#### README #### IMPORTANT: Please note you can download correlation data tables, supported by Ensembl, via the highly customisable BioMart and EnsMart data mining tools. See http://metazoa.ensembl.org/biomart/martview or http://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomart/ for more information. ################## Fasta cDNA dumps ################# These files hold the cDNA sequences corresponding to Ensembl Genomes genes. ------------ FILE NAMES ------------ The files are consistently named following this pattern: <species>.<assembly>.<eg_version>.<sequence type>.<status>.fa.gz <species>: The systematic name of the species. <assembly>: The assembly build name. <eg_version>: The version of Ensembl Genomes from which the data was exported. <sequence type>: cdna for cDNA sequences <status> * 'cdna.all' - the super-set of all transcripts resulting from Ensembl known, novel and pseudo gene predictions (see more below). * 'cdna.abinitio' - transcripts resulting from 'ab initio' gene prediction algorithms such as SNAP and GENSCAN. In general all 'ab initio' predictions are solely based on the genomic sequence and do not use other experimental evidence. Therefore, not all GENSCAN or SNAP cDNA predictions represent biologically real cDNAs. Consequently, these predictions should be used with care. EXAMPLES (Note: Most species do not sequences for each different <status>) for Human: Homo_sapiens.NCBI36.cdna.all.fa.gz cDNA sequences for all transcripts: known, novel and pseudo Homo_sapiens.NCBI36.cdna.abinitio.fa.gz cDNA sequences for 'ab-initio' prediction transcripts. Difference between known and novel transcripts ----------------------------------------------- Transcript or protein models that can be mapped to species-specific entries in Swiss-Prot, RefSeq or SPTrEMBL are referred to as known genes in Ensembl. Those that cannot be mapped are called novel genes (e.g. genes predicted on the basis of evidence from closely related species). ------------------------------- FASTA Sequence Header Lines ------------------------------ The FASTA sequence header lines are designed to be consistent across all types of Ensembl FASTA sequences. This gives enough information for the sequence to be identified outside the context of the FASTA file. General format: >ID SEQTYPE:STATUS LOCATION GENE Example of an Ensembl cDNA header: >ENST00000289823 cdna:known chromosome:NCBI35:8:21922367:21927699:1 gene:ENSG00000158815 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ID | | LOCATION GENE: gene stable ID | STATUS SEQTYPE