This directory contains a sorted and gzip-compressed VCF (Variant Call Format) file containing all germline variations from the current EnsemblGenomes release for this species, named puccinia_graminisug99.vcf.gz. Variations that have been failed by the EnsemblGenomes QC checks are not included. However, we provide GVF dumps for failed variations. If this species has any structural variation data this is provided in a file named puccinia_graminisug99_structural_variations.vcf.gz. A file including the consequences of the variations on the EnsemblGenomes transcriptome, as called by the variation consequence pipeline, can be found in a file called puccinia_graminisug99_incl_consequences.vcf.gz. The data contained in these files is presented in VCF format. For more details about the format refer to: For various reasons it may be necessary to store information about a variation that has failed quality checks in the Variation pipeline. Variations can be considered to be "failed_variations" for the following reasons: - Variation maps to more than 3 different locations - None of the variant alleles match the reference allele - Variation has more than 3 different alleles - Loci with no observed variant alleles in dbSNP - Variation does not map to the genome - Variation has no genotypes - Genotype frequencies do not add up to 1 - Variation has no associated sequence - Variation submission has been withdrawn by the 1000 genomes project due to high false positive rate - Additional submitted allele data from dbSNP does not agree with the dbSNP refSNP alleles - Variation has more than 3 different submitted alleles - Alleles contain non-nucleotide characters - Alleles contain ambiguity codes - Mapped position is not compatible with reported alleles - Variation can not be re-mapped to the current assembly - Supporting evidence can not be re-mapped to the current assembly - Flagged as suspect by dbSNP - Variation maps to more than one genomic location Keeping track of failed variations can be used as a way to check why some variations that were present in the dataset mapped to the genome are not to be found anywhere on the genome. These failed variations are stored in the file puccinia_graminisug99_failed.vcf.gz. Questions about these files can be addressed to the Ensembl helpdesk:, or to the developer's mailing list: