format-version: 1.2
subsetdef: gocheck_do_not_annotate "Term not to be used for direct annotation"
subsetdef: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate "Term not to be used for direct manual annotation"
subsetdef: goslim_agr "AGR slim"
subsetdef: goslim_aspergillus "Aspergillus GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_candida "Candida GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_chembl "ChEMBL protein targets summary"
subsetdef: goslim_generic "Generic GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_metagenomics "Metagenomics GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_mouse "Mouse GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_pir "PIR GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_plant "Plant GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_pombe "Fission yeast GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_synapse "synapse GO slim"
subsetdef: goslim_yeast "Yeast GO slim"
synonymtypedef: syngo_official_label "label approved by the SynGO project"
synonymtypedef: systematic_synonym "Systematic synonym" EXACT
ontology: go/subsets/goslim_candida

id: GO:0000746
name: conjugation
namespace: biological_process
def: "The union or introduction of genetic information from compatible mating types that results in a genetically different individual. Conjugation requires direct cellular contact between the organisms." [GOC:elh]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_yeast
xref: Wikipedia:Conjugation
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0000910
name: cytokinesis
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0007104
alt_id: GO:0016288
alt_id: GO:0033205
def: "The division of the cytoplasm and the plasma membrane of a cell and its partitioning into two daughter cells." [GOC:mtg_cell_cycle]
comment: Note that this term should not be used for direct annotation. When annotating eukaryotic species, mitotic or meiotic cytokinesis should always be specified for manual annotation and for prokaryotic species use 'FtsZ-dependent cytokinesis ; GO:0043093' or Cdv-dependent cytokinesis ; GO:0061639.  Also, note that cytokinesis does not necessarily result in physical separation and detachment of the two daughter cells from each other.
subset: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "cell cycle cytokinesis" EXACT []
synonym: "cytokinesis involved in cell cycle" EXACT [GOC:dph, GOC:tb]
xref: Reactome:REACT_101918 "Mitotic Telophase /Cytokinesis, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_108805 "Mitotic Telophase /Cytokinesis, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_1932 "Mitotic Telophase /Cytokinesis, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_30667 "Mitotic Telophase /Cytokinesis, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_32636 "Mitotic Telophase /Cytokinesis, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_78494 "Mitotic Telophase /Cytokinesis, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_84722 "Mitotic Telophase /Cytokinesis, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_87726 "Mitotic Telophase /Cytokinesis, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_92849 "Mitotic Telophase /Cytokinesis, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_93374 "Mitotic Telophase /Cytokinesis, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_94382 "Mitotic Telophase /Cytokinesis, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98952 "Mitotic Telophase /Cytokinesis, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_99118 "Mitotic Telophase /Cytokinesis, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Wikipedia:Cytokinesis
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
relationship: has_part GO:0008150 ! biological_process
relationship: part_of GO:0007049 ! cell cycle

id: GO:0001411
name: hyphal tip
namespace: cellular_component
def: "The end, or tip, of a fungal hypha, where polarized growth occurs during hyphal elongation." [GOC:mcc]
subset: goslim_candida
is_a: GO:0030427 ! site of polarized growth

id: GO:0003674
name: molecular_function
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0005554
def: "A molecular process that can be carried out by the action of a single macromolecular machine, usually via direct physical interactions with other molecular entities. Function in this sense denotes an action, or activity, that a gene product (or a complex) performs. These actions are described from two distinct but related perspectives: (1) biochemical activity, and (2) role as a component in a larger system/process." [GOC:pdt]
comment: Note that, in addition to forming the root of the molecular function ontology, this term is recommended for use for the annotation of gene products whose molecular function is unknown. When this term is used for annotation, it indicates that no information was available about the molecular function of the gene product annotated as of the date the annotation was made; the evidence code "no data" (ND), is used to indicate this. Despite its name, this is not a type of 'function' in the sense typically defined by upper ontologies such as Basic Formal Ontology (BFO). It is instead a BFO:process carried out by a single gene product or complex.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "molecular function" EXACT []

id: GO:0003677
name: DNA binding
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0043566
def: "Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively and non-covalently with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)." [GOC:dph, GOC:jl, GOC:tb, GOC:vw]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "microtubule/chromatin interaction" RELATED []
synonym: "plasmid binding" NARROW []
synonym: "structure specific DNA binding" RELATED []
synonym: "structure-specific DNA binding" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0003700
name: DNA-binding transcription factor activity
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0000130
alt_id: GO:0001071
def: "A protein or a member of a complex that interacts selectively and non-covalently with a specific DNA sequence (sometimes referred to as a motif) within the regulatory region of a gene to modulate transcription. Regulatory regions include promoters (proximal and distal) and enhancers. Genes are transcriptional units, and include bacterial operons." [GOC:txnOH-2018]
comment: Changed definition see
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "DNA binding transcription factor activity" EXACT []
synonym: "gene-specific transcription factor activity" EXACT []
synonym: "nucleic acid binding transcription factor activity" BROAD []
synonym: "sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity" EXACT []
synonym: "transcription factor activity" BROAD []
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function
relationship: part_of GO:0050789 ! regulation of biological process
created_by: kchris
creation_date: 2010-10-21T04:37:54Z

id: GO:0003723
name: RNA binding
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0044822
def: "Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof." [GOC:jl, GOC:mah]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "poly(A) RNA binding" RELATED []
synonym: "poly(A)-RNA binding" RELATED []
synonym: "poly-A RNA binding" RELATED []
xref: Reactome:REACT_101703 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_103323 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106430 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_107757 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_108232 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_108368 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_109723 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_12458 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_29965 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_77167 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_78197 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_87164 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_89329 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_90531 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98683 "Exportin-5 recognizes 3' overhang of pre-miRNA, Taeniopygia guttata"
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0003774
name: motor activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Catalysis of the generation of force resulting either in movement along a microfilament or microtubule, or in torque resulting in membrane scission, coupled to the hydrolysis of a nucleoside triphosphate." [GOC:mah, GOC:vw, ISBN:0815316194, PMID:11242086]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
is_a: GO:0016787 ! hydrolase activity

id: GO:0004386
name: helicase activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Catalysis of the reaction: NTP + H2O = NDP + phosphate, to drive the unwinding of a DNA or RNA helix." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0198506732]
comment: Note that most helicases catalyze processive duplex unwinding.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_yeast
xref: Reactome:REACT_101111 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_101247 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_101622 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_101644 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_101823 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Plasmodium falciparum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_101994 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_102121 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_102441 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_102560 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_1033 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_103861 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_103881 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_103897 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_103959 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_104221 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_105950 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106346 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_107072 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_107495 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_108159 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_108648 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_108654 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_109035 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_109161 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_110588 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_110827 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_110845 "Cap-bound mRNA is activated by helicases, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_112208 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_112817 "Cap-bound mRNA is activated by helicases, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_113177 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_1521 "Cap-bound mRNA is activated by helicases, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_1817 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_1844 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_28131 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_28343 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_28810 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_28880 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_29155 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_29217 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_29818 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_29850 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_30013 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_30989 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31034 "Cap-bound mRNA is activated by helicases, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31090 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31554 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_32533 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_33205 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_34016 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_34089 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_34560 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_40 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_6134 "HIV-1 Promoter Opening: First Transition, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_6184 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the nascent HIV-1 transcript: Second Transition, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_6325 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent HIV-1 transcript, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_6758 "Xenopus Mcm8 mediated fork unwinding, Xenopus laevis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_6768 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_6853 "Yeast Mcm2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_6922 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_78086 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_78462 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_78667 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_78771 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_79759 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_80107 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_80325 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_80500 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_80532 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_80605 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81126 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81335 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81427 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81441 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81682 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_82776 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83794 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_84565 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_84574 "Cap-bound mRNA is activated by helicases, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_84809 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_84907 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_85111 "Cap-bound mRNA is activated by helicases, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_85172 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_86220 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88362 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_89000 "MCM2-7 mediated fork unwinding, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_89030 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_89363 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_89694 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_91822 "MCM8 mediated fork unwinding, Plasmodium falciparum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_93391 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_93711 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_94645 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_94679 "RNA Polymerase II Promoter Opening: First Transition, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_95942 "Addition of the fourth nucleotide on the Nascent Transcript: Second Transition, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_95993 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98273 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98302 "Formation of open bubble structure in DNA by helicases, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98745 "Cap-bound mRNA is activated by helicases, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_99120 "Addition of the third nucleotide on the nascent transcript, Danio rerio"
is_a: GO:0016787 ! hydrolase activity

