormbase; 11. The Arabidopsis Information Resource; 12. AstraZeneca; 13. dictyBase; 14. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; 15. The Institute for Genomic Research; 16. MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge.