1 dbSNP 149 Variants (including SNPs and indels) imported from dbSNP [remapped to mRatBN7.2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/ \N mixed variation 2 Archive dbSNP 149 Former variants names imported from dbSNP https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/ \N mixed variation_synonym 7 ENSEMBL:celera \N Variants from Celera called by the ENSEMBL pipeline \N \N germline variation_synonym 8 ENSEMBL:STAR-4strain \N Variants in STAR-4strain called by the ENSEMBL pipeline \N \N germline variation_synonym 9 ENSEMBL:STAR-gtype \N Variants in STAR-gtype called by the ENSEMBL pipeline \N \N germline variation_synonym 10 ENSEMBL:RNB1 \N Variants in RNB1 called by the ENSEMBL pipeline \N \N germline variation_synonym 11 RGD 20240607 QTLs from the Rat Genome Database (RGD) https://rgd.mcw.edu/ \N germline phenotype_feature 14 EVA 4 Short variant data imported from EVA https://www.ebi.ac.uk/eva/ \N germline variation