PFAM : Multiple alignments and profile HMMs of protein domains RELEASE 37.1 -------------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION Pfam is a collection of protein family alignments which were constructed semi-automatically using hidden Markov models (HMMs). Sequences that are not covered by Pfam are clustered, aligned automatically and released as Pfam-B. Pfam-B used to be integrated into the Pfam website, in addition to being available as a flatfile. It was discontinued from Pfam 28.0 to Pfam 33.0. As of Pfam 33.1, Pfam-B entries are available as a tar archive of alignments. Pfam families have permanent accession numbers and contain functional annotation and cross-references to other databases, while Pfam-B families are re-generated at each release and are unannotated. 2. LOCATION Pfam is available on the web at: 3. STATISTICS Pfam Pfam-B ----------------------- ----------------------- Release Date families sequences residues families sequences residues Source ------- ----- -------- --------- ---------- -------- --------- ----------- --------- 0.2 01/96 100 10431 2246421 11763 32081 9200334 Swiss 32 1.0 04/96 175 15610 3560959 11929 31931 8957230 Swiss 33 2.0 03/97 527 28170 6770529 13289 31349 8224614 Swiss 34 2.1 10/97 527 28205 6790960 13289 31349 8224614 Swiss 34 3.0 06/98 806 99043 22766133 33550 79544 20648530 Swiss 35 + SP-TrEMBL 5 3.1 09/98 1313 114750 27573470 33550 79544 20648530 Swiss 35 + SP-TrEMBL 5 3.2 10/98 1344 115155 27689081 33550 79544 20648530 Swiss 35 + SP-TrEMBL 5 3.3 12/98 1390 119420 28085438 33550 79544 20648530 Swiss 35 + SP-TrEMBL 5 3.4 01/99 1407 119963 28343136 33550 79544 20648530 Swiss 35 + SP-TrEMBL 5 4.0 05/99 1465 147347 34476183 128689 123610 33470292 Swiss 37 + SP-TrEMBL 9 4.1 07/99 1488 148195 34692597 36739 89640 22510097 Swiss 37 + SP-TrEMBL 9 4.2 08/99 1664 155979 36683193 40017 99587 24062200 Swiss 37 + SP-TrEMBL 9 4.3 09/99 1815 161833 37803491 39506 97492 23115975 Swiss 37 + SP-TrEMBL 9 4.4 11/99 2000 164412 38411490 39200 96055 22552453 Swiss 37 + SP-TrEMBL 9 5.0 01/00 2008 178110 41516321 39228 96077 22506088 Swiss 38 + SP-TrEMBL 11 5.1 02/00 2015 179782 41704446 42357 103709 24762358 Swiss 38 + SP-TrEMBL 11 5.2 03/00 2128 181068 42018555 42163 102843 24471000 Swiss 38 + SP-TrEMBL 11 5.3 05/00 2216 183695 42512479 41974 102024 23952537 Swiss 38 + SP-TrEMBL 11 5.4 06/00 2290 185251 42659663 41885 101728 23774015 Swiss 38 + SP-TrEMBL 11 5.5 09/00 2478 190302 43837632 41232 99302 22716640 Swiss 38 + SP-TrEMBL 11 6.0 01/01 2697 258321 59332756 40681 96571 21789591 Swiss 39 + SP-TrEMBL 14 6.1 03/01 2727 260202 59586847 40230 96128 21545422 Swiss 39 + SP-TrEMBL 14 6.2 04/01 2773 260570 59749821 58924 131100 30096444 Swiss 39 + SP-TrEMBL 14 6.3 05/01 2847 261546 60210817 58539 130194 29602298 Swiss 39 + SP-TrEMBL 14 6.4 05/01 2866 262071 60508404 58297 129257 29370968 Swiss 39 + SP-TrEMBL 14 6.5 06/01 2929 264276 61192015 57891 127861 28892585 Swiss 39 + SP-TrEMBL 14 6.6 08/01 3071 267598 61976627 57477 126378 28143196 Swiss 39 + SP-TrEMBL 14 7.0 01/02 3360 409136 93681071 78233 179966 39684197 Swiss 40 + SP-TrEMBL 18 7.1 03/02 3621 413112 94740523 77733 178097 38784346 Swiss 40 + SP-TrEMBL 18 7.2 04/02 3735 417711 95253221 77408 177141 38445765 Swiss 40 + SP-TrEMBL 18 7.3 05/02 3849 419102 95460308 83108 193509 41854966 Swiss 40 + SP-TrEMBL 18 7.4 07/02 3882 419360 95369593 83166 193462 41907032 Swiss 40 + SP-TrEMBL 18 7.5 08/02 4176 424307 96575650 82343 190360 40849796 Swiss 40 + SP-TrEMBL 18 7.6 09/02 4463 428237 97335169 81669 187725 40073352 Swiss 40 + SP-TrEMBL 18 7.7 10/02 4832 435353 99654093 80001 182610 38092326 Swiss 40 + SP-TrEMBL 18 7.8 11/02 5049 437970 100096164 79427 181013 37469930 Swiss 40 + SP-TrEMBL 18 8.0 02/03 5193 626452 142233861 76370 174607 35686841 Swiss 40.31 + SP-TrEMBL 22.0 9.0 05/03 5722 705698 160653012 98158 232641 46847522 Swiss 41.0 + SP-TrEMBL 23.0 10.0 07/03 6190 733829 167492698 96550 227325 45381141 Swiss 41.10 + SP-TrEMBL 23.15 11.0 10/03 7255 805978 184093744 94757 220445 43457201 Swiss 41.25 + SP-TrEMBL 24.14 12.0 01/04 7316 898590 205356517 108951 262041 53933483 Swiss 42.5 + SP-TrEMBL 25.6 13.0 04/04 7426 899152 205367676 108119 260253 53251778 Swiss 42.12 + SP-TrEMBL 25.12 14.0 05/04 7459 903115 206720690 107460 259106 52378429 Swiss 43.2 + SP-TrEMBL 26.2 15.0 08/04 7503 1105589 251318620 140216 357340 70848731 Swiss 44.0 + SP-TrEMBL 27.0 16.0 10/04 7677 1164599 264667462 139134 353883 69591421 Swiss 44.5 + SP-TrEMBL 27.5 17.0 03/05 7868 1321755 297821068 129746 336353 63302856 Swiss 46.0 + SP-TrEMBL 29.0 18.0 07/05 7973 1426410 322176782 128469 327279 61569471 Swiss 47.0 + SP-TrEMBL 30.0 19.0 11/05 8183 1728628 391195934 127296 322743 60022455 Swiss 48.1 + SP-TrEMBL 31.1 20.0 04/06 8296 2062824 468403714 126439 319735 59164603 Swiss 48.9 + SP-TrEMBL 31.9 21.0 11/06 8957 2343023 532701643 186970 403510 71601041 Swiss 50.0 + SP-TrEMBL 33.0 22.0 06/07 9318 2990695 679928271 182493 472700 87434067 Swiss 51.7 + SP-TrEMBL 34.7 23.0 07/08 10340 3925943 890618067 223403 1029669 215585168 Swiss 54.5 + SP-TrEMBL 37.5 24.0 07/09 11912 7079739 1627712293 142303 940849 171679060 Swiss 57.6 + SP-TrEMBL 40.6 25.0 03/11 12273 8729906 2021040130 233651 1317898 257368305 Swiss 2010_05 + SP-TrEMBL 2010_05 26.0 11/11 13672 12650879 2981721898 460125 2556444 483163387 Swiss 2011_06 + SP-TrEMBL 2011_06 27.0 03/13 14831 18523877 4413005459 544866 3843092 427492613 Swiss 2012_06 + SP-TrEMBL 2012_06 28.0 05/15 16230 65484326 15576887997 - - - Swiss 2014_07 + SP-TrEMBL 2014_07 29.0* 12/15 16295 8766213 2152927649 - - - UniprotKB reference proteomes 2015_08 30.0 06/16 16306 12845974 3134907256 - - - UniprotKB reference proteomes 2016_02 31.0 03/17 16712 19419549 4710733937 - - - UniprotKB reference proteomes 2016_10 32.0 10/18 17929 34008912 8307594774 - - - UniprotKB reference proteomes 2018_04 33.0** - 18197 35363462 8777093607 - - - UniprotKB reference proteomes 2019_08 33.1 05/20 18259 35368104 8780671370 136730 13908407 2652697798 UniprotKB reference proteomes 2019_08 34.0 03/21 19179 42513961 10615434567 132603 13788646 3054667176 UniprotKB reference proteomes 2020_06 35.0 11/21 19632 46063163 11637049158 143337 15674311 3606074484 UniprotKB reference proteomes 2021_03 36.0 09/23 20795 57595205 14722378109 163485 20642100 4915385132 UniprotKB reference proteomes 2022_05 37.0 05/24 21979 62159004 15910912535 177011 22171229 5223669037 UniprotKB reference proteomes 2023_05 37.1 11/24 23794 62457512 16093173138 - - - UniprotKB reference proteomes 2023_05 *As of Pfam 29.0, the sequence database that Pfam is based upon changed to UniProtKB reference proteomes (prior to that is was based on all of UniProtKB). A separate table for UniProtKB statistics is provided below for releases 29.0 onwards). **Pfam 33.0 was never officially released. We had planned to release it in 03/20, however due to the COVID-19 pandemic we redirected our efforts to improving our SARS-CoV-2 models. Pfam 33.1 is an updated version of Pfam 33.0, which contains the improved SARS-CoV-2 models, and additional families that had been built since freezing the data for Pfam 33.0. UniProtKB pfam ----------------------- Release Date families sequences residues seq coverage res coverage Source ------- ----- -------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ------ 29.0 12/15 16295 38464785 9204296875 76.09% 54.81% Swiss 2015_08 + SP-TrEMBL 2015_08 30.0 06/16 16306 46974580 10845378222 76.36% 52.82% Swiss 2016_02 + SP-TrEMBL 2016_02 31.0 03/17 16712 53741075 12565590000 75.48% 52.65% Swiss 2016_10 + SP-TrEMBL 2016_10 32.0 10/18 17929 88966235 20677234043 77.16% 53.20% Swiss 2018_04 + SP-TrEBML 2018_04 33.0** - 18197 132522154 30745440832 77.03% 53.15% Swiss 2019_08 + SP-TrEBML 2019_08 33.1 05/20 18259 132536122 30762789052 77.03% 53.18% Swiss 2019_08 + SP-TrEBML 2019_08 34.0 03/21 19179 159974588 37321226463 76.29% 52.18% Swiss 2020_06 + SP-TrEMBL 2020_06 35.0 11/21 19632 168954667 39737510943 76.90% 52.65% Swiss 2021_03 + SP-TrEMBL 2021_03 36.0 09/23 20795 175052002 40770242962 76.07% 50.35% Swiss 2022_05 + SP-TrEMBL 2022_05 37.0 05/24 21979 193985646 45303308134 77.08% 51.23% Swiss 2023_05 + SP-TrEMBL 2023_05 NCBI pfam ----------------------- Release Date families sequences residues seq coverage res coverage Source ------- ----- -------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ------ 23.0 07/08 10305 8334719 1674388721 66.39% 50.93% rel162 24.0 08/09 11883 11223814 2279289638 69.51% 53.60% rel172 25.0 03/11 12174 13476897 2814355302 72.24% 56.22% rel177 26.0 11/11 13598 11087249 2723770646 77.40% 55.51% NR_2011_06 27.0 03/13 14831 14475969 3440648294 77.77% 53.96% NR_2012_06 28.0 05/15 16230 34956107 9175895486 77.98% 57.31% rel202 29.0 12/15 16294 53654747 13959600184 77.60% 56.33% rel208 30.0 06/16 16306 63594819 16841350875 77.96% 56.47% rel211 31.0 03/17 16712 83520060 22139818985 78.16% 56.54% rel216 32.0 10/18 17929 119624967 31966116382 78.44% 57.21% rel225 33.0** - 18197 132522154 30745440832 78.12% 57.07% rel234 33.1 05/20 18259 177512263 47262254504 78.14% 57.11% rel234 Matches to NCBI were discontinued as of Pfam 34.0. Metaseq pfam ----------------------- Release Date families sequences residues seq coverage res coverage ------- ----- -------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------------ 23.0 07/08 6438 3055905 448190722 46.21% 33.47% 24.0 07/08 7841 4388839 705254062 66.37% 53.66% 25.0 03/11 8058 4455426 717611945 67.38% 54.60% 26.0 11/11 9114 4672296 761041278 70.65% 57.90% 27.0 03/13 9398 4689982 722997105 70.92% 55.01% 28.0 05/15 9754 4655531 784763878 70.40% 59.71% 29.0 12/15 9808 4637966 777879991 70.14% 59.19% 30.0 06/16 9789 4631874 778023334 70.05% 59.20% 31.0 03/17 9847 4627984 777645801 69.99% 59.17% 32.0 10/18 10402 4643074 782898953 70.22% 59.57% 33.0** - 10503 4644167 782685554 70.23% 59.55% 33.1 05/20 10513 4646606 783277988 70.27% 59.60% Matches to metaseq were discontinued as of Pfam 34.0. 