GO Monthly Release Notes for September 2007
Generated on Mon Oct  1 16:55:43 2007

Files used:
OLD: version 4.309, 30:08:2007 19:30
NEW: version 4.322, 29:09:2007 19:30


GO:0009941  GO:0009536  TAIR  D  SF:575119  chloroplast envelope

1. GO ID number
2. GO-slim term(s) that new term was added under or "obs" if the term is obsolete.
Terms with more than one GO-slim parent have further parents listed underneath the first parent.
3. Database that added term
4. indicates the existence of a definition for the term
5. the sourceforge request ID the term was added in response to
6. term name

Columns are tab-delimited and can be imported into Excel for ease of reading.

New terms in biological_process ontology (3 new terms)
GO:0032581	GO:0006996	MAH	D	      	ER-dependent peroxisome biogenesis
GO:0032582	GO:0006350	MAH	D	      	negative regulation of gene-specific transcription
GO:0032583	GO:0006350	MAH	D	      	regulation of gene-specific transcription

Term name changes in biological_process ontology
GO:0006349: imprinting --> genetic imprinting
GO:0051460: negative regulation of adrenocorticotropin hormone secretion --> negative regulation of adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion
GO:0051461: positive regulation of adrenocorticotropin hormone secretion --> positive regulation of adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion
GO:0052548: regulation of protease activity --> regulation of endopeptidase activity

New term merges in biological_process ontology
GO:0000283 has been merged into GO:0030010, establishment of cell polarity
GO:0030012 has been merged into GO:0007163, establishment and/or maintenance of cell polarity
GO:0030013 has been merged into GO:0030011, maintenance of cell polarity
GO:0030467 has been merged into GO:0007163, establishment and/or maintenance of cell polarity
GO:0030468 has been merged into GO:0030010, establishment of cell polarity
GO:0030469 has been merged into GO:0030011, maintenance of cell polarity

Term movements in biological_process ontology:
Terms movements under GO Slim term 'mitochondrion organization and biogenesis ; GO:0007005'
+ GO:0032981, mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I assembly
+ GO:0033108, mitochondrial respiratory chain complex assembly

Terms movements under GO Slim term 'cell communication ; GO:0007154'
- GO:0000409, regulation of transcription by galactose
- GO:0000410, negative regulation of transcription by galactose
- GO:0000411, positive regulation of transcription by galactose
- GO:0000429, regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by carbon catabolites
- GO:0000430, regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by glucose
- GO:0000431, regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by galactose
- GO:0000432, positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by glucose
- GO:0000433, negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by glucose
- GO:0000434, negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by galactose
- GO:0000435, positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by galactose
- GO:0000436, positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by carbon catabolites
- GO:0000437, negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by carbon catabolites
- GO:0007584, response to nutrient
- GO:0007637, proboscis extension reflex
- GO:0009594, detection of nutrient
- GO:0009991, response to extracellular stimulus
- GO:0010266, response to vitamin B1
- GO:0030587, fruiting body development (sensu Dictyosteliida)
- GO:0031149, stalk cell differentiation
- GO:0031150, stalk development (sensu Dictyosteliida)
- GO:0031152, aggregation during fruiting body development
- GO:0031153, slug development during fruiting body development
- GO:0031154, culmination during fruiting body development
- GO:0031156, regulation of fruiting body development (sensu Dictyosteliida)
- GO:0031157, regulation of aggregate size
- GO:0031158, negative regulation of aggregate size
- GO:0031159, positive regulation of aggregate size
- GO:0031285, regulation of stalk cell differentiation
- GO:0031286, negative regulation of stalk cell differentiation
- GO:0031287, positive regulation of stalk cell differentiation
- GO:0031288, fruiting body morphogenesis (sensu Dictyosteliida)
- GO:0031667, response to nutrient levels
- GO:0032094, response to food
- GO:0032095, regulation of response to food
- GO:0032096, negative regulation of response to food
- GO:0032097, positive regulation of response to food
- GO:0032098, regulation of appetite
- GO:0032099, negative regulation of appetite
- GO:0032100, positive regulation of appetite
- GO:0032104, regulation of response to extracellular stimulus
- GO:0032105, negative regulation of response to extracellular stimulus
- GO:0032106, positive regulation of response to extracellular stimulus
- GO:0032107, regulation of response to nutrient levels
- GO:0032108, negative regulation of response to nutrient levels
- GO:0032109, positive regulation of response to nutrient levels
- GO:0032526, response to retinoic acid
- GO:0032571, response to vitamin K
- GO:0032572, response to menaquinone
- GO:0032573, response to phylloquinone
- GO:0033189, response to vitamin A
- GO:0033197, response to vitamin E
- GO:0033273, response to vitamin
- GO:0033274, response to vitamin B2
- GO:0033280, response to vitamin D
- GO:0033552, response to vitamin B3
- GO:0033590, response to cobalamin
- GO:0033591, response to L-ascorbic acid
- GO:0042594, response to starvation
- GO:0042595, behavioral response to starvation
- GO:0045013, negative regulation of transcription by carbon catabolites
- GO:0045014, negative regulation of transcription by glucose
- GO:0045990, regulation of transcription by carbon catabolites
- GO:0045991, positive regulation of transcription by carbon catabolites
- GO:0046015, regulation of transcription by glucose
- GO:0046016, positive regulation of transcription by glucose
- GO:0048837, sorus development
- GO:0051780, behavioral response to nutrient

