--------------------------------------------------------------------------- UniProt - Swiss-Prot Protein Knowledgebase SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics; Geneva, Switzerland European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI); Hinxton, United Kingdom Protein Information Resource (PIR); Washington DC, USA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Controlled vocabulary of tissues Name: tisslist.txt Release: 2022_03 of 03-Aug-2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document lists the currently valid values for the "TISSUE" topic of the RC line type. The list of tissues as well as other information is provided in the following format: --------- --------------------------- ------------------------------ Line code Content Occurrence in an entry --------- --------------------------- ------------------------------ ID Identifier (tissue) Once; starts an entry AC Accession (TS-xxxx) Once SY Synonyms Optional; once or more DR Cross-reference Optional; once or more // Terminator Once; ends an entry Cross-references: PO: Plant Ontology (https://planteome.org) ___________________________________________________________________________ ID Abdomen. AC TS-0001 // ID Abdominal adipose tissue. AC TS-0002 // ID Abdominal epidermis. AC TS-0003 // ID Abdominal flexor muscle. AC TS-0004 // ID Abdominal ganglion. AC TS-0005 SY Abdominal ganglia. // ID Abdominal muscle. AC TS-0006 // ID Abdominal nerve cord. AC TS-0007 // ID Abdominal perisympathetic organs. AC TS-0008 // ID Abomasum. AC TS-0009 // ID Abscission zone. AC TS-0010 // ID Adductor muscle. AC TS-0011 SY Catch muscle. // ID Adipocyte. AC TS-0012 SY Adipocytes. // ID Adipose tissue. AC TS-0013 SY Adipose; Fat cell; Fat. // ID Adrenal chromaffin. AC TS-0014 // ID Adrenal cortex. AC TS-0015 SY Adrenocortical; Adrenal gland cortex; Cortex of adrenal gland; Cortex of suprarenal gland; Suprarenal cortex. // ID Adrenal gland. AC TS-0016 SY Adrenal; Suprarenal gland. // ID Adrenal gland cortical cell. AC TS-1235 SY Adrenal gland cortical cells; Adrenal gland cortex cell; Adrenal cortex cell; Cortical cell of adrenal gland. // ID Adrenal glomerulosa. AC TS-0017 SY Zona glomerulosa. // ID Adrenal medulla. AC TS-0018 // ID Adrenal tumor. AC TS-0019 SY Adrenal tumour. // ID Aerial part. AC TS-0020 SY Aerial tissue. // ID Aerial root. AC TS-0021 SY Air root. DR PO; PO:0009005; root. // ID Aerial tuber. AC TS-0022 // ID Airway epithelium. AC TS-0023 SY Airway epithelial cell; Respiratory system epithelium; Respiratory system epithelial cell. // ID Airway smooth muscle. AC TS-0024 SY Respiratory system smooth muscle. // ID Albedo. AC TS-0025 // ID Albumen gland. AC TS-0026 // ID Aleurone. AC TS-0027 SY Aleurone layer. DR PO; PO:0005360; aleurone layer. // ID Alimentary system. AC TS-1293 SY Digestive system. // ID Alkaline gland. AC TS-0028 // ID Allantoic fluid. AC TS-0029 // ID Alveolar macrophage. AC TS-0030 // ID Alveolus. AC TS-0031 SY Lung alveolar cells; Alveolar cells; Alveoli. // ID Ameloblast. AC TS-0032 SY Enamel cell. // ID Amnion. AC TS-0033 // ID Amniotic fluid. AC TS-0034 // ID Amniotic membrane. AC TS-0035 // ID Ampulla. AC TS-0036 // ID Amygdala. AC TS-0037 // ID Anal region. AC TS-1294 // ID Anal sac. AC TS-0038 // ID Androgenic gland. AC TS-0039 // ID Angioblast. AC TS-1204 SY Vasoformative cell; Endothelial progenitor cell; EPC. // ID Animal cap. AC TS-1173 SY Animal hemisphere. // ID Antenna. AC TS-0040 // ID Antennal lobe. AC TS-1327 // ID Anterior byssus retractor muscle. AC TS-0041 // ID Anterior latissimus dorsi muscle. AC TS-0042 // ID Anterior silk gland. AC TS-1162 SY Anterior silkgland; ASG. // ID Anther. AC TS-0043 DR PO; PO:0009066; anther. // ID Anther tapetum. AC TS-0044 SY Tapetum cells of anther. DR PO; PO:0009071; tapetum. // ID Antler. AC TS-0045 // ID Aorta. AC TS-0046 SY Aortic. // ID Aortic endothelium. AC TS-0047 SY Aortic endothelial cell. // ID Aortic smooth muscle. AC TS-0048 SY Aortic vascular smooth muscle. // ID Appendix. AC TS-1267 SY Vermiform appendix; Cecal appendix; Caecal appendix; Vermix. // ID Appendix glandular cell. AC TS-1271 SY Vermiform appendix glandular cell; Cecal appendix glandular cell; Caecal appendix glandular cell; Vermix glandular cell; Appendix glandular cells. // ID Appendix lymphoid tissue. AC TS-1268 SY Appendix lymphoid; Appendix lymphoreticular system. // ID Apical bud. AC TS-0049 // ID Apices. AC TS-0050 // ID Arachnoid membrane. AC TS-0052 SY Arachnoid mater; Arachnoid. // ID Arbuscular mycorrhiza. AC TS-0053 // ID Artery. AC TS-0054 SY Arterial. // ID Artery smooth muscle. AC TS-1198 SY Arterial smooth muscle. // ID Articular cartilage. AC TS-0055 SY Joint cartilage. // ID Articular chondrocyte. AC TS-0056 // ID Ascending colon. AC TS-0057 // ID Ascites. AC TS-0058 // ID Ascitic tumor. AC TS-0059 SY Ascites tumor; Ascitic tumour. // ID Astrocyte. AC TS-0060 SY Brain astrocyte; Astroglia. // ID Astrocytoma. AC TS-0061 SY Brain astrocytoma. // ID Asynchronous muscle. AC TS-0062 // ID Atrial gland. AC TS-0063 // ID Atrial tumor. AC TS-0064 SY Atrial tumour. // ID Auditory ganglion. AC TS-0065 SY Auditory ganglia; Cochlear ganglion. // ID Axillary bud. AC TS-0066 DR PO; PO:0004709; axillary bud. // ID B-cell lymphoma. AC TS-0067 // ID B-cell. AC TS-0068 SY B lymphocyte; B-lymphocyte; B cell. // ID B1 motor neuron. AC TS-1189 // ID B2 motor neuron. AC TS-1190 // ID Bag cell. AC TS-0069 // ID Barbel. AC TS-0070 // ID Bark. AC TS-0071 // ID Basal ganglia. AC TS-1149 SY Basal ganglion; Basal nuclei; Basal nucleus. // ID Basilar papilla. AC TS-0072 // ID Basophil. AC TS-0073 SY Basophilic granulocyte. // ID Bean-shaped accessory gland. AC TS-0074 // ID Bile. AC TS-1172 SY Gall. // ID Bile duct. AC TS-0075 SY Bile duct cells; Biliary duct; Gall duct. // ID Blastocyst. AC TS-0076 // ID Blastopore lip. AC TS-0077 // ID Blastula. AC TS-0078 // ID Blood. AC TS-0079 // ID Blood vessel. AC TS-0080 // ID Blubber. AC TS-0081 // ID Body wall. AC TS-0082 // ID Body wall muscle. AC TS-0083 SY Body-wall muscle. // ID Bone. AC TS-0088 SY Bones. // ID Bone marrow. AC TS-0087 SY Marrow. // ID Bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell. AC TS-1243 SY Bone marrow hematopoietic cell; Bone marrow poietic cells. // ID Bone marrow macrophage. AC TS-0084 // ID Bone marrow stroma. AC TS-0085 // ID Bone marrow tumor. AC TS-0086 SY Bone marrow tumour. // ID Bowman gland. AC TS-0089 SY Bowman's gland. // ID Bradyzoite. AC TS-1333 // ID Brain capillary. AC TS-0090 // ID Brain. AC TS-0095 SY Cerebrum; Cerebral. // ID Brain cortex. AC TS-0091 SY Cerebral cortex; Cerebrum cortex; Cerebellar cortex; Cerebellum cortex; Cortex; Pallium. // ID Brain cortex glial cell. AC TS-1256 SY Cerebral cortex glial cell; Cerebrum cortex glial cell; Cerebellar cortex glial cell; Cerebellum cortex glial cell; Cortex glial cell; Pallium glial cell; Brain cortex glial cells; Cerebral cortex glial cells. // ID Brain cortex neuron. AC TS-1259 SY Cerebral cortex neuron; Cerebrum cortex neuron; Cerebellar cortex neuron; Cerebellum cortex neuron; Cortex neuron; Pallium neuron; SY Cerebral cortex neuronal cell; Cerebrum cortex neuronal cell; Cerebellar cortex neuronal cell; Cerebellum cortex neuronal cell; Cortex neuronal cell; Pallium neuronal cell; Cerebral cortex neuronal cells; SY Cerebral cortex neural cell; Cerebrum cortex neural cell; Cerebellar cortex neural cell; Cerebellum cortex neural cell; Cortex neural cell; Pallium neural cell. // ID Brain endothelium. AC TS-0092 SY Brain endothelial cell; Cerebromicrovascular endothelium; Cerebromicrovascular endothelial cell. // ID Brain stem. AC TS-0093 SY Brainstem. // ID Brain tumor. AC TS-0094 SY Brain tumour. // ID Brain ventricle. AC TS-1295 SY Ventricular system; Ventricular system of brain. // ID Branchia. AC TS-0096 // ID Branchial arch region. AC TS-0097 // ID Branchial gland. AC TS-0098 // ID Bristle. AC TS-1176 // ID Bronchiolar epithelial cell. AC TS-0570 // ID Bronchoalveolar system. AC TS-1296 // ID Bronchus. AC TS-1229 SY Bronchi. // ID Bronchus epithelial cell. AC TS-1240 SY Bronchial epithelial cell; Bronchus respiratory epithelial cells; Bronchial epithelium cell. // ID Brown adipose tissue. AC TS-0099 SY Brown adipocyte; Brown fat cell. // ID Buccal ganglion. AC TS-0100 SY Buccal ganglia. // ID Buccal muscle. AC TS-0101 // ID Bulb. AC TS-0102 // ID Bulbourethral gland. AC TS-0103 // ID Bundle sheath cell. AC TS-0104 // ID Bundle sheath strand. AC TS-0105 // ID Bursa of Fabricius. AC TS-0106 SY Bursa. // ID Cajal-Retzius cell. AC TS-1171 SY CR cell. // ID Callus. AC TS-0107 SY Calli; Callus tissue. DR PO; PO:0005052; callus. // ID Calvaria. AC TS-0108 SY Concha of cranium; Skull cap. // ID Cambium. AC TS-0109 DR PO; PO:0005597; cambium. // ID Cancellous bone. AC TS-0110 SY Trabecular bone; Spongy bone; Cancellated bone. // ID Cap. AC TS-0111 SY Mushroom cap. // ID Capillary endothelium. AC TS-0112 SY Capillary endothelial cell. // ID Carapace cuticle. AC TS-0113 // ID Carcinoma. AC TS-0114 SY Epithelial cancer. // ID Cardiac myocyte. AC TS-0115 SY Cardiac muscle cell; Cardiac cell; Cardiomyocyte; Heart muscle cell; Heart