id: GO:0004672
name: protein kinase activity
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0050222
def: "Catalysis of the phosphorylation of an amino acid residue in a protein, usually according to the reaction: a protein + ATP = a phosphoprotein + ADP." [MetaCyc:PROTEIN-KINASE-RXN]
comment: Note that triphosphate is used as a phosphate donor by at least one kinase.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
synonym: "protamine kinase activity" NARROW []
xref: Reactome:REACT_100389 "Phosphorylation and Release of IRF3 or IRF7, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_100723 "Phosphorylation of p130Cas by SRC-FADK1 complex, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_100866 "Phosphorylation and activation of Ezrin, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_101171 "Phosphorylation and release of IRF3/IRF7, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_101316 "Autophosphorylation of FADK1 at Y397, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_102340 "Activated Src activates ERK, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_102368 "Phosphorylation and Release of IRF3 or IRF7, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_104931 "LKB1 phosphorylates the alpha subunit of AMPK heterotrimer, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_104987 "Phosphorylation of pFADK1 by SRC, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_105344 "Phosphorylation of p130Cas by SRC-FADK1 complex, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106425 "LKB1 phosphorylates the alpha subunit of AMPK heterotrimer, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106633 "LKB1 phosphorylates the alpha subunit of AMPK heterotrimer, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_107161 "Phosphorylation and release of IRF3/IRF7, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_107646 "Phosphorylation and release of IRF3/IRF7, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_107914 "(Frs2)Rap1-GTP binds to and activates B-Raf, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_108319 "Activated Src activates ERK, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_108693 "Phosphorylation and release of IRF3/IRF7, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_109624 "Phosphorylation of p130Cas by SRC-FADK1 complex, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_110105 "Phosphorylation and activation of Ezrin, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_110177 "Autophosphorylation of FADK1 at Y397, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_110248 "Activated Src activates ERK, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_111075 "Phosphorylation of LIN52 component of MuvB by DYRK1A, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_111995 "Phosphorylation of p130Cas by SRC-FADK1 complex, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_112267 "Autophosphorylation of FADK1 at Y397, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_112918 "Phosphorylation and activation of Ezrin, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_113100 "Activated Src activates ERK, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_113334 "PKC phosphorylates GRK2, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_113440 "Phosphorylation and release of IRF3/IRF7, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_113589 "Phosphorylation of pFADK1 by SRC, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_113821 "Activated Src activates ERK, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_114093 "LKB1 phosphorylates the alpha subunit of AMPK heterotrimer, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_114693 "Phosphorylation of pFADK1 by SRC, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_115673 "PIP2 to PIP3 conversion by PI3K bound to GRB2:GAB1 in complex with phosphorylated heterodimer of ERBB2 and EGFR, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_115712 "Conversion of PIP2 into PIP3 by PI3K bound to p-ERBB4cyt1 homodimers, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_115868 "Phosphorylation of c-Abl and Arg by ATM, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_116057 "PIP2 to PIP3 conversion by PI3K bound to phosphorylated heterodimer of ERBB2 and ERBB4 CYT1, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_116116 "PIP2 to PIP3 conversion by PI3K bound to phosphorylated heterodimer of ERBB2 and ERBB3, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_12050 "(Frs2)Rap1-GTP binds to and activates B-Raf, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_1325 "LKB1 phosphorylates the alpha subunit of AMPK heterotrimer, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15368 "Phosphorylation of pFADK1 by SRC, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15375 "Phosphorylation of p130Cas by SRC-FADK1 complex, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15534 "PKC phosphorylates GRK2, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15535 "Autophosphorylation of FADK1 at Y397, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_161 "rLkb-1 (Stk-11) activates AMPK by phosphorylation, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_1825 "INF-gamma induced phosphorylation of L13a, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_19374 "Phosphorylation of Plexin-A, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_22301 "Phosphorylation and activation of Ezrin, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_22305 "Phosphorylation of FADK1, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_23900 "Activated Src activates ERK, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_24935 "Activation of IKK by MEKK1, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_25200 "IRAK1 phosphorylates Pellino, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_25213 "Phosphorylation of IRAK2 bound to the activated IRAK4:MyD88 oligomer:Mal:activated TLR complex, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_25241 "IRAK1 phosphorylates Pellino upon TLR7/8 or 9 activation, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_25327 "Phosphorylation and release of IRF7, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_25368 "Phosphorylation and release of IRF3/IRF7, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_27151 "Multiple IRAK1 autophosphorylation within the complex p-IRAK4:oligo MyD88:activated TLR, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_27163 "Second phosphorylation of IRAK1 by IRAK4 bound to MyD88:activated TLR complex, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_27165 "Phosphorylation of IRAK2 bound to the activated IRAK4:MyD88 oligomerl:activated TLR5 or 10 complex, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_27228 "First phosphorylation of IRAK1 by IRAK4 bound to MyD88:activated TLR, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_29590 "PKC phosphorylates GRK2, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_29816 "LKB1 phosphorylates the alpha subunit of AMPK heterotrimer, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_30885 "Phosphorylation of p130Cas by SRC-FADK1 complex, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31028 "Autophosphorylation of FADK1 at Y397, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31157 "Phosphorylation of pFADK1 by SRC, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31403 "Autophosphorylation of FADK1 at Y397, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_32448 "Phosphorylation of pFADK1 by SRC, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_32744 "PKC phosphorylates GRK2, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_33098 "PKC phosphorylates GRK2, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_33973 "Phosphorylation and Release of IRF3 or IRF7, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_34630 "(Frs2)Rap1-GTP binds to and activates B-Raf, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_6227 "Activated DTOR also phosphorylates D4EBP, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_6236 "Activated DTOR phosphorylates DS6K, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_6842 "Phosphorylation and Release of IRF3 or IRF7, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_6862 "Multiple IRAK1 autophosphorylation steps, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_72123 "PKC phosphorylates GRK2, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_75763 "Phosphorylation and release of IRF3, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_75767 "Phosphorylation of IKKs complex mediated by MEKK1, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_77320 "Phosphorylation and release of IRF3/IRF7, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_77352 "Phosphorylation of p130Cas by SRC-FADK1 complex, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_78568 "Phosphorylation and activation of Ezrin, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_79546 "Activated Src activates ERK, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_80382 "Phosphorylation and activation of Ezrin, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81116 "LKB1 phosphorylates the alpha subunit of AMPK heterotrimer, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81601 "Autophosphorylation of FADK1 at Y397, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81960 "PKC phosphorylates GRK2, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_82440 "LKB1 phosphorylates the alpha subunit of AMPK heterotrimer, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_82942 "Activated Src activates ERK, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83498 "Activated Src activates ERK, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83992 "(Frs2)Rap1-GTP binds to and activates B-Raf, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_84298 "Autophosphorylation of FADK1 at Y397, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_84426 "Phosphorylation and Release of IRF3 or IRF7, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_85334 "PKC phosphorylates GRK2, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_85934 "Autophosphorylation of FADK1 at Y397, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_86784 "Autophosphorylation of FADK1 at Y397, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_86846 "Activated Src activates ERK, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_87050 "Phosphorylation of pFADK1 by SRC, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_87514 "Phosphorylation and activation of Ezrin, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_87874 "Phosphorylation of pFADK1 by SRC, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_87926 "LKB1 phosphorylates the alpha subunit of AMPK heterotrimer, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88017 "PKC phosphorylates GRK2, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88090 "Phosphorylation and release of IRF3/IRF7, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88178 "Phosphorylation and release of IRF3/IRF7, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88344 "(Frs2)Rap1-GTP binds to and activates B-Raf, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88685 "Phosphorylation of p130Cas by SRC-FADK1 complex, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_89390 "(Frs2)Rap1-GTP binds to and activates B-Raf, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_90060 "Autophosphorylation of FADK1 at Y397, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_90671 "Phosphorylation and activation of Ezrin, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_90879 "Phosphorylation of p130Cas by SRC-FADK1 complex, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_91096 "Activated Src activates ERK, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_93160 "LKB1 phosphorylates the alpha subunit of AMPK heterotrimer, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_93476 "(Frs2)Rap1-GTP binds to and activates B-Raf, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_93547 "Activated Src activates ERK, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_94091 "Phosphorylation and activation of Ezrin, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_95384 "Phosphorylation and Release of IRF3 or IRF7, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_96044 "Phosphorylation of p130Cas by SRC-FADK1 complex, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_96155 "Phosphorylation and release of IRF3/IRF7, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_96307 "Phosphorylation and Release of IRF3 or IRF7, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_96320 "Phosphorylation and activation of Ezrin, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_96822 "LKB1 phosphorylates the alpha subunit of AMPK heterotrimer, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_96873 "LKB1 phosphorylates the alpha subunit of AMPK heterotrimer, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_97267 "PKC phosphorylates GRK2, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_97501 "(Frs2)Rap1-GTP binds to and activates B-Raf, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_97784 "Phosphorylation and activation of Ezrin, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98334 "Phosphorylation of pFADK1 by SRC, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98994 "(Frs2)Rap1-GTP binds to and activates B-Raf, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_99274 "Phosphorylation of p130Cas by SRC-FADK1 complex, Taeniopygia guttata"
is_a: GO:0016740 ! transferase activity
relationship: part_of GO:0006464 ! cellular protein modification process

id: GO:0005198
name: structural molecule activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of a complex or its assembly within or outside a cell." [GOC:mah, GOC:vw]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0005215
name: transporter activity
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0005478
def: "Enables the directed movement of substances (such as macromolecules, small molecules, ions) into, out of or within a cell, or between cells." [GOC:ai, GOC:dgf]
comment: Some transporters, such as certain members of the SLC family, are referred to as 'carriers'; however GO uses carrier with a different meaning: a carrier binds to and transports the substance (see GO:0140104 molecular carrier activity), whereas a transporter forms some pore that allows the passing of molecules.
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
synonym: "carrier" RELATED []
xref: Reactome:REACT_6315 "Virion-associated M2 protein mediated ion infusion, Homo sapiens"
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0005515
name: protein binding
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0001948
alt_id: GO:0045308
def: "Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules)." [GOC:go_curators]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
synonym: "glycoprotein binding" NARROW []
synonym: "protein amino acid binding" EXACT []
xref: Reactome:REACT_100287 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-4 Complex, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_101129 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-3:ALS Complex, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_102084 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-5:ALS Complex, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_102457 "An anchoring protein, SARA, recruits SMAD2/3, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_103972 "Type II receptor recruits type I receptor, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_104029 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-6 Complex, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_104599 "Type II receptor recruits type I receptor, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_105776 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-3:ALS Complex, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_105895 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-4 Complex, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106168 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-2 Complex, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106189 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-5:ALS Complex, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_107402 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-4 Complex, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_108283 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-4 Complex, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_109392 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-3:ALS Complex, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_110419 "Type II receptor recruits type I receptor, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_110570 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-3:ALS Complex, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15321 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-1 Complex, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15325 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-4 Complex, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15355 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-5:ALS Complex, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15417 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-3:ALS Complex, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15419 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-2 Complex, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15506 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-6 Complex, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15541 "Traversal of the cortical actin network and docking at plasma membrane, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_20509 "Exocytosis of Insulin, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_20539 "Traversal of the cortical actin network., Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_28794 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-4 Complex, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_30571 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-6 Complex, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_30672 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-2 Complex, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31305 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-3:ALS Complex, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31537 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-6 Complex, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31641 "Type II receptor recruits type I receptor, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31648 "An anchoring protein, SARA, recruits SMAD2/3, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_32973 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-1 Complex, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_33135 "An anchoring protein, SARA, recruits SMAD2/3, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_34719 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-1 Complex, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_6923 "An anchoring protein, SARA, recruits SMAD2/3, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_6945 "Type II receptor recruits type I receptor, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_78382 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-1 Complex, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_78466 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-6 Complex, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_79634 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-5:ALS Complex, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_80470 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-1 Complex, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_80778 "Type II receptor recruits type I receptor, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83147 "Type II receptor recruits type I receptor, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83165 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-5:ALS Complex, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83532 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-2 Complex, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_85250 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-2 Complex, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_85858 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-2 Complex, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_85975 "An anchoring protein, SARA, recruits SMAD2/3, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_87187 "An anchoring protein, SARA, recruits SMAD2/3, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_87374 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-6 Complex, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_87652 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-5:ALS Complex, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88068 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-3:ALS Complex, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88138 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-5:ALS Complex, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88223 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-1 Complex, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_89261 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-4 Complex, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_90027 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-2 Complex, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_90105 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-1 Complex, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_90666 "An anchoring protein, SARA, recruits SMAD2/3, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_91560 "Type II receptor recruits type I receptor, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_92029 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-4 Complex, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_93175 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-1 Complex, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_93938 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-5:ALS Complex, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_94522 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-5:ALS Complex, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_94808 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-6 Complex, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_95241 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-3:ALS Complex, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_95561 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-5:ALS Complex, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_95647 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-3:ALS Complex, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_96236 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-2 Complex, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_96264 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-2 Complex, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98028 "Formation of the IGF:IGFBP-1 Complex, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98807 "An anchoring protein, SARA, recruits SMAD2/3, Bos taurus"
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0005575
name: cellular_component
namespace: cellular_component
alt_id: GO:0008372
def: "A location, relative to cellular compartments and structures, occupied by a macromolecular machine when it carries out a molecular function. There are two ways in which the gene ontology describes locations of gene products: (1) relative to cellular structures (e.g., cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane) or compartments (e.g., mitochondrion), and (2) the stable macromolecular complexes of which they are parts (e.g., the ribosome)." [GOC:pdt, NIF_Subcellular:sao-1337158144]
comment: Note that, in addition to forming the root of the cellular component ontology, this term is recommended for use for the annotation of gene products whose cellular component is unknown. When this term is used for annotation, it indicates that no information was available about the cellular component of the gene product annotated as of the date the annotation was made; the evidence code "no data" (ND), is used to indicate this.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "cell or subcellular entity" EXACT []
synonym: "cellular component" EXACT []
synonym: "subcellular entity" RELATED [NIF_Subcellular:nlx_subcell_100315]
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao-1337158144
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao1337158144

id: GO:0005576
name: extracellular region
namespace: cellular_component
def: "The space external to the outermost structure of a cell. For cells without external protective or external encapsulating structures this refers to space outside of the plasma membrane. This term covers the host cell environment outside an intracellular parasite." [GOC:go_curators]
comment: Note that this term is intended to annotate gene products that are not attached to the cell surface. For gene products from multicellular organisms which are secreted from a cell but retained within the organism (i.e. released into the interstitial fluid or blood), consider the cellular component term 'extracellular space ; GO:0005615'.
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "extracellular" EXACT []
xref: Wikipedia:Extracellular
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0005618
name: cell wall
namespace: cellular_component
def: "The rigid or semi-rigid envelope lying outside the cell membrane of plant, fungal, most prokaryotic cells and some protozoan parasites, maintaining their shape and protecting them from osmotic lysis. In plants it is made of cellulose and, often, lignin; in fungi it is composed largely of polysaccharides; in bacteria it is composed of peptidoglycan; in protozoan parasites such as Giardia species, it's made of carbohydrates and proteins." [GOC:giardia,, ISBN:0198547684, PMID:15134259]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
xref: Wikipedia:Cell_wall
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0005634
name: nucleus
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent." [GOC:go_curators]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "cell nucleus" EXACT []
synonym: "horsetail nucleus" NARROW [GOC:al, GOC:mah, GOC:vw, PMID:15030757]
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao1702920020
xref: Wikipedia:Cell_nucleus
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0005694
name: chromosome
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A structure composed of a very long molecule of DNA and associated proteins (e.g. histones) that carries hereditary information." [ISBN:0198547684]
comment: Chromosomes include parts that are not part of the chromatin.  Examples include the kinetochore.
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "chromatid" RELATED []
synonym: "interphase chromosome" NARROW []
synonym: "prophase chromosome" NARROW []
xref: Wikipedia:Chromosome
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0005730
name: nucleolus
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A small, dense body one or more of which are present in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. It is rich in RNA and protein, is not bounded by a limiting membrane, and is not seen during mitosis. Its prime function is the transcription of the nucleolar DNA into 45S ribosomal-precursor RNA, the processing of this RNA into 5.8S, 18S, and 28S components of ribosomal RNA, and the association of these components with 5S RNA and proteins synthesized outside the nucleolus. This association results in the formation of ribonucleoprotein precursors; these pass into the cytoplasm and mature into the 40S and 60S subunits of the ribosome." [ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao1820400233
xref: Wikipedia:Nucleolus
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005634 ! nucleus

