2 \N patch patch_53_54_b.sql|identity_object_analysis_move 104 \N schema_version 113 4 \N patch patch_54_55_b.sql|FK_consistency_tweaks 5 \N patch patch_54_55_c.sql|coord_system.is_current_version_null 7 \N patch patch_53_54_c.sql|multispecies 9 \N patch patch_54_55_e.sql|feature_type.class_update 10 \N patch patch_54_55_d.sql|edb.db_name variation fix 12 \N patch patch_55_56_a.sql|probe_set.name_length 14 \N patch patch_55_56_b.sql|probe_feature.cigar_line_format 15 \N patch patch_55_56_c.sql|analysis_description.display_label_not_null 16 \N patch patch_55_56_c.sql|analysis_description.display_label_not_null 17 1 species.production_name rattus_norvegicus 19 \N patch patch_56_57_b.sql|uo.object_type_id_key 20 \N patch patch_56_57_c.sql|uo.object_type_enum 21 \N patch patch_56_57_d.sql|CompareSchema_tidyup 22 \N patch patch_56_57_a.sql|schema_version 23 \N patch patch_56_57_e.sql|s.table_name_length 24 \N patch patch_56_57_f.sql|result_feature.scores 25 \N patch patch_56_57_g.sql|rename_experimentalset_tables 26 \N patch patch_56_57_h.sql|chip_seq_result_set 27 \N patch patch_56_57_i.sql|cell_type.gender 29 \N patch patch_57_58_a.sql|schema_version 30 \N patch patch_57_58_b.sql|result_feature_paritions 31 \N patch patch_57_58_c.sql|meta.meta_value_length 32 \N patch patch_57_58_d.sql|meta_key.production_name 34 \N patch patch_57_58_e.sql|probe.name_key 35 \N patch patch_58_59_a.sql|schema_version 36 \N patch patch_58_59_b.sql|probe.description 37 \N patch patch_58_59_c.sql|annotated_feature.summit 38 \N patch patch_58_59_d.sql|regulatory_feature.binary_string_projected 39 \N schema_type funcgen 40 \N patch patch_58_59_e.sql|meta.schema_type 41 \N patch patch_58_59_f.sql|result_feature.partitions 43 \N patch patch_59_60_a.sql|schema_version 44 \N patch patch_59_60_b.sql|associated_feature_type.table_name_id 45 \N patch patch_59_60_c.sql|motif_feature_binding_matrix 46 \N patch patch_59_60_d.sql|probe_feature.cigar_line_varchar 47 \N patch patch_59_60_e.sql|regulatory_attribute.allow_motif_table 49 \N patch patch_59_60_f.sql|bm.frequencies_pf.index_mods 50 \N patch patch_59_60_g.sql|rename_go_xref_table 51 \N patch patch_59_60_h.sql|af_amf.index_tweaks 52 \N patch patch_60_61_a.sql|schema_version 53 \N patch patch_60_61_b.sql|binding_matrix.analysis_id 54 \N patch patch_60_61_c.sql|probe.name_alter 55 \N patch patch_60_61_d.sql|rejig_object_xref_indexes 58 \N patch patch_61_62_a.sql|schema_version 59 \N patch patch_61_62_b.sql|interdb_stable_id 60 \N patch patch_61_62_c.sql|feature_type.sequence_ontology 61 \N patch patch_61_62_d.sql|experimental_group.description 62 \N patch patch_61_62_e.sql|dbfile_registry 63 \N patch patch_61_62_f.sql|regulatory_feature.fset_seq_region_idx 64 \N patch patch_61_62_g.sql|synonym_field_extension 65 \N patch patch_61_62_i.sql|drop_external_db.display_label_linkable 66 \N patch patch_61_62_h.sql|external_db.db_name_release_idx 67 \N patch patch_61_62_j.sql|meta_key.extend 68 \N patch patch_62_63_b.sql|binding_matrix.analysis_id_small_int 69 \N patch patch_62_63_a.sql|schema_version 71 \N patch patch_63_64_a.sql|schema_version 72 \N patch patch_63_64_b.sql|cell_type.efo_id 73 \N patch patch_63_64_c.sql|experiment.archive_id_data_url 74 \N patch patch_63_64_d.sql|experimental_group.url 75 \N patch patch_63_64_e.sql|object_xref.ensembl_object_type 76 \N patch patch_63_64_f.sql|feature_set.experiment_id 78 \N patch patch_63_64_g.sql|index_tidy_up 80 \N patch patch_64_65_g.sql|MAX_ROWS_AVG_ROW_LENGTH_clean_up 81 \N patch patch_64_65_a.sql|schema_version 