muscle myocyte; Heart muscle myocytes. // ID Cardiovascular system. AC TS-1297 // ID Carotid artery. AC TS-0116 // ID Carpel. AC TS-0117 DR PO; PO:0009030; carpel. // ID Cartilage. AC TS-0118 // ID Cartilage chondrocyte. AC TS-0119 // ID Caudal fin. AC TS-0120 // ID Caudate nucleus. AC TS-0121 SY Caudate. // ID Cecum. AC TS-0122 SY Caecum; Ceca; Caeca; Blind intestine; Blindgut; Intestinum caecum. // ID Cement gland. AC TS-0123 // ID Cementoblast. AC TS-1164 // ID Central ganglion. AC TS-0124 SY Central ganglia. // ID Cerebellum. AC TS-0125 SY Cerebellar. // ID Cerebellum granular layer. AC TS-1247 SY Cerebellum cells in granular layer. // ID Cerebellum molecular layer. AC TS-1248 SY Cerebellum cells in molecular layer. // ID Cerebral artery. AC TS-0126 // ID Cerebral ganglion. AC TS-0127 SY Cerebral ganglia. // ID Cerebral pedal. AC TS-0128 // ID Cerebral vascular smooth muscle. AC TS-0129 // ID Cerebrospinal fluid. AC TS-0130 SY Cerebral spinal fluid; CSF. // ID Cervical ganglion. AC TS-0132 SY Cervical ganglia. // ID Cervicothoracic ganglion. AC TS-0133 SY Stellate ganglion; Stellate ganglia. // ID Cervix. AC TS-0134 SY Uterine cervix; Cervix, uterine. // ID Cervix adenocarcinoma. AC TS-0135 SY Cervical adenocarcinoma; Uterine cervix adenocarcinoma. // ID Cervix cancer. AC TS-1221 SY Cervical cancer; Cervix malignant tumor; Cervix malignant tumour; Cervical malignant tumor; Cervical malignant tumour. // ID Cervix carcinoma. AC TS-0136 SY Hela; Hela cells; Cervical carcinoma; Uterine cervix carcinoma. // ID Cervix epithelium. AC TS-0137 SY Cervical epithelium; Uterine cervix epithelium; Cervix epithelial cell; Cervical epithelial cell; Uterine cervix epithelial cell. // ID Cervix glandular cell. AC TS-1273 SY Uterine cervix glandular cell; Cervix, uterine glandular cell; Cervix, uterine glandular cells. // ID Cervix squamous cell. AC TS-1251 SY Cervix squamous epithelial cell; ; Uterine cervix squamous cell; Uterine cervix squamous epithelial cell; Cervix, uterine squamous epithelial cells. // ID Chondrocyte. AC TS-0138 SY Chondrocytes. // ID Chondrosarcoma. AC TS-0139 SY Chondrosarcoma tumor. // ID Chorioallantoic membrane. AC TS-0140 // ID Chorioamniotic membrane. AC TS-0141 SY Amnionic/chorionic membrane. // ID Choriocarcinoma. AC TS-0142 SY Choriocarcinoma cell; Malignant trophoblast. // ID Choriogenic follicle. AC TS-0143 SY Choriogenic follicular cell. // ID Chorionic membrane. AC TS-0144 // ID Choroid plexus. AC TS-0145 // ID Chromaffin cell. AC TS-0146 SY Chromaffin granule. // ID Chronic myeloid leukemia cell. AC TS-0147 SY Chronic myeloid leukaemia cell; CML cell; Myeloid leukemia. // ID Ciliary ganglion. AC TS-1135 SY Ciliary ganglia. // ID Circumesophageal ganglion. AC TS-0148 SY Circumesophageal ganglia; Circumoesophageal ganglion; Circumoesophageal ganglia. // ID Circumvallate papilla. AC TS-0149 SY Circumvallate papillae; Vallate papilla; Papilla vallata. // ID CNS. AC TS-0150 SY Central nervous system. // ID Coagulating gland. AC TS-1213 // ID Coagulating gland secretion. AC TS-1214 SY CGS. // ID Cochlea. AC TS-0151 SY Cochlear organ. // ID Cochlear duct. AC TS-0152 SY Cochlear scala media; Scala media; Membranous cochlea. // ID Cochlear nucleus. AC TS-1187 SY Cochlear nuclei; Anterior ventral cochlear nucleus; AVCN; Posterior ventral cochlear nucleus; PVCN; Dorsal cochlear nucleus; DCN. // ID Coeliac ganglion. AC TS-0153 SY Coeliac ganglia; Celiac ganglion; Celiac ganglia. // ID Coelomic fluid. AC TS-0154 // ID Coelomocyte. AC TS-0155 // ID Coleoptile. AC TS-0156 SY Coleoptile tissue. DR PO; PO:0020033; coleoptile. // ID Collar. AC TS-0157 SY Leaf collar. DR PO; PO:0006012; leaf collar. // ID Colon. AC TS-0158 // ID Colon adenocarcinoma. AC TS-0159 SY Colorectal adenocarcinoma; Colonic adenocarcinoma. // ID Colon cancer. AC TS-0160 SY Colorectal cancer; Colon malignant tumor; Colorectal malignant tumor. // ID Colon carcinoma. AC TS-0161 SY Colorectal carcinoma. // ID Colon endothelium. AC TS-0162 SY Colon endothelial cell; Colorectal endothelium; Colorectal endothelial cell; Colonic endothelium; Colonic endothelial cell. // ID Colon epithelium. AC TS-0163 SY Colon epithelial cell; Colorectal epithelium; Colorectal epithelial cell; Colonic epithelium; Colonic epithelial cell. // ID Colon glandular cell. AC TS-1274 SY Colon glandular cells. // ID Colon mucosa. AC TS-0164 SY Colorectal mucosa; Colonic mucosa. // ID Colon smooth muscle. AC TS-0165 SY Colorectal smooth muscle; Colonic smooth muscle. // ID Colon tumor. AC TS-0166 SY Colorectal tumor; Colonic tumor; Colon tumour; Colorectal tumour; Colonic tumour. // ID Colorectal. AC TS-1298 SY Colorectum. // ID Colostrum. AC TS-0167 SY Colostrum corpuscles; First milk. // ID Conceptus membrane. AC TS-0168 // ID Cone. AC TS-0169 // ID Conidium. AC TS-0170 SY Conidia. // ID Corm. AC TS-1328 // ID Cornea. AC TS-0171 // ID Corneal endothelium. AC TS-0172 SY Corneal endothelial cell; Cornea endothelium; Cornea endothelial cell. // ID Corneal epithelium. AC TS-0173 SY Cornea epithelium; Corneal epithelial cell; Cornea epithelial cell. // ID Corneal fibroblast. AC TS-1159 // ID Corneal stroma. AC TS-1138 SY Cornea stroma. // ID Corolla. AC TS-0174 SY Flower corolla. DR PO; PO:0009059; corolla. // ID Coronary arterial endothelium. AC TS-0175 SY Coronary arterial endothelial cell. // ID Coronary artery. AC TS-0176 // ID Corpora allata. AC TS-0177 // ID Corpora cardiaca. AC TS-0178 SY CC. // ID Corpora quadrigemina. AC TS-0179 SY Colliculi. // ID Corpus callosum. AC TS-0180 // ID Corpus luteum. AC TS-0181 SY Corpora lutea; Yellow body of ovary. // ID Corpus spongiosum. AC TS-0182 SY Corpora spongiosa; Corpus cavernosum urethrae. // ID Corpus striatum. AC TS-0183 SY Brain striatum; Striatum. // ID Cotyledon. AC TS-0184 DR PO; PO:0020030; cotyledon. // ID Craniofacial. AC TS-0185 // ID Cropsac. AC TS-0186 // ID Crystalline style. AC TS-1208 // ID Culm. AC TS-0187 SY Stem. DR PO; PO:0009047; stem. // ID Cultured root. AC TS-0188 SY Cultured root cell. DR PO; PO:0000008; cultured root cell. // ID Cuticle. AC TS-0189 SY Cuticular epidermis. DR PO; PO:0000022; cuticle. // ID Cytotoxic T-cell. AC TS-0190 SY Cytotoxic T lymphocyte; Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte; Cytolytic T-cell; Cytolytic T lymphocyte; Cytolytic T-lymphocyte. // ID Dander. AC TS-0191 SY Hair dandruff. // ID Dart gland. AC TS-0192 SY Digitiform gland. // ID Decidua. AC TS-0193 SY Uterine decidua; Placenta decidua cells; Placenta decidual cells. // ID Dendritic cell. AC TS-0194 // ID Dental pulp. AC TS-0195 SY Pulpa dentis; Tooth pulp. // ID Dermal melanophore. AC TS-0196 // ID Dermal system. AC TS-1299 // ID Dermoid cancer. AC TS-0197 // ID Diaphragm. AC TS-0198 SY Diaphragm muscle. // ID Diencephalon. AC TS-0199 // ID Digestive gland. AC TS-0200 // ID Digestive juice. AC TS-0201 // ID Distal colon. AC TS-0202 // ID Distal colon epithelium. AC TS-0203 SY Distal colon epithelial cell. // ID Distal colon mucosa. AC TS-1160 // ID Distal nephron. AC TS-0204 // ID Distal small intestine. AC TS-0205 // ID Dormant root. AC TS-0206 // ID Dorsal ganglionic sheath. AC TS-1197 // ID Dorsal lip. AC TS-0207 // ID Dorsal skin. AC TS-0208 // ID Dorsal-abdominal integument. AC TS-0209 // ID Dry seed. AC TS-0210 SY Seed. DR PO; PO:0009010; seed. // ID Ductus ejaculatorius. AC TS-0211 // ID Duodenal adenocarcinoma. AC TS-0212 // ID Duodenum glandular cell. AC TS-1275 SY Duodenum glandular cells. // ID Duodenal mucosa. AC TS-0213 SY Duodenum mucosa. // ID Duodenum. AC TS-0214 // ID Ear. AC TS-1165 // ID Ear of corn. AC TS-0215 DR PO; PO:0020136; ear (sensu Zea). // ID Ectoderm. AC TS-0216 SY Embryonic ectoderm. // ID Ectomesenchyme. AC TS-1178 SY Mesectoderm. // ID Ectoplacental cone. AC TS-0217 // ID Egg jelly. AC TS-0218 // ID Egg white. AC TS-0219 // ID Egg yolk. AC TS-0220 // ID Egg. AC TS-0221 // ID Eggshell matrix. AC TS-0222 // ID Ehrlich ascites tumor cell. AC TS-0223 // ID Ejaculatory bulb. AC TS-0224 // ID Electric lobe. AC TS-0225 SY Lobus electricus. // ID Electric organ. AC TS-0226 // ID Electromotor nucleus. AC TS-0227 // ID Electroplax. AC TS-0228 // ID Embryo. AC TS-0229 SY Embryonic; Embryonic tissue; Whole embryo; Parthenogenote. DR PO; PO:0009009; embryo. // ID Embryoid bodies. AC TS-0230 // ID Embryonic brain. AC TS-0231 // ID Embryonic breast. AC TS-0232 // ID Embryonic callus. AC TS-0233 DR PO; PO:0006091; embryogenic callus. // ID Embryonic carcinoma. AC TS-0234 SY Embryonal carcinoma. // ID Embryonic chondrocyte. AC TS-0235 // ID Embryonic claw. AC TS-0236 // ID Embryonic epithelium. AC TS-0237 // ID Embryonic eye. AC TS-0238 // ID Embryonic fibroblast. AC TS-0239 // ID Embryonic floor plate. AC TS-0240 // ID Embryonic foot. AC TS-0241 // ID Embryonic ganglion. AC TS-0242 // ID Embryonic germ cell. AC TS-0243 // ID Embryonic gizzard. AC TS-0244 // ID Embryonic gonad. AC TS-0245 // ID Embryonic head. AC TS-0246 // ID Embryonic heart. AC TS-0247 // ID Embryonic intestine. AC TS-0248 SY Embryonic gut; Embryonic intestinal tract. // ID Embryonic kidney. AC TS-0249 // ID Embryonic lens. AC TS-0250 // ID Embryonic limb. AC TS-0251 // ID Embryonic liver. AC