Terms movements under GO Slim term 'cellular component organization and biogenesis ; GO:0016043'
- GO:0032981, mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I assembly
- GO:0033108, mitochondrial respiratory chain complex assembly

New terms in cellular_component ontology (12 new terms)
GO:0032578	GO:0016023	MAH	D	      	aleurone grain membrane
GO:0032579	GO:0005578	MAH	D	      	apical lamina of hyaline layer
GO:0032580	GO:0005794	MAH	D	      	Golgi cisterna membrane
GO:0032584	GO:0005886	MAH	D	      	growth cone membrane
GO:0032585	GO:0005768	MAH	D	      	multivesicular body membrane
GO:0032586	GO:0005773	MAH	D	      	protein storage vacuole membrane
GO:0032587	GO:0005886	MAH	D	      	ruffle membrane
GO:0032588	GO:0005794	MAH	D	      	trans-Golgi network membrane
GO:0032589	GO:0005886	MAH	D	      	neuron projection membrane
GO:0032590	GO:0005886	MAH	D	      	dendrite membrane
GO:0032591	GO:0005886	MAH	D	      	dendritic spine membrane
GO:0032592	GO:0005794	MAH	D	      	integral to mitochodrial membrane

Term name changes in cellular_component ontology
GO:0002111: BRAC2-BRAF35 complex --> BRCA2-BRAF35 complex

Term movements in cellular_component ontology:
Terms movements under GO Slim term 'cell ; GO:0005623'
- GO:0030673, axolemma

Terms movements under GO Slim term 'Golgi apparatus ; GO:0005794'
+ GO:0031305, integral to mitochondrial inner membrane
+ GO:0031307, integral to mitochondrial outer membrane

Terms movements under GO Slim term 'plasma membrane ; GO:0005886'
+ GO:0030673, axolemma

New terms in molecular_function ontology (2 new terms)
GO:0032576	GO:0016740	MAH	D	      	O-linoleoyltransferase activity
GO:0032577	GO:0016740	MAH	D	      	phosphatidylcholine:cardiolipin O-linoleoyltransferase

Term name changes in molecular_function ontology
GO:0004198: calpain activity --> calcium-dependent cysteine-type endopeptidase activity
GO:0004712: protein threonine/tyrosine kinase activity --> protein serine/threonine/tyrosine kinase activity
GO:0043138: 3' to 5' DNA helicase activity --> 3'-5' DNA helicase activity
GO:0043139: 5' to 3' DNA helicase activity --> 5'-3' DNA helicase activity
GO:0043140: ATP-dependent 3' to 5' DNA helicase activity --> ATP-dependent 3'-5' DNA helicase activity
GO:0043141: ATP-dependent 5' to 3' DNA helicase activity --> ATP-dependent 5'-3' DNA helicase activity

