[% IF tool.is_online_tool %] Use tool online [% END; IF tool.is_standalone_tool %] Download tool [% IF tool.compatible_os %]
[% FOREACH os = tool.compatible_os; IF os == 'win' %]Windows compatible[% ELSIF os == 'mac' %]Mac OS X compatible[% ELSIF os == 'linux' %]Linux compatible[% ELSIF os == 'unix' %]Unix compatible[% END; END %]
[% END; END; IF preview; err_list = []; IF !tool.is_online_tool && !tool.is_standalone_tool; err_list.push('Tool type (online or standalone) missing'); ELSIF tool.is_standalone_tool && !tool.compatible_os; err_list.push('Compatible OS list missing'); END; IF err_list.size > 0 %]

[% err_list.join('
') %]

[% END; END %]

[% IF tool.url %][% END; IF tool.name; tool.name; ELSIF preview %]Tool name unknown[% END; IF tool.url %][% ELSIF preview %] No URL supplied for the tool![% END; IF tool.name_abbr %] ([% tool.name_abbr %])[% ELSIF tool.name_acronym %] ([% tool.name_acronym %])[% END %]

[% IF preview && !tool.url %]

No URL supplied for the tool!

[% END %]

[% IF tool.developer; IF preview; tool.developer.join(', '); ELSE; FOREACH developer = tool.developer %] [% developer.fn %] [external website][% FOREACH cat = [ 'locality', 'region', 'country-name' ]; IF developer.$cat %], [% developer.$cat %][% END; END; END; END %]. [% ELSE; 'Missing the tool developer!'; END; IF tool.email %]
[% ELSIF preview %]
Missing a contact email address! [% END %]
[% IF tool.publication; 'Publications: '; IF preview; tool.publication.join(', '); ELSE; FOREACH p = tool.publication %] [% p.db %]:[% p.key %] [external website] [% END; END; ELSE; 'No publications'; END %]

Tool Features
[% IF tool.feature; FOREACH f = tool.feature; '
' _ tool_spec.feature.list_values_human_name_h.$f || f _ '
'; END; ELSE; '
No features specified
'; END %]
[% IF tool.description; '
' _ tool.description _ '
'; ELSE; '
No description available
'; END %]
[% IF tool.license == 'proprietary' %]

NOTE: this tool is NOT free. Those miserable bastards want you to pay for it!

[% ELSIF !tool.license && preview %]

Tool license not specified

[% END %] [% IF preview && tool.is_open_source && tool.is_open_source == 'true' %]

Open Source (OSI) Logo This tool is open source.

[% END %]
[%# dump_me = tool; PROCESS dumper.tmpl; %]