December 3rd, 2003 gene_association.sgd.gz -- Contains all GO annotations for Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene products (protein and RNA). The gene_association.sgd.gz file uses the standard file format for gene_association files of the Gene Ontology (GO) Consortium. A more complete description of the file format is found here: This file is updated nightly if there have been changes to the GO annotations within the SGD database. Columns are: 1: DB, database contributing the file (always "SGD" for this file). 2: DB_Object_ID, SGDID (SGD's unique identifier for genes and features). 3: DB_Object_Symbol, see below 4: Qualifier (optional), one or more of 'NOT', 'contributes_to', 'colocalizes_with' as qualifier(s) for a GO annotation, when needed, multiples separated by pipe (|) 5: GO ID, unique numeric identifier for the GO term 6: DB:Reference(|DB:Reference), the reference associated with the GO annotation 7: Evidence, the evidence code for the GO annotation 8: With (or) From (optional), any With or From qualifier for the GO annotation 9: Aspect, which ontology the GO term belongs (Function, Process or Component) 10: DB_Object_Name(|Name) (optional), a name for the gene product in words, e.g. 'acid phosphatase' 11: DB_Object_Synonym(|Synonym) (optional), see below 12: DB_Object_Type, type of object annotated, e.g. gene, protein, etc. 13: taxon(|taxon), taxonomic identifier of species encoding gene product 14: Date, date GO annotation was defined in the format YYYYMMDD 15: Assigned_by, source of the annotation (always "SGD" for this file) 16: Annotation Extension, optional, Contains cross references to other ontologies that can be used to qualify or enhance the annotation. The cross-reference is prefaced by an appropriate GO relationship; references to multiple ontologies can be entered. For example, if a gene product is localized to the mitochondria of lymphocytes, the GO ID (column 5) would be mitochondrion ; GO:0005439, and the annotation extension column would contain a cross-reference to the term lymphocyte from the Cell Type Ontology. 17: Gene Product Form ID, optional, this field allows the annotation of specific variants of that gene or gene product. UniProtKB:P12345-2 Note on SGD nomenclature, pertains to columns 3 and 11: Column 3 - When a Standard Gene Name (e.g. CDC28, COX2) has been conferred, it will be present in Column 3. When no Gene Name has been conferred, the Systematic Name (e.g. YAL001C, YGR116W, YAL034W-A) will be present in column 3. Column 11 - The Systematic Name (e.g. YAL001C, YGR116W, YAL034W-A, Q0010) will be the first name present in Column 11. Any other names (except the Standard Name, which will be in Column 3 if one exists), including Aliases used for the gene will also be present in this column. For more information about the nomenclature systems (Standard Gene Names or Systematic ORF Names) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, please see the SGD Gene Nomenclature Conventions at: Questions about this file should be sent to: