#### README #### IMPORTANT: Please note you can download subsets of data via the BioMart data mining tool. See https://www.ensembl.org/info/data/biomart/ for more information. ----------------------- EMBL FLATFILE DUMPS ----------------------- This directory contains Paramormyrops kingsleyae EMBL flatfile dumps. To ease downloading of the files, the EMBL format entries are bundled into groups of chromosomes and non-chromosomal regions. All files are then compacted with gzip. EMBL flat files include gene annotation and cross-references to other data sources such as UniProt and GO. The main body of the entry gives the same information as is in the main EMBL flat file entry. * ID - the EMBL id * AC - the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ accession number (only the primary accession number used) * SV - The accession.version pair which gives the exact reference to a particular sequence * CC - comment lines to help you interpret the entry Genes, transcripts, translations and exons are dumped into the feature table of the Ensembl entry. Stable IDs for these features are suffixed with a version if they have been generated by Ensembl (this is typical for vertebrate species, but not for non-vertebrates). * Genes are 'gene' entries, with the gene stable ID as the 'gene' property * Transcripts are 'mRNA' entries, with the gene stable ID as the 'gene' property, and the transcript stable ID as the 'standard_name' property. * Translations are 'CDS' entries, with the gene stable ID as the 'gene' property, the translation stable ID as the 'protein_id' property, and the amino acid sequences as the 'translation' property. * Exons are 'exon' entries.