Gramene January 2004 release: _________________________________ Total number of gene products: 28685 Number of proteins from SWISS-PROT: 391 Number of proteins from TrEMBL: 28294 Number of Pfam entries: 1788 Total number of proteins that have mappings to Pfam: 14528 Number of Prosite entries: 844 Total number of proteins that have mappings to Prosite: 8752 Total number of associations: 46169 (19640 gene products are associated with 966 GO terms) Biological Process: 318 terms 8622 gene_products 11570 associations Cellular Component: 108 terms 17403 gene_products 21167 associations Molecular Function: 540 terms 7278 gene_products 13432 associations Total number of evidences: 57376 Total number of IEA evidences: 23346 Total number of non-IEA evidences: 34030 Total number of proteins have IEA evidences: 6228 Total number of proteins have non-IEA evidences: 17508 Total number of references used as evidences: 99 _________________________ Gramene received a 4 year funding from NSF starting Nov 2003. Related project Plant Ontology consortium also received a funding from NSF for 3 yrs starting Oct 2003. ________________________ Organizing an ontology workshop at the Plant and Animal Genomes conference XII Mon Jan 12 3-630 pm. Funded by the Gramene's NSF_RCN grant.