Meeting Photo: 2001 Consortium Meeting
The Jackson Labs, Bar Harbor, Maine, July 15, 2001
left to right standing: Selina Dwight1, Anand Sethuraman1, Jennifer Hogan2, Karen Christie1, Midori Harris3, Michael Ashburner4, Matt Berriman5, David Hill6, Pavel Tomancak7, Rolf Apweiler8, Raymond Lee9, Erich Schwarz9
left to right kneeling: Leonore Reiser10, Sue Rhee10, Liat Mintz11, Nicola Mulder8, Judith Blake6, Dianna Fisk1, Suzi Lewis7, Courtland Yockey12, Harold Drabkin6, Martin Ringwald6
left to right standing: Janan Eppig6, Selina Dwight1, Anand Sethuraman1, Jennifer Hogan2, Karen Christie1, Midori Harris3, Michael Ashburner4, Matt Berriman5, David Hill6, Pavel Tomancak7, Rolf Apweiler8, Raymond Lee9, Erich Schwarz9
left to right kneeling: Leonore Reiser10, Sue Rhee10, Liat Mintz11, Nicola Mulder8, Judith Blake6, Dianna Fisk1, Courtland Yockey12, Harold Drabkin6, Martin Ringwald6, Rex Chisholm13
1. Saccharomyces Genome Database; 2. Incyte Genomics; 3. GO Editorial Office at the European Bioinformatics Institute; 4. FlyBase; 5. Pathogen Saquencing Unit at Sanger; 6. Mouse Genome Informatics; 7. Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project; 8. InterPro; 9. Wormbase; 10. The Arabidopsis Information Resource; 11. Compugen; 12. AstraZeneca; 13. dictyBase.