TS-0252 // ID Embryonic lung. AC TS-0253 // ID Embryonic lung fibroblast. AC TS-0254 // ID Embryonic muscle. AC TS-0255 // ID Embryonic ovary. AC TS-0256 // ID Embryonic pectoralis muscle. AC TS-0257 // ID Embryonic retina. AC TS-0258 // ID Embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma. AC TS-1139 // ID Embryonic skeletal muscle. AC TS-0259 // ID Embryonic skin. AC TS-0260 // ID Embryonic spinal cord. AC TS-0261 // ID Embryonic spinal ganglion. AC TS-0262 SY Embryonic dorsal root ganglion. // ID Embryonic spleen. AC TS-1338 // ID Embryonic stem cell. AC TS-0263 SY ES cell. // ID Embryonic sternal cartilage. AC TS-0264 // ID Embryonic stomach. AC TS-1152 // ID Embryonic tail. AC TS-0265 // ID Embryonic testis. AC TS-0266 // ID Embryonic testis carcinoma. AC TS-0267 // ID Embryonic thymus. AC TS-0268 // ID Embryonic tooth. AC TS-0269 // ID Enamel epithelium. AC TS-0270 SY Enamel epithelial cell; Tooth enamel epithelium; Tooth enamel epithelial cell. // ID Enamel organ. AC TS-0271 SY Dental organ. // ID Endocarp. AC TS-0272 SY Fruit endocarp. DR PO; PO:0009086; endocarp. // ID Endocrine gland. AC TS-1300 SY Ductless gland. // ID Endocrine system. AC TS-1301 // ID Endocrine pancreas. AC TS-1302 SY Endocrine part of pancreas. // ID Endoderm. AC TS-0273 SY Embryonic endoderm. // ID Endometrial adenocarcinoma. AC TS-0274 // ID Endometrial cancer. AC TS-1222 SY Endometrium cancer; Endometrium malignant tumor; Endometrium malignant tumour; Endometrial malignant tumor; Endometrial malignant tumour. // ID Endometrial tumor. AC TS-0275 SY Endometrium tumor; Endometrial tumour. // ID Endometrium. AC TS-0276 SY Endometrial; Uterus endometrium; Uterine endometrium; Tunica mucosa uteri. // ID Endometrium stroma. AC TS-1266 SY Endometrial stroma; Endometrial stromal cell; Endometrium stromal cell; Uterus endometrium stroma; Uterine endometrium stroma; Cells in endometrial stroma; Stroma of endometrium. // ID Endosperm. AC TS-0277 DR PO; PO:0009089; endosperm. // ID Endothelial cell. AC TS-0278 SY Endothelial; Endothelium; Endothelial cells. DR PO; PO:0020024; endothelium. // ID Eosinophil. AC TS-0279 SY Eosinophilic granulocyte. // ID Ependymocyte. AC TS-0280 // ID Epicotyl. AC TS-0281 DR PO; PO:0020035; epicotyl. // ID Epidermal carcinoma. AC TS-0282 SY Epidermoid carcinoma. // ID Epidermis. AC TS-0283 SY Epiderm; Epidermal; Epidermal cells; Skin epidermal cells. DR PO; PO:0005679; epidermis. // ID Epididymal fluid. AC TS-0284 // ID Epididymis. AC TS-0285 SY Epididymal. // ID Epididymis glandular cell. AC TS-1276 SY Epididymal glandular cell; Epididymis glandular cells. // ID Epigonal organ. AC TS-0286 // ID Epiphyseal cartilage. AC TS-0287 // ID Epithelium. AC TS-0288 SY Epithelial; Epithelial cell. // ID Erythroblast. AC TS-0289 // ID Erythrocyte. AC TS-0290 SY Red blood cell; Corpuscle; RBC. // ID Erythroid cell. AC TS-0291 SY Erythroid; Erythroid lineage cell. // ID Erythroleukemia. AC TS-0292 SY Erythroleukaemia; Erythroleukemic; Erythroleukaemic; Polycythemia rubra; Vasquez disease. // ID Etiolated bud. AC TS-0293 // ID Etiolated cotyledon. AC TS-0294 // ID Etiolated epicotyl. AC TS-0295 // ID Etiolated hypocotyl. AC TS-0296 // ID Etiolated leaf. AC TS-0297 // ID Etiolated plantlet. AC TS-0298 // ID Etiolated root. AC TS-0299 // ID Etiolated seedling. AC TS-0300 // ID Etiolated shoot. AC TS-0301 // ID Ewing sarcoma. AC TS-0302 SY Ewing's sarcoma; Ewing's. // ID Exocarp. AC TS-0303 SY Fruit exocarp; Epicarp. DR PO; PO:0009085; epicarp. // ID Exocrine pancreas. AC TS-1241 SY Exocrine part of pancreas. // ID Extraembryonic tissue. AC TS-0304 // ID Extraocular muscle. AC TS-0305 SY EOM. // ID Extrapallial fluid. AC TS-0306 // ID Eye. AC TS-0309 SY Ocular; Oculus; Eyeball. // ID Eye imaginal disk. AC TS-0307 SY Eye disk; Eye disc; Eye imaginal disc. // ID Eye vitreous humor. AC TS-0308 SY Vitreous humor. // ID Eye-antennal disk. AC TS-0310 SY Eye antennal disc; Eye-antennal imaginal disk. // ID Eyestalk. AC TS-0311 SY Eye stalk. // ID Fast swimbladder muscle. AC TS-0313 // ID Fast-twitch skeletal muscle. AC TS-0314 SY Fast skeletal muscle; Fast muscle. // ID Fat body. AC TS-0315 SY Fat-body cell. // ID Feather. AC TS-0316 // ID Feather calamus. AC TS-0317 // ID Feather root. AC TS-0318 // ID Female accessory gland. AC TS-0319 // ID Female cone. AC TS-0320 // ID Female reproductive system. AC TS-1303 // ID Femoral artery. AC TS-0321 // ID Femur. AC TS-0322 SY Thighbone; Femoral bone. // ID Fetal adrenal gland. AC TS-0323 SY Fetal adrenal tissue. // ID Fetal aorta. AC TS-0324 // ID Fetal ascending colon. AC TS-1148 // ID Fetal astrocyte. AC TS-0325 // ID Fetal B-cell. AC TS-0326 SY Fetal B-lymphocyte; Fetal B lymphocyte; Fetal B cell. // ID Fetal blood. AC TS-0327 // ID Fetal brain. AC TS-0328 SY Foetal brain. // ID Fetal brain cortex. AC TS-1211 SY Fetal cerebral cortex; Fetal cerebrum cortex; Fetal cerebellar cortex; Fetal cerebellum cortex; Fetal cortex; Fetal pallium; Foetal cerebral cortex; Foetal cerebrum cortex; Foetal cerebellar cortex; Foetal cerebellum cortex; Foetal cortex; Foetal pallium. // ID Fetal cartilage. AC TS-0329 // ID Fetal cerebellum. AC TS-0330 // ID Fetal colon. AC TS-0331 // ID Fetal cotyledon. AC TS-0332 // ID Fetal epiphyseal cartilage. AC TS-0333 // ID Fetal eye. AC TS-0334 // ID Fetal fibroblast. AC TS-0335 // ID Fetal forelimb. AC TS-1161 // ID Fetal gonad. AC TS-0336 // ID Fetal head. AC TS-0337 // ID Fetal heart. AC TS-0338 // ID Fetal intestine. AC TS-0339 SY Fetal gut. // ID Fetal jaw. AC TS-0340 // ID Fetal keratinocyte. AC TS-0341 // ID Fetal kidney. AC TS-0342 // ID Fetal limb. AC TS-0343 // ID Fetal liver. AC TS-0344 // ID Fetal lung. AC TS-0345 // ID Fetal lung fibroblast. AC TS-0346 // ID Fetal medulla. AC TS-1156 // ID Fetal muscle. AC TS-0347 // ID Fetal esophagus. AC TS-1185 SY Fetal oesophagus. // ID Fetal pancreas. AC TS-0348 // ID Fetal pons. AC TS-1144 // ID Fetal retina. AC TS-0349 // ID Fetal serum. AC TS-0350 SY Fetal blood serum. // ID Fetal skeletal muscle. AC TS-0351 // ID Fetal skin. AC TS-0352 // ID Fetal smooth muscle. AC TS-0353 // ID Fetal spinal cord. AC TS-0354 SY Fetal spinal column. // ID Fetal spleen. AC TS-0355 // ID Fetal sternum. AC TS-0356 SY Fetal breastbone. // ID Fetal stomach. AC TS-1203 SY Fetal gaster; Fetal gastric tissue. // ID Fetal testis. AC TS-0357 // ID Fetal thymocyte. AC TS-0358 // ID Fetal thymus. AC TS-0359 // ID Fetus. AC TS-0360 SY Foetus; Fetal. // ID Fiber. AC TS-0361 // ID Fibroblast. AC TS-0362 SY Fibroblasts. // ID Fibroma. AC TS-0363 // ID Fibrosarcoma. AC TS-0364 // ID Fibrotic liver. AC TS-0365 // ID Fifth instar larvae. AC TS-0366 // ID Fifth instar larvae cuticle. AC TS-1151 SY Fifth instar larvae cuticular epidermis. // ID Filter chamber. AC TS-0367 // ID Flank organ. AC TS-0368 // ID Flavedo. AC TS-0369 // ID Flight muscle. AC TS-0370 // ID Floret. AC TS-0371 DR PO; PO:0009082; floret. // ID Flower bud. AC TS-0372 SY Floral bud. DR PO; PO:0000056; floral bud. // ID Flower meristem. AC TS-0373 SY Floral meristem; Inflorescence meristem. DR PO; PO:0000229; floral meristem. // ID Flower. AC TS-0374 SY Inflorescence; Inflorescense; Floral tissue; Floral. DR PO; PO:0009046; flower. // ID Foam nest. AC TS-1200 // ID Foliate papilla. AC TS-0375 SY Foliate papillae. // ID Follicular cell. AC TS-0376 // ID Foot. AC TS-0377 // ID Foot muscle. AC TS-0378 // ID Foot sole tissue. AC TS-0379 // ID Forebrain. AC TS-0380 // ID Forebrain cortex. AC TS-0381 // ID Forelimb. AC TS-0382 // ID Foreskin. AC TS-0383 // ID Foreskin fibroblast. AC TS-0384 // ID Foreskin keratinocyte. AC TS-0385 // ID Foveolar epithelium. AC TS-0386 SY Foveolar epithelial cell. // ID Frond. AC TS-0387 // ID Frond tip. AC TS-0388 // ID Frontal cortex. AC TS-0389 SY Brain frontal cortex; Brain frontal lobe; Frontal lobe. // ID Fruit cortical tissue. AC TS-0390 // ID Fruit flesh. AC TS-0391 SY Fruit pulp. DR PO; PO:0009086; endocarp. // ID Fruit. AC TS-0392 SY Berry. DR PO; PO:0009001; fruit. // ID Fruiting body. AC TS-0393 // ID Gall bladder. AC TS-0394 SY Gallbladder. // ID Gall bladder glandular cell. AC TS-1278 SY Gallbladder glandular cell; Gall bladder glandular cells. // ID Gall bladder wall. AC TS-1304 SY Gallbladder wall; Wall of gallbladder. // ID Gametangium. AC TS-1215 SY Gametangia. // ID Gamete. AC TS-0395 // ID Gametophyte. AC TS-0396 DR PO; PO:0009004; gametophyte. // ID Ganglion. AC TS-0397 SY Ganglia. // ID Gastric adenocarcinoma. AC TS-0398 SY Adenogastric carcinoma; Stomach adenocarcinoma. // ID Gastric antrum. AC TS-0399 SY Antrum. // ID Gastric carcinoma. AC TS-0400 SY Stomach carcinoma. // ID Gastric corpus. AC TS-0401 SY Gastric body. // ID Gastric fundic mucosa. AC TS-0402 // ID Gastric fundus. AC TS-0403 SY Stomach fundus. // ID Gastric mucosa. AC TS-0404 SY Stomach mucosa; Gastric antral mucosa; Antral mucosa. // ID Gastric parietal cell. AC TS-0405 SY Parietal cell; Oxyntic cell. // ID Gastrocnemius. AC TS-0406 // ID Gastrointestinal tract. AC TS-0407 SY Gastro-intestinal system; Gastrointestinal system. // ID Gastrointestinal tract epithelium. AC TS-0408 SY Gastrointestinal tract epithelial cell. // ID Gastrula. AC