4. CONSTRUCTION OF PFAM Pfam is based on a sequence database called Pfamseq - Pfamseq 37 is based on UniProtKB reference proteomes 2023_05. The UniProtKB databases can be accessed at: or Pfamseq 37 contains 81514348 sequences and 32596740121 residues. Since Pfam release 27.0, sequences have been excluded from pfamseq based on the annotations provided by AntiFam. 5. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES FROM RELEASE 37.0 to 37.1 Release 37.1 contains a total of 23794 families, with 1823 new families and 8 families killed since the last release. 76.62% of all proteins in Pfamseq contain a match to at least one Pfam domain. 49.37% of all residues in the sequence database fall within Pfam domains. Pfam 29.0 was the first release to be based on UniProtKB reference proteomes. Previous Pfam releases were based on the whole of UniProtKB. Although Pfam has moved to using the reference proteomes, the InterPro website still provides access to Pfam data for UniProtKB. Matches from the UniProtKB database can be accessed on the InterPro website. The PDB mappings to Pfam are still based on UniProtKB matches to each Pfam family. As of release 28.0 we started to move our SEED alignments onto Reference Proteome sequences. In release 37.1, 22175 families have SEEDs consisting soley of Reference Proteome sequences. The rest of the familes contains some SEED sequence(s) that are in UniprotKB 2023_05, but are not in UniProtKB reference proteomes 2023_05. 6. FUTURE FORMAT CHANGES No major changes for the format of the flatfile planned for next release. 7. DESCRIPTION OF RELEASE FILES relnotes.txt - This file. userman.txt - A fuller description of Pfam fields. Pfam.version - A brief description about the release version, number of families, release date and sequence database. Pfam-A.hmm - Pfam-A HMMs in an HMM library searchable with the hmmscan program. Pfam-A.hmm.dat - Data associated with each HMM required for Pfam-A.seed - Annotation and seed alignments of all Pfam-A families in Pfam format. Pfam-A.full - Annotation and full alignments of all Pfam-A families in Pfam format. Pfam-A.fasta - A list of sequences in each Pfam-A family in fasta format (this file is 90% non-redundant). Pfam-A.dead - All Pfam-A families that have been removed from the database. Pfam-C - A list of all the clans, containing annotation and lists of Pfam-A entries in the clan. trees.tgz - Tar archive containing phylogenetic trees created from the SEED alignment of each family. diff - A list of files for each family that have changed since the last release. Pfam-A.regions.tsv - A tab separated file containing UniProtKB reference proteome sequences and Pfam-A family information Pfam-A.clans.tsv - A tab separated file containing Pfam-A family and clan information for all Pfam-A families 8. DESCRIPTION OF FIELDS Compulsory fields: ------------------ AC Accession number: Accession number in form