rel_stat OBO_REL:has_agent 6 As for has_participant, but with the additional condition that the component instance is causally active in the relevant process rel_stat OBO_REL:has_quality 6 A relation between an entity and a quality. For types: E has_quality Q iff: for any eEt, exists qQt such that q inheres_in e at t. For instances: e has_quality q at t iff q inheres_in e at t and q instance-of Quality rel_stat OBO_REL:results_in_closure_of 1 P results_in_closure_of C : forall pP exists cC such that a topological change occurs in c, whereby two parts of c, c1 and c2 become connected rel_stat OBO_REL:results_in_complete_development_of 99 A relation between a process type P and a continuant type C, such that any instance of Pp has as outcome the progression of an instance of Cc, from the formation of c to the maturation of c rel_stat OBO_REL:results_in_connection_of 1 P results_in_connection_of C1, P results_in_connection_of C2 : forall pP, at the end of p, there is some c1, c2 such that c1C1 and c2C2 and c1 connected_to c2, and c1 not connected_to c2 at the end of p rel_stat OBO_REL:results_in_developmental_progression_of 40 P results_in_developmental_progression_of C : any instance of P spans part of the development of some C. Formally: forall pP, p part_of some P', and P' results_in_complete_development_of C rel_stat OBO_REL:results_in_division_of 1 P results_in_division_of C : any instance of C (c1) divides giving rise to two continuants c2 and c3 of type C' and C''. C' derives_from C, C'' derives_from C rel_stat OBO_REL:results_in_formation_of 41 P results_in_formation_of C : any instance of P gives rise to a C from the parts of C. Formally: forall pP, exists some c such that c instantiates C at end-of p, and c has some parts c1, c2, ... such that the parts are connected at the end-of p and disconected at the start-of p rel_stat OBO_REL:results_in_fusion_of 1 P results_in_fusion_of C : two instances of C (c1, c2) join together to become a single instance c of C' over the course of any P. C' derives_from C rel_stat OBO_REL:results_in_localization_of 1 P results_in_localization_of C : **TODO** - compare and contrast with maintenance of localization, and transportation rel_stat OBO_REL:results_in_morphogenesis_of 39 NO_DEF rel_stat OBO_REL:results_in_remodeling_of 1 NO_DEF rel_stat OBO_REL:results_in_specification_of 3 NO_DEF rel_stat OBO_REL:results_in_structural_change_to 1 P results_in_structural_change_to C : forall pP, there is some instance c of C such that c has some structural quality at start_of p that changes over the course of p rel_stat OBO_REL:unfolds_in 32 P unfolds_in C : the execution of P is spatially contained by C. forall pP, forall c' partipates_in p, c' located_in C at t, for some t in P rel_stat results_in_increased_length_of 1 NO_REL