---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UniProt Knowledgebase: Swiss-Prot Protein Knowledgebase TrEMBL Protein Database SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics; Geneva, Switzerland European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI); Hinxton, United Kingdom Protein Information Resource (PIR); Washington DC, USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Criteria used to assign the PE level of entries Name: pe_criteria.txt Release: 2022_03 of 03-Aug-2022 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document lists the criteria used to assign a PE level to entries. Criteria used to implement the 'PE 1: Evidence at protein level' ---------------------------------------------------------------- We add the 'Evidence at protein level' qualifier to all entries with at least one of the annotations listed below: 1. RP lines containing: CHARACTERIZATION AMINO-ACID COMPOSITION CATALYTIC ACTIVITY FUNCTION AS, FUNCTION IN INTERACTION WITH, SUBUNIT, IDENTIFICATION IN ... COMPLEX -BINDING IDENTIFICATION BY MASS SPECTROMETRY, MASS SPECTROMETRY CRYSTALLIZATION, X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, STRUCTURE BY NMR CLEAVAGE, PROTEOLYTIC PROCESSING TOPOLOGY DISULFIDE LEVEL OF PROTEIN EXPRESSION PTM information (acetylation, glycosylation, methylation, phosphorylation, ubiquitination etc.) 2. CC topics (without non-experimental evidence): ALLERGEN BIOPHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES BIOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE - with the 'at protein level' qualifier INDUCTION - with the 'at protein level' qualifier INTERACTION MASS SPECTROMETRY PHARMACEUTICAL TISSUE SPECIFICITY - with the 'at protein level' qualifier 3. DR lines: PDB - with the exception of the 'model' category 4. Keywords: Direct protein sequencing Disease variant Proteomics identification 5. FT topics (without non-experimental evidence): MOD_RES LIPID CARBOHYD DISULFID CROSSLNK MUTAGEN 6. In vivo subcellular location analysis from PubMed=14562095 in S.cerevisiae The 'PE 1' assignment overrides assignment to PE categories 2 to 3. Criteria used to implement the 'PE 2: Evidence at transcript level' ------------------------------------------------------------------- We add the 'Evidence at transcript level' qualifier to all entries with at least one of the annotations listed below: 1. RP lines containing: The [MRNA] 'molecule type' [*] DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE INDUCTION RNA EDIT - for non-viral entries only TISSUE SPECIFICITY 2. CC topics: RNA EDITING - only for non-viral entries without non-experimental evidence 3. DR lines: EMBL - with molecule type "mRNA" [*] [*] These two criteria are only applied to proteins at least 120 residues long, since small CDS may be regulatory RNAs that are not translated, and to entries of less than 120 residues which are fragments. The 'PE 2' assignment overrides assignement to PE category 3. Criteria used to implement the 'PE 3: Inferred from homology' ------------------------------------------------------------- We add the 'Evidence from homology' qualifier to all entries with at least one of the annotations listed below: 1. CC topics: SIMILARITY - containing 'belongs to ... family' Any CC topic with a similarity evidence 3. DR lines: HAMAP 4. FT topics (with a sequence similarity or model evidence): INIT_MET SIGNAL MOD_RES LIPID CROSSLNK Criteria used to implement the 'PE 4: Predicted' ------------------------------------------------ All entries that are not assigned to categories 1, 2, 3 or 5. Criteria used to implement the 'PE 5: Uncertain' ------------------------------------------------ All entries that contain one of the following texts in a CC CAUTION topic: - Could be the product of a pseudogene. - Product of a dubious CDS prediction. - Product of a dubious gene prediction. The 'PE 5' assignment overrides assignement to PE categories 1, 2 or 3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see https://www.uniprot.org/terms Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License -----------------------------------------------------------------------