9314 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human adipose total RNA, lot 05060581, caucasian female, throat cancer, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Adipose intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": 1, "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Adipose"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9271 Models built using Human adipose total RNA, lot 05060581, caucasian female, throat cancer, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Adipose RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Adipose"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9334 Spliced RNASeq read support for adipose for human. Human adipose intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9315 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human adrenal total RNA, lot 0812003, caucasian male, cerebral vascular accident, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Adrenal intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Adrenal"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9272 Models built using Human adrenal total RNA, lot 0812003, caucasian male, cerebral vascular accident, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Adrenal RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Adrenal"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9335 Spliced RNASeq read support for adrenal for human. Human adrenal intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9309 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human white blood cell, caucasian male, healthy, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Blood intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Blood"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9266 Models built using Human white blood cell, caucasian male, healthy, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Blood RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Blood"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9329 Spliced RNASeq read support for blood for human. Human blood intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9316 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human brain total RNA, lot 03070051, caucasian female, copd, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Brain intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Brain"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9273 Models built using Human brain total RNA, lot 03070051, caucasian female, copd, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Brain RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Brain"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9336 Spliced RNASeq read support for brain for human. Human brain intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9317 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human breast total RNA, lot 04060013, caucasian female, mammoplasty surgery, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Breast intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Breast"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9274 Models built using Human breast total RNA, lot 04060013, caucasian female, mammoplasty surgery, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Breast RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Breast"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9337 Spliced RNASeq read support for breast for human. Human breast intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9354 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.adipose.1.bam). Adipose RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Adipose"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9355 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.adrenal.1.bam). Adrenal RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Adrenal"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9349 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.blood.1.bam). Blood RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Blood"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9356 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.brain.1.bam). Brain RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Brain"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9357 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.breast.1.bam). Breast RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Breast"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9358 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.colon.1.bam). Colon RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Colon"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9360 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.heart.1.bam). Heart RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Heart"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9359 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.kidney.1.bam). Kidney RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Kidney"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9361 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.liver.1.bam). Liver RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Liver"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9353 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.lung.1.bam). Lung RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Lung"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9352 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.lymph.1.bam). Lymph RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Lymph"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9345 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.merged.1.bam). Merged RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Merged (incl.Pooled)"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9348 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.ovary.1.bam). Ovary RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Ovary"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9362 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.pooled.1.bam). Pooled RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Pooled"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9363 Single reads of 100 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.pled_polyA_Nor.1.bam). Pooled normalized polyA RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Pooled"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9364 Single reads of 100 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.pled_polyA.1.bam). pooled ribofree RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Pooled"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9351 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.prostate.1.bam). Prostate RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Prostate"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9350 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.skeletal_muscle.1.bam). Skeletal muscle RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Skeletal muscle"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9347 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.testes.1.bam). Testes RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Testes"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9346 Single reads of 75 bases from the Human BodyMap 2.0 project. Download this BAM files from the Ensembl FTP (file: GRCh38.illumina.thyroid.1.bam). Thyroid RNAseq alignments 1 {"colour_key": "bam", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "BAM files", "column_order": 3, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Thyroid"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq_bam"} 9318 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human colon total RNA, lot 05060063, caucasian female, breast cancer with /mets to lungs and lymph nodes, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Colon intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Colon"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9275 Models built using Human colon total RNA, lot 05060063, caucasian female, breast cancer with /mets to lungs and lymph nodes, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Colon RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Colon"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9338 Spliced RNASeq read support for colon for human. Human colon intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9320 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human heart total RNA, lot 07040023, caucasian male, cerebral vascular accident, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Heart intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Heart"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9277 Models built using Human heart total RNA, lot 07040023, caucasian male, cerebral vascular accident, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Heart RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Heart"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9340 Spliced RNASeq read support for heart for human. Human heart intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9319 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human kidney total RNA, lot 0908002, caucasian female, sub-arachnoid hemorrhage, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Kidney intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Kidney"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9276 Models built using Human kidney total RNA, lot 0908002, caucasian female, sub-arachnoid hemorrhage, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Kidney RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Kidney"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9339 Spliced RNASeq read support for kidney for human. Human kidney intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9321 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human liver total RNA, lot 040000124, caucasian male, suicide/36 foot fall, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Liver intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Liver"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9278 Models built using Human liver total RNA, lot 040000124, caucasian male, suicide/36 foot fall, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Liver RNAseq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Liver"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9341 Spliced RNASeq read support for liver for human. Human liver intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9313 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human lung total RNA, lot 0904002, caucasian male, myocardial infraction, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Lung intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Lung"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9270 Models built using Human lung total RNA, lot 0904002, caucasian male, myocardial infraction, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Lung RNAseq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Lung"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9333 Spliced RNASeq read support for lung for human. Human lung intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9312 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human lymph node total RNA, lot 026P010305032B, caucasian female, organic brain syndrome, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Lymph intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Lymph"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9269 Models built using Human lymph node total RNA, lot 026P010305032B, caucasian female, organic brain syndrome, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Lymph RNAseq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Lymph"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9332 Spliced RNASeq read support for lymph for human. Human lymph intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9305 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from all Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Merged intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Merged (incl.Pooled)"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9284 Models built using all data from Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Merged RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Merged (incl.Pooled)"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9325 Spliced RNASeq read support for human merged. Human merged intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9308 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human ovary total RNA, lot 0812002, african american female, intracranial hemorrhage, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Ovary intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Ovary"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9265 Models built using Human ovary total RNA, lot 0812002, african american female, intracranial hemorrhage, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Ovary RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Ovary"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9328 Spliced RNASeq read support for ovary for human. Human ovary intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9322 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human pooled RNA, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Pooled intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Pooled"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9279 Models built using Human pooled data, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Pooled RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Pooled"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9342 Spliced RNASeq read support for pooled (polyA protocol only) for human. Human pooled (polyA only) intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9311 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human prostate total RNA, lot 0906002, caucasian male, lung cancer w/mets, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Prostate intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Prostate"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9268 Models built using Human prostate total RNA, lot 0906002, caucasian male, lung cancer w/mets, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Prostate RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Prostate"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9331 Spliced RNASeq read support for prostate for human. Human prostate intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9310 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human skeletal muscle total RNA, lot 046P021205086A, caucasian male, cardio pulmonary arrest, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Skeletal muscle intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Skeletal muscle"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9267 Models built using Human skeletal muscle total RNA, lot 046P021205086A, caucasian male, cardio pulmonary arrest, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Skeletal muscle RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Skeletal muscle"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9330 Spliced RNASeq read support for skeletal for human. Human skeletal intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9307 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human testes total RNA, lot 05060392, caucasian male, anoxic encephalopathy, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Testes intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Testes"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9264 Models built using Human testes total RNA, lot 05060392, caucasian male, anoxic encephalopathy, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Testes RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Testes"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9327 Spliced RNASeq read support for testes for human. Human testes intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9306 Spliced RNASeq read support for intron from Human thyroid total RNA, lot 0908003, caucasian female, cerebral vascular accident, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Thyroid intron-spanning reads 1 {"additional_renderers": ["histogram", "Variable height"], "colour_key": "intron_support", "matrix": {"column": "Intron-spanning reads", "column_order": 2, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Thyroid"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "Supporting_alignment"} 9263 Models built using Human thyroid total RNA, lot 0908003, caucasian female, cerebral vascular accident, Illumina Human Bodymap 2.0 Data Thyroid RNASeq 1 {"colour_key": "human_rnaseq", "label_key": "RNASeq [biotype]", "matrix": {"column": "Gene models", "column_order": 1, "group": "Human BodyMap 2.0", "group_order": "1", "menu": "rnaseq", "row": "Thyroid"}, "type": "rnaseq", "zmenu": "RNASeq"} 9326 Spliced RNASeq read support for thyroid for human. Human thyroid intron-spanning reads 1 \N 9366 For various species, proteins from UniProtKB are aligned to the genome with GeneWise. Other species proteins 1 {"protein_align_feature": {"do_not_display": "1"}}