# HISTORY 07 May 2016: Updated by: TOUCHUP-v1.18 15 Mar 2016: Updated by: TOUCHUP-v1.14 25 Mar 2016: Updated by: TOUCHUP-v1.15 # molecular_function 20151105: Eukaryota_PTN000332517 has function structural constituent of nuclear pore (GO:0017056) # cellular_component 20151105: Eukaryota_PTN000332517 is found in nuclear pore outer ring (GO:0031080) # biological_process 20151105: Eukaryota_PTN000332517 participates in mRNA export from nucleus (GO:0006406) 20151105: Eukaryota_PTN000332517 participates in protein import into nucleus (GO:0006606) 20151105: Eukaryota_PTN000332517 participates in positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated (GO:0045893) # PRUNED 07 May 2016: Magnoliophyta_PTN000332569 has been pruned from tree # WARNINGS - THE FOLLOWING HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR THE REASONS NOTED # NOTES 25 Mar 2016: Magnoliophyta_PTN000332569 has been pruned from tree 15 Mar 2016: Magnoliophyta_PTN000332569 has been pruned from tree Comment on Tree --------------- Magnoliophyta_PTN000332569, which was under a duplication node and which had a noticeably long branch length from the duplication node, was pruned because the alignment of this group of sequences compared to the rest of the family looked terrible, either viewing the full alignment or the condensed version. In addition, looking at the protein entries for the O. sativa and the A. thaliana members of each subclade under the duplication node indicates that the ones in the node I have pruned are labeled as GATC genes, not as NUP85 (aka NUP75) genes. Q7XZZ1 (GATC_ORYSJ) - GATC - Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit C, chloroplastic/mitochondrial F4JV80 (GATC_ARATH) - GATC - Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit C, chloroplastic/mitochondrial Q8LIZ0 (Q8LIZ0_ORYSJ) (unreviewed TrEMBL entry) - Submitted name: Os01g0746200 protein - Submitted name: Putative nucleoporin Nup75 Q8RXH2 (NUP85_ARATH) - Nuclear pore complex protein NUP85 - NUP85 # REFERENCE Annotation inferences using phylogenetic trees The goal of the GO Reference Genome Project, described in PMID 19578431, is to provide accurate, complete and consistent GO annotations for all genes in twelve model organism genomes. To this end, GO curators are annotating evolutionary trees from the PANTHER database with GO terms describing molecular function, biological process and cellular component. GO terms based on experimental data from the scientific literature are used to annotate ancestral genes in the phylogenetic tree by sequence similarity (ISS), and unannotated descendants of these ancestral genes are inferred to have inherited these same GO annotations by descent. The annotations are done using a tool called PAINT (Phylogenetic Annotation and INference Tool).