10 Alignment of species-specific cDNAs to the genome. cDNA alignment 1 {"default": {"contigviewbottom": "stack"}, "gene": {"do_not_display": 1}, "type": "cdna"}
12 PacBio long reads from ENA aligned to the genome using Minimap2 Isoseq 1 {"colour_key": "long_reads_isoseq", "label_key": "[biotype] [display_label]", "protein_align_feature": {"do_not_display": "1"}, "type": "longreads", "zmenu": "CLS"}
13 For various species, proteins from UniProtKB are aligned to the genome with GeneWise. Other species proteins 1 {"protein_align_feature": {"do_not_display": "1"}}
11 RefSeq gene models from NCBI RefSeq using the GFF3 files available from the NCBI FTP site. RefSeq GFF3 annotation import 1 {"label_key": "[biotype] [display_label]", "colour_key": "[logic_name]", "zmenu": "RefSeq"}