This directory contains supplemental XP definitions yet to be moved into gene_ontology_edit.obo For context, please see: In general the file names have the following structure _xp_.obo This means the file extends Ont1 with logical definitions that reference Ont2. Ont1 is always one of the 3 GO ontologies. Other files: *.relstats Summarises the relations used in this xp set *.correl For any XP relationship that spans 2 GO ontologies we can ask how correlated the resulting annotations are; specifically, if the XP set has a relationship we can ask what is p(target|source). For example, what is the probability of a gene being annotated to 'mitochondrion' if it is annotated to 'mitochondrial translation'? We expect there to be some correlation if the terms are related. In some cases (such as the above) we may expect p ~ 1. The columns are <#genes(source^target)> <#genes(target)> *.correl.avgs averages over correlations for each relation. The columns are TODO: more statistically sound aggregation