#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Scour # # Copyright 2010 Jeff Schiller # Copyright 2010 Louis Simard # # This file is part of Scour, http://www.codedread.com/scour/ # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Notes: # rubys' path-crunching ideas here: http://intertwingly.net/code/svgtidy/spec.rb # (and implemented here: http://intertwingly.net/code/svgtidy/svgtidy.rb ) # Yet more ideas here: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Save_Cleaned_SVG # # * Process Transformations # * Collapse all group based transformations # Even more ideas here: http://esw.w3.org/topic/SvgTidy # * analysis of path elements to see if rect can be used instead? (must also need to look # at rounded corners) # Next Up: # - why are marker-start, -end not removed from the style attribute? # - why are only overflow style properties considered and not attributes? # - only remove unreferenced elements if they are not children of a referenced element # - add an option to remove ids if they match the Inkscape-style of IDs # - investigate point-reducing algorithms # - parse transform attribute # - if a has only one element in it, collapse the (ensure transform, etc are carried down) # necessary to get true division from __future__ import division import os import sys import xml.dom.minidom import re import math from svg_regex import svg_parser from svg_transform import svg_transform_parser import optparse from yocto_css import parseCssString # Python 2.3- did not have Decimal try: from decimal import * except ImportError: print >>sys.stderr, "Scour requires Python 2.4." # Import Psyco if available try: import psyco psyco.full() except ImportError: pass APP = 'scour' VER = '0.26' COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright Jeff Schiller, Louis Simard, 2010' NS = { 'SVG': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'XLINK': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'SODIPODI': 'http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd', 'INKSCAPE': 'http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape', 'ADOBE_ILLUSTRATOR': 'http://ns.adobe.com/AdobeIllustrator/10.0/', 'ADOBE_GRAPHS': 'http://ns.adobe.com/Graphs/1.0/', 'ADOBE_SVG_VIEWER': 'http://ns.adobe.com/AdobeSVGViewerExtensions/3.0/', 'ADOBE_VARIABLES': 'http://ns.adobe.com/Variables/1.0/', 'ADOBE_SFW': 'http://ns.adobe.com/SaveForWeb/1.0/', 'ADOBE_EXTENSIBILITY': 'http://ns.adobe.com/Extensibility/1.0/', 'ADOBE_FLOWS': 'http://ns.adobe.com/Flows/1.0/', 'ADOBE_IMAGE_REPLACEMENT': 'http://ns.adobe.com/ImageReplacement/1.0/', 'ADOBE_CUSTOM': 'http://ns.adobe.com/GenericCustomNamespace/1.0/', 'ADOBE_XPATH': 'http://ns.adobe.com/XPath/1.0/' } unwanted_ns = [ NS['SODIPODI'], NS['INKSCAPE'], NS['ADOBE_ILLUSTRATOR'], NS['ADOBE_GRAPHS'], NS['ADOBE_SVG_VIEWER'], NS['ADOBE_VARIABLES'], NS['ADOBE_SFW'], NS['ADOBE_EXTENSIBILITY'], NS['ADOBE_FLOWS'], NS['ADOBE_IMAGE_REPLACEMENT'], NS['ADOBE_CUSTOM'], NS['ADOBE_XPATH'] ] svgAttributes = [ 'clip-rule', 'display', 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'filter', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'line-height', 'marker', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start', 'opacity', 'overflow', 'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', 'stroke', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke-width', 'visibility' ] colors = { 'aliceblue': 'rgb(240, 248, 255)', 'antiquewhite': 'rgb(250, 235, 215)', 'aqua': 'rgb( 0, 255, 255)', 'aquamarine': 'rgb(127, 255, 212)', 'azure': 'rgb(240, 255, 255)', 'beige': 'rgb(245, 245, 220)', 'bisque': 'rgb(255, 228, 196)', 'black': 'rgb( 0, 0, 0)', 'blanchedalmond': 'rgb(255, 235, 205)', 'blue': 'rgb( 0, 0, 255)', 'blueviolet': 'rgb(138, 43, 226)', 'brown': 'rgb(165, 42, 42)', 'burlywood': 'rgb(222, 184, 135)', 'cadetblue': 'rgb( 95, 158, 160)', 'chartreuse': 'rgb(127, 255, 0)', 'chocolate': 'rgb(210, 105, 30)', 'coral': 'rgb(255, 127, 80)', 'cornflowerblue': 'rgb(100, 149, 237)', 'cornsilk': 'rgb(255, 248, 220)', 'crimson': 'rgb(220, 20, 60)', 'cyan': 'rgb( 0, 255, 255)', 'darkblue': 'rgb( 0, 0, 139)', 'darkcyan': 'rgb( 0, 139, 139)', 'darkgoldenrod': 'rgb(184, 134, 11)', 'darkgray': 'rgb(169, 169, 169)', 'darkgreen': 'rgb( 0, 100, 0)', 'darkgrey': 'rgb(169, 169, 169)', 'darkkhaki': 'rgb(189, 183, 107)', 'darkmagenta': 'rgb(139, 0, 139)', 'darkolivegreen': 'rgb( 85, 107, 47)', 'darkorange': 'rgb(255, 140, 0)', 'darkorchid': 'rgb(153, 50, 204)', 'darkred': 'rgb(139, 0, 0)', 'darksalmon': 'rgb(233, 150, 122)', 'darkseagreen': 'rgb(143, 188, 143)', 'darkslateblue': 'rgb( 72, 61, 139)', 'darkslategray': 'rgb( 47, 79, 79)', 'darkslategrey': 'rgb( 47, 79, 79)', 'darkturquoise': 'rgb( 0, 206, 209)', 'darkviolet': 'rgb(148, 0, 211)', 'deeppink': 'rgb(255, 20, 147)', 'deepskyblue': 'rgb( 0, 191, 255)', 'dimgray': 'rgb(105, 105, 105)', 'dimgrey': 'rgb(105, 105, 105)', 'dodgerblue': 'rgb( 30, 144, 255)', 'firebrick': 'rgb(178, 34, 34)', 'floralwhite': 'rgb(255, 250, 240)', 'forestgreen': 'rgb( 34, 139, 34)', 'fuchsia': 'rgb(255, 0, 255)', 'gainsboro': 'rgb(220, 220, 220)', 'ghostwhite': 'rgb(248, 248, 255)', 'gold': 'rgb(255, 215, 0)', 'goldenrod': 'rgb(218, 165, 32)', 'gray': 'rgb(128, 128, 128)', 'grey': 'rgb(128, 128, 128)', 'green': 'rgb( 0, 128, 0)', 'greenyellow': 'rgb(173, 255, 47)', 'honeydew': 'rgb(240, 255, 240)', 'hotpink': 'rgb(255, 105, 180)', 'indianred': 'rgb(205, 92, 92)', 'indigo': 'rgb( 75, 0, 130)', 'ivory': 'rgb(255, 255, 240)', 'khaki': 'rgb(240, 230, 140)', 'lavender': 'rgb(230, 230, 250)', 'lavenderblush': 'rgb(255, 240, 245)', 'lawngreen': 'rgb(124, 252, 0)', 'lemonchiffon': 'rgb(255, 250, 205)', 'lightblue': 'rgb(173, 216, 230)', 'lightcoral': 'rgb(240, 128, 128)', 'lightcyan': 'rgb(224, 255, 255)', 'lightgoldenrodyellow': 'rgb(250, 250, 210)', 'lightgray': 'rgb(211, 211, 211)', 'lightgreen': 'rgb(144, 238, 144)', 'lightgrey': 'rgb(211, 211, 211)', 'lightpink': 'rgb(255, 182, 193)', 'lightsalmon': 'rgb(255, 160, 122)', 'lightseagreen': 'rgb( 32, 178, 170)', 'lightskyblue': 'rgb(135, 206, 250)', 'lightslategray': 'rgb(119, 136, 153)', 'lightslategrey': 'rgb(119, 136, 153)', 'lightsteelblue': 'rgb(176, 196, 222)', 'lightyellow': 'rgb(255, 255, 224)', 'lime': 'rgb( 0, 255, 0)', 'limegreen': 'rgb( 50, 205, 50)', 'linen': 'rgb(250, 240, 230)', 'magenta': 'rgb(255, 0, 255)', 'maroon': 'rgb(128, 0, 0)', 'mediumaquamarine': 'rgb(102, 205, 170)', 'mediumblue': 'rgb( 0, 0, 205)', 'mediumorchid': 'rgb(186, 85, 211)', 'mediumpurple': 'rgb(147, 112, 219)', 'mediumseagreen': 'rgb( 60, 179, 113)', 'mediumslateblue': 'rgb(123, 104, 238)', 'mediumspringgreen': 'rgb( 0, 250, 154)', 'mediumturquoise': 'rgb( 72, 209, 204)', 'mediumvioletred': 'rgb(199, 21, 133)', 'midnightblue': 'rgb( 25, 25, 112)', 'mintcream': 'rgb(245, 255, 250)', 'mistyrose': 'rgb(255, 228, 225)', 'moccasin': 'rgb(255, 228, 181)', 'navajowhite': 'rgb(255, 222, 173)', 'navy': 'rgb( 0, 0, 128)', 'oldlace': 'rgb(253, 245, 230)', 'olive': 'rgb(128, 128, 0)', 'olivedrab': 'rgb(107, 142, 35)', 'orange': 'rgb(255, 165, 0)', 'orangered': 'rgb(255, 69, 0)', 'orchid': 'rgb(218, 112, 214)', 'palegoldenrod': 'rgb(238, 232, 170)', 'palegreen': 'rgb(152, 251, 152)', 'paleturquoise': 'rgb(175, 238, 238)', 'palevioletred': 'rgb(219, 112, 147)', 'papayawhip': 'rgb(255, 239, 213)', 'peachpuff': 'rgb(255, 218, 185)', 'peru': 'rgb(205, 133, 63)', 'pink': 'rgb(255, 192, 203)', 'plum': 'rgb(221, 160, 221)', 'powderblue': 'rgb(176, 224, 230)', 'purple': 'rgb(128, 0, 128)', 'red': 'rgb(255, 0, 0)', 'rosybrown': 'rgb(188, 143, 143)', 'royalblue': 'rgb( 65, 105, 225)', 'saddlebrown': 'rgb(139, 69, 19)', 'salmon': 'rgb(250, 128, 114)', 'sandybrown': 'rgb(244, 164, 96)', 'seagreen': 'rgb( 46, 139, 87)', 'seashell': 'rgb(255, 245, 238)', 'sienna': 'rgb(160, 82, 45)', 'silver': 'rgb(192, 192, 192)', 'skyblue': 'rgb(135, 206, 235)', 'slateblue': 'rgb(106, 90, 205)', 'slategray': 'rgb(112, 128, 144)', 'slategrey': 'rgb(112, 128, 144)', 'snow': 'rgb(255, 250, 250)', 'springgreen': 'rgb( 0, 255, 127)', 'steelblue': 'rgb( 70, 130, 180)', 'tan': 'rgb(210, 180, 140)', 'teal': 'rgb( 0, 128, 128)', 'thistle': 'rgb(216, 191, 216)', 'tomato': 'rgb(255, 99, 71)', 'turquoise': 'rgb( 64, 224, 208)', 'violet': 'rgb(238, 130, 238)', 'wheat': 'rgb(245, 222, 179)', 'white': 'rgb(255, 255, 255)', 'whitesmoke': 'rgb(245, 245, 245)', 'yellow': 'rgb(255, 255, 0)', 'yellowgreen': 'rgb(154, 205, 50)', } default_attributes = { # excluded all attributes with 'auto' as default # SVG 1.1 presentation attributes 'baseline-shift': 'baseline', 'clip-path': 'none', 'clip-rule': 'nonzero', 'color': '#000', 'color-interpolation-filters': 'linearRGB', 'color-interpolation': 'sRGB', 'direction': 'ltr', 'display': 'inline', 'enable-background': 'accumulate', 'fill': '#000', 'fill-opacity': '1', 'fill-rule': 'nonzero', 'filter': 'none', 'flood-color': '#000', 'flood-opacity': '1', 'font-size-adjust': 'none', 'font-size': 'medium', 'font-stretch': 'normal', 'font-style': 'normal', 'font-variant': 'normal', 'font-weight': 'normal', 'glyph-orientation-horizontal': '0deg', 'letter-spacing': 'normal', 'lighting-color': '#fff', 'marker': 'none', 'marker-start': 'none', 'marker-mid': 'none', 'marker-end': 'none', 'mask': 'none', 'opacity': '1', 'pointer-events': 'visiblePainted', 'stop-color': '#000', 'stop-opacity': '1', 'stroke': 'none', 'stroke-dasharray': 'none', 'stroke-dashoffset': '0', 'stroke-linecap': 'butt', 'stroke-linejoin': 'miter', 'stroke-miterlimit': '4', 'stroke-opacity': '1', 'stroke-width': '1', 'text-anchor': 'start', 'text-decoration': 'none', 'unicode-bidi': 'normal', 'visibility': 'visible', 'word-spacing': 'normal', 'writing-mode': 'lr-tb', # SVG 1.2 tiny properties 'audio-level': '1', 'solid-color': '#000', 'solid-opacity': '1', 'text-align': 'start', 'vector-effect': 'none', 'viewport-fill': 'none', 'viewport-fill-opacity': '1', } def isSameSign(a,b): return (a <= 0 and b <= 0) or (a >= 0 and b >= 0) scinumber = re.compile(r"[-+]?(\d*\.?)?\d+[eE][-+]?\d+") number = re.compile(r"[-+]?(\d*\.?)?\d+") sciExponent = re.compile(r"[eE]([-+]?\d+)") unit = re.compile("(em|ex|px|pt|pc|cm|mm|in|%){1,1}$") class Unit(object): # Integer constants for units. INVALID = -1 NONE = 0 PCT = 1 PX = 2 PT = 3 PC = 4 EM = 5 EX = 6 CM = 7 MM = 8 IN = 9 # String to Unit. Basically, converts unit strings to their integer constants. s2u = { '': NONE, '%': PCT, 'px': PX, 'pt': PT, 'pc': PC, 'em': EM, 'ex': EX, 'cm': CM, 'mm': MM, 'in': IN, } # Unit to String. Basically, converts unit integer constants to their corresponding strings. u2s = { NONE: '', PCT: '%', PX: 'px', PT: 'pt', PC: 'pc', EM: 'em', EX: 'ex', CM: 'cm', MM: 'mm', IN: 'in', } # @staticmethod def get(unitstr): if unitstr is None: return Unit.NONE try: return Unit.s2u[unitstr] except KeyError: return Unit.INVALID # @staticmethod def str(unitint): try: return Unit.u2s[unitint] except KeyError: return 'INVALID' get = staticmethod(get) str = staticmethod(str) class SVGLength(object): def __init__(self, str): try: # simple unitless and no scientific notation self.value = float(str) if int(self.value) == self.value: self.value = int(self.value) self.units = Unit.NONE except ValueError: # we know that the length string has an exponent, a unit, both or is invalid # parse out number, exponent and unit self.value = 0 unitBegin = 0 scinum = scinumber.match(str) if scinum != None: # this will always match, no need to check it numMatch = number.match(str) expMatch = sciExponent.search(str, numMatch.start(0)) self.value = (float(numMatch.group(0)) * 10 ** float(expMatch.group(1))) unitBegin = expMatch.end(1) else: # unit or invalid numMatch = number.match(str) if numMatch != None: self.value = float(numMatch.group(0)) unitBegin = numMatch.end(0) if int(self.value) == self.value: self.value = int(self.value) if unitBegin != 0 : unitMatch = unit.search(str, unitBegin) if unitMatch != None : self.units = Unit.get(unitMatch.group(0)) # invalid else: # TODO: this needs to set the default for the given attribute (how?) self.value = 0 self.units = Unit.INVALID def findElementsWithId(node, elems=None): """ Returns all elements with id attributes """ if elems is None: elems = {} id = node.getAttribute('id') if id != '' : elems[id] = node if node.hasChildNodes() : for child in node.childNodes: # from http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/idl-definitions.html # we are only really interested in nodes of type Element (1) if child.nodeType == 1 : findElementsWithId(child, elems) return elems referencingProps = ['fill', 'stroke', 'filter', 'clip-path', 'mask', 'marker-start', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid'] def findReferencedElements(node, ids=None): """ Returns the number of times an ID is referenced as well as all elements that reference it. node is the node at which to start the search. The return value is a map which has the id as key and each value is an array where the first value is a count and the second value is a list of nodes that referenced it. Currently looks at fill, stroke, clip-path, mask, marker, and xlink:href attributes. """ global referencingProps if ids is None: ids = {} # TODO: input argument ids is clunky here (see below how it is called) # GZ: alternative to passing dict, use **kwargs # if this node is a style element, parse its text into CSS if node.nodeName == 'style' and node.namespaceURI == NS['SVG']: # one stretch of text, please! (we could use node.normalize(), but # this actually modifies the node, and we don't want to keep # whitespace around if there's any) stylesheet = "".join([child.nodeValue for child in node.childNodes]) if stylesheet != '': cssRules = parseCssString(stylesheet) for rule in cssRules: for propname in rule['properties']: propval = rule['properties'][propname] findReferencingProperty(node, propname, propval, ids) return ids # else if xlink:href is set, then grab the id href = node.getAttributeNS(NS['XLINK'],'href') if href != '' and len(href) > 1 and href[0] == '#': # we remove the hash mark from the beginning of the id id = href[1:] if id in ids: ids[id][0] += 1 ids[id][1].append(node) else: ids[id] = [1,[node]] # now get all style properties and the fill, stroke, filter attributes styles = node.getAttribute('style').split(';') for attr in referencingProps: styles.append(':'.join([attr, node.getAttribute(attr)])) for style in styles: propval = style.split(':') if len(propval) == 2 : prop = propval[0].strip() val = propval[1].strip() findReferencingProperty(node, prop, val, ids) if node.hasChildNodes() : for child in node.childNodes: if child.nodeType == 1 : findReferencedElements(child, ids) return ids def findReferencingProperty(node, prop, val, ids): global referencingProps if prop in referencingProps and val != '' : if len(val) >= 7 and val[0:5] == 'url(#' : id = val[5:val.find(')')] if ids.has_key(id) : ids[id][0] += 1 ids[id][1].append(node) else: ids[id] = [1,[node]] # if the url has a quote in it, we need to compensate elif len(val) >= 8 : id = None # double-quote if val[0:6] == 'url("#' : id = val[6:val.find('")')] # single-quote elif val[0:6] == "url('#" : id = val[6:val.find("')")] if id != None: if ids.has_key(id) : ids[id][0] += 1 ids[id][1].append(node) else: ids[id] = [1,[node]] numIDsRemoved = 0 numElemsRemoved = 0 numAttrsRemoved = 0 numRastersEmbedded = 0 numPathSegmentsReduced = 0 numCurvesStraightened = 0 numBytesSavedInPathData = 0 numBytesSavedInColors = 0 numBytesSavedInIDs = 0 numBytesSavedInLengths = 0 numBytesSavedInTransforms = 0 numPointsRemovedFromPolygon = 0 numCommentBytes = 0 def removeUnusedDefs(doc, defElem, elemsToRemove=None): if elemsToRemove is None: elemsToRemove = [] identifiedElements = findElementsWithId(doc.documentElement) referencedIDs = findReferencedElements(doc.documentElement) keepTags = ['font', 'style', 'metadata', 'script', 'title', 'desc'] for elem in defElem.childNodes: # only look at it if an element and not referenced anywhere else if elem.nodeType == 1 and (elem.getAttribute('id') == '' or \ (not elem.getAttribute('id') in referencedIDs)): # we only inspect the children of a group in a defs if the group # is not referenced anywhere else if elem.nodeName == 'g' and elem.namespaceURI == NS['SVG']: elemsToRemove = removeUnusedDefs(doc, elem, elemsToRemove) # we only remove if it is not one of our tags we always keep (see above) elif not elem.nodeName in keepTags: elemsToRemove.append(elem) return elemsToRemove def removeUnreferencedElements(doc): """ Removes all unreferenced elements except for , , , , and . Also vacuums the defs of any non-referenced renderable elements. Returns the number of unreferenced elements removed from the document. """ global numElemsRemoved num = 0 # Remove certain unreferenced elements outside of defs removeTags = ['linearGradient', 'radialGradient', 'pattern'] identifiedElements = findElementsWithId(doc.documentElement) referencedIDs = findReferencedElements(doc.documentElement) for id in identifiedElements: if not id in referencedIDs: goner = identifiedElements[id] if goner != None and goner.parentNode != None and goner.nodeName in removeTags: goner.parentNode.removeChild(goner) num += 1 numElemsRemoved += 1 # Remove most unreferenced elements inside defs defs = doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('defs') for aDef in defs: elemsToRemove = removeUnusedDefs(doc, aDef) for elem in elemsToRemove: elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem) numElemsRemoved += 1 num += 1 return num def shortenIDs(doc, unprotectedElements=None): """ Shortens ID names used in the document. ID names referenced the most often are assigned the shortest ID names. If the list unprotectedElements is provided, only IDs from this list will be shortened. Returns the number of bytes saved by shortening ID names in the document. """ num = 0 identifiedElements = findElementsWithId(doc.documentElement) if unprotectedElements is None: unprotectedElements = identifiedElements referencedIDs = findReferencedElements(doc.documentElement) # Make idList (list of idnames) sorted by reference count # descending, so the highest reference count is first. # First check that there's actually a defining element for the current ID name. # (Cyn: I've seen documents with #id references but no element with that ID!) idList = [(referencedIDs[rid][0], rid) for rid in referencedIDs if rid in unprotectedElements] idList.sort(reverse=True) idList = [rid for count, rid in idList] curIdNum = 1 for rid in idList: curId = intToID(curIdNum) # First make sure that *this* element isn't already using # the ID name we want to give it. if curId != rid: # Then, skip ahead if the new ID is already in identifiedElement. while curId in identifiedElements: curIdNum += 1 curId = intToID(curIdNum) # Then go rename it. num += renameID(doc, rid, curId, identifiedElements, referencedIDs) curIdNum += 1 return num def intToID(idnum): """ Returns the ID name for the given ID number, spreadsheet-style, i.e. from a to z, then from aa to az, ba to bz, etc., until zz. """ rid = '' while idnum > 0: idnum -= 1 rid = chr((idnum % 26) + ord('a')) + rid idnum = int(idnum / 26) return rid def renameID(doc, idFrom, idTo, identifiedElements, referencedIDs): """ Changes the ID name from idFrom to idTo, on the declaring element as well as all references in the document doc. Updates identifiedElements and referencedIDs. Does not handle the case where idTo is already the ID name of another element in doc. Returns the number of bytes saved by this replacement. """ num = 0 definingNode = identifiedElements[idFrom] definingNode.setAttribute("id", idTo) del identifiedElements[idFrom] identifiedElements[idTo] = definingNode referringNodes = referencedIDs[idFrom] # Look for the idFrom ID name in each of the referencing elements, # exactly like findReferencedElements would. # Cyn: Duplicated processing! for node in referringNodes[1]: # if this node is a style element, parse its text into CSS if node.nodeName == 'style' and node.namespaceURI == NS['SVG']: # node.firstChild will be either a CDATA or a Text node now if node.firstChild != None: # concatenate the value of all children, in case # there's a CDATASection node surrounded by whitespace # nodes # (node.normalize() will NOT work here, it only acts on Text nodes) oldValue = "".join([child.nodeValue for child in node.childNodes]) # not going to reparse the whole thing newValue = oldValue.replace('url(#' + idFrom + ')', 'url(#' + idTo + ')') newValue = newValue.replace("url(#'" + idFrom + "')", 'url(#' + idTo + ')') newValue = newValue.replace('url(#"' + idFrom + '")', 'url(#' + idTo + ')') # and now replace all the children with this new stylesheet. # again, this is in case the stylesheet was a CDATASection node.childNodes[:] = [node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(newValue)] num += len(oldValue) - len(newValue) # if xlink:href is set to #idFrom, then change the id href = node.getAttributeNS(NS['XLINK'],'href') if href == '#' + idFrom: node.setAttributeNS(NS['XLINK'],'href', '#' + idTo) num += len(idFrom) - len(idTo) # if the style has url(#idFrom), then change the id styles = node.getAttribute('style') if styles != '': newValue = styles.replace('url(#' + idFrom + ')', 'url(#' + idTo + ')') newValue = newValue.replace("url('#" + idFrom + "')", 'url(#' + idTo + ')') newValue = newValue.replace('url("#' + idFrom + '")', 'url(#' + idTo + ')') node.setAttribute('style', newValue) num += len(styles) - len(newValue) # now try the fill, stroke, filter attributes for attr in referencingProps: oldValue = node.getAttribute(attr) if oldValue != '': newValue = oldValue.replace('url(#' + idFrom + ')', 'url(#' + idTo + ')') newValue = newValue.replace("url('#" + idFrom + "')", 'url(#' + idTo + ')') newValue = newValue.replace('url("#' + idFrom + '")', 'url(#' + idTo + ')') node.setAttribute(attr, newValue) num += len(oldValue) - len(newValue) del referencedIDs[idFrom] referencedIDs[idTo] = referringNodes return num def unprotected_ids(doc, options): u"""Returns a list of unprotected IDs within the document doc.""" identifiedElements = findElementsWithId(doc.documentElement) if not (options.protect_ids_noninkscape or options.protect_ids_list or options.protect_ids_prefix): return identifiedElements if options.protect_ids_list: protect_ids_list = options.protect_ids_list.split(",") if options.protect_ids_prefix: protect_ids_prefixes = options.protect_ids_prefix.split(",") for id in identifiedElements.keys(): protected = False if options.protect_ids_noninkscape and not id[-1].isdigit(): protected = True if options.protect_ids_list and id in protect_ids_list: protected = True if options.protect_ids_prefix: for prefix in protect_ids_prefixes: if id.startswith(prefix): protected = True if protected: del identifiedElements[id] return identifiedElements def removeUnreferencedIDs(referencedIDs, identifiedElements): """ Removes the unreferenced ID attributes. Returns the number of ID attributes removed """ global numIDsRemoved keepTags = ['font'] num = 0; for id in identifiedElements.keys(): node = identifiedElements[id] if referencedIDs.has_key(id) == False and not node.nodeName in keepTags: node.removeAttribute('id') numIDsRemoved += 1 num += 1 return num def removeNamespacedAttributes(node, namespaces): global numAttrsRemoved num = 0 if node.nodeType == 1 : # remove all namespace'd attributes from this element attrList = node.attributes attrsToRemove = [] for attrNum in xrange(attrList.length): attr = attrList.item(attrNum) if attr != None and attr.namespaceURI in namespaces: attrsToRemove.append(attr.nodeName) for attrName in attrsToRemove : num += 1 numAttrsRemoved += 1 node.removeAttribute(attrName) # now recurse for children for child in node.childNodes: num += removeNamespacedAttributes(child, namespaces) return num def removeNamespacedElements(node, namespaces): global numElemsRemoved num = 0 if node.nodeType == 1 : # remove all namespace'd child nodes from this element childList = node.childNodes childrenToRemove = [] for child in childList: if child != None and child.namespaceURI in namespaces: childrenToRemove.append(child) for child in childrenToRemove : num += 1 numElemsRemoved += 1 node.removeChild(child) # now recurse for children for child in node.childNodes: num += removeNamespacedElements(child, namespaces) return num def removeMetadataElements(doc): global numElemsRemoved num = 0 # clone the list, as the tag list is live from the DOM elementsToRemove = [element for element in doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('metadata')] for element in elementsToRemove: element.parentNode.removeChild(element) num += 1 numElemsRemoved += 1 return num def removeNestedGroups(node): """ This walks further and further down the tree, removing groups which do not have any attributes or a title/desc child and promoting their children up one level """ global numElemsRemoved num = 0 groupsToRemove = [] # Only consider elements for promotion if this element isn't a . # (partial fix for bug 594930, required by the SVG spec however) if not (node.nodeType == 1 and node.nodeName == 'switch'): for child in node.childNodes: if child.nodeName == 'g' and child.namespaceURI == NS['SVG'] and len(child.attributes) == 0: # only collapse group if it does not have a title or desc as a direct descendant, for grandchild in child.childNodes: if grandchild.nodeType == 1 and grandchild.namespaceURI == NS['SVG'] and \ grandchild.nodeName in ['title','desc']: break else: groupsToRemove.append(child) for g in groupsToRemove: while g.childNodes.length > 0: g.parentNode.insertBefore(g.firstChild, g) g.parentNode.removeChild(g) numElemsRemoved += 1 num += 1 # now recurse for children for child in node.childNodes: if child.nodeType == 1: num += removeNestedGroups(child) return num def moveCommonAttributesToParentGroup(elem, referencedElements): """ This recursively calls this function on all children of the passed in element and then iterates over all child elements and removes common inheritable attributes from the children and places them in the parent group. But only if the parent contains nothing but element children and whitespace. The attributes are only removed from the children if the children are not referenced by other elements in the document. """ num = 0 childElements = [] # recurse first into the children (depth-first) for child in elem.childNodes: if child.nodeType == 1: # only add and recurse if the child is not referenced elsewhere if not child.getAttribute('id') in referencedElements: childElements.append(child) num += moveCommonAttributesToParentGroup(child, referencedElements) # else if the parent has non-whitespace text children, do not # try to move common attributes elif child.nodeType == 3 and child.nodeValue.strip(): return num # only process the children if there are more than one element if len(childElements) <= 1: return num commonAttrs = {} # add all inheritable properties of the first child element # FIXME: Note there is a chance that the first child is a set/animate in which case # its fill attribute is not what we want to look at, we should look for the first # non-animate/set element attrList = childElements[0].attributes for num in xrange(attrList.length): attr = attrList.item(num) # this is most of the inheritable properties from http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/propidx.html # and http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGTiny12/attributeTable.html if attr.nodeName in ['clip-rule', 'display-align', 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'font', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'letter-spacing', 'pointer-events', 'shape-rendering', 'stroke', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke-width', 'text-anchor', 'text-decoration', 'text-rendering', 'visibility', 'word-spacing', 'writing-mode']: # we just add all the attributes from the first child commonAttrs[attr.nodeName] = attr.nodeValue # for each subsequent child element for childNum in xrange(len(childElements)): # skip first child if childNum == 0: continue child = childElements[childNum] # if we are on an animateXXX/set element, ignore it (due to the 'fill' attribute) if child.localName in ['set', 'animate', 'animateColor', 'animateTransform', 'animateMotion']: continue distinctAttrs = [] # loop through all current 'common' attributes for name in commonAttrs.keys(): # if this child doesn't match that attribute, schedule it for removal if child.getAttribute(name) != commonAttrs[name]: distinctAttrs.append(name) # remove those attributes which are not common for name in distinctAttrs: del commonAttrs[name] # commonAttrs now has all the inheritable attributes which are common among all child elements for name in commonAttrs.keys(): for child in childElements: child.removeAttribute(name) elem.setAttribute(name, commonAttrs[name]) # update our statistic (we remove N*M attributes and add back in M attributes) num += (len(childElements)-1) * len(commonAttrs) return num def createGroupsForCommonAttributes(elem): """ Creates elements to contain runs of 3 or more consecutive child elements having at least one common attribute. Common attributes are not promoted to the by this function. This is handled by moveCommonAttributesToParentGroup. If all children have a common attribute, an extra is not created. This function acts recursively on the given element. """ num = 0 global numElemsRemoved # TODO perhaps all of the Presentation attributes in http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/struct.html#GElement # could be added here # Cyn: These attributes are the same as in moveAttributesToParentGroup, and must always be for curAttr in ['clip-rule', 'display-align', 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'font', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'letter-spacing', 'pointer-events', 'shape-rendering', 'stroke', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke-width', 'text-anchor', 'text-decoration', 'text-rendering', 'visibility', 'word-spacing', 'writing-mode']: # Iterate through the children in reverse order, so item(i) for # items we have yet to visit still returns the correct nodes. curChild = elem.childNodes.length - 1 while curChild >= 0: childNode = elem.childNodes.item(curChild) if childNode.nodeType == 1 and childNode.getAttribute(curAttr) != '': # We're in a possible run! Track the value and run length. value = childNode.getAttribute(curAttr) runStart, runEnd = curChild, curChild # Run elements includes only element tags, no whitespace/comments/etc. # Later, we calculate a run length which includes these. runElements = 1 # Backtrack to get all the nodes having the same # attribute value, preserving any nodes in-between. while runStart > 0: nextNode = elem.childNodes.item(runStart - 1) if nextNode.nodeType == 1: if nextNode.getAttribute(curAttr) != value: break else: runElements += 1 runStart -= 1 else: runStart -= 1 if runElements >= 3: # Include whitespace/comment/etc. nodes in the run. while runEnd < elem.childNodes.length - 1: if elem.childNodes.item(runEnd + 1).nodeType == 1: break else: runEnd += 1 runLength = runEnd - runStart + 1 if runLength == elem.childNodes.length: # Every child has this # If the current parent is a already, if elem.nodeName == 'g' and elem.namespaceURI == NS['SVG']: # do not act altogether on this attribute; all the # children have it in common. # Let moveCommonAttributesToParentGroup do it. curChild = -1 continue # otherwise, it might be an element, and # even if all children have the same attribute value, # it's going to be worth making the since # doesn't support attributes like 'stroke'. # Fall through. # Create a element from scratch. # We need the Document for this. document = elem.ownerDocument group = document.createElementNS(NS['SVG'], 'g') # Move the run of elements to the group. # a) ADD the nodes to the new group. group.childNodes[:] = elem.childNodes[runStart:runEnd + 1] for child in group.childNodes: child.parentNode = group # b) REMOVE the nodes from the element. elem.childNodes[runStart:runEnd + 1] = [] # Include the group in elem's children. elem.childNodes.insert(runStart, group) group.parentNode = elem num += 1 curChild = runStart - 1 numElemsRemoved -= 1 else: curChild -= 1 else: curChild -= 1 # each child gets the same treatment, recursively for childNode in elem.childNodes: if childNode.nodeType == 1: num += createGroupsForCommonAttributes(childNode) return num def removeUnusedAttributesOnParent(elem): """ This recursively calls this function on all children of the element passed in, then removes any unused attributes on this elem if none of the children inherit it """ num = 0 childElements = [] # recurse first into the children (depth-first) for child in elem.childNodes: if child.nodeType == 1: childElements.append(child) num += removeUnusedAttributesOnParent(child) # only process the children if there are more than one element if len(childElements) <= 1: return num # get all attribute values on this parent attrList = elem.attributes unusedAttrs = {} for num in xrange(attrList.length): attr = attrList.item(num) if attr.nodeName in ['clip-rule', 'display-align', 'fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'font', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-stretch', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'letter-spacing', 'pointer-events', 'shape-rendering', 'stroke', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke-width', 'text-anchor', 'text-decoration', 'text-rendering', 'visibility', 'word-spacing', 'writing-mode']: unusedAttrs[attr.nodeName] = attr.nodeValue # for each child, if at least one child inherits the parent's attribute, then remove for childNum in xrange(len(childElements)): child = childElements[childNum] inheritedAttrs = [] for name in unusedAttrs.keys(): val = child.getAttribute(name) if val == '' or val == None or val == 'inherit': inheritedAttrs.append(name) for a in inheritedAttrs: del unusedAttrs[a] # unusedAttrs now has all the parent attributes that are unused for name in unusedAttrs.keys(): elem.removeAttribute(name) num += 1 return num def removeDuplicateGradientStops(doc): global numElemsRemoved num = 0 for gradType in ['linearGradient', 'radialGradient']: for grad in doc.getElementsByTagName(gradType): stops = {} stopsToRemove = [] for stop in grad.getElementsByTagName('stop'): # convert percentages into a floating point number offsetU = SVGLength(stop.getAttribute('offset')) if offsetU.units == Unit.PCT: offset = offsetU.value / 100.0 elif offsetU.units == Unit.NONE: offset = offsetU.value else: offset = 0 # set the stop offset value to the integer or floating point equivalent if int(offset) == offset: stop.setAttribute('offset', str(int(offset))) else: stop.setAttribute('offset', str(offset)) color = stop.getAttribute('stop-color') opacity = stop.getAttribute('stop-opacity') style = stop.getAttribute('style') if stops.has_key(offset) : oldStop = stops[offset] if oldStop[0] == color and oldStop[1] == opacity and oldStop[2] == style: stopsToRemove.append(stop) stops[offset] = [color, opacity, style] for stop in stopsToRemove: stop.parentNode.removeChild(stop) num += 1 numElemsRemoved += 1 # linear gradients return num def collapseSinglyReferencedGradients(doc): global numElemsRemoved num = 0 identifiedElements = findElementsWithId(doc.documentElement) # make sure to reset the ref'ed ids for when we are running this in testscour for rid,nodeCount in findReferencedElements(doc.documentElement).iteritems(): count = nodeCount[0] nodes = nodeCount[1] # Make sure that there's actually a defining element for the current ID name. # (Cyn: I've seen documents with #id references but no element with that ID!) if count == 1 and rid in identifiedElements: elem = identifiedElements[rid] if elem != None and elem.nodeType == 1 and elem.nodeName in ['linearGradient', 'radialGradient'] \ and elem.namespaceURI == NS['SVG']: # found a gradient that is referenced by only 1 other element refElem = nodes[0] if refElem.nodeType == 1 and refElem.nodeName in ['linearGradient', 'radialGradient'] \ and refElem.namespaceURI == NS['SVG']: # elem is a gradient referenced by only one other gradient (refElem) # add the stops to the referencing gradient (this removes them from elem) if len(refElem.getElementsByTagName('stop')) == 0: stopsToAdd = elem.getElementsByTagName('stop') for stop in stopsToAdd: refElem.appendChild(stop) # adopt the gradientUnits, spreadMethod, gradientTransform attributes if # they are unspecified on refElem for attr in ['gradientUnits','spreadMethod','gradientTransform']: if refElem.getAttribute(attr) == '' and not elem.getAttribute(attr) == '': refElem.setAttributeNS(None, attr, elem.getAttribute(attr)) # if both are radialGradients, adopt elem's fx,fy,cx,cy,r attributes if # they are unspecified on refElem if elem.nodeName == 'radialGradient' and refElem.nodeName == 'radialGradient': for attr in ['fx','fy','cx','cy','r']: if refElem.getAttribute(attr) == '' and not elem.getAttribute(attr) == '': refElem.setAttributeNS(None, attr, elem.getAttribute(attr)) # if both are linearGradients, adopt elem's x1,y1,x2,y2 attributes if # they are unspecified on refElem if elem.nodeName == 'linearGradient' and refElem.nodeName == 'linearGradient': for attr in ['x1','y1','x2','y2']: if refElem.getAttribute(attr) == '' and not elem.getAttribute(attr) == '': refElem.setAttributeNS(None, attr, elem.getAttribute(attr)) # now remove the xlink:href from refElem refElem.removeAttributeNS(NS['XLINK'], 'href') # now delete elem elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem) numElemsRemoved += 1 num += 1 return num def removeDuplicateGradients(doc): global numElemsRemoved num = 0 gradientsToRemove = {} duplicateToMaster = {} for gradType in ['linearGradient', 'radialGradient']: grads = doc.getElementsByTagName(gradType) for grad in grads: # TODO: should slice grads from 'grad' here to optimize for ograd in grads: # do not compare gradient to itself if grad == ograd: continue # compare grad to ograd (all properties, then all stops) # if attributes do not match, go to next gradient someGradAttrsDoNotMatch = False for attr in ['gradientUnits','spreadMethod','gradientTransform','x1','y1','x2','y2','cx','cy','fx','fy','r']: if grad.getAttribute(attr) != ograd.getAttribute(attr): someGradAttrsDoNotMatch = True break; if someGradAttrsDoNotMatch: continue # compare xlink:href values too if grad.getAttributeNS(NS['XLINK'], 'href') != ograd.getAttributeNS(NS['XLINK'], 'href'): continue # all gradient properties match, now time to compare stops stops = grad.getElementsByTagName('stop') ostops = ograd.getElementsByTagName('stop') if stops.length != ostops.length: continue # now compare stops stopsNotEqual = False for i in xrange(stops.length): if stopsNotEqual: break stop = stops.item(i) ostop = ostops.item(i) for attr in ['offset', 'stop-color', 'stop-opacity', 'style']: if stop.getAttribute(attr) != ostop.getAttribute(attr): stopsNotEqual = True break if stopsNotEqual: continue # ograd is a duplicate of grad, we schedule it to be removed UNLESS # ograd is ALREADY considered a 'master' element if not gradientsToRemove.has_key(ograd): if not duplicateToMaster.has_key(ograd): if not gradientsToRemove.has_key(grad): gradientsToRemove[grad] = [] gradientsToRemove[grad].append( ograd ) duplicateToMaster[ograd] = grad # get a collection of all elements that are referenced and their referencing elements referencedIDs = findReferencedElements(doc.documentElement) for masterGrad in gradientsToRemove.keys(): master_id = masterGrad.getAttribute('id') # print 'master='+master_id for dupGrad in gradientsToRemove[masterGrad]: # if the duplicate gradient no longer has a parent that means it was # already re-mapped to another master gradient if not dupGrad.parentNode: continue dup_id = dupGrad.getAttribute('id') # print 'dup='+dup_id # print referencedIDs[dup_id] # for each element that referenced the gradient we are going to remove for elem in referencedIDs[dup_id][1]: # find out which attribute referenced the duplicate gradient for attr in ['fill', 'stroke']: v = elem.getAttribute(attr) if v == 'url(#'+dup_id+')' or v == 'url("#'+dup_id+'")' or v == "url('#"+dup_id+"')": elem.setAttribute(attr, 'url(#'+master_id+')') if elem.getAttributeNS(NS['XLINK'], 'href') == '#'+dup_id: elem.setAttributeNS(NS['XLINK'], 'href', '#'+master_id) styles = _getStyle(elem) for style in styles: v = styles[style] if v == 'url(#'+dup_id+')' or v == 'url("#'+dup_id+'")' or v == "url('#"+dup_id+"')": styles[style] = 'url(#'+master_id+')' _setStyle(elem, styles) # now that all referencing elements have been re-mapped to the master # it is safe to remove this gradient from the document dupGrad.parentNode.removeChild(dupGrad) numElemsRemoved += 1 num += 1 return num def _getStyle(node): u"""Returns the style attribute of a node as a dictionary.""" if node.nodeType == 1 and len(node.getAttribute('style')) > 0 : styleMap = { } rawStyles = node.getAttribute('style').split(';') for style in rawStyles: propval = style.split(':') if len(propval) == 2 : styleMap[propval[0].strip()] = propval[1].strip() return styleMap else: return {} def _setStyle(node, styleMap): u"""Sets the style attribute of a node to the dictionary ``styleMap``.""" fixedStyle = ';'.join([prop + ':' + styleMap[prop] for prop in styleMap.keys()]) if fixedStyle != '' : node.setAttribute('style', fixedStyle) elif node.getAttribute('style'): node.removeAttribute('style') return node def repairStyle(node, options): num = 0 styleMap = _getStyle(node) if styleMap: # I've seen this enough to know that I need to correct it: # fill: url(#linearGradient4918) rgb(0, 0, 0); for prop in ['fill', 'stroke'] : if styleMap.has_key(prop) : chunk = styleMap[prop].split(') ') if len(chunk) == 2 and (chunk[0][:5] == 'url(#' or chunk[0][:6] == 'url("#' or chunk[0][:6] == "url('#") and chunk[1] == 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' : styleMap[prop] = chunk[0] + ')' num += 1 # Here is where we can weed out unnecessary styles like: # opacity:1 if styleMap.has_key('opacity') : opacity = float(styleMap['opacity']) # if opacity='0' then all fill and stroke properties are useless, remove them if opacity == 0.0 : for uselessStyle in ['fill', 'fill-opacity', 'fill-rule', 'stroke', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-opacity', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-opacity'] : if styleMap.has_key(uselessStyle): del styleMap[uselessStyle] num += 1 # if stroke:none, then remove all stroke-related properties (stroke-width, etc) # TODO: should also detect if the computed value of this element is stroke="none" if styleMap.has_key('stroke') and styleMap['stroke'] == 'none' : for strokestyle in [ 'stroke-width', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-opacity'] : if styleMap.has_key(strokestyle) : del styleMap[strokestyle] num += 1 # TODO: This is actually a problem if a parent element has a specified stroke # we need to properly calculate computed values del styleMap['stroke'] # if fill:none, then remove all fill-related properties (fill-rule, etc) if styleMap.has_key('fill') and styleMap['fill'] == 'none' : for fillstyle in [ 'fill-rule', 'fill-opacity' ] : if styleMap.has_key(fillstyle) : del styleMap[fillstyle] num += 1 # fill-opacity: 0 if styleMap.has_key('fill-opacity') : fillOpacity = float(styleMap['fill-opacity']) if fillOpacity == 0.0 : for uselessFillStyle in [ 'fill', 'fill-rule' ] : if styleMap.has_key(uselessFillStyle): del styleMap[uselessFillStyle] num += 1 # stroke-opacity: 0 if styleMap.has_key('stroke-opacity') : strokeOpacity = float(styleMap['stroke-opacity']) if strokeOpacity == 0.0 : for uselessStrokeStyle in [ 'stroke', 'stroke-width', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset' ] : if styleMap.has_key(uselessStrokeStyle): del styleMap[uselessStrokeStyle] num += 1 # stroke-width: 0 if styleMap.has_key('stroke-width') : strokeWidth = SVGLength(styleMap['stroke-width']) if strokeWidth.value == 0.0 : for uselessStrokeStyle in [ 'stroke', 'stroke-linejoin', 'stroke-linecap', 'stroke-dasharray', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'stroke-opacity' ] : if styleMap.has_key(uselessStrokeStyle): del styleMap[uselessStrokeStyle] num += 1 # remove font properties for non-text elements # I've actually observed this in real SVG content if not mayContainTextNodes(node): for fontstyle in [ 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-stretch', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'letter-spacing', 'line-height', 'kerning', 'text-align', 'text-anchor', 'text-decoration', 'text-rendering', 'unicode-bidi', 'word-spacing', 'writing-mode'] : if styleMap.has_key(fontstyle) : del styleMap[fontstyle] num += 1 # remove inkscape-specific styles # TODO: need to get a full list of these for inkscapeStyle in ['-inkscape-font-specification']: if styleMap.has_key(inkscapeStyle): del styleMap[inkscapeStyle] num += 1 if styleMap.has_key('overflow') : # overflow specified on element other than svg, marker, pattern if not node.nodeName in ['svg','marker','pattern']: del styleMap['overflow'] num += 1 # it is a marker, pattern or svg # as long as this node is not the document , then only # remove overflow='hidden'. See # http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-SVG11-20100622/masking.html#OverflowProperty elif node != node.ownerDocument.documentElement: if styleMap['overflow'] == 'hidden': del styleMap['overflow'] num += 1 # else if outer svg has a overflow="visible", we can remove it elif styleMap['overflow'] == 'visible': del styleMap['overflow'] num += 1 # now if any of the properties match known SVG attributes we prefer attributes # over style so emit them and remove them from the style map if options.style_to_xml: for propName in styleMap.keys() : if propName in svgAttributes : node.setAttribute(propName, styleMap[propName]) del styleMap[propName] _setStyle(node, styleMap) # recurse for our child elements for child in node.childNodes : num += repairStyle(child,options) return num def mayContainTextNodes(node): """ Returns True if the passed-in node is probably a text element, or at least one of its descendants is probably a text element. If False is returned, it is guaranteed that the passed-in node has no business having text-based attributes. If True is returned, the passed-in node should not have its text-based attributes removed. """ # Cached result of a prior call? try: return node.mayContainTextNodes except AttributeError: pass result = True # Default value # Comment, text and CDATA nodes don't have attributes and aren't containers if node.nodeType != 1: result = False # Non-SVG elements? Unknown elements! elif node.namespaceURI != NS['SVG']: result = True # Blacklisted elements. Those are guaranteed not to be text elements. elif node.nodeName in ['rect', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'line', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'path', 'image', 'stop']: result = False # Group elements. If we're missing any here, the default of True is used. elif node.nodeName in ['g', 'clipPath', 'marker', 'mask', 'pattern', 'linearGradient', 'radialGradient', 'symbol']: result = False for child in node.childNodes: if mayContainTextNodes(child): result = True # Everything else should be considered a future SVG-version text element # at best, or an unknown element at worst. result will stay True. # Cache this result before returning it. node.mayContainTextNodes = result return result def taint(taintedSet, taintedAttribute): u"""Adds an attribute to a set of attributes. Related attributes are also included.""" taintedSet.add(taintedAttribute) if taintedAttribute == 'marker': taintedSet |= set(['marker-start', 'marker-mid', 'marker-end']) if taintedAttribute in ['marker-start', 'marker-mid', 'marker-end']: taintedSet.add('marker') return taintedSet def removeDefaultAttributeValues(node, options, tainted=set()): u"""'tainted' keeps a set of attributes defined in parent nodes. For such attributes, we don't delete attributes with default values.""" num = 0 if node.nodeType != 1: return 0 # gradientUnits: objectBoundingBox if node.getAttribute('gradientUnits') == 'objectBoundingBox': node.removeAttribute('gradientUnits') num += 1 # spreadMethod: pad if node.getAttribute('spreadMethod') == 'pad': node.removeAttribute('spreadMethod') num += 1 # x1: 0% if node.getAttribute('x1') != '': x1 = SVGLength(node.getAttribute('x1')) if x1.value == 0: node.removeAttribute('x1') num += 1 # y1: 0% if node.getAttribute('y1') != '': y1 = SVGLength(node.getAttribute('y1')) if y1.value == 0: node.removeAttribute('y1') num += 1 # x2: 100% if node.getAttribute('x2') != '': x2 = SVGLength(node.getAttribute('x2')) if (x2.value == 100 and x2.units == Unit.PCT) or (x2.value == 1 and x2.units == Unit.NONE): node.removeAttribute('x2') num += 1 # y2: 0% if node.getAttribute('y2') != '': y2 = SVGLength(node.getAttribute('y2')) if y2.value == 0: node.removeAttribute('y2') num += 1 # fx: equal to rx if node.getAttribute('fx') != '': if node.getAttribute('fx') == node.getAttribute('cx'): node.removeAttribute('fx') num += 1 # fy: equal to ry if node.getAttribute('fy') != '': if node.getAttribute('fy') == node.getAttribute('cy'): node.removeAttribute('fy') num += 1 # cx: 50% if node.getAttribute('cx') != '': cx = SVGLength(node.getAttribute('cx')) if (cx.value == 50 and cx.units == Unit.PCT) or (cx.value == 0.5 and cx.units == Unit.NONE): node.removeAttribute('cx') num += 1 # cy: 50% if node.getAttribute('cy') != '': cy = SVGLength(node.getAttribute('cy')) if (cy.value == 50 and cy.units == Unit.PCT) or (cy.value == 0.5 and cy.units == Unit.NONE): node.removeAttribute('cy') num += 1 # r: 50% if node.getAttribute('r') != '': r = SVGLength(node.getAttribute('r')) if (r.value == 50 and r.units == Unit.PCT) or (r.value == 0.5 and r.units == Unit.NONE): node.removeAttribute('r') num += 1 # Summarily get rid of some more attributes attributes = [node.attributes.item(i).nodeName for i in range(node.attributes.length)] for attribute in attributes: if attribute not in tainted: if attribute in default_attributes.keys(): if node.getAttribute(attribute) == default_attributes[attribute]: node.removeAttribute(attribute) num += 1 else: tainted = taint(tainted, attribute) # These attributes might also occur as styles styles = _getStyle(node) for attribute in styles.keys(): if attribute not in tainted: if attribute in default_attributes.keys(): if styles[attribute] == default_attributes[attribute]: del styles[attribute] num += 1 else: tainted = taint(tainted, attribute) _setStyle(node, styles) # recurse for our child elements for child in node.childNodes : num += removeDefaultAttributeValues(child, options, tainted.copy()) return num rgb = re.compile(r"\s*rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)\s*") rgbp = re.compile(r"\s*rgb\(\s*(\d*\.?