# HISTORY 26 Mar 2016: Updated by: TOUCHUP-v1.15 16 Mar 2016: Updated by: TOUCHUP-v1.14 # molecular_function 20100819: Euteleostomi_PTN000421002 has function beta-catenin binding (GO:0008013) # cellular_component 20120414: Euteleostomi_PTN000421002 is found in nucleus (GO:0005634) 20120414: Euteleostomi_PTN000421002 is found in cytosol (GO:0005829) 20120414: Euteleostomi_PTN000421002 is found in beta-catenin destruction complex (GO:0030877) # biological_process 20100819: Euteleostomi_PTN000421002 participates in branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis (GO:0001658) 20100819: Euteleostomi_PTN000421002 participates in anterior/posterior pattern specification (GO:0009952) 20100819: Euteleostomi_PTN000421002 participates in negative regulation of Wnt signaling pathway (GO:0030178) # WARNINGS - THE FOLLOWING HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR THE REASONS NOTED # NOTES Description of phylogeny This is a very small family with two paralogous vertebrate clades, one of beta-catenin interacting protein (Ctnnbip1), and one with Lzic (Leucine zipper and ICAT homologous domain-containing protein). Ctnnbip1 has one known molecular function: binding beta-catenin (from mouse); Lzic has one known molecular function: NOT binding beta-catenin (from zebrafish). There are several BP annotations for Ctnnbip1, but otherwise nothing else is annotated in GO. Since the only thing we really know about Lzic is that it doesn't bind beta catenin, I will treat the Ctnnbip1 clade as the entire family and AN4 as the root. Note: As of today, 19 Aug 2010, there are several annotations for human CTNNBIP1 in QuickGO that are not shown in PAINT. They are from as far back as 20100722. MF -As stated above, the only thing we know is that mouse Ctnnbip1 binds beta catenin. Propagate "beta-catenin binding" to AN4. CC -There are no CC annotations for this family. BP -Since only one protein, mouse Ctnnbip1, is annotated, propagate the following non-redundant terms to AN4: GO:0001658 branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis GO:0009952 anterior/posterior pattern formation GO:0048662 negative regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation GO:0030178 negative regulation of Wnt receptor signaling pathway GO:0060633 negative regulation of transcription initiation from RNA polymerase II promoter GO:0010553 negative regulation of gene-specific transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter -Do not propagate the following terms where the effect is indirect or the meaning is covered by the above: GO:0043433 negative regulation of transcription factor activity GO:0043392 negative regulation of DNA binding Notes for MOD curators CC -Mouse: There are 2 TAS annotations from PMID 10898789 ("nucleus" and "cytoplasm"). MSL 19 August 2010 HM, reviewed 2014 May 5 # REFERENCE Annotation inferences using phylogenetic trees The goal of the GO Reference Genome Project, described in PMID 19578431, is to provide accurate, complete and consistent GO annotations for all genes in twelve model organism genomes. To this end, GO curators are annotating evolutionary trees from the PANTHER database with GO terms describing molecular function, biological process and cellular component. GO terms based on experimental data from the scientific literature are used to annotate ancestral genes in the phylogenetic tree by sequence similarity (ISS), and unannotated descendants of these ancestral genes are inferred to have inherited these same GO annotations by descent. The annotations are done using a tool called PAINT (Phylogenetic Annotation and INference Tool).