#ID(s) interactor A ID(s) interactor B Alt. ID(s) interactor A Alt. ID(s) interactor B Alias(es) interactor A Alias(es) interactor B Interaction detection method(s) Publication 1st author(s) Publication Identifier(s) Taxid interactor A Taxid interactor B Interaction type(s) Source database(s) Interaction identifier(s) Confidence value(s) Expansion method(s) Biological role(s) interactor A Biological role(s) interactor B Experimental role(s) interactor A Experimental role(s) interactor B Type(s) interactor A Type(s) interactor B Xref(s) interactor A Xref(s) interactor B Interaction Xref(s) Annotation(s) interactor A Annotation(s) interactor B Interaction annotation(s) Host organism(s) Interaction parameter(s) Creation date Update date Checksum(s) interactor A Checksum(s) interactor B Interaction Checksum(s) Negative Feature(s) interactor A Feature(s) interactor B Stoichiometry(s) interactor A Stoichiometry(s) interactor B Identification method participant A Identification method participant B intact:EBI-990193 intact:EBI-990196 - - psi-mi:crk_cerae_protein(display_short)|psi-mi:EBI-990193(display_long) psi-mi:bcar1_cerae_protein(display_short)|psi-mi:EBI-990196(display_long) psi-mi:"MI:0006"(anti bait coimmunoprecipitation) Holcomb et al. (2006) imex:IM-14525|pubmed:16267043 taxid:9534(chlae)|taxid:9534(Chlorocebus aethiops) taxid:9534(chlae)|taxid:9534(Chlorocebus aethiops) psi-mi:"MI:0915"(physical association) psi-mi:"MI:0469"(IntAct) intact:EBI-990198|imex:IM-14525-1 - - psi-mi:"MI:0499"(unspecified role) psi-mi:"MI:0499"(unspecified role) psi-mi:"MI:0498"(prey) psi-mi:"MI:0496"(bait) psi-mi:"MI:0326"(protein) psi-mi:"MI:0326"(protein) - - psi-mi:"MI:0469"(intact) comment:Similar to P46108|no-uniprot-update:An amino acid sequence which is not represented in UniProt comment:Similar to P56945|no-uniprot-update:An amino acid sequence which is not represented in UniProt figure legend:2 C|comment:The increase in Crk Tyr221 phosphorylation in response to inhibition of the 26 S proteasome was associated with a 50% decrease in CAS-Crk coupling. Thus, inhibition of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation specifically decreases CAS-Crk coupling.|comment:The interaction is only seen in the cells allowed to reattach to fibronectin-coated dishes and not those held in suspension.|dataset:BioCreative - Critical Assessment of Information Extraction systems in Biology|full coverage:Only protein-protein interactions|curation depth:imex curation taxid:9534(chlae-cos_7)|taxid:9534(Cercopithecus aethiops simian cells transformed with SV40) - 2006/08/16 2014/10/16 - - intact-crc:5931781260D06EDD false - - - - psi-mi:"MI:0113"(western blot) psi-mi:"MI:0113"(western blot)