\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d*\.?\d+)%\s*,\s*(\d*\.?\d+)%\s*\)\s*") def convertColor(value): """ Converts the input color string and returns a #RRGGBB (or #RGB if possible) string """ s = value if s in colors.keys(): s = colors[s] rgbpMatch = rgbp.match(s) if rgbpMatch != None : r = int(float(rgbpMatch.group(1)) * 255.0 / 100.0) g = int(float(rgbpMatch.group(2)) * 255.0 / 100.0) b = int(float(rgbpMatch.group(3)) * 255.0 / 100.0) s = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (r, g, b) else: rgbMatch = rgb.match(s) if rgbMatch != None : r = int( rgbMatch.group(1) ) g = int( rgbMatch.group(2) ) b = int( rgbMatch.group(3) ) s = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (r, g, b) if s[0] == '#': s = s.lower() if len(s)==7 and s[1]==s[2] and s[3]==s[4] and s[5]==s[6]: s = '#'+s[1]+s[3]+s[5] return s def convertColors(element) : """ Recursively converts all color properties into #RRGGBB format if shorter """ numBytes = 0 if element.nodeType != 1: return 0 # set up list of color attributes for each element type attrsToConvert = [] if element.nodeName in ['rect', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'polygon', \ 'line', 'polyline', 'path', 'g', 'a']: attrsToConvert = ['fill', 'stroke'] elif element.nodeName in ['stop']: attrsToConvert = ['stop-color'] elif element.nodeName in ['solidColor']: attrsToConvert = ['solid-color'] # now convert all the color formats styles = _getStyle(element) for attr in attrsToConvert: oldColorValue = element.getAttribute(attr) if oldColorValue != '': newColorValue = convertColor(oldColorValue) oldBytes = len(oldColorValue) newBytes = len(newColorValue) if oldBytes > newBytes: element.setAttribute(attr, newColorValue) numBytes += (oldBytes - len(element.getAttribute(attr))) # colors might also hide in styles if attr in styles.keys(): oldColorValue = styles[attr] newColorValue = convertColor(oldColorValue) oldBytes = len(oldColorValue) newBytes = len(newColorValue) if oldBytes > newBytes: styles[attr] = newColorValue numBytes += (oldBytes - len(element.getAttribute(attr))) _setStyle(element, styles) # now recurse for our child elements for child in element.childNodes : numBytes += convertColors(child) return numBytes # TODO: go over what this method does and see if there is a way to optimize it # TODO: go over the performance of this method and see if I can save memory/speed by # reusing data structures, etc def cleanPath(element, options) : """ Cleans the path string (d attribute) of the element """ global numBytesSavedInPathData global numPathSegmentsReduced global numCurvesStraightened # this gets the parser object from svg_regex.py oldPathStr = element.getAttribute('d') path = svg_parser.parse(oldPathStr) # This determines whether the stroke has round linecaps. If it does, # we do not want to collapse empty segments, as they are actually rendered. withRoundLineCaps = element.getAttribute('stroke-linecap') == 'round' # The first command must be a moveto, and whether it's relative (m) # or absolute (M), the first set of coordinates *is* absolute. So # the first iteration of the loop below will get x,y and startx,starty. # convert absolute coordinates into relative ones. # Reuse the data structure 'path', since we're not adding or removing subcommands. # Also reuse the coordinate lists since we're not adding or removing any. for pathIndex in xrange(0, len(path)): cmd, data = path[pathIndex] # Changes to cmd don't get through to the data structure i = 0 # adjust abs to rel # only the A command has some values that we don't want to adjust (radii, rotation, flags) if cmd == 'A': for i in xrange(i, len(data), 7): data[i+5] -= x data[i+6] -= y x += data[i+5] y += data[i+6] path[pathIndex] = ('a', data) elif cmd == 'a': x += sum(data[5::7]) y += sum(data[6::7]) elif cmd == 'H': for i in xrange(i, len(data)): data[i] -= x x += data[i] path[pathIndex] = ('h', data) elif cmd == 'h': x += sum(data) elif cmd == 'V': for i in xrange(i, len(data)): data[i] -= y y += data[i] path[pathIndex] = ('v', data) elif cmd == 'v': y += sum(data) elif cmd == 'M': startx, starty = data[0], data[1] # If this is a path starter, don't convert its first # coordinate to relative; that would just make it (0, 0) if pathIndex != 0: data[0] -= x data[1] -= y x, y = startx, starty i = 2 for i in xrange(i, len(data), 2): data[i] -= x data[i+1] -= y x += data[i] y += data[i+1] path[pathIndex] = ('m', data) elif cmd in ['L','T']: for i in xrange(i, len(data), 2): data[i] -= x data[i+1] -= y x += data[i] y += data[i+1] path[pathIndex] = (cmd.lower(), data) elif cmd in ['m']: if pathIndex == 0: # START OF PATH - this is an absolute moveto # followed by relative linetos startx, starty = data[0], data[1] x, y = startx, starty i = 2 else: startx = x + data[0] starty = y + data[1] for i in xrange(i, len(data), 2): x += data[i] y += data[i+1] elif cmd in ['l','t']: x += sum(data[0::2]) y += sum(data[1::2]) elif cmd in ['S','Q']: for i in xrange(i, len(data), 4): data[i] -= x data[i+1] -= y data[i+2] -= x data[i+3] -= y x += data[i+2] y += data[i+3] path[pathIndex] = (cmd.lower(), data) elif cmd in ['s','q']: x += sum(data[2::4]) y += sum(data[3::4]) elif cmd == 'C': for i in xrange(i, len(data), 6): data[i] -= x data[i+1] -= y data[i+2] -= x data[i+3] -= y data[i+4] -= x data[i+5] -= y x += data[i+4] y += data[i+5] path[pathIndex] = ('c', data) elif cmd == 'c': x += sum(data[4::6]) y += sum(data[5::6]) elif cmd in ['z','Z']: x, y = startx, starty path[pathIndex] = ('z', data) # remove empty segments # Reuse the data structure 'path' and the coordinate lists, even if we're # deleting items, because these deletions are relatively cheap. if not withRoundLineCaps: for pathIndex in xrange(0, len(path)): cmd, data = path[pathIndex] i = 0 if cmd in ['m','l','t']: if cmd == 'm': # remove m0,0 segments if pathIndex > 0 and data[0] == data[i+1] == 0: # 'm0,0 x,y' can be replaces with 'lx,y', # except the first m which is a required absolute moveto path[pathIndex] = ('l', data[2:]) numPathSegmentsReduced += 1 else: # else skip move coordinate i = 2 while i < len(data): if data[i] == data[i+1] == 0: del data[i:i+2] numPathSegmentsReduced += 1 else: i += 2 elif cmd == 'c': while i < len(data): if data[i] == data[i+1] == data[i+2] == data[i+3] == data[i+4] == data[i+5] == 0: del data[i:i+6] numPathSegmentsReduced += 1 else: i += 6 elif cmd == 'a': while i < len(data): if data[i+5] == data[i+6] == 0: del data[i:i+7] numPathSegmentsReduced += 1 else: i += 7 elif cmd == 'q': while i < len(data): if data[i] == data[i+1] == data[i+2] == data[i+3] == 0: del data[i:i+4] numPathSegmentsReduced += 1 else: i += 4 elif cmd in ['h','v']: oldLen = len(data) path[pathIndex] = (cmd, [coord for coord in data if coord != 0]) numPathSegmentsReduced += len(path[pathIndex][1]) - oldLen # fixup: Delete subcommands having no coordinates. path = [elem for elem in path if len(elem[1]) > 0 or elem[0] == 'z'] # convert straight curves into lines newPath = [path[0]] for (cmd,data) in path[1:]: i = 0 newData = data if cmd == 'c': newData = [] while i < len(data): # since all commands are now relative, we can think of previous point as (0,0) # and new point (dx,dy) is (data[i+4],data[i+5]) # eqn of line will be y = (dy/dx)*x or if dx=0 then eqn of line is x=0 (p1x,p1y) = (data[i],data[i+1]) (p2x,p2y) = (data[i+2],data[i+3]) dx = data[i+4] dy = data[i+5] foundStraightCurve = False if dx == 0: if p1x == 0 and p2x == 0: foundStraightCurve = True else: m = dy/dx if p1y == m*p1x and p2y == m*p2x: foundStraightCurve = True if foundStraightCurve: # flush any existing curve coords first if newData: newPath.append( (cmd,newData) ) newData = [] # now create a straight line segment newPath.append( ('l', [dx,dy]) ) numCurvesStraightened += 1 else: newData.extend(data[i:i+6]) i += 6 if newData or cmd == 'z' or cmd == 'Z': newPath.append( (cmd,newData) ) path = newPath # collapse all consecutive commands of the same type into one command prevCmd = '' prevData = [] newPath = [] for (cmd,data) in path: # flush the previous command if it is not the same type as the current command if prevCmd != '': if cmd != prevCmd or cmd == 'm': newPath.append( (prevCmd, prevData) ) prevCmd = '' prevData = [] # if the previous and current commands are the same type, # or the previous command is moveto and the current is lineto, collapse, # but only if they are not move commands (since move can contain implicit lineto commands) if (cmd == prevCmd or (cmd == 'l' and prevCmd == 'm')) and cmd != 'm': prevData.extend(data) # save last command and data else: prevCmd = cmd prevData = data # flush last command and data if prevCmd != '': newPath.append( (prevCmd, prevData) ) path = newPath # convert to shorthand path segments where possible newPath = [] for (cmd,data) in path: # convert line segments into h,v where possible if cmd == 'l': i = 0 lineTuples = [] while i < len(data): if data[i] == 0: # vertical if lineTuples: # flush the existing line command newPath.append( ('l', lineTuples) ) lineTuples = [] # append the v and then the remaining line coords newPath.append( ('v', [data[i+1]]) ) numPathSegmentsReduced += 1 elif data[i+1] == 0: if lineTuples: # flush the line command, then append the h and then the remaining line coords newPath.append( ('l', lineTuples) ) lineTuples = [] newPath.append( ('h', [data[i]]) ) numPathSegmentsReduced += 1 else: lineTuples.extend(data[i:i+2]) i += 2 if lineTuples: newPath.append( ('l', lineTuples) ) # also handle implied relative linetos elif cmd == 'm': i = 2 lineTuples = [data[0], data[1]] while i < len(data): if data[i] == 0: # vertical if lineTuples: # flush the existing m/l command newPath.append( (cmd, lineTuples) ) lineTuples = [] cmd = 'l' # dealing with linetos now # append the v and then the remaining line coords newPath.append( ('v', [data[i+1]]) ) numPathSegmentsReduced += 1 elif data[i+1] == 0: if lineTuples: # flush the m/l command, then append the h and then the remaining line coords newPath.append( (cmd, lineTuples) ) lineTuples = [] cmd = 'l' # dealing with linetos now newPath.append( ('h', [data[i]]) ) numPathSegmentsReduced += 1 else: lineTuples.extend(data[i:i+2]) i += 2 if lineTuples: newPath.append( (cmd, lineTuples) ) # convert Bézier curve segments into s where possible elif cmd == 'c': bez_ctl_pt = (0,0) i = 0 curveTuples = [] while i < len(data): # rotate by 180deg means negate both coordinates # if the previous control point is equal then we can substitute a # shorthand bezier command if bez_ctl_pt[0] == data[i] and bez_ctl_pt[1] == data[i+1]: if curveTuples: newPath.append( ('c', curveTuples) ) curveTuples = [] # append the s command newPath.append( ('s', [data[i+2], data[i+3], data[i+4], data[i+5]]) ) numPathSegmentsReduced += 1 else: j = 0 while j <= 5: curveTuples.append(data[i+j]) j += 1 # set up control point for next curve segment bez_ctl_pt = (data[i+4]-data[i+2], data[i+5]-data[i+3]) i += 6 if curveTuples: newPath.append( ('c', curveTuples) ) # convert quadratic curve segments into t where possible elif cmd == 'q': quad_ctl_pt = (0,0) i = 0 curveTuples = [] while i < len(data): if quad_ctl_pt[0] == data[i] and quad_ctl_pt[1] == data[i+1]: if curveTuples: newPath.append( ('q', curveTuples) ) curveTuples = [] # append the t command newPath.append( ('t', [data[i+2], data[i+3]]) ) numPathSegmentsReduced += 1 else: j = 0; while j <= 3: curveTuples.append(data[i+j]) j += 1 quad_ctl_pt = (data[i+2]-data[i], data[i+3]-data[i+1]) i += 4 if curveTuples: newPath.append( ('q', curveTuples) ) else: newPath.append( (cmd, data) ) path = newPath # for each h or v, collapse unnecessary coordinates that run in the same direction # i.e. "h-100-100" becomes "h-200" but "h300-100" does not change # Reuse the data structure 'path', since we're not adding or removing subcommands. # Also reuse the coordinate lists, even if we're deleting items, because these # deletions are relatively cheap. for pathIndex in xrange(1, len(path)): cmd, data = path[pathIndex] if cmd in ['h','v'] and len(data) > 1: coordIndex = 1 while coordIndex < len(data): if isSameSign(data[coordIndex - 1], data[coordIndex]): data[coordIndex - 1] += data[coordIndex] del data[coordIndex] numPathSegmentsReduced += 1 else: coordIndex += 1 # it is possible that we have consecutive h, v, c, t commands now # so again collapse all consecutive commands of the same type into one command prevCmd = '' prevData = [] newPath = [path[0]] for (cmd,data) in path[1:]: # flush the previous command if it is not the same type as the current command if prevCmd != '': if cmd != prevCmd or cmd == 'm': newPath.append( (prevCmd, prevData) ) prevCmd = '' prevData = [] # if the previous and current commands are the same type, collapse if cmd == prevCmd and cmd != 'm': prevData.extend(data) # save last command and data else: prevCmd = cmd prevData = data # flush last command and data if prevCmd != '': newPath.append( (prevCmd, prevData) ) path = newPath newPathStr = serializePath(path, options) numBytesSavedInPathData += ( len(oldPathStr) - len(newPathStr) ) element.setAttribute('d', newPathStr) def parseListOfPoints(s): """ Parse string into a list of points. Returns a list of containing an even number of coordinate strings """ i = 0 # (wsp)? comma-or-wsp-separated coordinate pairs (wsp)? # coordinate-pair = coordinate comma-or-wsp coordinate # coordinate = sign? integer # comma-wsp: (wsp+ comma? wsp*) | (comma wsp*) ws_nums = re.split(r"\s*,?