The GO Consortium would like to thank the following individuals:
- Monica Riley and Gretta Serres of GenProtEC.
- Stan Letovsky of Cereon Genomics and the Genome Knowledge Enhancement Team at Monsanto's Bangalore Research Center for allowing us to use the Arabidopsis controlled vocabularies they had developed.
- John Garavelli for his help in linking GO and the RESID database.
- David States of the University of Michigan Medical School for contributing to the representation of hematopoiesis in the biological process ontology.
- Barry Smith and Anand Kumar of the Institute for Formal Ontology and Medical Information Science for their help with the formal structure of GO and its documentation.
- Robert Stevens, Chris Wroe and their colleagues of the Manchester Information Management Group for their long term help and advice in matters concerning ontology development.
- Lynda Groocock for assistance with the synaptic vesicle terms in the biological process ontology.
- As of 2012, the GO is automatically classified using the ELK Reasoner developed by Yevgeny Kazakov and colleagues from the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning group at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oxford. The GO also uses the HermiT reasoner, developed by the same group.
- David Osumi-Sutherland (University of Cambridge), Simon Jupp and James Malone (Functional Gemomics Group, EBI) for assistance in putting together an OWL training course for GO editors.
The GO Consortium would like to thank the Oxford University Press for permission to reproduce text from the Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology within the definitions of Gene Ontology terms.
The GO Consortium thanks SourceForge for hosting online discussions and downloads of GO software.