id: GO:0005737
name: cytoplasm
namespace: cellular_component
def: "All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures." [ISBN:0198547684]
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
xref: Wikipedia:Cytoplasm
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0005739
name: mitochondrion
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration." [GOC:giardia, ISBN:0198506732]
comment: Some anaerobic or microaerophilic organisms (e.g. Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia intestinalis and several Microsporidia species) do not have mitochondria, and contain mitochondrion-related organelles (MROs) instead, called mitosomes or hydrogenosomes, very likely derived from mitochondria. To annotate gene products located in these mitochondrial relics in species such as Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia intestinalis or others, please use GO:0032047 'mitosome' or GO:0042566 'hydrogenosome'. (See PMID:24316280 for a list of species currently known to contain mitochondrion-related organelles.)
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "mitochondria" EXACT []
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao1860313010
xref: Wikipedia:Mitochondrion
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm

id: GO:0005740
name: mitochondrial envelope
namespace: cellular_component
def: "The double lipid bilayer enclosing the mitochondrion and separating its contents from the cell cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space." [GOC:ai, GOC:pz]
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_yeast
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005739 ! mitochondrion

id: GO:0005773
name: vacuole
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A closed structure, found only in eukaryotic cells, that is completely surrounded by unit membrane and contains liquid material. Cells contain one or several vacuoles, that may have different functions from each other. Vacuoles have a diverse array of functions. They can act as a storage organelle for nutrients or waste products, as a degradative compartment, as a cost-effective way of increasing cell size, and as a homeostatic regulator controlling both turgor pressure and pH of the cytosol." [GOC:mtg_sensu, ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y" RELATED []
xref: Wikipedia:Vacuole
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm

id: GO:0005777
name: peroxisome
namespace: cellular_component
alt_id: GO:0019818
def: "A small organelle enclosed by a single membrane, and found in most eukaryotic cells. Contains peroxidases and other enzymes involved in a variety of metabolic processes including free radical detoxification, lipid catabolism and biosynthesis, and hydrogen peroxide metabolism." [GOC:pm, PMID:9302272, UniProtKB-KW:KW-0576]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "peroxisomal" RELATED [GOC:curators]
synonym: "peroxisome vesicle" BROAD []
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao499555322
xref: Wikipedia:Peroxisome
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm

id: GO:0005783
name: endoplasmic reticulum
namespace: cellular_component
def: "The irregular network of unit membranes, visible only by electron microscopy, that occurs in the cytoplasm of many eukaryotic cells. The membranes form a complex meshwork of tubular channels, which are often expanded into slitlike cavities called cisternae. The ER takes two forms, rough (or granular), with ribosomes adhering to the outer surface, and smooth (with no ribosomes attached)." [ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "ER" EXACT []
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao1036339110
xref: Wikipedia:Endoplasmic_reticulum
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0012505 ! endomembrane system

id: GO:0005794
name: Golgi apparatus
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A compound membranous cytoplasmic organelle of eukaryotic cells, consisting of flattened, ribosome-free vesicles arranged in a more or less regular stack. The Golgi apparatus differs from the endoplasmic reticulum in often having slightly thicker membranes, appearing in sections as a characteristic shallow semicircle so that the convex side (cis or entry face) abuts the endoplasmic reticulum, secretory vesicles emerging from the concave side (trans or exit face). In vertebrate cells there is usually one such organelle, while in invertebrates and plants, where they are known usually as dictyosomes, there may be several scattered in the cytoplasm. The Golgi apparatus processes proteins produced on the ribosomes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum; such processing includes modification of the core oligosaccharides of glycoproteins, and the sorting and packaging of proteins for transport to a variety of cellular locations. Three different regions of the Golgi are now recognized both in terms of structure and function: cis, in the vicinity of the cis face, trans, in the vicinity of the trans face, and medial, lying between the cis and trans regions." [ISBN:0198506732]
comment: Note that the Golgi apparatus can be located in various places in the cytoplasm. In plants and lower animal cells, the Golgi apparatus exists as many copies of discrete stacks dispersed throughout the cytoplasm, while the Golgi apparatus of interphase mammalian cells is a juxtanuclear, often pericentriolar reticulum, where the discrete Golgi stacks are stitched together to form a compact and interconnected ribbon, sometimes called the Golgi ribbon.
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "Golgi" BROAD []
synonym: "Golgi complex" EXACT []
synonym: "Golgi ribbon" NARROW []
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao451912436
xref: Wikipedia:Golgi_apparatus
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm
relationship: part_of GO:0012505 ! endomembrane system

id: GO:0005815
name: microtubule organizing center
namespace: cellular_component
def: "An intracellular structure that can catalyze gamma-tubulin-dependent microtubule nucleation and that can anchor microtubules by interacting with their minus ends, plus ends or sides." [GOC:vw,, ISBN:0815316194, PMID:17072892, PMID:17245416]
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "microtubule organising centre" EXACT []
synonym: "MTOC" EXACT []
xref: Wikipedia:Microtubule_organizing_center
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005856 ! cytoskeleton

id: GO:0005840
name: ribosome
namespace: cellular_component
alt_id: GO:0033279
def: "An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins." [ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "free ribosome" NARROW [NIF_Subcellular:sao1139385046]
synonym: "membrane bound ribosome" NARROW [NIF_Subcellular:sao1291545653]
synonym: "ribosomal RNA" RELATED []
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao1429207766
xref: Wikipedia:Ribosome
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm

id: GO:0005856
name: cytoskeleton
namespace: cellular_component
def: "Any of the various filamentous elements that form the internal framework of cells, and typically remain after treatment of the cells with mild detergent to remove membrane constituents and soluble components of the cytoplasm. The term embraces intermediate filaments, microfilaments, microtubules, the microtrabecular lattice, and other structures characterized by a polymeric filamentous nature and long-range order within the cell. The various elements of the cytoskeleton not only serve in the maintenance of cellular shape but also have roles in other cellular functions, including cellular movement, cell division, endocytosis, and movement of organelles." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0198547684, PMID:16959967]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
xref: Wikipedia:Cytoskeleton
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0005886
name: plasma membrane
namespace: cellular_component
alt_id: GO:0005904
def: "The membrane surrounding a cell that separates the cell from its external environment. It consists of a phospholipid bilayer and associated proteins." [ISBN:0716731363]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "bacterial inner membrane" NARROW []
synonym: "cell membrane" EXACT []
synonym: "cellular membrane" EXACT [NIF_Subcellular:sao6433132645]
synonym: "cytoplasmic membrane" EXACT []
synonym: "inner endospore membrane" NARROW []
synonym: "juxtamembrane" BROAD []
synonym: "plasma membrane lipid bilayer" NARROW [GOC:mah]
synonym: "plasmalemma" EXACT []
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao1663586795
xref: Wikipedia:Cell_membrane
is_a: GO:0016020 ! membrane
relationship: part_of GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0005933
name: cellular bud
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A protuberance from a cell of an organism that reproduces by budding, which will grow larger and become a separate daughter cell after nuclear division, cytokinesis, and cell wall formation (when appropriate). The daughter cell may completely separate from the mother cell, or the mother and daughter cells may remain associated." [GOC:sgd_curators]
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_yeast
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0005938
name: cell cortex
namespace: cellular_component
def: "The region of a cell that lies just beneath the plasma membrane and often, but not always, contains a network of actin filaments and associated proteins." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0815316194]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "cell periphery" RELATED []
synonym: "peripheral cytoplasm" RELATED []
xref: Wikipedia:Cell_cortex
is_a: GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm
relationship: part_of GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm

id: GO:0005975
name: carbohydrate metabolic process
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0044261
alt_id: GO:0044723
def: "The chemical reactions and pathways involving carbohydrates, any of a group of organic compounds based of the general formula Cx(H2O)y. Includes the formation of carbohydrate derivatives by the addition of a carbohydrate residue to another molecule." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_pombe
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "carbohydrate metabolism" EXACT []
synonym: "multicellular organismal carbohydrate metabolic process" NARROW []
synonym: "single-organism carbohydrate metabolic process" RELATED []
xref: Reactome:REACT_102834 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_103806 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Mycobacterium tuberculosis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_104502 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_105321 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Escherichia coli"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106046 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_107409 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_115733 "Carbohydrate metabolism, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_28218 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_32291 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Staphylococcus aureus N315"
xref: Reactome:REACT_33141 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_33953 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_34800 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_474 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_77669 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Plasmodium falciparum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81945 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83038 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83329 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88330 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88558 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_90099 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_96375 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98394 "Metabolism of carbohydrates, Oryza sativa"
xref: Wikipedia:Carbohydrate_metabolism
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
created_by: janelomax
creation_date: 2012-10-23T15:40:34Z

