# HISTORY 07 May 2016: Updated by: TOUCHUP-v1.18 14 Mar 2016: Updated by: TOUCHUP-v1.14 24 Mar 2016: Updated by: TOUCHUP-v1.15 # molecular_function # cellular_component 20110105: Eukaryota_PTN000138848 is found in cytosolic small ribosomal subunit (GO:0022627) 20110105: Eukaryota_PTN000138848 is found in small-subunit processome (GO:0032040) 20110105: Eukaryota_PTN000138848 is found in 90S preribosome (GO:0030686) # biological_process 20110105: Eukaryota_PTN000138848 participates in rRNA processing (GO:0006364) 20110105: Eukaryota_PTN000138848 participates in ribosomal small subunit biogenesis (GO:0042274) # WARNINGS - THE FOLLOWING HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR THE REASONS NOTED # NOTES . Fast-pass curation of PTHR11278 (40S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S7) family Phylogeny One clade spanning plants to humans. MF There are no useable annotations. The only MF annotation that exists is to "protein binding" (for human RPS7), which is not propagated. CC -Propagate GO:0022627 "cytosolic small ribosomal subunit" to AN0. -Assuming that ribosomal assembly is well0-conserved in the eukaryotes, propagate the following 2 terms to AN0: GO:0032040 small-subunit processome GO:0030686 90S preribosome -PMID 11823430 shows that human RPS7 is imported into nucleus, but all other nuclear annotations are HTP. For now, do not propagate. -All remaining annotations are HTP and isolated. BP -There are annotations to GO:0042274 "ribosomal small subunit biogenesis" in human (PMID 18697920) and to GO:0042254 "ribosome biogenesis" in yeast (PMID 16246728). Propagate 42274 to AN0. -Also propagate GO:0006364 "rRNA processing" to AN0 based on the same human paper (PMID 18697920). -Do not propagate GO:0006414 "translational elongation," which comes from a single review article (PMID 15189156). -Do not propagate GO:0051726 "regulation of cell cycle." The inference is based on the role of ribosomal genes in cancer (PMID 15138505) =Questions for MOD curators= ==Molecular Function== ===All organisms=== * '''Critical''': There are no MF annotations to this family other than one for "protein binding." Can anyone make an annotation to a more meaningful term, perhaps GO:0003735 "structural constituent of ribosome"? ====Curator answers==== *FlyBase: Sorry can't find anything for Drosophila. Susan MSL, 5 Jan 2011: Submitted MSL, 26 Aug 2011: Added 1 answer from wiki HM updated on May 21 2014 # REFERENCE Annotation inferences using phylogenetic trees The goal of the GO Reference Genome Project, described in PMID 19578431, is to provide accurate, complete and consistent GO annotations for all genes in twelve model organism genomes. To this end, GO curators are annotating evolutionary trees from the PANTHER database with GO terms describing molecular function, biological process and cellular component. GO terms based on experimental data from the scientific literature are used to annotate ancestral genes in the phylogenetic tree by sequence similarity (ISS), and unannotated descendants of these ancestral genes are inferred to have inherited these same GO annotations by descent. The annotations are done using a tool called PAINT (Phylogenetic Annotation and INference Tool).