# HISTORY 24 Mar 2016: Updated by: TOUCHUP-v1.15 14 Mar 2016: Updated by: TOUCHUP-v1.12 # molecular_function 20100924: Eukaryota_PTN000015911 has function single-stranded DNA endodeoxyribonuclease activity (GO:0000014) 20100924: Eukaryota_PTN000015911 has function single-stranded DNA binding (GO:0003697) 20140516: Eukaryota_PTN000015911 has function damaged DNA binding (GO:0003684) # cellular_component 20100924: Eukaryota_PTN000015911 is found in nucleotide-excision repair factor 1 complex (GO:0000110) # biological_process 20140516: Eukaryota_PTN000015911 participates in nucleotide-excision repair involved in interstrand cross-link repair (GO:1901255) 20100924: Eukaryota_PTN000015911 participates in nucleotide-excision repair, DNA incision, 5'-to lesion (GO:0006296) 20100924: Eukaryota_PTN000015911 participates in double-strand break repair via homologous recombination (GO:0000724) 20100924: Eukaryota_PTN000015911 participates in resolution of meiotic recombination intermediates (GO:0000712) 20100924: Ascomycota_PTN000015960 participates in double-strand break repair via single-strand annealing, removal of nonhomologous ends (GO:0000736) # WARNINGS - THE FOLLOWING HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR THE REASONS NOTED # NOTES Description of phylogeny This family consists of one major clade spanning plants to humans. There are very few duplications. MF -S. cerevisiae and Arabidopsis each have annotations to GO:0000014 "single-stranded DNA specific endodeoxyribonuclease activity." The yeast annotation is an IDA from a paper (PMID 8253764) that shows that the RAD1/RAD10 complex has the activity, and it has a CONTRIBUTES_TO qualifier. The Arabidopsis annotation is an IMP from PMID 11027708, showing that uvh1 mutants do not have the activity. From these 2 annotations, it is not possible to determine whether the active site lies in RAD10/uvh1 itself. However, since the plant annotation is not based on a biochemical experiment, it may perhaps be better as a BP annotation than a MF annotation. Therefore, propagate GO:0000014 to root with the CONTRIBUTES_TO qualifier. GO:0000014 should has_part GO:0003697 "single-stranded DNA binding," but it doesn't, so propagate 3697 to AN0. CC -Propagate GO:0000110 "nucleotide-excision repair factor 1 complex" to root. This covers nucleus, too. -Do not propagate "spindle pole body" from S. pombe because it's a lone HTP finding. BP -Propagate the following to root: GO:0006296 nucleotide-excision repair, DNA incision, 5'-to lesion GO:0000724 double-strand break repair via homologous recombination GO:0000712 resolution of meiotic recombination intermediates -Propagate GO:0000736 "double-strand break repair via single-strand annealing, removal of nonhomologous ends" to the fungal clade only, as it is a child of "gene conversion at mating-type locus" and all children of "mitotic recombination" here are found in fungi. First pass annotation, Submitted 2010 September 24, MSL Updated 2010 December 22, MSL Reviewed PG 2014-05-16 # REFERENCE Annotation inferences using phylogenetic trees The goal of the GO Reference Genome Project, described in PMID 19578431, is to provide accurate, complete and consistent GO annotations for all genes in twelve model organism genomes. To this end, GO curators are annotating evolutionary trees from the PANTHER database with GO terms describing molecular function, biological process and cellular component. GO terms based on experimental data from the scientific literature are used to annotate ancestral genes in the phylogenetic tree by sequence similarity (ISS), and unannotated descendants of these ancestral genes are inferred to have inherited these same GO annotations by descent. The annotations are done using a tool called PAINT (Phylogenetic Annotation and INference Tool).