\s*", s.strip()) nums = [] # also, if 100-100 is found, split it into two also # for i in xrange(len(ws_nums)): negcoords = ws_nums[i].split("-") # this string didn't have any negative coordinates if len(negcoords) == 1: nums.append(negcoords[0]) # we got negative coords else: for j in xrange(len(negcoords)): # first number could be positive if j == 0: if negcoords[0] != '': nums.append(negcoords[0]) # otherwise all other strings will be negative else: # unless we accidentally split a number that was in scientific notation # and had a negative exponent (500.00e-1) prev = nums[len(nums)-1] if prev[len(prev)-1] in ['e', 'E']: nums[len(nums)-1] = prev + '-' + negcoords[j] else: nums.append( '-'+negcoords[j] ) # if we have an odd number of points, return empty if len(nums) % 2 != 0: return [] # now resolve into Decimal values i = 0 while i < len(nums): try: nums[i] = getcontext().create_decimal(nums[i]) nums[i + 1] = getcontext().create_decimal(nums[i + 1]) except decimal.InvalidOperation: # one of the lengths had a unit or is an invalid number return [] i += 2 return nums def cleanPolygon(elem, options): """ Remove unnecessary closing point of polygon points attribute """ global numPointsRemovedFromPolygon pts = parseListOfPoints(elem.getAttribute('points')) N = len(pts)/2 if N >= 2: (startx,starty) = pts[:2] (endx,endy) = pts[-2:] if startx == endx and starty == endy: del pts[-2:] numPointsRemovedFromPolygon += 1 elem.setAttribute('points', scourCoordinates(pts, options, True)) def cleanPolyline(elem, options): """ Scour the polyline points attribute """ pts = parseListOfPoints(elem.getAttribute('points')) elem.setAttribute('points', scourCoordinates(pts, options, True)) def serializePath(pathObj, options): """ Reserializes the path data with some cleanups. """ # elliptical arc commands must have comma/wsp separating the coordinates # this fixes an issue outlined in Fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/scour/+bug/412754 return ''.join([cmd + scourCoordinates(data, options, (cmd == 'a')) for cmd, data in pathObj]) def serializeTransform(transformObj): """ Reserializes the transform data with some cleanups. """ return ' '.join( [command + '(' + ' '.join( [scourUnitlessLength(number) for number in numbers] ) + ')' for command, numbers in transformObj] ) def scourCoordinates(data, options, forceCommaWsp = False): """ Serializes coordinate data with some cleanups: - removes all trailing zeros after the decimal - integerize coordinates if possible - removes extraneous whitespace - adds spaces between values in a subcommand if required (or if forceCommaWsp is True) """ if data != None: newData = [] c = 0 previousCoord = '' for coord in data: scouredCoord = scourUnitlessLength(coord, needsRendererWorkaround=options.renderer_workaround) # only need the comma if the current number starts with a digit # (numbers can start with - without needing a comma before) # or if forceCommaWsp is True # or if this number starts with a dot and the previous number # had *no* dot or exponent (so we can go like -5.5.5 for -5.5,0.5 # and 4e4.5 for 40000,0.5) if c > 0 and (forceCommaWsp or scouredCoord[0].isdigit() or (scouredCoord[0] == '.' and not ('.' in previousCoord or 'e' in previousCoord)) ): newData.append( ' ' ) # add the scoured coordinate to the path string newData.append( scouredCoord ) previousCoord = scouredCoord c += 1 # What we need to do to work around GNOME bugs 548494, 563933 and # 620565, which are being fixed and unfixed in Ubuntu, is # to make sure that a dot doesn't immediately follow a command # (so 'h50' and 'h0.5' are allowed, but not 'h.5'). # Then, we need to add a space character after any coordinates # having an 'e' (scientific notation), so as to have the exponent # separate from the next number. if options.renderer_workaround: if len(newData) > 0: for i in xrange(1, len(newData)): if newData[i][0] == '-' and 'e' in newData[i - 1]: newData[i - 1] += ' ' return ''.join(newData) else: return ''.join(newData) return '' def scourLength(length): """ Scours a length. Accepts units. """ length = SVGLength(length) return scourUnitlessLength(length.value) + Unit.str(length.units) def scourUnitlessLength(length, needsRendererWorkaround=False): # length is of a numeric type """ Scours the numeric part of a length only. Does not accept units. This is faster than scourLength on elements guaranteed not to contain units. """ # reduce to the proper number of digits if not isinstance(length, Decimal): length = getcontext().create_decimal(str(length)) # if the value is an integer, it may still have .0[...] attached to it for some reason # remove those if int(length) == length: length = getcontext().create_decimal(int(length)) # gather the non-scientific notation version of the coordinate. # this may actually be in scientific notation if the value is # sufficiently large or small, so this is a misnomer. nonsci = unicode(length).lower().replace("e+", "e") if not needsRendererWorkaround: if len(nonsci) > 2 and nonsci[:2] == '0.': nonsci = nonsci[1:] # remove the 0, leave the dot elif len(nonsci) > 3 and nonsci[:3] == '-0.': nonsci = '-' + nonsci[2:] # remove the 0, leave the minus and dot if len(nonsci) > 3: # avoid calling normalize unless strictly necessary # and then the scientific notation version, with E+NUMBER replaced with # just eNUMBER, since SVG accepts this. sci = unicode(length.normalize()).lower().replace("e+", "e") if len(sci) < len(nonsci): return sci else: return nonsci else: return nonsci def reducePrecision(element) : """ Because opacities, letter spacings, stroke widths and all that don't need to be preserved in SVG files with 9 digits of precision. Takes all of these attributes, in the given element node and its children, and reduces their precision to the current Decimal context's precision. Also checks for the attributes actually being lengths, not 'inherit', 'none' or anything that isn't an SVGLength. Returns the number of bytes saved after performing these reductions. """ num = 0 styles = _getStyle(element) for lengthAttr in ['opacity', 'flood-opacity', 'fill-opacity', 'stroke-opacity', 'stop-opacity', 'stroke-miterlimit', 'stroke-dashoffset', 'letter-spacing', 'word-spacing', 'kerning', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-size', 'stroke-width']: val = element.getAttribute(lengthAttr) if val != '': valLen = SVGLength(val) if valLen.units != Unit.INVALID: # not an absolute/relative size or inherit, can be % though newVal = scourLength(val) if len(newVal) < len(val): num += len(val) - len(newVal) element.setAttribute(lengthAttr, newVal) # repeat for attributes hidden in styles if lengthAttr in styles.keys(): val = styles[lengthAttr] valLen = SVGLength(val) if valLen.units != Unit.INVALID: newVal = scourLength(val) if len(newVal) < len(val): num += len(val) - len(newVal) styles[lengthAttr] = newVal _setStyle(element, styles) for child in element.childNodes: if child.nodeType == 1: num += reducePrecision(child) return num def optimizeAngle(angle): """ Because any rotation can be expressed within 360 degrees of any given number, and since negative angles sometimes are one character longer than corresponding positive angle, we shorten the number to one in the range to [-90, 270[. """ # First, we put the new angle in the range ]-360, 360[. # The modulo operator yields results with the sign of the # divisor, so for negative dividends, we preserve the sign # of the angle. if angle < 0: angle %= -360 else: angle %= 360 # 720 degrees is unneccessary, as 360 covers all angles. # As "-x" is shorter than "35x" and "-xxx" one character # longer than positive angles <= 260, we constrain angle # range to [-90, 270[ (or, equally valid: ]-100, 260]). if angle >= 270: angle -= 360 elif angle < -90: angle += 360 return angle def optimizeTransform(transform): """ Optimises a series of transformations parsed from a single transform="" attribute. The transformation list is modified in-place. """ # FIXME: reordering these would optimize even more cases: # first: Fold consecutive runs of the same transformation # extra: Attempt to cast between types to create sameness: # "matrix(0 1 -1 0 0 0) rotate(180) scale(-1)" all # are rotations (90, 180, 180) -- thus "rotate(90)" # second: Simplify transforms where numbers are optional. # third: Attempt to simplify any single remaining matrix() # # if there's only one transformation and it's a matrix, # try to make it a shorter non-matrix transformation # NOTE: as matrix(a b c d e f) in SVG means the matrix: # |¯ a c e ¯| make constants |¯ A1 A2 A3 ¯| # | b d f | translating them | B1 B2 B3 | # |_ 0 0 1 _| to more readable |_ 0 0 1 _| if len(transform) == 1 and transform[0][0] == 'matrix': matrix = A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3 = transform[0][1] # |¯ 1 0 0 ¯| # | 0 1 0 | Identity matrix (no transformation) # |_ 0 0 1 _| if matrix == [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]: del transform[0] # |¯ 1 0 X ¯| # | 0 1 Y | Translation by (X, Y). # |_ 0 0 1 _| elif (A1 == 1 and A2 == 0 and B1 == 0 and B2 == 1): transform[0] = ('translate', [A3, B3]) # |¯ X 0 0 ¯| # | 0 Y 0 | Scaling by (X, Y). # |_ 0 0 1 _| elif ( A2 == 0 and A3 == 0 and B1 == 0 and B3 == 0): transform[0] = ('scale', [A1, B2]) # |¯ cos(A) -sin(A) 0 ¯| Rotation by angle A, # | sin(A) cos(A) 0 | clockwise, about the origin. # |_ 0 0 1 _| A is in degrees, [-180...180]. elif (A1 == B2 and -1 <= A1 <= 1 and A3 == 0 and -B1 == A2 and -1 <= B1 <= 1 and B3 == 0 # as cos² A + sin² A == 1 and as decimal trig is approximate: # FIXME: the "epsilon" term here should really be some function # of the precision of the (sin|cos)_A terms, not 1e-15: and abs((B1 ** 2) + (A1 ** 2) - 1) < Decimal("1e-15")): sin_A, cos_A = B1, A1 # while asin(A) and acos(A) both only have an 180° range # the sign of sin(A) and cos(A) varies across quadrants, # letting us hone in on the angle the matrix represents: # -- => < -90 | -+ => -90..0 | ++ => 0..90 | +- => >= 90 # # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sine_cosine_plot.svg # shows asin has the correct angle the middle quadrants: A = Decimal(str(math.degrees(math.asin(float(sin_A))))) if cos_A < 0: # otherwise needs adjusting from the edges if sin_A < 0: A = -180 - A else: A = 180 - A transform[0] = ('rotate', [A]) # Simplify transformations where numbers are optional. for type, args in transform: if type == 'translate': # Only the X coordinate is required for translations. # If the Y coordinate is unspecified, it's 0. if len(args) == 2 and args[1] == 0: del args[1] elif type == 'rotate': args[0] = optimizeAngle(args[0]) # angle # Only the angle is required for rotations. # If the coordinates are unspecified, it's the origin (0, 0). if len(args) == 3 and args[1] == args[2] == 0: del args[1:] elif type == 'scale': # Only the X scaling factor is required. # If the Y factor is unspecified, it's the same as X. if len(args) == 2 and args[0] == args[1]: del args[1] # Attempt to coalesce runs of the same transformation. # Translations followed immediately by other translations, # rotations followed immediately by other rotations, # scaling followed immediately by other scaling, # are safe to add. # Identity skewX/skewY are safe to remove, but how do they accrete? # |¯ 1 0 0 ¯| # | tan(A) 1 0 | skews X coordinates by angle A # |_ 0 0 1 _| # # |¯ 1 tan(A) 0 ¯| # | 0 1 0 | skews Y coordinates by angle A # |_ 0 0 1 _| # # FIXME: A matrix followed immediately by another matrix # would be safe to multiply together, too. i = 1 while i < len(transform): currType, currArgs = transform[i] prevType, prevArgs = transform[i - 1] if currType == prevType == 'translate': prevArgs[0] += currArgs[0] # x # for y, only add if the second translation has an explicit y if len(currArgs) == 2: if len(prevArgs) == 2: prevArgs[1] += currArgs[1] # y elif len(prevArgs) == 1: prevArgs.append(currArgs[1]) # y del transform[i] if prevArgs[0] == prevArgs[1] == 0: # Identity translation! i -= 1 del transform[i] elif (currType == prevType == 'rotate' and len(prevArgs) == len(currArgs) == 1): # Only coalesce if both rotations are from the origin. prevArgs[0] = optimizeAngle(prevArgs[0] + currArgs[0]) del transform[i] elif currType == prevType == 'scale': prevArgs[0] *= currArgs[0] # x # handle an implicit y if len(prevArgs) == 2 and len(currArgs) == 2: # y1 * y2 prevArgs[1] *= currArgs[1] elif len(prevArgs) == 1 and len(currArgs) == 2: # create y2 = uniformscalefactor1 * y2 prevArgs.append(prevArgs[0] * currArgs[1]) elif len(prevArgs) == 2 and len(currArgs) == 1: # y1 * uniformscalefactor2 prevArgs[1] *= currArgs[0] del transform[i] if prevArgs[0] == prevArgs[1] == 1: # Identity scale! i -= 1 del transform[i] else: i += 1 # Some fixups are needed for single-element transformation lists, since # the loop above was to coalesce elements with their predecessors in the # list, and thus it required 2 elements. i = 0 while i < len(transform): currType, currArgs = transform[i] if ((currType == 'skewX' or currType == 'skewY') and len(currArgs) == 1 and currArgs[0] == 0): # Identity skew! del transform[i] elif ((currType == 'rotate') and len(currArgs) == 1 and currArgs[0] == 0): # Identity rotation! del transform[i] else: i += 1 def optimizeTransforms(element, options) : """ Attempts to optimise transform specifications on the given node and its children. Returns the number of bytes saved after performing these reductions. """ num = 0 for transformAttr in ['transform', 'patternTransform', 'gradientTransform']: val = element.getAttribute(transformAttr) if val != '': transform = svg_transform_parser.parse(val) optimizeTransform(transform) newVal = serializeTransform(transform) if len(newVal) < len(val): if len(newVal): element.setAttribute(transformAttr, newVal) else: element.removeAttribute(transformAttr) num += len(val) - len(newVal) for child in element.childNodes: if child.nodeType == 1: num += optimizeTransforms(child, options) return num def removeComments(element) : """ Removes comments from the element and its children. """ global numCommentBytes if isinstance(element, xml.dom.minidom.Document): # must process the document object separately, because its # documentElement's nodes have None as their parentNode for subelement in element.childNodes: if isinstance(element, xml.dom.minidom.Comment): numCommentBytes += len(element.data) element.documentElement.removeChild(subelement) else: removeComments(subelement) elif isinstance(element, xml.dom.minidom.Comment): numCommentBytes += len(element.data) element.parentNode.removeChild(element) else: for subelement in element.childNodes: removeComments(subelement) def embedRasters(element, options) : import base64 import urllib """ Converts raster references to inline images. NOTE: there are size limits to base64-encoding handling in browsers """ global numRastersEmbedded href = element.getAttributeNS(NS['XLINK'],'href') # if xlink:href is set, then grab the id if href != '' and len(href) > 1: # find if href value has filename ext ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(href))[1].lower()[1:] # look for 'png', 'jpg', and 'gif' extensions if ext == 'png' or ext == 'jpg' or ext == 'gif': # file:// URLs denote files on the local system too if href[:7] == 'file://': href = href[7:] # does the file exist? if os.path.isfile(href): # if this is not an absolute path, set path relative # to script file based on input arg infilename = '.' if options.infilename: infilename = options.infilename href = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(infilename), href) rasterdata = '' # test if file exists locally if os.path.isfile(href): # open raster file as raw binary raster = open( href, "rb") rasterdata = raster.read() elif href[:7] == 'http://': webFile = urllib.urlopen( href ) rasterdata = webFile.read() webFile.close() # ... should we remove all images which don't resolve? if rasterdata != '' : # base64-encode raster b64eRaster = base64.b64encode( rasterdata ) # set href attribute to base64-encoded equivalent if b64eRaster != '': # PNG and GIF both have MIME Type 'image/[ext]', but # JPEG has MIME Type 'image/jpeg' if ext == 'jpg': ext = 'jpeg' element.setAttributeNS(NS['XLINK'], 'href', 'data:image/' + ext + ';base64,' + b64eRaster) numRastersEmbedded += 1 del b64eRaster def properlySizeDoc(docElement, options): # get doc width and height w = SVGLength(docElement.getAttribute('width')) h = SVGLength(docElement.getAttribute('height')) # if width/height are not unitless or px then it is not ok to rewrite them into a viewBox. # well, it may be OK for Web browsers and vector editors, but not for librsvg. if options.renderer_workaround: if ((w.units != Unit.NONE and w.units != Unit.PX) or (h.units != Unit.NONE and h.units != Unit.PX)): return # else we have a statically sized image and we should try to remedy that # parse viewBox attribute vbSep = re.split("\\s*\\,?\\s*", docElement.getAttribute('viewBox'), 3) # if we have a valid viewBox we need to check it vbWidth,vbHeight = 0,0 if len(vbSep) == 4: try: # if x or y are specified and non-zero then it is not ok to overwrite it vbX = float(vbSep[0]) vbY = float(vbSep[1]) if vbX != 0 or vbY != 0: return # if width or height are not equal to doc width/height then it is not ok to overwrite it vbWidth = float(vbSep[2]) vbHeight = float(vbSep[3]) if vbWidth != w.value or vbHeight != h.value: return # if the viewBox did not parse properly it is invalid and ok to overwrite it except ValueError: pass # at this point it's safe to set the viewBox and remove width/height docElement.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 %s %s' % (w.value, h.value)) docElement.removeAttribute('width') docElement.removeAttribute('height') def remapNamespacePrefix(node, oldprefix, newprefix): if node == None or node.nodeType != 1: return if node.prefix == oldprefix: localName = node.localName namespace = node.namespaceURI doc = node.ownerDocument parent = node.parentNode # create a replacement node newNode = None if newprefix != '': newNode = doc.createElementNS(namespace, newprefix+":"+localName) else: newNode = doc.createElement(localName); # add all the attributes attrList = node.attributes for i in xrange(attrList.length): attr = attrList.item(i) newNode.setAttributeNS( attr.namespaceURI, attr.localName, attr.nodeValue) # clone and add all the child nodes for child in node.childNodes: newNode.appendChild(child.cloneNode(True)) # replace old node with new node parent.replaceChild( newNode, node ) # set the node to the new node in the remapped namespace prefix node = newNode # now do all child nodes for child in node.childNodes : remapNamespacePrefix(child, oldprefix, newprefix) def makeWellFormed(str): xml_ents = { '<':'<', '>':'>', '&':'&', "'":''', '"':'"'} # starr = [] # for c in str: # if c in xml_ents: # starr.append(xml_ents[c]) # else: # starr.append(c) # this list comprehension is short-form for the above for-loop: return ''.join([xml_ents[c] if c in xml_ents else c for c in str]) # hand-rolled serialization function that has the following benefits: # - pretty printing # - somewhat judicious use of whitespace # - ensure id attributes are first def serializeXML(element, options, ind = 0, preserveWhitespace = False): outParts = [] indent = ind I='' if options.indent_type == 'tab': I='\t' elif options.indent_type == 'space': I=' ' outParts.extend([(I * ind), '<', element.nodeName]) # always serialize the id or xml:id attributes first if element.getAttribute('id') != '': id = element.getAttribute('id') quot = '"' if id.find('"') != -1: quot = "'" outParts.extend([' id=', quot, id, quot]) if element.getAttribute('xml:id') != '': id = element.getAttribute('xml:id') quot = '"' if id.find('"') != -1: quot = "'" outParts.extend([' xml:id=', quot, id, quot]) # now serialize the other attributes attrList = element.attributes for num in xrange(attrList.length) : attr = attrList.item(num) if attr.nodeName == 'id' or attr.nodeName == 'xml:id': continue # if the attribute value contains a double-quote, use single-quotes quot = '"' if attr.nodeValue.find('"') != -1: quot = "'" attrValue = makeWellFormed( attr.nodeValue ) outParts.append(' ') # preserve xmlns: if it is a namespace prefix declaration if attr.prefix != None: outParts.extend([attr.prefix, ':']) elif attr.namespaceURI != None: if attr.namespaceURI == 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/' and attr.nodeName.find('xmlns') == -1: outParts.append('xmlns:') elif attr.namespaceURI == 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink': outParts.append('xlink:') outParts.extend([attr.localName, '=', quot, attrValue, quot]) if attr.nodeName == 'xml:space': if attrValue == 'preserve': preserveWhitespace = True elif attrValue == 'default': preserveWhitespace = False # if no children, self-close children = element.childNodes if children.length > 0: outParts.append('>') onNewLine = False for child in element.childNodes: # element node if child.nodeType == 1: if preserveWhitespace: outParts.append(serializeXML(child, options, 0, preserveWhitespace)) else: outParts.extend(['\n', serializeXML(child, options, indent + 1, preserveWhitespace)]) onNewLine = True # text node elif child.nodeType == 3: # trim it only in the case of not being a child of an element # where whitespace might be important if preserveWhitespace: outParts.append(makeWellFormed(child.nodeValue)) else: outParts.append(makeWellFormed(child.nodeValue.strip())) # CDATA node elif child.nodeType == 4: outParts.extend(['', child.nodeValue, '']) # Comment node elif child.nodeType == 8: outParts.extend(['']) # TODO: entities, processing instructions, what else? else: # ignore the rest pass if onNewLine: outParts.append(I * ind) outParts.extend(['']) if indent > 0: outParts.append('\n') else: outParts.append('/>') if indent > 0: outParts.append('\n') return "".join(outParts) # this is the main method # input is a string representation of the input XML # returns a string representation of the output XML def scourString(in_string, options=None): if options is None: options = _options_parser.get_default_values() getcontext().prec = options.digits global numAttrsRemoved global numStylePropsFixed global numElemsRemoved global numBytesSavedInColors global numCommentsRemoved global numBytesSavedInIDs global numBytesSavedInLengths global numBytesSavedInTransforms doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(in_string) # for whatever reason this does not always remove all inkscape/sodipodi attributes/elements # on the first pass, so we do it multiple times # does it have to do with removal of children affecting the childlist? if options.keep_editor_data == False: while removeNamespacedElements( doc.documentElement, unwanted_ns ) > 0 : pass while removeNamespacedAttributes( doc.documentElement, unwanted_ns ) > 0 : pass # remove the xmlns: declarations now xmlnsDeclsToRemove = [] attrList = doc.documentElement.attributes for num in xrange(attrList.length) : if attrList.item(num).nodeValue in unwanted_ns : xmlnsDeclsToRemove.append(attrList.item(num).nodeName) for attr in xmlnsDeclsToRemove : doc.documentElement.removeAttribute(attr) numAttrsRemoved += 1 # ensure namespace for SVG is declared # TODO: what if the default namespace is something else (i.e. some valid namespace)? if doc.documentElement.getAttribute('xmlns') != 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg': doc.documentElement.setAttribute('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg') # TODO: throw error or warning? # check for redundant SVG namespace declaration attrList = doc.documentElement.attributes xmlnsDeclsToRemove = [] redundantPrefixes = [] for i in xrange(attrList.length): attr = attrList.item(i) name = attr.nodeName val = attr.nodeValue if name[0:6] == 'xmlns:' and val == 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg': redundantPrefixes.append(name[6:]) xmlnsDeclsToRemove.append(name) for attrName in xmlnsDeclsToRemove: doc.documentElement.removeAttribute(attrName) for prefix in redundantPrefixes: remapNamespacePrefix(doc.documentElement, prefix, '') if options.strip_comments: numCommentsRemoved = removeComments(doc) # repair style (remove unnecessary style properties and change them into XML attributes) numStylePropsFixed = repairStyle(doc.documentElement, options) # convert colors to #RRGGBB format if options.simple_colors: numBytesSavedInColors = convertColors(doc.documentElement) # remove if the user wants to if options.remove_metadata: removeMetadataElements(doc) # remove unreferenced gradients/patterns outside of defs # and most unreferenced elements inside of defs while removeUnreferencedElements(doc) > 0: pass # remove empty defs, metadata, g # NOTE: these elements will be removed if they just have