New definitions for molecular_function ontology terms (5 new definitions)
GO:0004677, DNA-dependent protein kinase activity
GO:0004697, protein kinase C activity
GO:0004698, calcium-dependent protein kinase C activity
GO:0004699, calcium-independent protein kinase C activity
GO:0004714, transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity

New term merges in molecular_function ontology
GO:0004701 has been merged into GO:0004697, protein kinase C activity

SourceForge items closed this month:

SF id	Resolution	SF item title	GO ids added, if any
1073073	Out of Date	morphogenesis is_a development	
1081679	Accepted	updates for gap junction terms	
1428209	Fixed	sensu syntax	
1711143	Accepted	mosquito - human behaviour	
1723526	Accepted	ntr: cysteine export terms	
1724459	Fixed	neuroblast division term defs need tweaks	
1743484	Fixed	Protein-serine/threonine kinases	
1768067	Fixed	fruiting body development / sensus	
1775791	Accepted	RG: BRAC2-BRAF35 Complex	
1778812	Accepted	regulation of smooth muscle cell migration	
1779479	Fixed	response to extracellular stimulus GO:0009991	
1785486	Accepted	Polysemy of "imprinting" (GO:0006349)	
1786600	Accepted	add synonym calcium ion transport	
1787119	Fixed	helicase consistency (quick)	
1787600	Works For Me	primary metabolic process meaning....	
1787665	Accepted	NTR: new type of transacylase	
1787995	Rejected	electron-transferring-flavoprotein dehydrogenase	
1788310	Duplicate	electron-transferring-flavoprotein dehydrogenase	
1789569	Fixed	GO:0052548 regulation of protease activity	
1790209	Fixed	update EC numbers	
1790293	Accepted	di/tri oligo peptide transport	
1791458	Fixed	synonym for narrow pore, gated channel activity (GO:0022831)	
1792358	Accepted	aleurone grain membrane	
1792396	Accepted	apical lamina of hyaline layer	
1792470	Accepted	Golgi stack membrane	
1793816	Accepted	synonym for sulfuric ester hydrolase activity (GO:0008484)	
1794791	Works For Me	mp : iron sufur cluster assembly	
1795419	Works For Me	q secretory pathway	
1796071	Accepted	sensu /cell polarity suggestion	
1797146	Accepted	NTR: ER-dependent peroxisome biogenesis	
1797848	Accepted	rg: NTR: -ve reg gene-specific transcription	
1798477	Fixed	hemolysis definitions	
1798777	Fixed	mp: pyridoxamine transmembrane	
1798779	Fixed	mp: nicotinamide mononucleotide transmembrane trans	
1801003	Accepted	rg: add synonym to GO:0008611	
1801213	Accepted	NTR: Growth cone membrane	
1801237	Accepted	NTR: Multivesicular body membrane	
1801286	Accepted	NTR: Protein storage vacuole membrane	
1802550	Accepted	NTR: Ruffle membrane	
1802598	Accepted	NTR: trans-Golgi network membrane	
1802599	Accepted	Add synonym to Uropod	
1803144	Accepted	add parentage to GO:0033108	
1803376	Accepted	NTR: Dendritic spine membrane	
1804141	Accepted	add parentage to GO:0031307	
1804300	Accepted	new mito membrane term	
703326	Accepted	Transporter Ontology Revamp	
923627	Out of Date	GO:0010196 : nonphotochemical quenching	

biological_process: 14375 terms, 98.9% defined (14216 terms defined)
cellular_component: 2133 terms, 100.0% defined (2133 terms defined)
molecular_function: 8435 terms, 95.4% defined (8048 terms defined)
Total: 24943 terms, 97.8% defined (24397 terms defined)

Term errors