Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 22:45:47 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: changes to GO CVS and FTP 

At the GO Collaborators meeting last weekend several changes to the
organization of the GO CVS, and thus the FTP, sites were approved.

Some of the changes have already occurred on the CVS & FTP sites.
More changes are planned and will occur in the next few days.

The biggest current change is that all gene_association files have
been moved from the species specific directories to a common
directory called gene-associations.  The files in the minutes
directory were renamed for easier use.

Over the next few days a new archive oriented structure will be put
into place on the ftp site and some directories will be removed from
CVS.  Another change is that the source, xml, and schema directories
in the GO CVS will be removed and become available from the Berkeley

The following command should update your existing local copy of the GO
CVS repository, creating any new directories and files plus removing
any old directory that is now empty.

  cd go
  cvs update -dP

If you find problems updating an old copy you can always just remove
the current copy and checkout everything again.  The following will
build a new go repository tree.

  cvs login
  cvs checkout go
  cd go
  cvs update -dP

Note that several more changes will be occuring over the coming week.
The biggest rearrangements are done.  The coming changes are actually
the removal of files from the site to a site at
Berkeley or to the site.