whitespace-only text nodes for tag in ['defs', 'metadata', 'g'] : for elem in doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName(tag) : removeElem = not elem.hasChildNodes() if removeElem == False : for child in elem.childNodes : if child.nodeType in [1, 4, 8]: break elif child.nodeType == 3 and not child.nodeValue.isspace(): break else: removeElem = True if removeElem : elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem) numElemsRemoved += 1 if options.strip_ids: bContinueLooping = True while bContinueLooping: identifiedElements = unprotected_ids(doc, options) referencedIDs = findReferencedElements(doc.documentElement) bContinueLooping = (removeUnreferencedIDs(referencedIDs, identifiedElements) > 0) while removeDuplicateGradientStops(doc) > 0: pass # remove gradients that are only referenced by one other gradient while collapseSinglyReferencedGradients(doc) > 0: pass # remove duplicate gradients while removeDuplicateGradients(doc) > 0: pass # create elements if there are runs of elements with the same attributes. # this MUST be before moveCommonAttributesToParentGroup. if options.group_create: createGroupsForCommonAttributes(doc.documentElement) # move common attributes to parent group # NOTE: the if the element's immediate children # all have the same value for an attribute, it must not # get moved to the element. The element # doesn't accept fill=, stroke= etc.! referencedIds = findReferencedElements(doc.documentElement) for child in doc.documentElement.childNodes: numAttrsRemoved += moveCommonAttributesToParentGroup(child, referencedIds) # remove unused attributes from parent numAttrsRemoved += removeUnusedAttributesOnParent(doc.documentElement) # Collapse groups LAST, because we've created groups. If done before # moveAttributesToParentGroup, empty 's may remain. if options.group_collapse: while removeNestedGroups(doc.documentElement) > 0: pass # remove unnecessary closing point of polygons and scour points for polygon in doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('polygon') : cleanPolygon(polygon, options) # scour points of polyline for polyline in doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('polyline') : cleanPolyline(polyline, options) # clean path data for elem in doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('path') : if elem.getAttribute('d') == '': elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem) else: cleanPath(elem, options) # shorten ID names as much as possible if options.shorten_ids: numBytesSavedInIDs += shortenIDs(doc, unprotected_ids(doc, options)) # scour lengths (including coordinates) for type in ['svg', 'image', 'rect', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'line', 'linearGradient', 'radialGradient', 'stop', 'filter']: for elem in doc.getElementsByTagName(type): for attr in ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'cx', 'cy', 'r', 'rx', 'ry', 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', 'fx', 'fy', 'offset']: if elem.getAttribute(attr) != '': elem.setAttribute(attr, scourLength(elem.getAttribute(attr))) # more length scouring in this function numBytesSavedInLengths = reducePrecision(doc.documentElement) # remove default values of attributes numAttrsRemoved += removeDefaultAttributeValues(doc.documentElement, options) # reduce the length of transformation attributes numBytesSavedInTransforms = optimizeTransforms(doc.documentElement, options) # convert rasters references to base64-encoded strings if options.embed_rasters: for elem in doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('image') : embedRasters(elem, options) # properly size the SVG document (ideally width/height should be 100% with a viewBox) if options.enable_viewboxing: properlySizeDoc(doc.documentElement, options) # output the document as a pretty string with a single space for indent # NOTE: removed pretty printing because of this problem: # http://ronrothman.com/public/leftbraned/xml-dom-minidom-toprettyxml-and-silly-whitespace/ # rolled our own serialize function here to save on space, put id first, customize indentation, etc # out_string = doc.documentElement.toprettyxml(' ') out_string = serializeXML(doc.documentElement, options) + '\n' # now strip out empty lines lines = [] # Get rid of empty lines for line in out_string.splitlines(True): if line.strip(): lines.append(line) # return the string with its XML prolog and surrounding comments if options.strip_xml_prolog == False: total_output = '\n' else: total_output = "" for child in doc.childNodes: if child.nodeType == 1: total_output += "".join(lines) else: # doctypes, entities, comments total_output += child.toxml() + '\n' return total_output # used mostly by unit tests # input is a filename # returns the minidom doc representation of the SVG def scourXmlFile(filename, options=None): in_string = open(filename).read() out_string = scourString(in_string, options) return xml.dom.minidom.parseString(out_string.encode('utf-8')) # GZ: Seems most other commandline tools don't do this, is it really wanted? class HeaderedFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter): """ Show application name, version number, and copyright statement above usage information. """ def format_usage(self, usage): return "%s %s\n%s\n%s" % (APP, VER, COPYRIGHT, optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter.format_usage(self, usage)) # GZ: would prefer this to be in a function or class scope, but tests etc need # access to the defaults anyway _options_parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage="%prog [-i input.svg] [-o output.svg] [OPTIONS]", description=("If the input/output files are specified with a svgz" " extension, then compressed SVG is assumed. If the input file is not" " specified, stdin is used. If the output file is not specified, " " stdout is used."), formatter=HeaderedFormatter(max_help_position=30), version=VER) _options_parser.add_option("--disable-simplify-colors", action="store_false", dest="simple_colors", default=True, help="won't convert all colors to #RRGGBB format") _options_parser.add_option("--disable-style-to-xml", action="store_false", dest="style_to_xml", default=True, help="won't convert styles into XML attributes") _options_parser.add_option("--disable-group-collapsing", action="store_false", dest="group_collapse", default=True, help="won't collapse elements") _options_parser.add_option("--create-groups", action="store_true", dest="group_create", default=False, help="create elements for runs of elements with identical attributes") _options_parser.add_option("--enable-id-stripping", action="store_true", dest="strip_ids", default=False, help="remove all un-referenced ID attributes") _options_parser.add_option("--enable-comment-stripping", action="store_true", dest="strip_comments", default=False, help="remove all comments") _options_parser.add_option("--shorten-ids", action="store_true", dest="shorten_ids", default=False, help="shorten all ID attributes to the least number of letters possible") _options_parser.add_option("--disable-embed-rasters", action="store_false", dest="embed_rasters", default=True, help="won't embed rasters as base64-encoded data") _options_parser.add_option("--keep-editor-data", action="store_true", dest="keep_editor_data", default=False, help="won't remove Inkscape, Sodipodi or Adobe Illustrator elements and attributes") _options_parser.add_option("--remove-metadata", action="store_true", dest="remove_metadata", default=False, help="remove elements (which may contain license metadata etc.)") _options_parser.add_option("--renderer-workaround", action="store_true", dest="renderer_workaround", default=True, help="work around various renderer bugs (currently only librsvg) (default)") _options_parser.add_option("--no-renderer-workaround", action="store_false", dest="renderer_workaround", default=True, help="do not work around various renderer bugs (currently only librsvg)") _options_parser.add_option("--strip-xml-prolog", action="store_true", dest="strip_xml_prolog", default=False, help="won't output the prolog") _options_parser.add_option("--enable-viewboxing", action="store_true", dest="enable_viewboxing", default=False, help="changes document width/height to 100%/100% and creates viewbox coordinates") # GZ: this is confusing, most people will be thinking in terms of # decimal places, which is not what decimal precision is doing _options_parser.add_option("-p", "--set-precision", action="store", type=int, dest="digits", default=5, help="set number of significant digits (default: %default)") _options_parser.add_option("-i", action="store", dest="infilename", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) _options_parser.add_option("-o", action="store", dest="outfilename", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) _options_parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, help="suppress non-error output") _options_parser.add_option("--indent", action="store", type="string", dest="indent_type", default="space", help="indentation of the output: none, space, tab (default: %default)") _options_parser.add_option("--protect-ids-noninkscape", action="store_true", dest="protect_ids_noninkscape", default=False, help="Don't change IDs not ending with a digit") _options_parser.add_option("--protect-ids-list", action="store", type="string", dest="protect_ids_list", default=None, help="Don't change IDs given in a comma-separated list") _options_parser.add_option("--protect-ids-prefix", action="store", type="string", dest="protect_ids_prefix", default=None, help="Don't change IDs starting with the given prefix") def maybe_gziped_file(filename, mode="r"): if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() in (".svgz", ".gz"): import gzip return gzip.GzipFile(filename, mode) return file(filename, mode) def parse_args(args=None): options, rargs = _options_parser.parse_args(args) if rargs: _options_parser.error("Additional arguments not handled: %r, see --help" % rargs) if options.digits < 0: _options_parser.error("Can't have negative significant digits, see --help") if not options.indent_type in ["tab", "space", "none"]: _options_parser.error("Invalid value for --indent, see --help") if options.infilename and options.outfilename and options.infilename == options.outfilename: _options_parser.error("Input filename is the same as output filename") if options.infilename: infile = maybe_gziped_file(options.infilename) # GZ: could catch a raised IOError here and report else: # GZ: could sniff for gzip compression here infile = sys.stdin if options.outfilename: outfile = maybe_gziped_file(options.outfilename, "wb") else: outfile = sys.stdout return options, [infile, outfile] def getReport(): return ' Number of elements removed: ' + str(numElemsRemoved) + os.linesep + \ ' Number of attributes removed: ' + str(numAttrsRemoved) + os.linesep + \ ' Number of unreferenced id attributes removed: ' + str(numIDsRemoved) + os.linesep + \ ' Number of style properties fixed: ' + str(numStylePropsFixed) + os.linesep + \ ' Number of raster images embedded inline: ' + str(numRastersEmbedded) + os.linesep + \ ' Number of path segments reduced/removed: ' + str(numPathSegmentsReduced) + os.linesep + \ ' Number of bytes saved in path data: ' + str(numBytesSavedInPathData) + os.linesep + \ ' Number of bytes saved in colors: ' + str(numBytesSavedInColors) + os.linesep + \ ' Number of points removed from polygons: ' + str(numPointsRemovedFromPolygon) + os.linesep + \ ' Number of bytes saved in comments: ' + str(numCommentBytes) + os.linesep + \ ' Number of bytes saved in id attributes: ' + str(numBytesSavedInIDs) + os.linesep + \ ' Number of bytes saved in lengths: ' + str(numBytesSavedInLengths) + os.linesep + \ ' Number of bytes saved in transformations: ' + str(numBytesSavedInTransforms) if __name__ == '__main__': if sys.platform == "win32": from time import clock as get_tick else: # GZ: is this different from time.time() in any way? def get_tick(): return os.times()[0] start = get_tick() options, (input, output) = parse_args() if not options.quiet: print >>sys.stderr, "%s %s\n%s" % (APP, VER, COPYRIGHT) # do the work in_string = input.read() out_string = scourString(in_string, options).encode("UTF-8") output.write(out_string) # Close input and output files input.close() output.close() end = get_tick() # GZ: not using globals would be good too if not options.quiet: print >>sys.stderr, ' File:', input.name, \ os.linesep + ' Time taken:', str(end-start) + 's' + os.linesep, \ getReport() oldsize = len(in_string) newsize = len(out_string) sizediff = (newsize / oldsize) * 100 print >>sys.stderr, ' Original file size:', oldsize, 'bytes;', \ 'new file size:', newsize, 'bytes (' + str(sizediff)[:5] + '%)'