Meeting Photo: 2000 GO Consortium Meeting
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, November 5, 2000
left to right: Brad Marshall1, John Richter1, Chris Mungall1, David Hill2, Michael Ashburner3, Mike Cherry4, Suzanna Lewis1, Judith Blake2, Erich Schwarz7, Heather Butler3, Kara Dolinski4, Sue Rhee5, Leonore Reiser5, Jungwon Yoon5, Gavin Sherlock4, Cathy Ball4, Midori Harris4, John Matese4, Courtland Yockey6
1. Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project; 2. Mouse Genome Informatics; 3. FlyBase; 4. Saccharomyces Genome Database; 5. The Arabidopsis Information Resource; 6. AstraZeneca; 7. Wormbase