TS-1143 // ID Germ. AC TS-0410 DR PO; PO:0009009; embryo. // ID Germ cell. AC TS-0411 // ID Gill. AC TS-0412 // ID Gizzard. AC TS-0413 // ID Gizzard smooth muscle. AC TS-0414 // ID Gland. AC TS-1305 // ID Glial cell. AC TS-0415 SY Neuroglial cell; Glial; Neuroglia; Nerve cement; Glia; Neuroglia cell. // ID Glial tumor. AC TS-0416 SY Glial tumour; Glioma; Glioma cell; Gliocytoma; Neuroglioma; Neurospongioma; Malignant glioma. // ID Glioblastoma. AC TS-0417 // ID Glucagonoma. AC TS-0418 SY Glucagonoma tumor. // ID Gonad. AC TS-0419 // ID Grain. AC TS-0420 DR PO; PO:0009001; fruit. // ID Granular dorsal gland. AC TS-0421 // ID Granulocyte. AC TS-0422 // ID Granuloma. AC TS-0423 // ID Green leaf. AC TS-0424 SY Adult leaf. DR PO; PO:0006340; adult leaf. // ID Green siliques. AC TS-0425 DR PO; PO:0009001; fruit. // ID Growth plate. AC TS-0426 SY Epiphyseal plate. // ID Gut. AC TS-0427 // ID Gut juice. AC TS-0428 // ID Gynoecium. AC TS-0429 SY Gynoecia. DR PO; PO:0009062; gynoecium. // ID Hair. AC TS-0430 DR PO; PO:0000262; trichoblast. // ID Hair follicle dermal papilla. AC TS-0431 SY Hair follicle dermal papillae; Dermal papilla; Dermal papillae. // ID Hair follicle. AC TS-0432 SY Follicle of hair. // ID Hair root. AC TS-0433 SY Radix pili; Hair bulb. // ID Harderian gland. AC TS-0434 // ID Haustorium. AC TS-0435 SY Haustoria. // ID Head. AC TS-0436 // ID Head and neck cancer. AC TS-1232 SY Head and neck malignant tumor; Head and neck malignant tumour. // ID Head kidney. AC TS-1206 SY Forekidney; Primordial kidney. // ID Heart atrium. AC TS-0437 SY Heart atria; Cardiac atrium; Atria; Atrium; Atrial. // ID Heart left atrium. AC TS-0438 SY Heart left atria; Cardiac left atrium; Left atria; Left atrium. // ID Heart left ventricle. AC TS-0439 SY Left ventricular cardiac muscle; Heart left ventricular muscle; Left ventricle. // ID Heart muscle. AC TS-0440 SY Cardiac muscle. // ID Heart Purkinje fiber. AC TS-0441 // ID Heart right atrium. AC TS-0442 SY Heart right atria; Cardiac right atrium; Right atria; Rihgt atrium. // ID Heart right ventricle. AC TS-0443 SY Right ventricular cardiac muscle; Heart right ventricular muscle. // ID Heart ventricle. AC TS-0444 SY Heart ventrical; Heart ventricular muscle; Cardiac ventricular muscle; Ventricle; Ventricular muscle. // ID Heart. AC TS-0445 SY Cardiac; Cardiac tissue. // ID Heating tissue. AC TS-0446 SY Heater cells. // ID Helper T-cell. AC TS-1146 SY Helper T-lymphocyte; Helper T lymphocyte; Helper induced T-lymphocyte; Helper induced T lymphocyte; T-helper cell. // ID Hemangioendothelioma. AC TS-0447 SY Haemangioendothelioma; HE. // ID Hematopoietic stem cell. AC TS-0448 SY Haematopoietic stem cell. // ID Hematopoietic. AC TS-0449 SY Haematopoietic. // ID Hemocyte. AC TS-0450 SY Haemocyte. // ID Hemolymph. AC TS-0451 SY Haemolymph. // ID Hensens node. AC TS-1188 // ID Hepatic stellate cell. AC TS-0452 SY Ito cell. // ID Hepatoblastoma. AC TS-0453 // ID Hepatocyte. AC TS-0454 SY Liver parenchymal cell; Hepatocytes. // ID Hepatoma. AC TS-0455 SY Hepatocarcinoma; Hepatocellular carcinoma. // ID Hepatopancreas. AC TS-0456 SY Hepato-pancreas. // ID Hindbrain. AC TS-0457 // ID Hindfoot. AC TS-0458 // ID Hindgut. AC TS-0459 // ID Hind limb. AC TS-1170 SY Hind leg. // ID Hippocampus. AC TS-0460 SY Brain hippocampus. // ID Hippocampus glial cell. AC TS-1257 SY Hippocampal glial cell; Hippocampus glial cells. // ID Hippocampus neuron. AC TS-1260 SY Hippocampus neuronal cell; Hippocampus neural cell; Hippocampus neuronal cells. // ID Histiocytic lymphoma. AC TS-0461 // ID Husk. AC TS-0462 SY Inflorescence bract of ear. DR PO; PO:0006337; inflorescence bract of ear. // ID Hybridoma. AC TS-0463 // ID Hyphae. AC TS-0464 // ID Hypoblast. AC TS-0465 // ID Hypocotyl. AC TS-0466 DR PO; PO:0020100; hypocotyl. // ID Hypoglossal nucleus. AC TS-0467 SY Hypoglossal nuclei; Nucleus of the hypoglossal nerve. // ID Hypopharyngeal gland. AC TS-0468 // ID Hypothalamus. AC TS-0469 SY Hypothalamic. // ID Ileal mucosa. AC TS-0470 // ID Ileal villus. AC TS-0471 // ID Ileum. AC TS-0472 SY Ilea; Ileal; Intestinal ileum. // ID Imaginal disk. AC TS-0473 SY Imaginal disc. // ID Immature flower. AC TS-0474 // ID Immature kernel. AC TS-0475 // ID Immature seed. AC TS-0476 // ID Incisor. AC TS-0477 // ID Ink. AC TS-1210 SY Purple fluid. // ID Ink gland. AC TS-1336 // ID Inner ear. AC TS-0478 SY Internal ear; Labyrinth. // ID Inner ear vestibule. AC TS-0479 SY Vestibule. // ID Insulinoma. AC TS-0480 SY Insulinoma tumor. // ID Integument. AC TS-0481 DR PO; PO:0020021; integument. // ID Interalveolar muscle. AC TS-0482 // ID Internode. AC TS-0483 SY Stem internode. DR PO; PO:0020142; stem internode. // ID Interrenal gland. AC TS-0484 // ID Intersegmental muscle. AC TS-0485 // ID Intestinal crypt. AC TS-0486 SY Intestinal gland. // ID Intestinal epithelium. AC TS-0487 SY Intestinal epithelial lining; Intestinal epithelium lining; Intestinal epithelial cell. // ID Intestinal mucosa. AC TS-0488 // ID Intestinal smooth muscle. AC TS-0489 // ID Intestine. AC TS-0490 SY Intestinal; Bowel. // ID Iris. AC TS-0491 // ID Iris sphincter muscle. AC TS-0492 SY Pupillary sphincter; Circular muscle of iris. // ID Jaw. AC TS-0493 // ID Jejunal epithelium. AC TS-0494 SY Jejunal epithelial cell. // ID Jejunal mucosa. AC TS-0495 // ID Jejunal smooth muscle. AC TS-1216 // ID Jejunum. AC TS-0496 // ID Jugular vein. AC TS-0497 // ID Jugular vein endothelial cell. AC TS-0498 // ID Juice tissue. AC TS-0499 SY Juice sac. DR PO; PO:0006013; juice sac. // ID Keratinocyte. AC TS-0500 SY Epidermal keratinocyte; Skin keratinocyte. // ID Kernel. AC TS-0501 DR PO; PO:0009001; fruit. // ID Kidney adenocarcinoma. AC TS-0502 // ID Kidney cancer. AC TS-1225 SY Renal cancer; Renal malignant tumor; Renal malignant tumour; Kidney malignant tumor; Kidney malignant tumour. // ID Kidney cortex. AC TS-0503 SY Renal cortex. // ID Kidney distal tubule. AC TS-0504 SY Kidney distal convoluted tubule; Renal distal tubule; renal distal convoluted tubule. // ID Kidney epithelium. AC TS-0505 SY Kidney epithelial cell; Renal epithelium; Renal epithelial cell. // ID Kidney inner medulla. AC TS-0506 SY Renal inner medulla; Inner zone of renal medulla; Inner medulla of kidney. // ID Kidney marrow. AC TS-0507 // ID Kidney outer medulla. AC TS-0508 SY Renal outer medulla; Outer zone of renal medulla; Outer medulla of kidney. // ID Kidney proximal tubule. AC TS-0509 SY Renal proximal tubule. // ID Kidney tubule. AC TS-1262 SY Renal tubule; Kidney cells in tubules. // ID Kidney. AC TS-0510 SY Renal. // ID Labial palp. AC TS-0511 // ID Lacrimal gland. AC TS-0512 // ID Lactating mammary gland. AC TS-0513 // ID Lamina. AC TS-0514 // ID Lantern. AC TS-0515 // ID Large intestine. AC TS-1306 SY Large bowel. // ID Larva. AC TS-0516 SY Larvae. // ID Larval brain. AC TS-0517 // ID Larval bristle. AC TS-1184 // ID Larval CNS. AC TS-0518 // ID Larval epidermis. AC TS-0519 // ID Larval eye. AC TS-1193 // ID Larval fat body. AC TS-0520 // ID Larval gut. AC TS-0521 // ID Larval hemolymph. AC TS-0522 SY Larval haemolymph. // ID Larval liver. AC TS-0523 // ID Larval midgut. AC TS-0524 SY Larval mid-gut. // ID Larval peritrophic membrane. AC TS-0525 // ID Larval plasma. AC TS-0526 // ID Larval ring gland. AC TS-0527 // ID Larval salivary gland. AC TS-0528 // ID Laryngeal carcinoma. AC TS-0529 // ID Laryngeal cartilage chondrocyte. AC TS-0530 // ID Laryngeal muscle. AC TS-0531 // ID Larynx. AC TS-0532 // ID Lateral eye. AC TS-0533 // ID Lateral ventricle. AC TS-1230 // ID Lateral ventricle glial cell. AC TS-1258 SY Lateral ventricle glial cells. // ID Lateral ventricle neuron. AC TS-1261 SY Lateral ventricle neuronal cell; Lateral ventricle neural cell; Lateral ventricle neuronal cells. // ID Latex. AC TS-0534 // ID Laticifer. AC TS-0535 // ID Leaf blade. AC TS-0536 SY Leaf lamina. DR PO; PO:0020039; leaf lamina. // ID Leaf gel. AC TS-0537 // ID Leaf meristem. AC TS-0538 SY Meristematic leaf; Leaf primordium. DR PO; PO:0000017; leaf primordium. // ID Leaf mesophyll. AC TS-0539 SY Mesophyll; Mesophyll protoplast. DR PO; PO:0005645; leaf mesophyll. // ID Leaf. AC TS-0540 SY Leaves; Foliage; Mature leaf. DR PO; PO:0009025; leaf. // ID Leiomyosarcoma. AC TS-0541 // ID Lens cortex. AC TS-0542 // ID Lens epithelium. AC TS-0543 SY Lens epithelial cell. // ID Lens fibers. AC TS-0544 // ID Lens. AC TS-0545 SY Eye lens. // ID Leptomeninges. AC TS-0546 // ID Leukemia. AC TS-0547 SY Leukemia cell; Leukaemia. // ID Leukemic T-cell. AC TS-0548 SY Leukaemic T-cell; Leukemic T-lymphocyte; Leukemic T lymphocyte; Leukaemic T lymphocyte; Leukaemic T-lymphocyte. // ID Leukocyte. AC TS-0549 SY Leucocyte; White blood cell. // ID Leydig cell. AC TS-1150 SY Interstitial cell; Leydig cells; Interstitial cells of Leydig. // ID Light organ. AC TS-0550 // ID Light-green cell. AC TS-0551 SY Light green cell. // ID Limb. AC TS-0552 // ID Limb bud. AC TS-0553 SY Embryonic limb bud. // ID Limb mesenchyme. AC TS-0554 SY Limb mesenchymal cell. // ID Limbal epithelium. AC TS-0555 SY Limbal epithelial cell. // ID Limbic system. AC TS-1307 // ID Lingual salivary gland. AC TS-0557 // ID Lip. AC TS-0558 // ID