PFxxxxx.version. ID Identification: Family identifier. DE Definition: Short description of family. AU Author: Authors of the entry. SE Source of seed: The source suggesting the seed members belong to one family. GA Gathering method: Search threshold to build the full alignment. TC Trusted Cutoff: Lowest sequence score and domain score of match in the full alignment. NC Noise Cutoff: Highest sequence score and domain score of match not in full alignment. TP Type: Type of family -- presently Family, Domain, Motif, Repeat, Coiled-coil or Disordered. SQ Sequence: Number of sequences in alignment. // End of alignment. Optional fields: ---------------- DC Database Comment: Comment about database reference. DR Database Reference: Reference to external database. RC Reference Comment: Comment about literature reference. RN Reference Number: Reference Number. RM Reference Medline: Eight digit medline UI number. RT Reference Title: Reference Title. RA Reference Author: Reference Author RL Reference Location: Journal location. PI Previous identifier: Record of all previous ID lines. KW Keywords: Keywords. CC Comment: Comments. NE Pfam accession: Indicates a nested domain. NL Location: Location of nested domains - sequence ID, start and end of insert. WK Wikipedia Reference: Reference to wikipedia. Obsolete fields: ---------------- AL Alignment method of seed: The method used to align the seed members. AM Alignment Method: The order ls and fs hits are aligned to the model to build the full align. 9. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to the many people who contributed data: Lakshminarayan Iyer, L. Aravind, Zhang Dapeng, Robson De Souza, Vivek Anantharaman, Adam Godizk, Lukasz Jaroszewski, Kyle Ellrott, Gabriel Aldam, Shimelis Assefa, Matthew Bashton, Ewan Birney, Lorenzo Cerrutti, Jody Clements, Lachlan Coin, Richard Durbin, Matthew Fenech, Kristoffer Forslund, O. Luke Gavin, Prasad Gunasekaran, Sam Griffiths-Jones, Kevin Howe, Nicola Kerrison, Mhairi Marshall, Nina Mian, William Mifsud, Simon Moxon, Joanne Pollington, Marco Punta, Stephen-John Sammut, Benjamin Schuster-Bockler, David Studholme, John Tate, Benjamin Vella-Briffa, Corin Yeats, Arthur Wuster, Ruth Eberhardt, Penny Coggill, Sara El-Gebali, Lowri Williams as well as many others. 10. REFERENCES Papers on Pfam are listed below: i) Sonnhammer ELL, Eddy SR, Durbin R. Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics 28:405-420 (1997). ii) Sonnhammer ELL, Eddy SR, Birney E, Bateman A, Durbin R. Nucleic Acids Research 26:320-322 (1998). iii) Bateman A, Birney E, Durbin R, Eddy SR, Finn RD, Sonnhammer ELL. Nucleic Acids Research 27:260-262 (1999). iv) Bateman A, Birney E, Durbin R, Eddy SR, Howe KL, Sonnhammer ELL. Nucleic Acids Research 28:263-266 (2000). v) Bateman A, Birney E, Cerruti L, Durbin R, Etwiller L, Eddy SR, Griffiths-Jones S, Howe KL, Marshall M, Sonnhammer ELL. Nucleic Acids Res. 30:276-280 (2002). vi) Bateman A, Coin L, Durbin R, Finn RD, Hollich V, Griffiths-Jones S, Khanna A, Marshall M, Moxon S, Sonnhammer EL, Studholme DJ, Yeats C, Eddy SR. Nucleic Acids Res. 32(1):D138-41 (2004). vii) Finn RD, Mistry J, Schuster-Bockler B, Griffiths-Jones S, Hollich V, Lassmann T, Moxon S, Marshall M, Khanna A, Durbin R, Eddy SR, Sonnhammer EL, Bateman A. Nucleic Acids Res. 34(Database issue):D247-251 (2006). viii) Finn RD, Tate J, Mistry J, Coggill PC, Sammut SJ, Hotz HR, Ceric G, Forslund K, Eddy SR, Sonnhammer EL, Bateman A. Nucleic Acids Res. 36(Database issue):D281-288 (2008). ix) Finn RD, Mistry J, Tate J, Coggill P, Heger A, Pollington JE, Gavin OL, Gunasekaran P, Ceric G, Forslund K, Holm L, Sonnhammer EL, Eddy SR, Bateman A. Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Database issue):D211-222 (2010). x) Punta M, Coggill PC, Eberhardt RY, Mistry J, Tate J, Boursnell C, Pang N, Forslund K, Ceric G, Clements J, Heger A, Holm L, Sonnhammer EL, Eddy SR, Bateman A, Finn RD. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(Database issue):D290:301 (2012). xi) Finn RD, Bateman A, Clements J, Coggill P, Eberhardt RY, Eddy SR, Heger A, Hetherington K, Holm L, Mistry J, Sonnhammer EL, Tate J, Punta M. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(Database issue):D222-230 (2014). xii) Finn RD, Coggill P, Eberhardt RY, Eddy SR, Mistry J, Mitchell AL, Potter SC, Punta M, Qureshi M, Sangrador-Vegas A, Salazar GA, Tate J, Bateman A. Nucleic Acids Res. 44(Database issue):D279-285 (2016). xiii) El-Gebali S, Mistry J, Bateman A, Eddy SR, Luciani A, Potter SC, Qureshi M, Richardson LJ, Salazar GA, Smart A, Sonnhammer ELL, Hirsh L, Paladin L, Piovesan D, Tosatto SCE, Finn RD. Nucleic Acids Res. 47(Database issue):D427-432 (2019). xiv) Mistry J, Chuguransky S, Williams L, Qureshi M, Salazar GA, Sonnhammer ELL, Tosatto SCE, Paladin L, Raj S, Richardson LJ, Finn RD, Bateman A. Nucleic Acids Res. 49(Database issue):D412-419 (2020) Please reference the most recent paper. 11. THE PFAM CONSORTIUM Pfam is maintained by a consortium of researchers. You can contact the Pfam consortium at: pfam-help "at" The current members of the Pfam consortium are: Alex Bateman, Sara Chuguransky, Rob Finn, Tiago Grego, Jaina Mistry, Typhaine Paysan-Lafosse, Matloob Qureshi, Gustavo Salazar: The European Bioinformatics Institute, UK. Erik Sonnhammer: Stockholm Bioinformatics Centre, Sweden Sean Eddy: Harvard University, USA 12. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Pfam - A database of protein domain family alignments and HMMs Copyright (C) 1996-2021 The Pfam consortium. This database is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it as you wish, under the terms of the CC0 1.0 lisence, a 'no copyright' license: The Pfam consortium has dedicated the work to the public domain, waiving all rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. See Other Information below. Other Information o In no way are the patent or trademark rights of any person affected by CC0, nor are the rights that other persons may have in the work or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights. o Unless expressly stated otherwise, the Pfam consortium makes no warranties about the work, and disclaims liability for all uses of the work, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. o When using or citing the work, you should not imply endorsement by the Pfam consortium. You may also obtain a copy of the CC0 license here: ___________________ The Pfam Consortium 2024