This directory contains sorted and bgzip-compressed VCF (Variant Call Format) files: saccharomyces_cerevisiae.vcf.gz All germline variations from the current Ensembl release for this species saccharomyces_cerevisiae_structural_variations.vcf.gz All structural variations (if available for this species) saccharomyces_cerevisiae_incl_consequences.vcf.gz All consequences of the variations on the Ensembl transcriptome, as called by the variation consequence pipeline If available for this species, the file includes information on: - ancestral_allele - evidence - clinical_significance - global minor allele, frequency and count Incl_consequences files include sift (if available for this species) and polyphen (human only) predictions. The data contained in these files is presented in VCF format. For more details about the format refer to: We use the sum command for calculating checksums. Questions about these files can be addressed to the Ensembl helpdesk:, or to the developer's mailing list: ----- Example content from the human germline VCF dump is shown below: ##fileformat=VCFv4.1 ##fileDate=20140713 ##source=ensembl;version=76;url= ##reference= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= ##INFO= #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO 1 1819 rs14807616 G T . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq 1 1830 rs14807617 G A . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq 1 1878 rs14222596 G C . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq 1 1907 rs13935659 G T . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq 1 1916 rs13789020 C T . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq 1 1920 rs14354723 C T . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq 1 1921 rs15416557 A G . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq 1 2187 rs318013082 C G . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV 1 2311 rs14723176 G A . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq 1 2350 rs14707527 T C . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq 1 3664 rs13813940 A T . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Multiple_observations;E_Freq 1 3668 rs314311150 C A . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV 1 4170 rs16708515 T C . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq 1 4672 rs16753437 A G . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq 1 8512 rs16753440 C T . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq 1 8552 rs16753441 C T . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq 1 8610 rs14743337 A G . . dbSNP_140;TSA=SNV;E_Freq