82 \N patch patch_64_65_b.sql|feature_type.analysis_id 83 \N patch patch_64_65_c.sql|cell_type.gender_hermaphrodite 84 \N patch patch_64_65_d.sql|segmentation_feature 85 \N patch patch_64_65_e.sql|regulatory_attribute.table_enum 86 \N patch patch_64_65_f.sql|input_set.segmentation_type 87 \N patch patch_65_66_c.sql|array_chip.name_design 88 \N patch patch_65_66_d.sql|unmapped_object.reorder_unmapped_obj_index 89 \N patch patch_65_66_b.sql|cell_type.tissue_and_lineage 90 \N patch patch_65_66_a.sql|schema_version 92 \N patch patch_54_55_f.sql|probe_set.name_index 96 \N patch patch_56_57_k.sql|meta_species.system_name 95 \N patch patch_54_55_a.sql|partition_result_feature 97 \N patch patch_56_57_j.sql|probe_feature.cigar_line_format 98 \N patch patch_62_63_c.sql|binding_matrix.threshold 99 \N patch patch_65_66_e.sql|add_regbuild_string_table 100 \N patch patch_66_67_a.sql|schema_version 101 \N patch patch_66_67_b.sql|regulatory_attribute.attribute_feature_idx 102 \N patch patch_66_67_c.sql|result_feature.remove_partitions 103 \N patch patch_66_67_d.sql|regulatory_feature.binary_string_500 105 \N patch patch_67_68_a.sql|schema_version 106 \N patch patch_67_68_b.sql|input_subset.archive_id_display_url 107 \N patch patch_67_68_c.sql|input_set_subset.replicate_is_control 108 \N patch patch_67_68_d.sql|feature_set.input_set_id 109 \N patch patch_68_69_a.sql|schema_version 110 \N patch patch_68_69_b.sql|DNAMethylationFeature support 111 \N patch patch_68_69_c.sql|regbuild_string.species_id_not_null 112 \N patch patch_68_69_d.sql|xref.id_index_fix 113 \N patch patch_69_70_a.sql|schema_version 114 \N patch patch_69_70_b.sql|regulatory_feature.bound_start/end_length 115 \N patch patch_70_71_a.sql|schema_version 116 \N patch patch_70_71_b.sql|analysis_key_clean 117 \N patch patch_70_71_c.sql|design_table_removal 118 \N patch patch_71_72_a.sql|schema_version 119 \N patch patch_71_72_b.sql|associated_xref 120 \N patch patch_71_72_c.sql|added_type_to_supporting_set_PK 121 \N patch patch_72_73_a.sql|schema_version 122 \N patch patch_73_74_a.sql|schema_version 123 \N patch patch_73_74_b.sql|input_set_subset_split 124 \N patch patch_73_74_c.sql|result_set.replicate 125 \N patch patch_73_74_d.sql|status_name_length 126 \N patch patch_73_74_e.sql|drop_probe_design 127 \N patch patch_74_75_a.sql|schema_version 128 \N patch patch_74_75_b.sql|result_set.name_unique 129 \N patch patch_74_75_c.sql|input_subset.analysis_id_experiment_idx 130 \N patch patch_74_75_d.sql|result_set_input.table_name_input_subset 131 \N patch patch_74_75_f.sql|experiment.feature_cell_type_id 132 \N patch patch_75_76_a.sql|schema_version 133 \N patch patch_75_76_b.sql|result/feature_set.experiment_id & experiment/input_subset.display_url/archive_id 134 \N patch patch_75_76_c.sql|cell_type.display_label 135 \N patch patch_75_76_d.sql|feature_set.type mirna; object_xref.ensembl_object_type add MirnaTargetFeature 137 \N patch patch_75_76_f.sql|add feature_type.class Transcription Start Site 138 \N patch patch_75_76_g.sql|mirna_target_feature 139 \N patch patch_76_77_a.sql|schema_version 140 \N patch patch_76_77_b.sql|CTCF feature_type update 141 \N patch patch_76_77_c.sql|Correct mirna so_name and accession in feature_type 142 \N patch patch_76_77_d.sql|Fix errornous feature_type_id in mirna_target_feature 143 \N patch patch_77_78_b.sql|Change unmapped_reason_id from smallint to int 144 \N patch patch_75_76_e.sql|add has_evidence, cell_type_count to regulatory_feature, adjust UNIQUE constraint 145 \N patch patch_77_78_a.sql|schema_version 146 \N patch patch_78_79_a.sql|schema_version 147 \N patch patch_78_79_b.sql|binding_matrix unique key 148 \N patch patch_79_80_a.sql|schema_version 149 \N patch patch_79_80_b.sql|dbfile_registry_unique_key 150 \N patch patch_79_80_c.sql|stable_id_changed_to_varchar 151 \N patch patch_80_81_a.sql|schema_version 152 \N patch patch_80_81_b.sql|add gender: mixed to table cell_type 153 \N patch patch_80_81_c.sql|drop experiment.date 154 \N patch patch_81_82_a.sql|schema_version 155 \N patch patch_82_83_a.sql|schema_version 156 \N patch patch_83_84_a.sql|schema_version 157 \N patch patch_83_84_b.sql|Drop unique key for cell_type.efo_id 158 \N patch patch_83_84_c.sql|Add not null constraint to cell_type.display_label 159 \N patch patch_83_84_d.sql|Add segmentation enum to result_set.feature_class 160 \N patch patch_83_84_e.sql|Increase length of regbuild_string.name 161 \N patch patch_83_84_f.sql|Change regulatory_feature has_evidence to activity 162 \N patch patch_84_85_a.sql|schema_version 163 \N patch patch_84_85_b.sql|rename cell_type table 164 \N patch patch_84_85_c.sql|new epigenome table columns 165 \N patch patch_84_85_d.sql|add columns to experiment table 166 \N patch patch_84_85_e.sql|add/modify columns in input_subset table 167 \N patch patch_84_85_f.sql|drop replicate column from result_set table 168 \N patch patch_84_85_g.sql|update dbentry related tables 169 \N patch patch_84_85_h.sql|Store file types along with the files. 170 \N patch patch_84_85_i.sql|Normalise regulatory feature table: Create a non redundant version of the regulatory features. 171 \N patch patch_84_85_j.sql|Normalise regulatory feature table: Create a linking table between regulatory features and feature sets. 172 \N patch patch_84_85_k.sql|Normalise regulatory feature table: Link up the new non redundant regulatory features. 173 \N patch patch_84_85_l.sql|Normalise regulatory feature table: Link up the regulatory attributes with the linking table. 174 \N patch patch_84_85_m.sql|Normalise regulatory feature table: Clean up temporary columns and tables. 175 \N patch patch_84_85_n.sql|Make activity an enum. 176 \N patch patch_84_85_o.sql|Delete all MultiCell regulatory features feature set entries. 177 \N patch patch_84_85_p.sql|Delete MultiCell feature_set and epigenome. 178 \N patch patch_84_85_q.sql|Rename table regulatory_attribute to regulatory_evidence. 179 \N patch patch_84_85_r.sql|Drop unused empty tables 180 \N patch patch_84_85_s.sql|modify table_name column in result_set_input table 181 \N patch patch_84_85_t.sql|Drop table regbuild_string 182 \N patch patch_84_85_u.sql|Remove regulatory build entries from feature_set table, relink everything else. 183 \N patch patch_84_85_v.sql|Move meta entries regarding regulatory build to the regulatory_build table 184 \N patch patch_84_85_w.sql|Extend the name length in the input_subset table 185 \N patch patch_84_85_x.sql|Remove unused columns in the experiment table 186 \N patch patch_84_85_y.sql|Table for storing epigenomes used in the regulatory build 187 \N patch patch_84_85_z.sql|Move segmentation entries from result_set table into the new segmentation_file table. 188 \N patch patch_84_85_za.sql|Move entries provided by external sources from the result_set table into the new external_feature_file table. 189 \N patch patch_84_85_zb.sql|Bugfix, the primary key was wrongly named. 