id: GO:0006091
name: generation of precursor metabolites and energy
namespace: biological_process
def: "The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of precursor metabolites, substances from which energy is derived, and any process involved in the liberation of energy from these substances." [GOC:jl]
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_pombe
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "energy pathways" BROAD []
synonym: "intermediary metabolism" RELATED [GOC:mah]
synonym: "metabolic energy generation" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0006259
name: DNA metabolic process
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0055132
def: "Any cellular metabolic process involving deoxyribonucleic acid. This is one of the two main types of nucleic acid, consisting of a long, unbranched macromolecule formed from one, or more commonly, two, strands of linked deoxyribonucleotides." [ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
synonym: "cellular DNA metabolism" EXACT []
synonym: "DNA metabolism" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0006412
name: translation
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0006416
alt_id: GO:0006453
alt_id: GO:0043037
def: "The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome." [GOC:go_curators]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
synonym: "protein anabolism" EXACT []
synonym: "protein biosynthesis" EXACT []
synonym: "protein biosynthetic process" EXACT [GOC:curators]
synonym: "protein formation" EXACT []
synonym: "protein synthesis" EXACT []
synonym: "protein translation" EXACT []
xref: Reactome:REACT_100338 "Translation, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_100851 "Translation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_101045 "Translation, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_101324 "Translation, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_1014 "Translation, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_103420 "Translation, Plasmodium falciparum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_105544 "Translation, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_29980 "Translation, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_33559 "Translation, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_77710 "Translation, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_79784 "Translation, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81734 "Translation, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81833 "Translation, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_82171 "Translation, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83429 "Translation, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83530 "Translation, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_86996 "Translation, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_95535 "Translation, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_96394 "Translation, Escherichia coli"
xref: Wikipedia:Translation_(genetics)
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
relationship: has_part GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0006457
name: protein folding
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0007022
alt_id: GO:0007024
alt_id: GO:0007025
def: "The process of assisting in the covalent and noncovalent assembly of single chain polypeptides or multisubunit complexes into the correct tertiary structure." [GOC:go_curators, GOC:rb]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_pombe
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "alpha-tubulin folding" NARROW [GOC:mah]
synonym: "beta-tubulin folding" NARROW [GOC:mah]
synonym: "chaperone activity" RELATED []
synonym: "chaperonin ATPase activity" RELATED []
synonym: "chaperonin-mediated tubulin folding" NARROW [GOC:mah]
synonym: "co-chaperone activity" RELATED []
synonym: "co-chaperonin activity" RELATED []
synonym: "glycoprotein-specific chaperone activity" RELATED []
synonym: "non-chaperonin molecular chaperone ATPase activity" RELATED []
synonym: "protein complex assembly, multichaperone pathway" RELATED []
xref: Reactome:REACT_100411 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_104912 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_105663 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106009 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106427 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106894 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106927 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_107029 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_108248 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_109411 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_110417 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_16956 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_17001 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_17004 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_17056 "Cooperation of Prefoldin and TriC/CCT in actin and tubulin folding, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_23878 "N-glycan trimming in the ER and Calnexin/Calreticulin cycle, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_30906 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_32155 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_32255 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_33395 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_77627 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Plasmodium falciparum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_77963 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_78530 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81155 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83906 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_85492 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_85496 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Plasmodium falciparum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_86318 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_91676 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_92785 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_92961 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_92981 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_94123 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_94443 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_94772 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_96773 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_97016 "Chaperonin-mediated protein folding, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_97220 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98132 "Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, Oryza sativa"
xref: Wikipedia:Protein_folding
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0006464
name: cellular protein modification process
namespace: biological_process
def: "The covalent alteration of one or more amino acids occurring in proteins, peptides and nascent polypeptides (co-translational, post-translational modifications) occurring at the level of an individual cell. Includes the modification of charged tRNAs that are destined to occur in a protein (pre-translation modification)." [GOC:go_curators]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
synonym: "process resulting in protein modification" RELATED []
synonym: "protein modification process" BROAD [GOC:bf, GOC:jl]
synonym: "protein tagging activity" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0006629
name: lipid metabolic process
namespace: biological_process
def: "The chemical reactions and pathways involving lipids, compounds soluble in an organic solvent but not, or sparingly, in an aqueous solvent. Includes fatty acids; neutral fats, other fatty-acid esters, and soaps; long-chain (fatty) alcohols and waxes; sphingoids and other long-chain bases; glycolipids, phospholipids and sphingolipids; and carotenes, polyprenols, sterols, terpenes and other isoprenoids." [GOC:ma]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_pombe
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "lipid metabolism" EXACT []
xref: Reactome:REACT_104930 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_107479 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_108775 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_114669 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Staphylococcus aureus N315"
xref: Reactome:REACT_115652 "Lipid metabolism, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_28745 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31395 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_32539 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_33836 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_602 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_77176 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_77191 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_79244 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Plasmodium falciparum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81778 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_82512 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_82723 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Escherichia coli"
xref: Reactome:REACT_87884 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_90757 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_94607 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Mycobacterium tuberculosis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_97906 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98129 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_99706 "Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Wikipedia:Lipid_metabolism
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0006766
name: vitamin metabolic process
namespace: biological_process
def: "The chemical reactions and pathways involving vitamins. Vitamin is a general term for a number of unrelated organic substances that occur in many foods in small amounts and that are necessary in trace amounts for the normal metabolic functioning of the body. Vitamins may be water-soluble or fat-soluble and usually serve as components of coenzyme systems." [GOC:ai]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_pombe
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "vitamin metabolism" EXACT []
xref: Reactome:REACT_101808 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_101968 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_102472 "Vitamins, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_103646 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Staphylococcus aureus N315"
xref: Reactome:REACT_104403 "Vitamins, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_105907 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106152 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_108558 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_110948 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_11193 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_13450 "Vitamins, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_30091 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31562 "Vitamins, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_33241 "Vitamins, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_33738 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Mycobacterium tuberculosis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_34161 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_34372 "Vitamins, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_36524 "Vitamins, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_78899 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_79004 "Vitamins, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_80415 "Vitamins, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_81509 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_82129 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_82903 "Vitamins, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83508 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_84128 "Vitamins, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_87513 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88847 "Vitamins, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88850 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_90099 "Vitamins, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_96278 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Plasmodium falciparum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_96904 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_97734 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Escherichia coli"
xref: Reactome:REACT_97893 "Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, Canis familiaris"
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0006810
name: transport
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0015457
alt_id: GO:0015460
alt_id: GO:0044765
def: "The directed movement of substances (such as macromolecules, small molecules, ions) or cellular components (such as complexes and organelles) into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, or within a multicellular organism by means of some agent such as a transporter, pore or motor protein." [GOC:dos, GOC:dph, GOC:jl, GOC:mah]
comment: Note that this term should not be used for direct annotation. It should be possible to make a more specific annotation to one of the children of this term, for e.g. to transmembrane transport, to microtubule-based transport or to vesicle-mediated transport.
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
synonym: "single-organism transport" RELATED []
synonym: "small molecule transport" NARROW []
synonym: "solute:solute exchange" NARROW []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
created_by: janelomax
creation_date: 2012-12-13T16:25:32Z

id: GO:0006950
name: response to stress
namespace: biological_process
def: "Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a disturbance in organismal or cellular homeostasis, usually, but not necessarily, exogenous (e.g. temperature, humidity, ionizing radiation)." [GOC:mah]
comment: Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC.
subset: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_plant
synonym: "response to abiotic stress" RELATED []
synonym: "response to biotic stress" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0006996
name: organelle organization
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:1902589
def: "A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of an organelle within a cell. An organelle is an organized structure of distinctive morphology and function. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton. Excludes the plasma membrane." [GOC:mah]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
synonym: "organelle organisation" EXACT [GOC:curators]
synonym: "organelle organization and biogenesis" RELATED [GOC:dph, GOC:jl, GOC:mah]
synonym: "single organism organelle organization" EXACT [GOC:TermGenie]
synonym: "single-organism organelle organization" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
created_by: jl
creation_date: 2013-12-19T15:25:51Z

id: GO:0006997
name: nucleus organization
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0048287
def: "A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of the nucleus." [GOC:dph, GOC:ems, GOC:jl, GOC:mah]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "nuclear morphology" RELATED []
synonym: "nuclear organisation" EXACT [GOC:curators]
synonym: "nuclear organization" EXACT [GOC:curators]
synonym: "nuclear organization and biogenesis" RELATED [GOC:mah]
synonym: "nucleus organization and biogenesis" RELATED [GOC:mah]
is_a: GO:0006996 ! organelle organization