Liposarcoma. AC TS-1142 // ID Liver and biliary system. AC TS-1308 // ID Liver cancer. AC TS-0559 SY Hepatic cancer; Liver malignant tumor; Liver malignant tumour. // ID Liver epithelium. AC TS-0561 SY Liver epithelial cell. // ID Liver tumor. AC TS-0563 SY Liver tumour. // ID Liver. AC TS-0564 SY Hepatic. // ID Locus coeruleus. AC TS-0565 SY Locus caeruleus; Locus ceruleus. // ID Longissimus dorsi muscle. AC TS-0566 // ID Longissimus muscle. AC TS-0567 // ID Lung. AC TS-0568 // ID Lung adenocarcinoma. AC TS-0569 // ID Lung cancer. AC TS-0571 SY Pulmonary cancer; Lung malignant tumor; Lung malignant tumour. // ID Lung carcinoma. AC TS-0572 SY Lung small cell carcinoma; Non-small cell lung carcinoma. // ID Lung endothelial cell. AC TS-0573 SY Lung endothelium. // ID Lung epithelium. AC TS-0574 SY Lung epithelial cell; Lung epithelia. // ID Lung fibroblast. AC TS-0575 // ID Lung macrophage. AC TS-0576 SY Lung macrophages. // ID Lung tumor. AC TS-0577 SY Lung tumour. // ID Lupulin gland. AC TS-0578 // ID Lymph node. AC TS-0579 SY Lymph gland. // ID Lymph node lymphoid cell. AC TS-1289 SY Lymph gland lymphoid cell. // ID Lymph node germinal center. AC TS-1269 SY Germinal centre; Lymph node reaction center; Lymph node reaction center cells; Secondary nodular lymphoid tissue. // ID Lymph. AC TS-0580 SY Lymphatic fluid. // ID Lymphoblast. AC TS-0581 SY Transformed lymphocyte; Blast cell; Lymphoblastoid. // ID Lymphoblastoma. AC TS-0582 // ID Lymphocyte. AC TS-0583 SY Lymphocytic. // ID Lymphoid tissue. AC TS-0584 SY Lymphoid; Lymphatic tissue; Lymphoreticular system. // ID Lymphoid cell. AC TS-1238 // ID Lymphoid epithelium. AC TS-1136 SY Lymphoid epithelial cell; Lymphatic tissue epithelium; Lymphatic tissue epithelial cell; Lymphoreticular system epithelium; Lymphoreticular system epithelial cell. // ID Lymphoma. AC TS-0585 SY Lymphoid tumor; Lymphatic tumor; Malignant lymphoma. // ID Lymphoreticular system. AC TS-1309 // ID Lymphosarcoma. AC TS-0586 // ID Macrophage. AC TS-0587 // ID Male accessory gland. AC TS-0588 // ID Male cone. AC TS-0589 // ID Male reproductive system. AC TS-1310 // ID Malignant carcinoid. AC TS-1233 // ID Malpighian tubule. AC TS-0590 // ID Mammary cancer. AC TS-0591 SY Breast cancer; Mammary gland cancer; Breast malignant tumor; Mammary gland malignant tumor. // ID Mammary carcinoma. AC TS-0592 SY Breast adenocarcinoma; Breast carcinoma; Mammary adenocarcinoma; Mammary gland carcinoma. // ID Mammary epithelium. AC TS-0593 SY Mammary epithelial cell. // ID Mammary fibroblast. AC TS-0594 // ID Mammary gland. AC TS-0595 SY Breast; Mammary. // ID Mammary gland glandular cell. AC TS-1272 SY Breast glandular cell; Mammary glandular cell; Breast glandular cells. // ID Mammary tumor. AC TS-0597 SY Breast tumor; Mammary gland tumor; Mammary tumour. // ID Mandible. AC TS-0598 SY Mandibular organ. // ID Mandibular condyle. AC TS-0599 // ID Mantle. AC TS-0600 // ID Mantle muscle. AC TS-0601 // ID Masseter muscle. AC TS-0602 // ID Mast cell. AC TS-0603 // ID Mastocytoma. AC TS-0604 SY Mast cell tumor. // ID Maxillary palp. AC TS-0605 // ID Median ocelli. AC TS-0606 // ID Medulla oblongata. AC TS-0607 // ID Medulloblastoma. AC TS-0608 // ID Megagametophyte. AC TS-0609 // ID Megakaryoblast. AC TS-0610 // ID Megakaryocyte. AC TS-0611 // ID Meiocyte. AC TS-0612 // ID Melanocyte. AC TS-0613 // ID Melanoma. AC TS-0614 SY Malignant melanoma. // ID Meninges. AC TS-1177 // ID Meningioma. AC TS-0615 SY Meningioma tissue. // ID Meristem. AC TS-0616 SY Meristematic tissue. DR PO; PO:0009013; meristem. // ID Merozoite. AC TS-1334 // ID Mesangial cell. AC TS-0617 // ID Mesenchymal cell. AC TS-0620 SY Mesenchyme; Mesenchymal. // ID Mesenchymal stem cell. AC TS-0618 // ID Mesenchymal tumor. AC TS-0619 SY Mesenchymal tumour. // ID Mesocarp. AC TS-0621 SY Fruit mesocarp; Fruit mesosperm; Sarcocarp. DR PO; PO:0009087; mesocarp. // ID Mesocotyl. AC TS-0622 DR PO; PO:0020037; mesocotyl. // ID Mesoderm. AC TS-0623 SY Embryonic mesoderm. // ID Mesoglea. AC TS-1147 SY Mesogloea. // ID Mesonephros. AC TS-0624 // ID Mesophyll cell. AC TS-0625 DR PO; PO:0004006; mesophyll cell. // ID Mesothelium. AC TS-1183 // ID Micelial. AC TS-0626 // ID Microglia. AC TS-0627 SY Microglial cell. // ID Microspore. AC TS-0628 DR PO; PO:0020048; microspore. // ID Microtuber. AC TS-0629 // ID Midbrain. AC TS-0630 SY Mid-brain. // ID Middle ear mucosa. AC TS-0631 // ID Middle silk gland. AC TS-0632 SY Middle silkgland; MSG; Median silk gland. // ID Midgut endoderm. AC TS-0633 SY Mid-gut endoderm. // ID Midgut epithelium. AC TS-0634 // ID Midgut. AC TS-0635 SY Mid-gut. // ID Milk. AC TS-0636 // ID Milt. AC TS-1179 // ID Molar. AC TS-0637 SY Multicuspid tooth; Dens molaris. // ID Monoblast. AC TS-1195 // ID Monocyte. AC TS-0638 // ID Monocytic leukemia. AC TS-0639 SY Monocytic leukaemia. // ID Morula. AC TS-0640 // ID Mucus cocoon. AC TS-0641 // ID Muellerian duct. AC TS-1140 SY Mullerian duct. // ID Muellerian gland. AC TS-1332 SY Mullerian gland. // ID Muscle. AC TS-0642 // ID Muscle fibroblast. AC TS-0643 // ID Musculoskeletal system. AC TS-1311 // ID Mushroom body. AC TS-1137 SY Corpora pedunculata. // ID Muzzle epithelium. AC TS-0644 SY Muzzle epithelial cell. // ID Mycelium. AC TS-0645 SY Mycelia; Mycelial. // ID Mycorrhiza. AC TS-0646 SY Mycorrhizal root. // ID Myeloid. AC TS-0647 SY Myeloid cell. // ID Myeloid leukemia cell. AC TS-0648 SY Myeloid leukaemia cell. // ID Myeloma. AC TS-0649 // ID Myelomonocyte. AC TS-1181 // ID Myoblast. AC TS-0650 // ID Myocardium. AC TS-0651 SY Myocard. // ID Myometrium. AC TS-0652 SY Smooth muscle myometrium. // ID Myotomal muscle. AC TS-0653 // ID Myotube. AC TS-0654 // ID Nacre. AC TS-1220 SY Mother of pearl. // ID Nasal cartilage. AC TS-0655 // ID Nasal epithelium. AC TS-0656 SY Nasal epithelial cell. // ID Nasal mucosa. AC TS-0657 // ID Nasal mucus. AC TS-0658 // ID Nasal polyp. AC TS-0659 // ID Nasal vestibule. AC TS-0660 // ID Nasopharyngeal carcinoma. AC TS-0661 // ID Nasopharyngeal epithelium. AC TS-0662 SY Nasopharyngeal epithelial cell; Nasopharynx respiratory epithelial cells. // ID Nasopharynx. AC TS-0663 // ID Natural killer cell. AC TS-0664 SY NK lymphocyte; Natural killer T cell; NKT cell. // ID Needle. AC TS-0665 // ID Nematoblast. AC TS-0666 SY Cnidoblast. // ID Neonatal brain. AC TS-0667 // ID Neonatal brain stem. AC TS-0668 SY Neonatal brainstem. // ID Neonatal heart atrium. AC TS-0669 SY Neonatal heart atria; Neonatal atria; Neonatal cardiac atrium. // ID Neonatal macrophage. AC TS-0670 // ID Neonatal skin. AC TS-1191 // ID Neonatal spleen. AC TS-0671 // ID Nephron. AC TS-1312 // ID Nerve. AC TS-0672 // ID Nerve cord. AC TS-0673 // ID Nerve ending. AC TS-0674 // ID Nervous system. AC TS-1313 // ID Neural arch cartilage. AC TS-0675 // ID Neural crest. AC TS-0676 // ID Neural ganglion. AC TS-0677 SY Nervous ganglion; Neural ganglia. // ID Neural plate. AC TS-0678 // ID Neural stem cell. AC TS-0679 // ID Neural tube. AC TS-0680 // ID Neuroblastoma. AC TS-0681 // ID Neuroectoderm. AC TS-1212 SY Neural ectoderm. // ID Neuroepithelioma. AC TS-1209 // ID Neuroepithelium. AC TS-0682 // ID Neuron. AC TS-0683 SY Neuronal cell; Neural cell. // ID Neuropora cardiaca. AC TS-0684 // ID Neuroretina. AC TS-0685 SY Neural retina; Neuroretinal cell. // ID Neurosecretory cell. AC TS-0686 // ID Neurula. AC TS-0687 // ID Neutrophil. AC TS-0688 SY Neutrophilic granulocyte. // ID Nodose ganglion. AC TS-0689 SY Nodose ganglia; Inferior ganglion of vagus nerve; Caudal ganglion of vagus nerve. // ID Notochord. AC TS-0690 // ID Nuchal ligament. AC TS-0691 SY Ligamentum nuchae. // ID Nucleated erythrocyte. AC TS-0692 // ID Occipital cortex. AC TS-0693 SY Brain occipital cortex; Brain occipital lobe; Occipital lobe. // ID Ocular ciliary body. AC TS-0694 SY Ciliary body. // ID Ocular ciliary epithelium. AC TS-0695 SY Ocular ciliary epithelial cell; Ciliary body epithelial cell. // ID Odontoblast. AC TS-0696 // ID Esophageal carcinoma. AC TS-0697 SY Oesophageal carcinoma; Esophagus tumor; Oesophagus tumor. // ID Esophageal epithelium. AC TS-0698 SY Oesophageal epithelial cell; Oesophageal epithelium; Esophageal epithelial cell; Epithelium of esophagus. // ID Esophageal fibroblast. AC TS-0699 SY Oesophageal fibroblast. // ID Esophageal squamous cell. AC TS-1250 SY Oesophagus squamous cell; Oesophageal squamous epithelial cell; Oesophagus squamous epithelial cell; Esophagus squamous epithelial cell; Esophagus squamous epithelial cells; Esophagus squamous cell; Oesophageal squamous cell. // ID Esophageal squamous epithelium. AC TS-1314 SY Oesophageal squamous epithelium. // ID Esophagus. AC TS-0700 SY Oesophagus. // ID Oil gland. AC TS-0701 // ID Olfactory bulb. AC TS-0702 SY Olfactory brain. // ID Olfactory epithelium. AC TS-0703 SY Olfactory mucosa; Olfactory epithelial cell. // ID Olfactory neuroepithelium. AC TS-0704 SY Olfactory neuroepithelial cell. // ID Olfactory neuron. AC TS-0705 // ID Olfactory organ. AC TS-0706 // ID Olfactory rosette. AC TS-0707 // ID Olfactory sensory neuron. AC TS-0708 // ID Oligodendrocyte. AC TS-0709 // ID Oligodendroglioma. AC TS-1153 // ID Oocyst. AC TS-0710 // ID Oocyte. AC