_____ _ / ____| | | | | |__ __ _ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __| | |____| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | __/\__ \ \_____|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___||___/ __/ | |___/ In this file we are outlining the various changes that have occurred in the data stored on this FTP site. ---- May 2016 ------ PSI XML export changes : - Introducing PSI XML 3.0 format. - 3.0 format xmls are available in psi30 folder beside psi25 folder. - MIF300.xsd is available inside psi30 folder. - species xml, under psi30 species folder, naming convention has been changed as follows :- - The prefix "species name" has been changed to "species name"_"taxonomy id" , the suffix convention :- 1) For more than 2000 interactions, file are divided into multiple files each having 2000 interactions and convention is _fileno and for negative interactions _fileNo_negative 2) For less than 2000 only suffix is for negative interactions _negative. - As for psi25, in psi30 too species are splitted into smaller chunks, publications are no longer splitted into smaller sizes. - 3.0 complex xmls are kept inside respective species folder (naming convention of folder - "species short label" ) - 3.0 complex xmls naming convention - "complex name".xml ---- 2012-10-16 ---- PSI MITAB export changes : - intact-clustered.txt and intact-clustered.zip have been removed and replaced by intact-micluster.txt, intact-micluster_negative.txt, intact-micluster.zip. The intact-micluster is based on MITAB 2.5 and is using the MI cluster and scoring algorithm (http://code.google.com/p/micluster/). - the intact publication files (pmid folder) are not clustered and based on MITAB 2.7 (http://code.google.com/p/psicquic/wiki/MITAB27Format). Negative interactions are exported in a separate file ending with '_negative'. - pmidMITAB25.zip has been replaced by pmidMITAB2.7.zip PSI XML export changes : - intra-molecular interactions will now have a proper flag intraMolecular = true ---- 2011-10-24 ---- PSI XML export changes : - psi1 is not supported anymore. - Stoichiometry of a participant is now exported in the attributes of the participant (if available). The attribute containing the stoichiometry has a name comment and a value starting with 'Stoichiometry :' - The interaction parameters and participant parameters are now exported when they are available - The annotations of a participant are now exported in the attributeList of the participants when available. - The confidences of a participant are now exported when available. - The experimental preparations are now exported when available. - The released date in the source of each publication XML file is now the date when the publication was released for the first time on the ftp site. - A zip file is provided for each species in the species directory. Each zip file will contain all the xml files of a specic species. - A species XML file can now contain more than one 'entry tag'. Each entry element will contain the experiments and interactions curated by a given institution (can be IntAct, Molecular Connections, InnateDB, etc.) so we don't loose the source informatio when merging several publications in a species file. HOW DO WE SPLIT LARGE XML FILES? - A large scale experiment containing more than 2000 interactions will be split in different xml file ending with the experiment label and a chunk number. In this case, each XML ending with the experiment short label will repeat the experiment decsription but all described interactions must be unique among the different files. - When a publication or species reports more than 2000 interactions, we split the XML files in several chunks of 2000 interactions and each file ends with a chunk number. All interactions and experiments must be unique among the different files. We never split an experiment of less than 2000 interactions. ---- 2021-07-06 ---- - Html files to document the FTP structure have been replaced with plain text version to be able to use http:// and https:// protocols to navigate the FTP with a browser