id: GO:0007010
name: cytoskeleton organization
namespace: biological_process
def: "A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of cytoskeletal structures." [GOC:dph, GOC:jl, GOC:mah]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "cytoskeletal organization and biogenesis" RELATED [GOC:mah]
synonym: "cytoskeletal regulator activity" RELATED []
synonym: "cytoskeleton organisation" EXACT [GOC:curators]
synonym: "cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis" RELATED [GOC:mah]
is_a: GO:0006996 ! organelle organization

id: GO:0007049
name: cell cycle
namespace: biological_process
def: "The progression of biochemical and morphological phases and events that occur in a cell during successive cell replication or nuclear replication events. Canonically, the cell cycle comprises the replication and segregation of genetic material followed by the division of the cell, but in endocycles or syncytial cells nuclear replication or nuclear division may not be followed by cell division." [GOC:go_curators, GOC:mtg_cell_cycle]
subset: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
synonym: "cell-division cycle" EXACT []
xref: Wikipedia:Cell_cycle
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0007114
name: cell budding
namespace: biological_process
def: "A form of asexual reproduction, occurring in certain bacteria and fungi (e.g. yeasts) and some primitive animals in which an individual arises from a daughter cell formed by pinching off a part of the parent cell. The budlike outgrowths so formed may sometimes remain attached to the parent cell." [ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "budding" BROAD []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0007124
name: pseudohyphal growth
namespace: biological_process
def: "A pattern of cell growth that occurs in conditions of nitrogen limitation and abundant fermentable carbon source. Cells become elongated, switch to a unipolar budding pattern, remain physically attached to each other, and invade the growth substrate." [GOC:krc, PMID:11104818]
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_yeast
is_a: GO:0070783 ! growth of unicellular organism as a thread of attached cells

id: GO:0007155
name: cell adhesion
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0098602
def: "The attachment of a cell, either to another cell or to an underlying substrate such as the extracellular matrix, via cell adhesion molecules." [GOC:hb, GOC:pf]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_pombe
synonym: "cell adhesion molecule activity" RELATED []
synonym: "single organism cell adhesion" RELATED []
xref: Wikipedia:Cell_adhesion
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
created_by: davidos
creation_date: 2014-04-15T15:59:10Z

id: GO:0007165
name: signal transduction
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0023033
def: "The cellular process in which a signal is conveyed to trigger a change in the activity or state of a cell. Signal transduction begins with reception of a signal (e.g. a ligand binding to a receptor or receptor activation by a stimulus such as light), or for signal transduction in the absence of ligand, signal-withdrawal or the activity of a constitutively active receptor. Signal transduction ends with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. regulation of transcription or regulation of a metabolic process. Signal transduction covers signaling from receptors located on the surface of the cell and signaling via molecules located within the cell. For signaling between cells, signal transduction is restricted to events at and within the receiving cell." [GOC:go_curators, GOC:mtg_signaling_feb11]
comment: Note that signal transduction is defined broadly to include a ligand interacting with a receptor, downstream signaling steps and a response being triggered. A change in form of the signal in every step is not necessary. Note that in many cases the end of this process is regulation of the initiation of transcription. Note that specific transcription factors may be annotated to this term, but core/general transcription machinery such as RNA polymerase should not.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_plant
synonym: "signaling cascade" NARROW []
synonym: "signaling pathway" RELATED []
synonym: "signalling cascade" NARROW []
synonym: "signalling pathway" RELATED [GOC:mah]
xref: Reactome:REACT_100624 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_102354 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_112130 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_112549 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_113151 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Mycobacterium tuberculosis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_113601 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_113964 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_114657 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_114690 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_114820 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_114910 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_115037 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Plasmodium falciparum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_115147 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_12478 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31232 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_78535 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_89740 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_93680 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98872 "EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma, Mus musculus"
xref: Wikipedia:Signal_transduction
is_a: GO:0050789 ! regulation of biological process
relationship: part_of GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0008150
name: biological_process
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0000004
alt_id: GO:0007582
alt_id: GO:0044699
def: "A biological process represents a specific objective that the organism is genetically programmed to achieve. Biological processes are often described by their outcome or ending state, e.g., the biological process of cell division results in the creation of two daughter cells (a divided cell) from a single parent cell. A biological process is accomplished by a particular set of molecular functions carried out by specific gene products (or macromolecular complexes), often in a highly regulated manner and in a particular temporal sequence." [GOC:pdt]
comment: Note that, in addition to forming the root of the biological process ontology, this term is recommended for use for the annotation of gene products whose biological process is unknown. When this term is used for annotation, it indicates that no information was available about the biological process of the gene product annotated as of the date the annotation was made; the evidence code "no data" (ND), is used to indicate this.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_pombe
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "biological process" EXACT []
synonym: "physiological process" EXACT []
synonym: "single organism process" RELATED []
synonym: "single-organism process" RELATED []
xref: Wikipedia:Biological_process
created_by: janelomax
creation_date: 2012-09-19T15:05:24Z

id: GO:0008233
name: peptidase activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Catalysis of the hydrolysis of a peptide bond. A peptide bond is a covalent bond formed when the carbon atom from the carboxyl group of one amino acid shares electrons with the nitrogen atom from the amino group of a second amino acid." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0815332181]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "hydrolase, acting on peptide bonds" EXACT []
synonym: "peptide hydrolase activity" EXACT []
synonym: "protease activity" EXACT []
synonym: "proteinase activity" NARROW []
xref: EC:3.4
xref: Reactome:REACT_106748 "gamma-secretase cleaves p75NTR, releasing NRIF and TRAF6, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_110349 "gamma-secretase cleaves p75NTR, releasing NRIF and TRAF6, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_13710 "gamma-secretase cleaves p75NTR, releasing NRIF and TRAF6, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_19284 "Proteolytic processing of Slit, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_93020 "gamma-secretase cleaves p75NTR, releasing NRIF and TRAF6, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_99630 "gamma-secretase cleaves p75NTR, releasing NRIF and TRAF6, Gallus gallus"
is_a: GO:0016787 ! hydrolase activity
relationship: part_of GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0008289
name: lipid binding
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a lipid." [GOC:ai]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0009405
name: pathogenesis
namespace: biological_process
def: "The set of specific processes that generate the ability of an organism to induce an abnormal, generally detrimental state in another organism." [GOC:go_curators]
comment: Note that this term should not be used to annotate gene products that are involved in the host response to pathogenesis. It should only be used to annotate those gene products involved in the generation of pathogenesis by the pathogen itself.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_metagenomics
synonym: "virulence" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0044419 ! interspecies interaction between organisms

id: GO:0012505
name: endomembrane system
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A collection of membranous structures involved in transport within the cell. The main components of the endomembrane system are endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, vesicles, cell membrane and nuclear envelope. Members of the endomembrane system pass materials through each other or though the use of vesicles." [GOC:lh]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_yeast
xref: Wikipedia:Endomembrane_system
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: has_part GO:0005773 ! vacuole
relationship: has_part GO:0005886 ! plasma membrane
relationship: part_of GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0016020
name: membrane
namespace: cellular_component
def: "A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it an attached to it." [GOC:dos, GOC:mah, ISBN:0815316194]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
xref: Wikipedia:Biological_membrane
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0016070
name: RNA metabolic process
namespace: biological_process
def: "The cellular chemical reactions and pathways involving RNA, ribonucleic acid, one of the two main type of nucleic acid, consisting of a long, unbranched macromolecule formed from ribonucleotides joined in 3',5'-phosphodiester linkage." [ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
synonym: "RNA metabolism" EXACT []
xref: Reactome:REACT_107259 "Metabolism of RNA, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_107652 "Metabolism of RNA, Schizosaccharomyces pombe"
xref: Reactome:REACT_110289 "Metabolism of RNA, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_21257 "Metabolism of RNA, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_30579 "Metabolism of RNA, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31367 "Metabolism of RNA, Dictyostelium discoideum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_33720 "Metabolism of RNA, Plasmodium falciparum"
xref: Reactome:REACT_80071 "Metabolism of RNA, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83630 "Metabolism of RNA, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_84169 "Metabolism of RNA, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_85788 "Metabolism of RNA, Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88316 "Metabolism of RNA, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_89992 "Metabolism of RNA, Saccharomyces cerevisiae"
xref: Reactome:REACT_91556 "Metabolism of RNA, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_92152 "Metabolism of RNA, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_94876 "Metabolism of RNA, Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_99403 "Metabolism of RNA, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_99885 "Metabolism of RNA, Gallus gallus"
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0016192
name: vesicle-mediated transport
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0006899
def: "A cellular transport process in which transported substances are moved in membrane-bounded vesicles; transported substances are enclosed in the vesicle lumen or located in the vesicle membrane. The process begins with a step that directs a substance to the forming vesicle, and includes vesicle budding and coating. Vesicles are then targeted to, and fuse with, an acceptor membrane." [GOC:ai, GOC:mah, ISBN:08789310662000]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_pombe
synonym: "nonselective vesicle transport" NARROW []
synonym: "protein sorting along secretory pathway" RELATED []
synonym: "vesicle trafficking" RELATED []
synonym: "vesicle transport" EXACT []
synonym: "vesicular transport" EXACT [GOC:mah]
is_a: GO:0006810 ! transport

