[% entry.title %]
[% entry.author %][% IF entry.author_etAl %] et al.[% END %]
[% entry.journal %], [% entry.year %][%
IF entry.is_epub %]; epub ahead of print[%
ELSIF entry.volume_issue_page %]; [% entry.volume_issue_page %][%
END %].
[% IF query_h.show_category && entry.category %]
[% FOREACH c = entry.category;
CASE '1'; '- by GO
CASE '2'; '- overviews of GO
CASE '3'; '- GO annotations
CASE '4'; '- genome annotation
CASE '5'; '- EST annotation
CASE '6'; '- protein annotation
CASE '7'; '- use of GO in gene expression studies
CASE '8'; '- use of GO in proteomics studies
CASE '9'; '- prediction of GO annotations
CASE '10'; '- GO tools
CASE '11'; '- use of GO in biological databases
CASE '12'; '- use of GO in data or text mining
CASE '13'; '- other applications of GO
CASE '14'; '- publications on biomedical ontologies mentioning GO
CASE '15'; '- publications on OBO ontologies
CASE '16'; '- use of GO in clinical applications
CASE '17'; '- use of GO in network modeling and analysis
CASE '18'; '- use of GO in comparative genomics and evolutionary analysis
CASE '19'; '- use of GO to support predictions
END %]
[% END;
IF query_h.show_comments && entry.comment %]
[% END;
IF entry.xref || entry.url %]
[% END %]