190 \N patch patch_85_86_a.sql|schema_version 191 \N patch patch_85_86_b.sql|Drop tables epigenome_lineage and lineage 192 \N patch patch_85_86_c.sql|Add production name column to feature_type table 193 \N patch patch_85_86_d.sql|Add new columns to input_subset table to accommodate paired-end data 194 \N patch patch_85_86_e.sql|Add QC tables 195 \N patch patch_86_87_a.sql|schema_version 196 \N patch patch_86_87_b.sql|Change data type of certain columns to facilitate foreing key constraints 197 \N patch patch_86_87_c.sql|Remove obsolete coloumns from external_feature_file 198 \N patch patch_86_87_d.sql|Add 'unknown' as a valid gender in the epigenome table 199 \N patch patch_86_87_e.sql|Increase data_set.name length 200 \N patch patch_87_88_a.sql|schema_version 201 \N patch patch_87_88_b.sql|seq_region_name_255 202 \N patch patch_87_88_c.sql|sample_regulatory_feature_id field for regulatory build 203 \N patch patch_88_89_a.sql|schema_version 204 \N patch patch_88_89_b.sql|Created probe_seq table 205 \N patch patch_88_89_c.sql|created probe_feature_transcript table 206 \N patch patch_88_89_d.sql|created probe_transcript table 207 \N patch patch_88_89_e.sql|created probeset_transcript table 208 \N patch patch_88_89_f.sql|Removed probe features from object_xref and xref table 209 \N patch patch_88_89_g.sql|Removed probe mappings from the xref tables 210 \N patch patch_88_89_h.sql|Removed probe set mappings from the xref tables 211 \N patch patch_88_89_i.sql|New columns for array table 212 \N patch patch_88_89_j.sql|Added array_chip_id column to probe_set table 213 \N patch patch_88_89_k.sql|Added probe_seq_id column to probe table 214 \N patch patch_89_90_a.sql|schema_version 215 \N patch patch_89_90_b.sql|probe feature columns 216 \N patch patch_89_90_c.sql|Adds stable id index for probe_transcript table 217 \N patch patch_89_90_d.sql|Adds stable id index for probe_set_transcript table 218 \N patch patch_90_91_a.sql|schema_version 219 \N patch patch_90_91_b.sql|Remove sequence regions from previous releases 220 \N patch patch_90_91_c.sql|Translate sequence region ids of regulatory features 221 \N patch patch_90_91_d.sql|Replace regulatory features with updated ones 222 \N patch patch_90_91_e.sql|Translate sequence region ids of segmentation features 223 \N patch patch_90_91_f.sql|Replace segmentation features with updated ones 224 \N patch patch_90_91_g.sql|Translate sequence region ids of probe features 225 \N patch patch_90_91_h.sql|Replace probe features with updated ones 226 \N patch patch_90_91_i.sql|Translate sequence region ids of annotated features 227 \N patch patch_90_91_j.sql|Replace annotated features with updated ones 228 \N patch patch_90_91_k.sql|Translate sequence region ids of external features 229 \N patch patch_90_91_l.sql|Replace external features with updated ones 230 \N patch patch_90_91_m.sql|Translate sequence region ids of mi rna target features 231 \N patch patch_90_91_n.sql|Replace mi rna target features with updated ones 232 \N patch patch_90_91_o.sql|Translate sequence region ids of motif features 233 \N patch patch_90_91_p.sql|Replace motif features with updated ones 234 \N patch patch_90_91_q.sql|Drop seq_region table 235 \N patch patch_90_91_r.sql|Translate coord_system_ids in meta_coord table 236 \N patch patch_90_91_s.sql|Replace meta coord table with the updated table 237 \N patch patch_90_91_t.sql|Drop coord_system table 238 \N patch patch_90_91_u.sql|Set default gender to unknown for epigenomes 239 \N patch patch_90_91_v.sql|Create read_file table and populate it 240 \N patch patch_90_91_w.sql|Create read_file_experimental_configuration table and populate it 241 \N patch patch_90_91_x.sql|Rename result_set to alignment in various tables and columns 242 \N patch patch_90_91_y.sql|Rename annotated_feature to peak 243 \N patch patch_90_91_z.sql|Drop input_subset table 244 \N patch patch_90_91_za.sql|Move peak_callings from feature_set to peak_calling 245 \N patch patch_90_91_zb.sql|Rename another table 246 \N patch patch_90_91_zc.sql|Remove peak_callings from the feature_set table 247 \N patch patch_90_91_zd.sql|Drop data_set table 248 \N patch patch_90_91_ze.sql|Drop supporting_set table 249 \N patch patch_90_91_zf.sql|Drop status tables 250 \N patch patch_90_91_zg.sql|rename table dbfile_registry to data_file and change the way alignments link to it 251 \N patch patch_90_91_zh.sql|Add new columns to read_file_experimental_configuration table 252 \N patch patch_90_91_zi.sql|Create probe_id index on probe_transcript table 253 \N patch patch_91_92_a.sql|schema_version 254 \N patch patch_91_92_b.sql|Drop column paired_with from table read_file 255 \N patch patch_91_92_c.sql|Create underlying_structure table 256 \N patch patch_92_93_a.sql|schema_version 257 \N patch patch_92_93_b.sql|Allow failed peak callings 258 \N patch patch_92_93_c.sql|Allow the number of reads to be stored 259 \N patch patch_92_93_d.sql|Create table for chance quality check 260 \N patch patch_92_93_e.sql|Peak_calling table changes 261 \N patch patch_92_93_f.sql|Updates to alignment table 262 \N patch patch_92_93_g.sql|New table idr 263 \N patch patch_92_93_h.sql|execution_plan table 264 \N patch patch_92_93_i.sql|Add table to store fastqc outcomes 265 \N patch patch_92_93_j.sql|phantom peak table 266 \N patch patch_92_93_k.sql|Add table to store frip scores 267 \N patch patch_92_93_l.sql|Remove unused epigenome columns 268 \N patch patch_92_93_m.sql|Remove constraints 269 \N patch patch_92_93_n.sql|Fix ids, add missing autoincrement 270 \N patch patch_92_93_o.sql|Create peak_calling_statistic table 271 \N patch patch_92_93_p.sql|Create segmentation_state_assignment table 272 \N patch patch_92_93_q.sql|Create segmentation_state_emission table 273 \N patch patch_92_93_r.sql|Create regulatory_build_statistics table 274 \N patch patch_92_93_s.sql|drop segmentation_feature table 275 \N patch patch_92_93_t.sql|drop alignment_qc_phantom_peak table 276 \N patch patch_92_93_u.sql|Create probemapping meta table 277 \N patch patch_92_93_v.sql|Create probemapping statistic table 278 \N patch patch_92_93_w.sql|Modify index name_exp_idx from table read_file_experimental_configuration 279 \N patch patch_93_94_a.sql|schema_version 280 \N patch patch_93_94_b.sql|Modify column display_label length from epigenome table 281 \N patch patch_93_94_c.sql|Adds table segmentation_cell_table_ctcf 282 \N patch patch_93_94_d.sql|Adds table segmentation_cell_table_without_ctcf 283 \N patch patch_93_94_e.sql|Create transcription_factor table 284 \N patch patch_93_94_f.sql|Create transcription_factor_complex table 285 \N patch patch_93_94_g.sql|Create transcription_factor_complex_composition table 286 \N patch patch_93_94_h.sql|Create binding_matrix_transcription_factor_complex table 287 \N patch patch_93_94_i.sql|Modify motif_feature table 288 \N patch patch_93_94_j.sql|Create motif_feature_peak table 289 \N patch patch_93_94_k.sql|Create motif_feature_regulatory_feature table 290 \N patch patch_93_94_l.sql|Modify binding_matrix_table 291 \N patch patch_93_94_m.sql|Create binding_matrix_frequencies table 292 \N patch patch_93_94_n.sql|Modify indices in motif_feature_peak table 293 \N patch patch_93_94_o.sql|Add indices to motif_feature_regulatory_feature table 294 \N patch patch_93_94_p.sql|Modify column display_label length from epigenome table 295 \N patch patch_94_95_a.sql|schema_version 296 \N patch patch_94_95_b.sql|update to segmentation state tables 297 \N patch patch_94_95_c.sql|Update to alignment table 298 \N patch patch_94_95_d.sql|Update to execution_plan table 299 \N patch patch_94_95_e.sql|Update to regulatory_build_statistic table 300 \N patch patch_94_95_f.sql|Update to experimental_group table 301 \N patch patch_94_95_g.sql|segmentation table 302 \N patch patch_94_95_h.sql|segmentation_cell_tables 303 \N patch patch_94_95_i.sql|segmentation_statistic table 304 \N patch patch_94_95_j.sql|segmentation_file table 305 \N patch patch_94_95_k.sql|peak calling statistic table 306 \N patch patch_94_95_l.sql|Modify length for column name from epigenome table 307 \N patch patch_94_95_m.sql|drop obsolete tables 308 \N patch patch_94_95_n.sql|add unique constrain on display_label column for epigenome table 309 \N patch patch_95_96_a.sql|schema_version 310 \N patch patch_95_96_b.sql|changed data type for regulatory build statistics 311 \N patch patch_95_96_c.sql|make unique probe_id column from probe table 312 \N patch patch_95_96_d.sql|add ReadFile to the enum of the ensembl_object_type 313 \N patch patch_95_96_e.sql|Add description and release_version columns to regulatory_build table 314 \N patch patch_95_96_f.sql|Modify binding_matrix_table 315 \N patch patch_96_97_a.sql|schema_version 316 \N patch patch_96_97_b.sql|Changed to text 317 \N patch patch_96_97_c.sql|Added flag 318 \N patch patch_96_97_d.sql|Fix foreign key data type inconsistencies 319 \N patch patch_96_97_e.sql|Update mirna_target_feature 320 \N patch patch_96_97_f.sql|Add search_terms and full_name columns to epigenome table, rename display_label column to short_name and change description to TEXT 321 \N patch patch_96_97_g.sql|Modify column in regulatory_activity 322 \N patch patch_97_98_a.sql|schema_version 323 \N patch patch_97_98_b.sql|Update unique constraint in mirna_target_feature table 324 \N patch patch_98_99_a.sql|schema_version 325 \N patch patch_98_99_b.sql|update datetime default value 326 \N patch patch_99_100_a.sql|schema_version 327 \N patch patch_99_100_b.sql|rename so_name to so_term 328 \N patch patch_99_100_c.sql|remove default values from text data type 329 \N patch patch_99_100_d.sql|update type column on external_db table 330 \N patch patch_99_100_e.sql|Make some foreign keys not mandatory 331 \N patch patch_100_101_a.sql|schema_version 332 \N patch patch_101_102_a.sql|schema_version 333 \N patch patch_101_102_b.sql|Drop underlying_structure table 334 \N patch patch_102_103_a.sql|schema_version 335 \N patch patch_103_104_a.sql|schema_version 336 \N patch patch_104_105_a.sql|schema_version 337 \N patch patch_104_105_b.sql|New indices 338 \N patch patch_105_106_a.sql|schema_version 339 1 species.division EnsemblVertebrates 340 \N patch patch_106_107_a.sql|schema_version 341 \N patch patch_107_108_a.sql|schema_version 342 \N patch patch_107_108_b.sql|New epigenome_track table 343 \N patch patch_108_109_a.sql|schema_version 344 \N patch patch_109_110_a.sql|schema_version 345 \N patch patch_110_111_a.sql|schema_version 346 \N patch patch_111_112_a.sql|schema_version 347 \N patch patch_111_112_b.sql|fix data_file_id length 348 \N patch patch_111_112_c.sql|set data_file_id to not null auto increment 349 \N patch patch_112_113_b.sql|fix_compatibility_issues