id: GO:0016491
name: oxidoreductase activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction, a reversible chemical reaction in which the oxidation state of an atom or atoms within a molecule is altered. One substrate acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and becomes oxidized, while the other acts as hydrogen or electron acceptor and becomes reduced." [GOC:go_curators]
comment: Note that enzymes of class EC:1.97.-.- should also be annotated to this term.
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "oxidoreductase activity, acting on other substrates" NARROW []
synonym: "redox activity" EXACT []
xref: EC:1
xref: Reactome:REACT_102858 "Diiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_102973 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR1], Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_103874 "Monoiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_104604 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR1], Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_105062 "Monoiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_105121 "Monoiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106088 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR1], Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_106276 "Monoiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_107002 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR2], Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_107467 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR2], Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_108745 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR1], Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_109500 "Monoiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_110582 "Diiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Rattus norvegicus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_115316 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR1], Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15389 "Monoiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15410 "Diiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_17006 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR1], Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_17042 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR2], Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_29212 "Diiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_30160 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR2], Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_31762 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR1], Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_32960 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR1], Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_34705 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR1], Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_44470 "Monoiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_78923 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR2], Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_84842 "Diiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_86178 "Monoiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88304 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR2], Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_89057 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR2], Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_90394 "Diiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_91638 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR1], Arabidopsis thaliana"
xref: Reactome:REACT_91952 "Monoiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_92075 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR1], Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_92434 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR2], Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_93539 "Diiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_93974 "Diiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_95169 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR2], Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_95558 "Monoiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_95573 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR1], Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_97234 "Diiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Caenorhabditis elegans"
xref: Reactome:REACT_97568 "Diiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Sus scrofa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_97851 "Diiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98022 "Monoiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Drosophila melanogaster"
xref: Reactome:REACT_99085 "palmitoyl-CoA + 2 NADPH + 2 H+ => hexadecanol + 2 NADP+ [FAR1], Oryza sativa"
xref: Reactome:REACT_99794 "Diiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_99989 "Monoiodinated tyrosine can be deiodinated, Taeniopygia guttata"
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function
relationship: part_of GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0016740
name: transferase activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Catalysis of the transfer of a group, e.g. a methyl group, glycosyl group, acyl group, phosphorus-containing, or other groups, from one compound (generally regarded as the donor) to another compound (generally regarded as the acceptor). Transferase is the systematic name for any enzyme of EC class 2." [ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
xref: EC:2
xref: Reactome:REACT_25050 "Molybdenum ion transfer onto molybdopterin, Homo sapiens"
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0016779
name: nucleotidyltransferase activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Catalysis of the transfer of a nucleotidyl group to a reactant." [ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_yeast
xref: EC:2.7.7
is_a: GO:0016740 ! transferase activity

id: GO:0016787
name: hydrolase activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Catalysis of the hydrolysis of various bonds, e.g. C-O, C-N, C-C, phosphoric anhydride bonds, etc. Hydrolase is the systematic name for any enzyme of EC class 3." [ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
xref: EC:3
xref: Reactome:REACT_110436 "Hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine, Bos taurus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_111159 "Partial proteolysis of antigen in phagolysosomes, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_15331 "Hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine, Homo sapiens"
xref: Reactome:REACT_83734 "Hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine, Danio rerio"
xref: Reactome:REACT_84047 "Hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine, Xenopus tropicalis"
xref: Reactome:REACT_87959 "Hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_88159 "Hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine, Canis familiaris"
xref: Reactome:REACT_90118 "Hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine, Mus musculus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_91045 "Hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine, Taeniopygia guttata"
xref: Reactome:REACT_98572 "Hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine, Rattus norvegicus"
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0016791
name: phosphatase activity
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0003869
alt_id: GO:0016302
def: "Catalysis of the hydrolysis of phosphoric monoesters, releasing inorganic phosphate." [EC:3.1.3, EC:, GOC:curators, GOC:pg]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "4-nitrophenylphosphatase activity" NARROW []
synonym: "4-nitrophenylphosphate phosphohydrolase activity" NARROW [EC:]
synonym: "ecto-p-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity" NARROW [EC:]
synonym: "K-pNPPase activity" NARROW [EC:]
synonym: "nitrophenyl phosphatase activity" NARROW [EC:]
synonym: "NPPase activity" NARROW [EC:]
synonym: "p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity" NARROW [EC:]
synonym: "p-nitrophenylphosphate phosphohydrolase activity" NARROW [EC:]
synonym: "para-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity" NARROW [EC:]
synonym: "phosphatase" RELATED []
synonym: "phosphoric monoester hydrolase activity" EXACT []
synonym: "PNPPase activity" NARROW [EC:]
xref: EC:3.1.3
xref: EC:
xref: RHEA:21664
is_a: GO:0016787 ! hydrolase activity
relationship: part_of GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0016829
name: lyase activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Catalysis of the cleavage of C-C, C-O, C-N and other bonds by other means than by hydrolysis or oxidation, or conversely adding a group to a double bond. They differ from other enzymes in that two substrates are involved in one reaction direction, but only one in the other direction. When acting on the single substrate, a molecule is eliminated and this generates either a new double bond or a new ring." [EC:4.-.-.-, ISBN:0198547684]
comment: Note that enzymes of class EC:4.99.-.- should also be annotated to this term.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "other lyase activity" NARROW []
xref: EC:4
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0016853
name: isomerase activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Catalysis of the geometric or structural changes within one molecule. Isomerase is the systematic name for any enzyme of EC class 5." [ISBN:0198506732]
comment: Note that enzymes of class EC:5.99.-.- should also be annotated to this term.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "other isomerase activity" NARROW []
xref: EC:5
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0016874
name: ligase activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Catalysis of the joining of two substances, or two groups within a single molecule, with the concomitant hydrolysis of the diphosphate bond in ATP or a similar triphosphate." [EC:6, GOC:mah]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "synthetase activity" EXACT [GOC:jh2]
xref: EC:6
xref: Reactome:REACT_115603 "Ligation of DNA at sites of patch replacement, Gallus gallus"
xref: Reactome:REACT_116018 "Ligation of newly synthesized repair patch to incised DNA in GG-NER, Gallus gallus"
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0019725
name: cellular homeostasis
namespace: biological_process
def: "Any process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state at the level of the cell." [GOC:isa_complete, GOC:jl, ISBN:0395825172]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_plant
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
relationship: occurs_in GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0030163
name: protein catabolic process
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0044254
def: "The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a protein by the destruction of the native, active configuration, with or without the hydrolysis of peptide bonds." [GOC:mah]
comment: This term refers to the breakdown of mature proteins. For cleavage events involved in generating a mature protein from a precursor, consider instead the term 'protein maturation ; GO:0051604' and its children.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pombe
synonym: "multicellular organismal protein catabolic process" NARROW []
synonym: "pheromone catabolic process" RELATED []
synonym: "pheromone catabolism" RELATED []
synonym: "protein breakdown" EXACT []
synonym: "protein catabolism" EXACT []
synonym: "protein degradation" EXACT []
xref: Wikipedia:Protein_catabolism
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0030234
name: enzyme regulator activity
namespace: molecular_function
alt_id: GO:0010576
def: "Binds to and modulates the activity of an enzyme." [GOC:dph, GOC:mah, GOC:tb]
comment: GO:0030234 is reserved for cases when the regulator directly interacts with the enzyme. When regulation of enzyme activity is achieved without enzyme binding, or when the mechanism of regulation is unknown, instead annotate to 'regulation of catalytic activity ; GO:0050790'.
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "catalytic regulator activity" EXACT [GOC:dph]
synonym: "enzyme modulator" EXACT []
synonym: "metalloenzyme regulator activity" NARROW []
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function
relationship: part_of GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0030427
name: site of polarized growth
namespace: cellular_component
alt_id: GO:0000134
alt_id: GO:0030483
def: "Any part of a cell where non-isotropic growth takes place." [GOC:mah]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_yeast
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005575 ! cellular_component

id: GO:0030447
name: filamentous growth
namespace: biological_process
def: "The process in which a multicellular organism, a unicellular organism or a group of unicellular organisms grow in a threadlike, filamentous shape." [GOC:mcc, PMID:11729141]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0030448
name: hyphal growth
namespace: biological_process
def: "Growth of fungi as threadlike, tubular structures that may contain multiple nuclei and may or may not be divided internally by septa, or cross-walls." [GOC:mcc, ISBN:0471522295]
subset: goslim_candida
is_a: GO:0030447 ! filamentous growth

id: GO:0030533
name: triplet codon-amino acid adaptor activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "The codon binding activity of a tRNA that positions an activated amino acid, mediating its insertion at the correct point in the sequence of a nascent polypeptide chain during protein synthesis." [GOC:hjd, GOC:mtg_MIT_16mar07, ISBN:0198506732]
comment: Note that this term can be used in place of the obsolete term 'transfer RNA ; GO:0005563'.
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "transfer RNA" RELATED []
synonym: "tRNA" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0003723 ! RNA binding
relationship: part_of GO:0006412 ! translation

id: GO:0031410
name: cytoplasmic vesicle
namespace: cellular_component
alt_id: GO:0016023
def: "A vesicle found in the cytoplasm of a cell." [GOC:ai, GOC:mah, GOC:vesicles]
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_mouse
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "cytoplasmic membrane bounded vesicle" RELATED []
synonym: "cytoplasmic membrane-enclosed vesicle" RELATED []
synonym: "cytoplasmic, membrane-bounded vesicle" RELATED []
xref: NIF_Subcellular:sao180601769
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005737 ! cytoplasm

id: GO:0032196
name: transposition
namespace: biological_process
def: "Any process involved in mediating the movement of discrete segments of DNA between nonhomologous sites." [GOC:jp, ISBN:1555812090]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_yeast
xref: Wikipedia:Transposon
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0042221
name: response to chemical
namespace: biological_process
def: "Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a chemical stimulus." [GOC:jl]
comment: Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC.
subset: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_metagenomics
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "response to chemical stimulus" EXACT [GOC:dos]
synonym: "response to chemical substance" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0042254
name: ribosome biogenesis
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0007046
def: "A cellular process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, and arrangement of constituent parts of ribosome subunits; includes transport to the sites of protein synthesis." [GOC:ma, PMID:26404467, Wikipedia:Ribosome_biogenesis]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_chembl
subset: goslim_generic
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_pombe
synonym: "ribosome biogenesis and assembly" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0042493
name: response to drug
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0017035
def: "Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a drug stimulus. A drug is a substance used in the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of a disease." [GOC:jl]
subset: goslim_candida
synonym: "drug resistance" RELATED []
synonym: "drug susceptibility/resistance" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0042221 ! response to chemical

id: GO:0042710
name: biofilm formation
namespace: biological_process
def: "A process in which planktonically growing microorganisms grow at a liquid-air interface or on a solid substrate under the flow of a liquid and produce extracellular polymers that facilitate matrix formation, resulting in a change in the organisms' growth rate and gene transcription." [GOC:di, PMID:11932229]
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
subset: gocheck_do_not_manually_annotate
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0044419
name: interspecies interaction between organisms
namespace: biological_process
def: "Any process in which an organism has an effect on an organism of a different species." [GOC:cc]
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
synonym: "interaction with another species" EXACT []
synonym: "interspecies interaction" EXACT []
synonym: "interspecies interaction with other organisms" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0045182
name: translation regulator activity
namespace: molecular_function
def: "Any molecular function involved in the initiation, activation, perpetuation, repression or termination of polypeptide synthesis at the ribosome." [GOC:ai]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_plant
synonym: "translation factor activity" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function
relationship: part_of GO:0050789 ! regulation of biological process

id: GO:0045333
name: cellular respiration
namespace: biological_process
def: "The enzymatic release of energy from inorganic and organic compounds (especially carbohydrates and fats) which either requires oxygen (aerobic respiration) or does not (anaerobic respiration)." [GOC:das, ISBN:0140513590, ISBN:0198506732]
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
subset: goslim_yeast
synonym: "oxidative metabolic process" EXACT []
synonym: "oxidative metabolism" EXACT []
synonym: "respiration" BROAD []
xref: Wikipedia:Cellular_respiration
is_a: GO:0006091 ! generation of precursor metabolites and energy

id: GO:0048468
name: cell development
namespace: biological_process
def: "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the cell over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Cell development does not include the steps involved in committing a cell to a specific fate." [GOC:go_curators]
subset: goslim_candida
synonym: "terminal differentiation" RELATED [GOC:dph, GOC:tb]
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
relationship: part_of GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0050789
name: regulation of biological process
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0050791
def: "Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a biological process. Biological processes are regulated by many means; examples include the control of gene expression, protein modification or interaction with a protein or substrate molecule." [GOC:ai, GOC:go_curators]
subset: gocheck_do_not_annotate
subset: goslim_agr
subset: goslim_aspergillus
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
synonym: "regulation of physiological process" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
intersection_of: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
intersection_of: regulates GO:0008150 ! biological_process
relationship: regulates GO:0008150 ! biological_process

id: GO:0070732
name: spindle envelope
namespace: cellular_component
def: "An organelle envelope that surrounds the chromosomes and the central part of the spindle apparatus during mitosis and meiosis; observed in many invertebrates. The spindle envelope consists of membrane layers, called parafusorial membranes, derived from endoplasmic reticulum membrane; in male meiosis it forms during prometaphase and persists until early in the ensuing interphase." [GOC:mah, GOC:sart, PMID:19417004, PMID:6428889]
subset: goslim_candida
is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
relationship: part_of GO:0005575 ! cellular_component
created_by: midori
creation_date: 2009-06-18T12:00:59Z

id: GO:0070783
name: growth of unicellular organism as a thread of attached cells
namespace: biological_process
def: "A filamentous growth process in which cells remain attached after division and form thread-like filaments that may penetrate into a solid growth medium such as an agar plate, exhibited by unicellular fungi under certain growth conditions." [GOC:mah, GOC:mcc]
subset: goslim_candida
is_a: GO:0030447 ! filamentous growth
created_by: midori
creation_date: 2009-07-07T02:21:14Z

id: GO:0071555
name: cell wall organization
namespace: biological_process
alt_id: GO:0007047
alt_id: GO:0044234
def: "A process that results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of the cell wall, the rigid or semi-rigid envelope lying outside the cell membrane of plant, fungal and most prokaryotic cells, maintaining their shape and protecting them from osmotic lysis." [GOC:mah]
subset: goslim_candida
subset: goslim_pir
synonym: "cell wall organisation" EXACT [GOC:curators]
synonym: "cell wall organisation in other organism" EXACT [GOC:mah]
synonym: "cell wall organization and biogenesis" RELATED [GOC:mah]
synonym: "cell wall organization at cellular level" EXACT [GOC:mah]
synonym: "cell wall organization in other organism" EXACT []
synonym: "cellular cell wall organisation" EXACT [GOC:curators]
synonym: "cellular cell wall organization" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0008150 ! biological_process
created_by: midori
creation_date: 2010-01-13T03:33:07Z

id: ends_during
name: ends_during
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002093

id: happens_during
name: happens_during
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002092
is_transitive: true
is_a: ends_during ! ends_during

id: has_part
name: has_part
namespace: external
xref: BFO:0000051
is_transitive: true

id: negatively_regulates
name: negatively regulates
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002212
is_a: regulates ! regulates
transitive_over: part_of ! part of

id: never_in_taxon
name: never_in_taxon
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002161
expand_assertion_to: "Class: ?X DisjointWith: RO_0002162 some ?Y" []
is_metadata_tag: true
is_class_level: true

id: occurs_in
name: occurs in
namespace: external
xref: BFO:0000066
holds_over_chain: part_of occurs_in
transitive_over: part_of ! part of

id: part_of
name: part of
namespace: external
xref: BFO:0000050
is_transitive: true
inverse_of: has_part ! has_part

id: positively_regulates
name: positively regulates
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002213
holds_over_chain: negatively_regulates negatively_regulates
is_a: regulates ! regulates
transitive_over: part_of ! part of

id: regulates
name: regulates
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002211
is_transitive: true
transitive_over: part_of ! part of

id: starts_during
name: starts_during
namespace: external
xref: RO:0002091