!gaf-version: 2.0 ! Updated by: TOUCHUP-v1.15 on 26 Apr 2016 using PANTHER 10.0 built on the 2014_4 GCRP release SGD S000003753 REE1 GO:0005737 SGD_REF:S000074185|PMID:14562095 IDA C Cytoplasmic protein involved in the regulation of enolase (ENO1) UniProtKB:P40893|PTN002175649|YJL217W protein taxon:559292 20031028 SGD ENSEMBL CADANIAG00000578 AN7484 GO:0071470 PMID:17258477 IEP P Uncharacterized protein AN7484 UniProtKB:Q5AW46|PTN002175659|Y7484_EMENI protein taxon:227321 20110727 ASPGD