TS-0711 // ID Optic lobe. AC TS-0712 // ID Optic nerve. AC TS-0713 // ID Oral cancer. AC TS-0714 SY Oral cavity malignant tumor; Oral cavity malignant tumour. // ID Oral cavity. AC TS-1315 SY Oral; Mouth. // ID Oral epithelium. AC TS-0715 SY Oral epithelial cell; Oral cavity epithelium; Oral cavity epithelial cell. // ID Oral mucosa. AC TS-0716 SY Oral cavity mucosa. // ID Oral mucosa squamous cell. AC TS-1252 SY Oral mucosa squamous epithelial cell; Oral cavity mucosa squamous cell; Oral cavity mucosa squamous epithelial cell; Oral mucosa squamous epithelial cells. // ID Organ of Corti. AC TS-0717 SY Spiral organ of Corti. // ID Oropharynx. AC TS-0718 // ID Osteoarthritic cartilage. AC TS-0719 // ID Osteoblast. AC TS-0720 // ID Osteoclast. AC TS-0721 // ID Osteoclastoma. AC TS-0722 SY Osteoclastoma tumor; Malignant giant cell tumor; Giant cell tumor of bone. // ID Osteocyte. AC TS-1167 // ID Osteosarcoma. AC TS-0723 // ID Otocyst. AC TS-1192 SY Embryonic otocyst. // ID Otolith. AC TS-1201 SY Statoconium; Otoconium. // ID Ovarian adenocarcinoma. AC TS-0724 // ID Ovarian cancer. AC TS-1223 SY Ovary cancer; Ovarian malignant tumor; Ovarian malignant tumour; Ovary malignant tumor; Ovary malignant tumour. // ID Ovarian carcinoma. AC TS-0725 SY Ovarian small cell carcinoma; Ovarian tumor; CHO. // ID Ovarian follicle. AC TS-0726 SY Graafian follicle; Follicle of ovary; Ovary follicle. // ID Ovarian follicle cell. AC TS-1236 SY Ovarian follicular cell; Ovary follicular cell; Ovary follicle cells. // ID Ovarian follicle membrane. AC TS-0727 // ID Ovarian follicular fluid. AC TS-0728 // ID Ovarian granulosa cell. AC TS-0729 // ID Ovarian stromal cell. AC TS-1246 SY Ovary stromal cells; Ovarian stromal cells. // ID Ovary. AC TS-0730 SY Ovaries; Ovarian. DR PO; PO:0009072; ovary. // ID Ovary tumor. AC TS-0731 SY Ovary tumour. // ID Oviduct. AC TS-0732 SY Fallopian tube; Uterine tube. // ID Oviduct epithelium. AC TS-1316 SY Uterine tube epithelium; Epithelium of uterine tube. // ID Oviduct glandular cell. AC TS-1277 SY Fallopian tube glandular cell; Uterine tube glandular cell; Fallopian tube glandular cells. // ID Ovotestis. AC TS-0733 // ID Ovule. AC TS-0734 DR PO; PO:0020003; ovule. // ID Palate. AC TS-0735 // ID Pancreas. AC TS-0736 SY Pancreatic. // ID Pancreas exocrine glandular cell. AC TS-1242 SY Pancreas exocrine glandular cells. // ID Pancreas islet cell. AC TS-1237 SY Pancreas islet cells; Pancreatic islet cell. // ID Pancreatic acinar cell. AC TS-0737 // ID Pancreatic adenocarcinoma. AC TS-0738 // ID Pancreatic cancer. AC TS-0739 SY Pancreas cancer; Pancreas malignant tumor; Pancreas malignant tumour. // ID Pancreatic carcinoma. AC TS-0740 // ID Pancreatic islet. AC TS-0741 SY Islet of Langerhans; Islets of Langerhans; Granules of Langerhans; Island of Langerhans. // ID Pancreatic tumor. AC TS-0742 SY Pancreatic tumour. // ID Panicle. AC TS-0743 SY Inflorescence. DR PO; PO:0009049; inflorescence. // ID Paracorolla. AC TS-0744 // ID Parathyroid. AC TS-0745 SY Parathyroid gland. // ID Parathyroid glandular cell. AC TS-1279 SY Parathyroid gland glandular cell; Parathyroid gland glandular cells. // ID Parathyroid adenoma. AC TS-0746 // ID Parietal cortex. AC TS-0747 SY Brain parietal cortex; Brain parietal lobe; Parietal lobe. // ID Parotid gland. AC TS-0748 // ID Parotoid gland. AC TS-0749 // ID Parotoid gland secretion. AC TS-1218 SY Parotoid secretion. // ID Pars intercerebralis. AC TS-0750 // ID Pectoralis muscle. AC TS-0751 SY Pectoral muscle. // ID Pedal disk. AC TS-0752 // ID Pedal ganglion. AC TS-0753 SY Pedal ganglia. // ID Pedicel. AC TS-0754 SY Pedicel tissue. DR PO; PO:0009052; pedicel. // ID Peelings. AC TS-0755 SY Peel; Fruit peel. DR PO; PO:0009084; pericarp. // ID Peltate glandular trichome. AC TS-0756 // ID Pelvis. AC TS-0757 // ID Penis. AC TS-0758 // ID Perianth. AC TS-0759 SY Flower perianth. DR PO; PO:0009058; perianth. // ID Pericardial organs. AC TS-0760 // ID Pericardium. AC TS-0761 // ID Pericarp. AC TS-0762 SY Fruit pericarp. DR PO; PO:0009084; pericarp. // ID Perineural cell. AC TS-1291 SY Perineural cells. // ID Periodontal ligament. AC TS-0763 // ID Periodontium fibroblast. AC TS-0764 SY Periodontal fibroblast. // ID Peripheral blood. AC TS-0771 SY Bloodstream; Circulating blood; Peripheral blood cell; PBMC. // ID Peripheral blood granulocyte. AC TS-0765 // ID Peripheral blood leukocyte. AC TS-0766 SY Peripheral blood leucocyte. // ID Peripheral blood lymphocyte. AC TS-0767 // ID Peripheral blood monocyte. AC TS-0768 // ID Peripheral blood neutrophil. AC TS-0769 // ID Peripheral blood T-cell. AC TS-0770 SY Peripheral blood T cell; Peripheral blood T-lymphocyte; Peripheral blood T lymphocyte. // ID Peripheral nerve. AC TS-0772 // ID Peritoneal cavity. AC TS-0773 // ID Peritoneal exudate. AC TS-0774 // ID Peritoneal macrophage. AC TS-0775 // ID Peritoneal mast cell. AC TS-0776 // ID Peritoneal neutrophil. AC TS-0777 // ID Petal. AC TS-0778 SY Flower petal. DR PO; PO:0009032; petal. // ID Petiole. AC TS-0779 DR PO; PO:0020038; petiole. // ID Peyer patch. AC TS-0780 SY Peyer's patch; Peyer's gland; Agregated lymphatic nodule. // ID Pharate adult cuticle. AC TS-0781 // ID Pharate pupal cuticle. AC TS-0782 // ID Pharyngeal arch. AC TS-0783 // ID Pharyngeal muscle. AC TS-0784 // ID Pharyngula. AC TS-1196 SY Vasoformative cell. // ID Pharynx. AC TS-0785 SY Pharyngeal; Pharyngeal tissue. // ID Pharynx carcinoma. AC TS-1133 SY Pharyngeal carcinoma; Pharyngeal tissue carcinoma. // ID Pheochromocytoma. AC TS-0786 SY Phaeochromocytoma. // ID Pheromone gland. AC TS-0787 // ID Phloem. AC TS-0788 SY Phloem tissue. DR PO; PO:0005417; phloem. // ID Photogenic organ. AC TS-1329 // ID Pineal gland. AC TS-0789 SY Pineal. // ID Pistil. AC TS-0790 SY Flower pistil. DR PO; PO:0009062; pistil. // ID Pitcher. AC TS-0791 // ID Pituitary adenoma. AC TS-0792 SY Pituitary gland adenoma. // ID Pituitary anterior lobe tumor. AC TS-0793 SY Anterior pituitary tumor; Anterior pituitary gland tumor; Pituitary pars distalis tumor. // ID Pituitary anterior lobe. AC TS-0794 SY Anterior pituitary; Anterior pituitary gland; Pituitary pars distalis; Adenohypophysis; Anterior lobe of hypophysis. // ID Pituitary neurointermediate lobe. AC TS-0795 SY Intermediate pituitary. // ID Pituitary pars tuberalis. AC TS-0796 SY Hypophyseal pars tuberalis; Pars tuberalis. // ID Pituitary tumor. AC TS-0797 SY Pituitary tumour. // ID Pituitary. AC TS-0798 SY Pituitary gland; Hypophysis; Pituitary body. // ID Placenta. AC TS-0799 SY Placental. // ID Plasma. AC TS-0800 SY Blood plasma. // ID Plasmacytoid dendritic cell. AC TS-0801 SY Lymphoid dendritic cell; IPC; T-associated plasma cell; pDC; Interferon-producing cell; DC2; Plasmacytoid monocyte; Plasmacytoid T cell. // ID Plasmacytoma. AC TS-0802 // ID Platelet. AC TS-0803 SY Thrombocyte; Blood platelet. // ID Pleopod. AC TS-0804 SY Swimming leg. // ID Pleural sensory cell. AC TS-0805 // ID Plumule. AC TS-0806 // ID Pluteus. AC TS-0807 SY Plutei. // ID PNS. AC TS-0808 SY Peripheral nervous system. // ID Pod. AC TS-0809 DR PO; PO:0009001; fruit. // ID Pollen. AC TS-0810 SY Male gametophyte. DR PO; PO:0020091; male gametophyte. // ID Pollen tube. AC TS-0811 DR PO; PO:0006345; pollen tube. // ID Polyric caeca. AC TS-0812 // ID Pons. AC TS-0813 // ID Portal vein. AC TS-0814 // ID Posterior pituitary. AC TS-0815 SY Posterior pituitary gland; Pituitary pars nervosa; Neurohypophysis; Posterior lobe. // ID Posterior salivary gland. AC TS-0816 // ID Posterior silk gland. AC TS-0817 SY Posterior silkgland; Posterial silkgland; PSG. // ID Posterior tectum. AC TS-0818 // ID Pre-B cell. AC TS-0819 SY Pre-B lymphocyte. // ID Prefrontal cortex. AC TS-1219 SY PFC. // ID Premonocytic leukemia. AC TS-0820 SY Premonocytic leukaemia; Promonocytic leukemia; Promonocytic leukaemia. // ID Premonocytic lymphoma. AC TS-0821 SY Promonocytic lymphoma. // ID Preoptic area of hypothalamus. AC TS-0822 SY Preoptic nucleus. // ID Preosteoblast. AC TS-1182 // ID Prepupa. AC TS-0823 SY Prepupae. // ID Preputial gland. AC TS-0824 // ID Promyelocyte. AC TS-0825 // ID Promyelocytic leukemia. AC TS-0826 SY Promyelocytic leukaemia. // ID Pronephros. AC TS-0827 // ID Prostate. AC TS-0828 SY Prostate gland. // ID Prostate cancer. AC TS-1224 SY Prostatic cancer; Prostate malignant tumor; Prostate malignant tumour; Prostatic malignant tumor; Prostatic malignant tumour. // ID Prostate glandular cell. AC TS-1280 SY Prostate glandular cells. // ID Prostatic adenocarcinoma. AC TS-0829 // ID Prostatic carcinoma. AC TS-0830 SY Prostate carcinoma. // ID Prothallus. AC TS-0831 SY Prothallia. // ID Prothoracic gland. AC TS-0832 // ID Protonema. AC TS-0833 // ID Protoplast. AC TS-0834 SY Cultured protoplast. DR PO; PO:0000006; cultured protoplast. // ID Proventriculus. AC TS-0835 SY Forestomach. // ID Proximal small intestine. AC TS-0836 // ID Pseudobulb. AC TS-1330 // ID Psoas muscle. AC TS-0837 // ID Psoriatic skin. AC TS-0838 // ID Pulmonary artery. AC TS-0839 // ID Pulmonary vein. AC TS-0840 // ID Pulvinus. AC TS-0841 SY Petiolar pulvinus; Pulvini. DR PO; PO:0009000; pulvinus. // ID Pupae. AC TS-0842 // ID Pupal hemocyte. AC