WormBase Progress Report Gene Ontology Consortium Meeting, September 26th-27th, 2003 1. Current GO Annotations in WormBase As of September 23, 2003: Total gene products annotated: 6909 Total number of biological process terms: 5096 Total number of molecular function terms: 5739 Total number of cellular component terms: 3040 Total number of non-IEA annotations: 2446 Total number of IEA annotations: 4463 2. GO Curation at WormBase Manual, literature-based annotations are continuously added to WormBase to provide experimentally derived evidence for our GO term assignments. Interpro-to-GO mappings (IEA) are updated bi-weekly. GO term definitions are updated on our website bi-weekly. We are updating and automating RNAi-to-GO mappings that assign biological process terms based on RNAi mutant phenotypes. Currently, there are 4,201 genes with RNAi phenotypes that could be given an RNAi-to-GO mapping. Our previous mapping provided GO terms for 1,306 genes; the update will now give us IMP-based terms for an additional 2,895 genes. This will expand RNAi-based coverage to 22% of the genome. Reannotation of obsolete GO terms: 11 genes that had one or more obsoleted terms associated with them; these have been manually reannotated. We have also replaced obsoleted terms from our first RNAi-to-GO mappings (i.e. embryogenesis and morphogenesis, histogenesis and morphogenesis, cytokinesis); this replaced 1,093 lines of annotation. 3. Other Areas of Interest 14th International C. elegans Meeting, UCLA, June 29-July 3, 2003 GO curation highlighted in: Opening Plenary Session Talk (Keith Bradnam, Sanger Center) and Daily WormBase workshops. Textpresso, An information retrieval and extraction system for C. elegans literature-Eimear Kenny 4. Future Plans WormBase has been awarded another five years of funding and with that, we are moving towards a more integrated curation process. As a result, more curators will be entering GO annotations as part of our ongoing gene function and cell and anatomy curation. Within the next 1-2 months, we will be caught up on entering data from microarray experiments. We plan to incorporate microarray- to-GO term mappings as part of this curation. One of our immediate goals is to incorporate a controlled vocabulary for describing mutant phenotypes. This may lead to developing some new phenotype and/or behavioral terms.