February 13, 2008 gene_association_PAMGO_oomycetes.gz -- A source for oomycete (currently, Phytophthora sojae, Phytophthora infestans, Phytophthora parasitica, Hyaloperonospora parasitica, Pythium aphanidermatum, Phytophthora capsici, Phytophthora cinnamomi, and Phytophthora cryptogea) GO annotations. These annotations are based solely on experimental data from scientific literature. Annotations are made by the Oomycete Genome Annotation team at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute. The annotating database is Identified in column 15. Questions about this file should be sent to: trudy@vbi.vt.edu The gene_association.PAMGO_oomycetes.gz file uses the standard file format for gene_association files of the Gene Ontology (GO) Consortium. A more complete description of the file format is found here: http://www.geneontology.org/doc/GO.annotation.html#file Columns are: 1: DB: database contributing the file (either the VBI microbial database (VMD) or NCBI protein database (NCBI_GP)). 2: DB_Object_ID: (Unique identifier for genes/gene products in appropriate database). 3: DB_Object_Symbol: 4: Qualifier: (optional), one or more of 'NOT', 'contributes_to', 'colocalizes_with' as qualifier(s) for a GO annotation, when needed, multiples separated by pipe (|) 5: GO ID: unique numeric identifier for the GO term 6: DB:Reference(|DB:Reference): the reference associated with the GO annotation 7: Evidence: the evidence code for the GO annotation 8: With (or) From: (optional), any With or From qualifier for the GO annotation 9: Aspect: which ontology the GO term belongs (Function, Process or Component) 10: DB_Object_Name(|Name): (optional), a name for the gene product in words, e.g. ' crinkling and necrosis-inducing protein ' 11: DB_Object_Synonym(|Synonym): (optional), e.g. NLPPs 12: DB_Object_Type: type of object annotated, e.g. gene, protein, etc. 13: taxon: taxonomic identifier of species encoding gene product. The dual taxon is used mainly in conjunction with terms that have the term "multi-organism process" - GO:0051704 as their ancestor. The first taxon id should be that of the organism encoding the gene or gene product, and the taxon id after the pipe should be that of the other organism in the interaction. (e.g. taxon:1|taxon:1000) 14: Date: date GO annotation was made in the format 15: Assigned_by: source of the annotation (PAMGO_VMD) Methodology An annotator examines each gene product. Terms are then assigned by examining the literature, and translating the experimental information contained in experimental results into the appropriate GO terms.