TS-0843 SY Pupal haemocyte. // ID Pupal midgut. AC TS-0844 SY Pupal mid-gut. // ID Purkinje cell. AC TS-0845 SY Purkinje's cell; Purkinje cells; Purkinje neuron; Cerebellar Purkinje cell; Cerebellar Purkinje neuron. // ID Pyloric caecum. AC TS-0846 SY Pyloric caeca; Pyloric cecum; Pyloric ceca. // ID Rachis. AC TS-0847 // ID Radicle. AC TS-0848 DR PO; PO:0020031; radicle. // ID Radular muscle. AC TS-0849 // ID Rathke gland. AC TS-0850 SY Rathke's gland. // ID Receptacle. AC TS-0851 // ID Rectal gland. AC TS-0852 SY Salt gland. // ID Rectum. AC TS-1180 // ID Rectum glandular cell. AC TS-1281 SY Rectum glandular cells. // ID Rectum tumor. AC TS-0853 SY Rectum tumour. // ID Red muscle. AC TS-0854 // ID Regenerating blastema. AC TS-0855 SY Regeneration blastema; Regenerating tissue; Blastema; Blastemal. // ID Regenerating forelimb blastema. AC TS-0856 SY Forelimb regeneration blastema. // ID Regenerating limb blastema. AC TS-0857 SY Limb blastema; Regenerating limb bud. // ID Regenerating liver. AC TS-0858 // ID Renal cell carcinoma. AC TS-0859 SY Grawitz tumor; Nephroblastoma; Hypernephroma; Renal adenocarcinoma; RCC. // ID Renal collecting duct. AC TS-0860 SY Kidney cortex collecting duct. // ID Renal corpuscle. AC TS-1317 SY Corpusculum renale; Malphigian corpuscle. // ID Renal cyst lining cell. AC TS-0861 // ID Renal glomerulus. AC TS-0862 SY Renal glomerus; Glomerus; Kidney glomerulus cell; Kidney glomeruli cell; Kidney glomeruli cells; Renal glomerulus cell; Renal glomerular cell; Kidney cells in glomeruli; Glomerular tuft; Malphigian glomerulus. // ID Renal medulla. AC TS-1157 SY Kidney medulla. // ID Reproductive accessory gland. AC TS-0863 // ID Reproductive system. AC TS-1318 // ID Resin. AC TS-1340 // ID Respiratory system. AC TS-1319 // ID Reticulocyte. AC TS-0864 // ID Retina. AC TS-0865 SY Retinal. // ID Retinal cone cell. AC TS-0866 SY Retinal cone. // ID Retinal ganglion. AC TS-0867 SY Retinal ganglia. // ID Retinal photoreceptor. AC TS-0868 // ID Retinal pigment epithelium. AC TS-0869 SY Retinal pigment epithelial cell. // ID Retinal rod cell. AC TS-0870 SY Retinal rod. // ID Retinoblastoma. AC TS-0871 // ID Retrocerebral complex. AC TS-0872 // ID Rhabdomyosarcoma. AC TS-0873 // ID Rheumatoid arthritic synovial fluid. AC TS-0874 // ID Rhizome. AC TS-0875 DR PO; PO:0004542; rhizome. // ID Ring ganglion. AC TS-1174 SY Ring ganglia. // ID Root cap. AC TS-0876 DR PO; PO:0020123; root cap. // ID Root cortex. AC TS-0877 DR PO; PO:0000258; root cortex. // ID Root hair. AC TS-0878 DR PO; PO:0000256; root hair. // ID Root meristem. AC TS-0879 DR PO; PO:0006085; root meristem. // ID Root nodule. AC TS-0880 SY Root-nodule; Nodule; Symbiotic root nodule. DR PO; PO:0003023; root nodule. // ID Root tip. AC TS-0881 DR PO; PO:0000025; root tip. // ID Root tuber. AC TS-0882 // ID Root. AC TS-0883 SY Root tissue. DR PO; PO:0009005; root. // ID Rosette leaf. AC TS-0884 SY Rosette leaves; Rosettes; Leaf whorl. DR PO; PO:0008034; leaf whorl. // ID Rostral gland. AC TS-0885 // ID Round spermatid. AC TS-0886 // ID Royal jelly. AC TS-1326 // ID Rumen. AC TS-0887 // ID Rumen reticulum. AC TS-0888 SY Reticulum. // ID Ruminal epithelium. AC TS-0889 SY Ruminal epithelial cell. // ID Saccule. AC TS-0890 // ID Saliva. AC TS-0891 // ID Salivary gland. AC TS-0892 // ID Salivary gland glandular cell. AC TS-1282 SY Salivary gland glandular cells. // ID Saphenous vein. AC TS-0893 // ID Sarcomere. AC TS-0894 // ID Satellite cell. AC TS-1205 // ID Scale. AC TS-0895 // ID Scalp. AC TS-0896 // ID Scapula bone. AC TS-0897 // ID Schwann cell. AC TS-0898 // ID Sciatic nerve. AC TS-0899 // ID Sclera. AC TS-0900 // ID Sclerite. AC TS-0901 // ID Sclerotium. AC TS-0902 // ID Scutellar node. AC TS-0903 DR PO; PO:0004708; scutellar node. // ID Scutellum. AC TS-0904 SY Scutella. DR PO; PO:0020110; scutellum. // ID Seed coat. AC TS-0905 DR PO; PO:0009088; seed coat. // ID Seed cotyledon. AC TS-0906 DR PO; PO:0020030; cotyledon. // ID Seed embryo. AC TS-0907 DR PO; PO:0009009; embryo. // ID Seed endosperm. AC TS-0908 DR PO; PO:0009089; endosperm. // ID Seed nucellus. AC TS-0909 DR PO; PO:0020020; nucellus. // ID Seed. AC TS-0910 DR PO; PO:0009010; seed. // ID Seedling. AC TS-0911 DR PO; PO:0008037; seedling. // ID Seedling cotyledon. AC TS-0912 DR PO; PO:0020030; cotyledon. // ID Seedling hypocotyl. AC TS-0913 DR PO; PO:0020100; hypocotyl. // ID Seedling leaf. AC TS-0914 // ID Seedling root. AC TS-0915 SY Radicle. DR PO; PO:0020031; radicle. // ID Seedling shoot. AC TS-0916 DR PO; PO:0008037; seedling. // ID Semen. AC TS-0917 SY Seminal fluid. // ID Seminal plasma. AC TS-0918 // ID Seminal vesicle. AC TS-0919 SY Seminal vesicular gland; Glandula vesicularis; Glandula vesiculosa; Seminal gland. // ID Seminal vesicle glandular cell. AC TS-1283 SY Seminal vesicle glandular cells. // ID Seminiferous epithelium. AC TS-0920 SY Seminiferous epithelial cell; Germinal epithelium; Germinal epithelial cell. // ID Seminiferous tubule. AC TS-1239 SY Seminiferous duct; Testis cells in seminiferus ducts; Seminiferous tubule of testis. // ID Seminoma. AC TS-1186 // ID Sensory ganglion. AC TS-1202 SY Sensory ganglia. // ID Sepal. AC TS-0921 DR PO; PO:0009031; sepal. // ID Sertoli cell. AC TS-0922 // ID Serum. AC TS-0923 SY Blood serum. // ID Seta. AC TS-1339 // ID Sheath. AC TS-0924 DR PO; PO:0020104; leaf sheath. // ID Shell. AC TS-0925 // ID Shoot. AC TS-0926 DR PO; PO:0009006; shoot. // ID Shoot apex. AC TS-0927 SY Shoot tip; Apical shoot. DR PO; PO:0000037; shoot apex. // ID Shoot meristem. AC TS-0928 DR PO; PO:0006079; shoot meristem. // ID Signet-ring cell carcinoma. AC TS-1166 SY Signet ring cell adenocarcinoma; Signet ring cell carcinoma; Signet cell carcinoma; Signet ring cancer. // ID Silique. AC TS-0929 DR PO; PO:0009001; fruit. // ID Silk gland. AC TS-0930 SY Silkgland. // ID Single abdominal segment. AC TS-0931 // ID Sinus gland. AC TS-0932 // ID Skeletal muscle. AC TS-0933 SY Striated muscle. // ID Skeletal muscle cell. AC TS-1244 SY Skeletal muscle myocyte; Skeletal muscle myocytes; Striated muscle cell; Striated muscle myocyte. // ID Skeletal system. AC TS-1320 // ID Skin. AC TS-0934 // ID Skin appendages. AC TS-0051 SY Adnexa of skin; Skin adnexal cells. // ID Skin cancer. AC TS-1227 SY Skin malignant tumor; Skin malignant tumour. // ID Skin fibroblast. AC TS-0935 // ID Skin mucus. AC TS-0936 // ID Skin secretion. AC TS-0937 // ID Slime gland. AC TS-0938 // ID Slow skeletal muscle. AC TS-0939 // ID Slow-twitch skeletal muscle. AC TS-0940 // ID Small intestine mucosa. AC TS-0941 SY Small intestinal mucosa. // ID Small intestine. AC TS-0942 SY Small bowel. // ID Small intestine glandular cell. AC TS-1286 SY Small bowel glandular cell; Small intestine glandular cells. // ID Smooth muscle. AC TS-0943 // ID Smooth muscle cell. AC TS-1245 SY Smooth muscle myocyte; Smooth muscle myocytes; Smooth muscle cells. // ID Soft tissues. AC TS-0944 // ID Soleus muscle. AC TS-0945 SY Soleus. // ID Somatic embryo. AC TS-0946 // ID Spear. AC TS-0947 // ID Spear tip. AC TS-0948 SY Tip section of spear. // ID Sperm. AC TS-0949 SY Spermatozoon; Spermatozoan. // ID Spermatid. AC TS-0950 // ID Spermatocyte. AC TS-0951 // ID Spermatophorus. AC TS-0952 // ID Sphincter of Oddi. AC TS-1163 // ID Spicule. AC TS-1175 // ID Spike. AC TS-1331 // ID Spinal cord. AC TS-0953 // ID Spinal ganglion. AC TS-0954 SY Dorsal root ganglion; Dorsal root ganglia. // ID Spine. AC TS-1158 // ID Spiral intestine. AC TS-0955 // ID Spleen. AC TS-0956 // ID Spleen red pulp. AC TS-1263 SY Splenic pulp; Spleen cells in red pulp; Red pulp of spleen. // ID Spleen white pulp. AC TS-1264 SY Spleen cells in white pulp. // ID Splenocyte. AC TS-0957 // ID Spongiosa bone. AC TS-1155 SY Spongiosa. // ID Spore. AC TS-0958 // ID Sporophyte. AC TS-0959 DR PO; PO:0009003; sporophyte. // ID Sporozoite. AC TS-0960 // ID Sprout. AC TS-0961 // ID Sprouting bulb. AC TS-0962 // ID Sputum. AC TS-0963 // ID Squamous cell. AC TS-1249 SY Squamous epithelial cell. // ID Squamous cell carcinoma. AC TS-0964 // ID Squamous epithelium. AC TS-1321 // ID Stamen. AC TS-0965 DR PO; PO:0009029; stamen. // ID Stannius corpuscle. AC TS-0966 // ID Starchy endosperm. AC TS-0967 // ID Stem bark. AC TS-0968 SY Stembark. DR PO; PO:0004518; bark. // ID Stem nodule. AC TS-0969 // ID Stem plug. AC TS-0970 // ID Stem. AC TS-0971 SY Stem tissue. DR PO; PO:0009047; stem. // ID Sternum. AC TS-0972 SY Breastbone. // ID Sternum cartilage. AC TS-0973 // ID Stigma. AC TS-0974 DR PO; PO:0009073; stigma. // ID Stolon. AC TS-0975 DR PO; PO:0003024; stolon. // ID Stolon node. AC TS-0976 // ID Stolon tip. AC TS-0977 // ID Stomach. AC TS-0980 SY Gaster; Gastric tissue. // ID Stomach glandular cell. AC TS-1284 SY Gaster glandular cell; Gastric tissue glandular cell; Stomach glandular cells. // ID Stomach cancer. AC TS-0978 SY Gastric cancer; Stomach malignant tumor; Gastric malignant tumor. // ID Stomach smooth muscle. AC TS-0979 // ID Stratum corneum. AC TS-0981 SY Horny layers. // ID Stria vascularis. AC TS-0982 // ID Striated adductor muscle. AC TS-0983 // ID Stromal cell. AC TS-0984 // ID Style. AC TS-0985 SY Stylar tissue. DR PO; PO:0009074; style. // ID Subcommissural organ. AC TS-0986 // ID Sublingual gland. AC TS-0987 SY Sublingual salivary gland. // ID Submandibular gland. AC TS-0988 SY Submaxillary gland; Submaxillary salivary gland. // ID Subesophageal ganglion. AC TS-0989 SY Suboesophageal ganglia; Suboesophageal ganglion; Subesophageal ganglia. // ID Substantia nigra. AC TS-0990 // ID Subthalamic nucleus. AC TS-1154 SY Subthalamic nuclei; Corpus Luysi; Luys' body. // ID Superior cervical ganglion. AC TS-0991 // ID Suprachiasmatic nucleus. AC TS-0992 // ID Sweat gland. AC TS-0993 // ID Sympathetic ganglion. AC TS-0994 SY Sympathetic ganglia. // ID Synovial cell. AC TS-0995 SY Synovial cells. // ID Synovial fluid. AC TS-0996 // ID Synovial sarcoma. AC TS-0997 // ID Synovium. AC TS-0998 SY Synovial membrane. // ID T lymphoblast. AC TS-0999 SY T-lymphoblast. // ID T-cell lymphoma. AC TS-1000 SY T cell lymphoma. // ID T-cell. AC TS-1001 SY T lymphocyte; T-lymphocyte; T cell. // ID Tachyzoite. AC TS-1002 SY Endodyozoite; Endozoite. // ID Tadpole. AC TS-1134 // ID Tadpole brain. AC TS-1290 // ID Tadpole erythrocyte. AC TS-1194 SY Tadpole red blood cell; Tadpole corpuscle; Tadpole RBC. // ID Tadpole head. AC TS-1003 // ID Tadpole heart. AC TS-1292 // ID Tadpole liver. AC TS-1004 // ID Tadpole tail. AC TS-1005 // ID Tail. AC TS-1006 // ID Tail bud. AC TS-1007 SY Tailbud. // ID Tail epidermis. AC TS-1008 // ID Tail fin. AC TS-1009 // ID Tail muscle. AC TS-1010 // ID Tap root. AC TS-1011 SY Taproot; Primary root. DR PO; PO:0020127; primary root. // ID Tapetum. AC TS-1012 DR PO; PO:0009071; tapetum. // ID Tapetum lucidum. AC TS-1013 // ID Tassel. AC TS-1014 DR PO; PO:0020126; tassel. // ID Taste bud. AC TS-1015 SY Gemma gustatoria; Caliculus gustatorius; Gustatory bud; Schwalbe's corpuscle; Schwalbe corpuscle. // ID Tear. AC TS-1016 // ID Tegument. AC TS-1017 // ID Telencephalon. AC TS-1018 // ID Telson. AC TS-1019 // ID Temporal cortex. AC TS-1020 SY Brain temporal cortex; Brain temporal lobe; Temporal lobe. // ID Tendon. AC TS-1021 // ID Tendril. AC TS-1022 // ID Tentacle. AC TS-1023 // ID Tepal. AC TS-1024 SY Flower tepal. DR PO; PO:0009033; tepal. // ID Teratocarcinoma. AC TS-1025 // ID Term myometrium. AC TS-1026 // ID Term placenta. AC TS-1027 // ID Testa. AC TS-1028 DR PO; PO:0020057; testa. // ID Testis cancer. AC TS-1228 SY Testicular cancer; Testis malignant tumor; Testis malignant tumour; Testicular malignant tumor; Testicular malignant tumour. // ID Testis carcinoma. AC TS-1029 // ID Testis. AC TS-1030 SY Testes; Testicle; Testicular; Testiculus. // ID Thalamus. AC TS-1031 // ID Thallus. AC TS-1032 // ID Thigh epidermis. AC TS-1033 // ID Thigh muscle. AC TS-1034 // ID Thoracic aorta. AC TS-1035 // ID Thoracic ganglion. AC TS-1036 SY Thoracic ganglia. // ID Thoracic ganglionic sheath. AC TS-1199 // ID Thoracic muscle. AC TS-1037 SY Thorax muscle. // ID Thoracic nervous system. AC TS-1038 // ID Thoracic perisympathetic organs. AC TS-1337 // ID Thorax. AC TS-1039 // ID Thymic epithelium. AC TS-1040 SY Thymic epithelial cell. // ID Thymic lymphoma. AC TS-1041 SY Thymoma. // ID Thymocyte. AC TS-1042 // ID Thymus. AC TS-1043 SY Thymus gland. // ID Thyroid cancer. AC TS-1226 SY Thyroid malignant tumor; Thyroid malignant tumour. // ID Thyroid carcinoma. AC TS-1044 // ID Thyroid papillary carcinoma. AC TS-1045 SY Papillary thyroid carcinoma. // ID Thyroid tumor. AC TS-1046 SY Thyroid tumour. // ID Thyroid. AC TS-1047 SY Thyroid gland. // ID Thyroid glandular cell. AC TS-1285 SY Thyroid gland glandular cell; Thyroid gland glandular cells. // ID Tibial bone. AC TS-1048 SY Tibia. // ID Tibial gland. AC TS-1049 // ID Tongue. AC TS-1050 // ID Tongue epithelium. AC TS-1051 SY Lingual epithelium; Lingual epithelia; Lingual epithelial cell; Tongue epithelium. // ID Tongue keratinocyte. AC TS-1207 // ID Tongue serous gland. AC TS-1052 SY Ebner's gland; von Ebner's gland. // ID Tonsil. AC TS-1053 // ID Tonsil germinal center. AC TS-1288 SY Tonsil reaction center; Tonsil reaction centre; Tonsil reaction center cells. // ID Tonsil lymphoid cell. AC TS-1270 // ID Tonsillar carcinoma. AC TS-1054 // ID Tonsil squamous cell. AC TS-1253 SY Tonsil squamous epithelial cell; Tonsillar squamous cell; Tonsillar squamous epithelial cell; Tonsil squamous epithelial cells. // ID Tooth. AC TS-1055 // ID Tooth bud. AC TS-1056 // ID Tooth enamel. AC TS-1057 // ID Trabecular meshwork. AC TS-1058 SY Eye trabeculum. // ID Trachea smooth muscle. AC TS-1059 // ID Trachea. AC TS-1060 SY Tracheal. // ID Tracheal epithelium. AC TS-1061 SY Tracheal epithelial cell. // ID Tracheobronchial. AC TS-1062 // ID Tracheobronchial epithelium. AC TS-1063 SY Tracheobronchial epithelial cell. // ID Tracheobronchial mucosa. AC TS-1064 // ID Trichome gland. AC TS-1065 DR PO; PO:0000282; trichome. // ID Trigeminal ganglion. AC TS-1066 // ID Triturative stomach. AC TS-1067 // ID Trophectoderm. AC TS-1068 // ID Trophoblast stem cell. AC TS-1069 // ID Trophoblast. AC TS-1070 SY Embryonic trophoblast; Trophoblastic cells. // ID Trophozoite. AC TS-1335 // ID Trunk. AC TS-1071 // ID Tuber. AC TS-1072 DR PO; PO:0004543; tuber. // ID Tuber disk. AC TS-1073 SY Tuber disc. // ID Tuberous root. AC TS-1074 // ID Tubular accessory gland. AC TS-1075 // ID Udder. AC TS-1076 // ID Umbilical artery. AC TS-1077 // ID Umbilical cord. AC TS-1078 // ID Umbilical cord blood. AC TS-1079 // ID Umbilical smooth muscle. AC TS-1080 SY Umbilicus smooth muscle. // ID Umbilical vein endothelial cell. AC TS-1081 SY Umbilical vein endothelium. // ID Umbilical vein. AC TS-1082 SY Umbilical cord vein. // ID Underground adventitious buds. AC TS-1083 // ID Ureter. AC TS-1084 // ID Ureteric bud. AC TS-1085 // ID Urethra. AC TS-1132 // ID Urinary bladder carcinoma. AC TS-1086 // ID Urinary bladder epithelium. AC TS-1322 // ID Urinary bladder smooth muscle. AC TS-1087 // ID Urinary bladder urothelium. AC TS-1088 SY Urinary bladder urothelial cell; Urinary bladder urothelial cells. // ID Urinary bladder wart. AC TS-1089 // ID Urinary bladder. AC TS-1090 SY Bladder; Vesica. // ID Urinary system. AC TS-1323 // ID Urinary tract. AC TS-1091 // ID Urine. AC TS-1092 // ID Urogenital ridge. AC TS-1093 // ID Urogenital system. AC TS-1324 // ID Urophysis. AC TS-1094 // ID Uropygial gland. AC TS-1095 // ID Urothelium. AC TS-1096 // ID Urothelium cancer. AC TS-1234 SY Urothelial cancer; Urothelium malignant tumor; Urothelium malignant tumour; Urothelial malignant tumor; Urothelial malignant tumour. // ID Uterine adenocarcinoma. AC TS-1097 // ID Uterine corpus. AC TS-1265 SY Corpus, uterine; Uterus body; Uterus womb. // ID Uterine corpus glandular cell. AC TS-1287 SY Corpus, uterine glandular cell; Corpus, uterine glandular cells; Uterus body glandular cell; Uterus womb glandular cell. // ID Uterine ectocervix. AC TS-1098 SY Ectocervix. // ID Uterine endothelium. AC TS-1099 SY Uterine endothelial cell; Uterus endothelium; Uterus endothelial cell. // ID Uterine horn luminal epithelium. AC TS-1100 SY Uterine horn luminal epithelial cell; Uterine cornu luminal epithelium; Uterine cornu luminal epithelial cell; Cornu luminal epithelium; Cornu luminal epithelial cell. // ID Uterine leiomyoma. AC TS-1101 // ID Uterus. AC TS-1102 SY Uterine; Womb. // ID Vagina. AC TS-1103 // ID Vaginal epithelium. AC TS-1325 // ID Vaginal fibroblast. AC TS-1104 // ID Vagina squamous cell. AC TS-1254 SY Vagina squamous epithelial cell; Vaginal squamous cell; Vaginal squamous epithelial cell; Vagina squamous epithelial cells. // ID Vas deferens. AC TS-1105 // ID Vascular endothelial cell. AC TS-1106 // ID Vascular smooth muscle. AC TS-1107 SY Vascular. // ID Vegetal pole. AC TS-1217 SY Vegetal hemisphere. // ID Vein. AC TS-1108 // ID Venom. AC TS-1109 // ID Venom duct. AC TS-1110 // ID Venom gland. AC TS-1111 SY Venomous gland. // ID Ventral eye. AC TS-1112 // ID Ventral nerve cord. AC TS-1113 // ID Ventral spinal cord. AC TS-1114 // ID Visceral mass. AC TS-1116 // ID Visual cortex. AC TS-1117 // ID Vomeronasal organ. AC TS-1141 SY VNO; Organ of Jacobson; Jacobson's organ. // ID Vomeronasal sensory neuron. AC TS-1145 SY Vomeronasal neuron. // ID Vulva. AC TS-1168 // ID Vulva/Anal skin. AC TS-1231 // ID Vulva/anal squamous cell. AC TS-1255 SY Vulva/anal squamous epithelial cell; Vulva/anal skin squamous epithelial cells. // ID Vulvar carcinoma. AC TS-1169 // ID Wart. AC TS-1118 // ID White adipose tissue. AC TS-1119 SY White adipose. // ID White muscle. AC TS-1120 // ID White-root. AC TS-1121 // ID Wing. AC TS-1122 // ID Wing imaginal disk. AC TS-1123 SY Wing imaginal disc; Wing disk; Wing disc. // ID Wolffian duct. AC TS-1124 SY Mesonephric duct; Embryonic Wolffian duct. // ID Wool. AC TS-1125 // ID Wool follicle. AC TS-1126 // ID Xiphoid cartilage. AC TS-1127 // ID Xylem. AC TS-1128 DR PO; PO:0005352; xylem. // ID Yolk. AC TS-1129 // ID Yolk sac. AC TS-1130 // ID Yolk sac carcinoma. AC TS-1131 SY Yolk sac tumor; Endodermal sinus tumor. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see https://www.uniprot.org/terms Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License -----------------------------------------------------------------------